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7A Cells Crossword

7A Cells Crossword


1It has a large surface area to help the cell absorb water quickly. (4,4,4)

3Small hairs on some cells. (5)

4How much bigger a microscope makes something appear. (13)

7Organ that pumps blood. (5)

8Green substance found inside chloroplasts. (11)

10Organs used to clean the blood and make urine. (7)

19Cell that can change its length and so help us to move. (6,4)

20Part of the microscope you look down. (8, 4)

22Cell that carries messages around the body. (5,4)

23Storage space in plant cells. (7)


2When something has certain features to help it do a particular job. (7)

3Jelly inside a cell where the cells activities happen. (9)

5Controls what a cell does. (7)

6Carries oxygen and food around the body. (11,6)

9Used to magnify small things. (10)

11What you see down a microscope. (5)

12Part of the microscope you put slides on. (5)

13An organ used to digest and absorb food. (9)

14A group of the same cells all doing the same job. (6)

15A cell used for sexual reproduction. (3,4)

16Tough wall around plant cells, helps to support the cell. (4,4)

17Glass sheet that a specimen is put on. (5)

18Organ that controls what the body does. (5)

21The basic unit which living things are made of. (4)

7B Reproduction


3Organ in females in which a baby develops. (6)

5A mixture of sperm cells and special fluids released by men during sexual intercourse. (5)

6Fusing of a male sex cell with a female sex cell. (13)

8Carries egg cells from the ovaries to the uterus in women. (7)

9The male sex cell. (5,4)

10When the penis becomes stiff. (8)

12A cell used for sexual reproduction. (3,4)

15When a woman has an embryo growing inside her uterus. (8)

19Female reproductive organ which produces egg cells. (5)

20Semen is pumped out of a man's penis during sexual intercourse. (11)

21Time when physical changes happen in the body between the ages of about 11 and 15. (7)

23Tiny new human life which grows by cell division from a fertilised egg cell. (6)

24Monthly discharge blood and other material from the lining of the uterus (12)


1All the reproductive organs. (12,6)

2Releasing of an egg cell from an ovary in women. (9)

4Producing new organisms by the joining of two sex cells. (6,12)

7Male reproductive organ, produces sperm cells. (6)

11A tube carrying semen or urine running down the centre of the penis in males (7)

13The female sex cell. (3,4)

14Bag of skin containing the testes in males. (7)

15Organ which takes oxygen and food out of the mother's blood and puts waste materials into the mother's blood. (8)

16When the placenta is pushed out through the vagina. (5, 5)

17Tube in females where the penis is placed during sexual intercourse. (6)

18When the ovaries in women stop releasing eggs. (9)

22Name given to the developing embryo. (5)

7C Environment and Feeding Relationships


1The last animal in a food chain. (3,8)

7An animal that eats both plants and other animals. (8)

10An organism that has to eat other organisms to stay alive. (8)

12An animal that is caught and eaten by another animal. (4)

13An animal that only eats plants. (9)

15Creatures that are active at night. (9,7)

16The place an organism lives in (e.g. woodland). (7)

17All the plants and animals that live in a habitat. (9)


2An animal that catches and eats other animals. (8)

3The features that plants and animals have to help them live in a particular place. (11)

4An organism that is able to make its own food. (8)

5A way of showing what eats what in a habitat. (4,5)

6Many food chains linked together. (4,3)

8The conditions around a certain organism caused by physical factors. (11)

9A stored form of energy found in food. (8,6)

11An animal that only eats other animals. (9)

12A small container connected to two tubes used to catch tiny animals. (6)

14A square frame, thrown randomly on the ground, which is used to sample plants in an area. (7)

7D Variation and Classification


2Largest groups that living things are sorted into. The two biggest are the plant and animal _________ (7)

6Arthropod with long, thin body divided into sections. Two pairs of legs on each body section. (9)

7Middle part of an animal's main body. In insects the legs are attached to this. (6)

8Rear or bottom end of an animal's main body. (7)

9Name given to any living thing. (8)

10An animal with a backbone. (10)

15Sorting things into groups. (14)

19Vertebrate with moist skin, e.g. a frog. (9)

21A group of organisms that can reproduce with each other to produce offspring that will also be able to reproduce. (7)

22Type of arthropod with long thin body divided into sections. One pair of legs on each body section. (9)

23Front or top end of an animal's body. (4)

25Thick outer covering found on arthropods. (11)

26Invertebrate with jointed legs, e.g. a fly or spider. (9)


1Invertebrate with a body in five parts, e.g. a starfish. (10)

3Vertebrate with hair, which also produces milk, e.g. a human. (6)

4Vertebrate with feathers, e.g. an eagle. (4)

5Type of arthropod with a chalky shell and 5-7 pairs of legs, e.g. a lobster. (10)

8Something sticking out of an animal's head which is used to sense things. (7)

11The differences between things. (9)

12The surroundings of an organism. (11)

13Animal with no backbone. (12)

14Invertebrate that crawls on a fleshy pad, e.g. a snail. (7)

16Vertebrate with dry scales, e.g. a snake. (7)

17Any plant or animal formed by reproduction. Offspring are produced by their parents. (9)

18Type of arthropod with three pairs of legs, e.g. a fly. (6)

19Type of arthropod with four pairs of legs, e.g. a spider. (8)

20 Some animals have bodies that are divided into obvious sections

called _____________ . (7)

24 Vertebrate with wet scales, fins and gills. (4)

7E Acids and Alkalis


1Something made of particles that are very spread out and have no bonds between them. (3)

6The acid in vinegar. (8,4)

8Substance that is not an acid or an alkali. Has a pH of 7. (7)

10The old name for ethanoic acid. It is the acid in vinegar. (6,4)

12A common acid containing nitrogen. (6,4)

14Something that causes inflammation to the skin and eyes. (8)

16The acid in citrus fruits. (6,4)

17Substance that turns litmus blue. Has a pH of more than 7. (6)

18A simple kind of indicator. It turns red in acids and blue in alkalis. (6)

19We __________ a solution by adding more of the solvent to it. (6)


2A substance that makes things taste sweeter. (9)

3A common acid that is also found in your stomach. (12,4)

4A mixture of indicators giving a different colour depending on how weak or strong an acid or alkali is. (9,9)

5A common acid used in car batteries. (9,4)

7Substances that attack metals, stonework and skin. (9)

9A numbered scale from 1-14 showing the strengths of acids and alkalis. (2,5)

10Chemical name for vitamin C. (8,4)

11A dye that will change colour in acids and alkalis. (9)

13Another word for irritant. (7)

15A substance that turns litmus red. It has a pH of less than 7. (4)

7F Simple Chemical Reactions


1The scientific word for burning. (10)

6The kind of energy stored in chemicals. (8,6)

7A chemical that goes cloudy when carbon dioxide is bubbled through it. (9)

8A change in which what you end up with can easily be turned back into what you started with. (10,6)

9Substance formed when iron or steel reacts with oxygen and water. (4)

10A chemical that can release energy when it reacts. (4)

11A change where no new substances are formed. (8,6)

12Chemicals that join together to form a new substance. (9)

14A gas which will put out a lighted splint and turn limewater milky. (6,7)


2A reaction in which what you end up with cannot be turned back into what you started with. (12,6)

3Rain containing sulphuric and nitric acid. (4,4)

4A gas which is given off when metals react with acids. It burns with a squeaky pop. (8)

5A chemical compound containing only hydrogen and carbon. (11)

6A change where new substances are formed. (8,8)

11New chemical formed in a chemical reaction. (7)

13A compound that includes oxygen. (5)

7G Particle Model of Solids, Liquids and Gasses


1Something with a fixed shape and volume. (5)

6An idea about why things work the way they do. (6)

7When particles mix with each other without anything moving them. (9)

9A description of how a material behaves and what it is like. (8)

11Move backwards and forwards. (7)

12Forces holding particles together. (5)

14The tiny pieces that everything is made out of. (9)


1The term given to the three different forms which a substance can be in; solid, liquid or gas. (6,2,6)

2Something with a fixed volume but no fixed shape. (6)

3Numbers which are the results of an experiment. (4)

4The force caused by particles hitting a certain area. (8)

5What you think will happen in an experiment. (10)

8Move steadily in a constant stream or current. (4)

10Something that does not have a fixed shape or volume, and is easy to squash. (3)

11A completely empty space. (6)

13Something which is heavy for its volume. (5)

7H Solutions


2Separating dissolved solids from one another. The solids are usually coloured. (14)

5Separating things that have not dissolved from a liquid by passing the liquid through paper. (9)

6When a solid splits up and mixes with a liquid to make a solution. (10)

9A solid that will not dissolve. (9)

11A solution of common salt and water. (5)

12The solid that has dissolved in a liquid to make a solution. (6)

14A substance that does not have anything else in it. (4)

16A solid that can dissolve in a liquid. (7)

17Another word for see-through. (11)

19Another name for sodium chloride. (6,4)

20A gas turning into a liquid. (10)


1Chemicals from rocks that have dissolved in water. (5)

3A lot of different things jumbled up together. (7)

4A factor in an experiment that can change. (8)

6The process of separating a liquid from a solution by evaporating the liquid and then condensing it. (12)

7The liquid that has dissolved a solid to make a solution. (7)

8The amount of a solid that will dissolve in 100g of a liquid. (10)

10A liquid turning into a gas. (11)

13Water as a gas. Also called steam. (5,6)

15A solution that contains as much dissolved solid as it possibly can. (9)

16When a solid has dissolved in a liquid. (8)

18Water as a gas. Also called water vapour. (5)

7I Energy Resources

7I Energy Resources


31000 joules. (9)

4The kind of energy given out by light bulbs, candles, etc. (5,6)

7Anything that stores energy that can be converted into heat energy - includes fossil fuels and nuclear fuel. (4)

8Making electricity by letting falling water (usually from a reservoir) turn turbines and generators. (13,5)

11The idea that energy can never be created or destroyed, only changed from one form into another. (12,2,6)

13Coal, oil and natural gas formed from the remains of dead plants and animals. (6,5)

16Dangerous particles and energy given off by uranium and other radioactive materials. (9)

17Fossil fuel formed from the remains of dead plants and animals that lived in the sea. (7,3)

19Making electricity using the moving (kinetic) energy from the tides. (5,5)

20Make electricity by turning a magnet inside coils of wire. (8)

22The kind of energy made by anything that is making a noise. (5,6)

23Fossil fuel formed from the remains of dead plants and animals that lived in the sea. (3)

24The kind of energy stored in chemicals, food, fuels and cells (batteries). (8)

25A fuel used in nuclear power stations. (7)

26Any fuel that comes from plants, animals, or their wastes. (7)

27The kind of energy in moving things. (7,6)

28The unit for measuring energy. (5)

29The kind of energy carried by electricity. (10,6)


1Energy stored inside the particles that things are made out of. (7,6)

2Process that plants use to make their own food. (14)

5Any energy resource that will run out and we cannot renew our supplies of it (e.g. oil). (3-9,6,8)

6An energy resource that will never run out (e.g. solar power). (9,6,8)

9The machine in a power station that is pushed round by water or steam and turns the generator. (7)

10Flat plates that convert light energy into electrical energy. (5,5)

11A flow of liquid or gas caused by part of it being heated or cooled more than the rest. (10,7)

12Making electricity using heat from hot rocks underground. (10,5)

14Flat plates that use the Sun's energy to heat water. (5,6)

15A fossil fuel made from the remains of plants. (4)

18A kind of windmill that generates electricity using energy from the wind. (4,7)

21Making electricity by using light or heat energy from the Sun. (5,5)

7J Electrical Circuits


1Another name for a battery. (4)

4Measures how much electricity is flowing around a circuit. (7)

5A component that makes it difficult for electricity to flow. (8)

7The brown wire in a cable or plug. (4,4)

10Turns electricity on or off, by closing or opening a gap in a circuit. (6)

11A piece of wire that melts if too much electricity flows through it. (4)

14The smallest part of an element. (4)

17The unit for current. (3)

18Tiny particle that flows around a circuit. (8)

20The flow of electrons around a circuit. (7)

21A resistor that can be adjusted to change the amount of resistance it has. (8,8)

23Electrical signal carried by a nerve cell. (7)

25A circuit where there is only one loop of wire. (6,7)


1A complete loop that electricity flows around. (7)

2A circuit with two or more wires running next to each other. (8,7)

3A material that lets electricity flow through it. (9)

6A material that does not let electricity flow through it. (9)

8A way of saying how difficult it is for electricity to flow through something. (10)

9Thin piece of wire inside a light bulb that glows when electricity is flowing through it. (8)

12Something in a circuit, like a bulb, switch or motor. (9)

13Part of a plug that holds the cable, and stops the wires being pulled out of the pins. (5,4)

15The blue wire in a cable or plug. (7,4)

16Carries messages around the body. (5)

19The green and yellow wire in a cable or plug. (5,4)

22A way of saying how much energy is transferred by electricity. (7)

24A scientific way of thinking about how things happen. (5)

7K Forces and their Effects

7K Forces and their Effects


3When two forces working in opposite directions are not the same strength. (10,6)

6The amount of matter that something is made of. (4)

7The force of attraction between any two objects. (7)

9The amount of force with which gravity pulls, measured in newtons (N). (6)

10A force that can affect something from a distance (e.g. gravity). (3-7,5)

11A force that pushes things up. (8)

13A unit for measuring mass (g). (4)

15Not moving. (10)

22Any substance that will return to its original shape and size after it has been stretched or squashed. (7)

23The distance a car travels while the brakes are trying to stop it. (7,8)

24The distance a car travels while the driver is deciding to press the brake pedal. (8,8)

25A force that tries to slow things down when two things rub against each other. (8)

26How fast something is moving. Often measured in metres per second (m/s). (5)

27A force that tries to slow things down that are moving through air. It is a type of friction. (3,10)

28The volume of water pushed out of the way by an object. (12)


1A substance (normally a liquid) used to reduce friction. (9)

2The amount of mass that 1cm3 of a substance has. Measured in g/cm3. (7)

4A push or a pull. (5)

5Piece of equipment containing a spring, used to measure forces. (5,5)

6A force that attracts objects made out of iron. (9)

8A unit for measuring mass equal to 1000 g. (8)

12A force which attracts things with extra electrical charges on them. (6,11)

14A force that tries to slow things down that are moving through water. It is a type of friction. (5,10)

15Equal to the thinking distance and the braking distance added together. (8,8)

16When two forces are the same strength, but working in opposite directions. (8,6)

17A force that needs to touch an object before it can affect it (e.g. friction). (7,5)

18Adding a lubricant to something. (11)

19Another name for a force meter. (6,5)

20What air and water resistance are both sometimes called. (4)

21The unit of force. (6)

7L Solar System


3Once every 4 years, a period of 366 days. (4,4)

6All the galaxies and the space between them make up the Universe. (8)

8The path that a planet takes around the Sun. (5)

11When the Moon moves into the shadow of the Earth. (5,7)

12Millions of stars grouped together. (6)

17Gives out light. (8)

20A star with planets and other objects orbiting it. (5,6)

23Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars make up these. (5,7)

24The half of the Earth with the North Pole in it. (8,10)

27A small lump of rock orbiting around the Sun (8)

28The phase of the Moon when we cannot see the lit-up side. (3,4)

29A shape like a ball. (6)

30The planet we live on. (5)Down

1When the Moon completely blocks out light from the Sun. (5,7)

2The two halves of a sphere - the shape you would get if you cut a solid ball in half. (11)

4When the Moon only covers part of the Sun. (7,7)

5The different shapes the Moon seems to have at different times. (6)

7A pattern of stars. (13)

9The galaxy that our Solar System is in. (5,3)

1024 hours, the time it takes the Earth to spin once on its axis. (3)

13A large lump of rock orbiting around a planet. (4)

14The phase of the Moon when it looks like a bright, full circle. (4,4)

15From pole to pole, an imaginary line that the Earth spins around. (4)

16A huge ball of gas that gives out heat and light energy. (4)

18What we call Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. (5,7)

1928 days - the time it takes the Moon to orbit around the Earth once. (5)

21The distance that light travels in one year. (5,4)

22Anything that orbits a planet. (9)

25An imaginary line around the middle of the Earth. (7)

26The star that the Earth orbits around. (3)