Y2K VS 2012


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  • 8/6/2019 Y2K VS 2012


    Y2K vs 2012byAnthony Schumakeron Thursday, January 27, 2011 at 7:09pm

    Im sick of people comparing the two, so Im going to hit you with some knowledge real quick. Before you read

    on, know that these are all facts and my opinion is still undecided on what I think will happen

    First off and most frequently misinterpreted:

    - THE MAYAN CALENDAR: Long Count

    Myth#1 -The Mayans died/disappeared before they finished it.

    You need to be slapped. Read a book or something before uttering possibly the dumbest thing about 2012 you

    ever could. They had many accurate, COMPLETE calenders for everything. 17 to be precise. They even correctly

    documented time, spanning back millions of years in the past. The methods they used were just insane for the time period

    and they spent their lives worshipping the sky.

    Myth#2 They didn't want to go until infinity because they were bored, so they ended it

    -Good thing we have a spare hand to slap with. As previously stated, they had calendArs for when to grow crops,

    when fertility was the best, zodiac calendars, season calendars and the main one was The Long Count. The long count

    calendar means exactly what it says. It puts time on Earth into cycles and ages and periods of 20 years called Baktuns'.

    They were able to precisely calculate time dating back millions of years to the past and thousands of years to the future. I

    still am not exactly sure why they were so damn vague about everything! Like, why not keep going millions of years ahead?

    What exactly happens when the ages and cycles end? Why do they end? They knew everything and it must have been quite

    a life living with that kind of knowledge, just from looking at the sky. That s how forever perfect the universe is, just

    studying its every movement will give you all the answers. If you do your history lessons, many of the cycles when rolled

    over, coincide with changes in the earth; extinction of the dinosaurs, the ice age, the dawn of man etc. The calendar itself

    if you look deep enough at , looks crazy but is perfect. (yes I learned how to read/write Mayan numbers). It would just be

    ridiculous and look dumb if it went on for millions of years. They knew exactly what they were doing, maybe not so much

    how difficult it would end up being for a civilization like ours to understand and correctly interpret all they left behind

    though. Then again we went from writing pictures to words in our languages so would they have known? On the other

    hand, maybe it's supposed to be this way all along? We have to find out first hand for reasons unknown. What would you

    do if you knew the answers to everything about everything? Would you...disappear?

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    The Earth, the Sun, and the center of the Milky Way Galaxy (which fyi is a supermassive black hole) will be in

    perfect alignment on the winter solstice, December 21,2012. There are many theories on what this means. It supposedly

    happens once every couple hundred thousand years. Scientists believe this might cause the Earth to shift its poles and

    reverse it's magnetism. This done rapidly would cause catastrophic events. Massive earthquakes like we've never seen,

    earth-wide flooding, atmospheric chaos, unbelievable weather changes, an ice age, etc. That is just natural disasters.. It

    would alter all kinds of technology we use today and throw everyone s body out of wack like they can't imagine. Another

    popular growing theory is the only one the MAYANS truly believe in, cosmic energy. This somehow would open up a

    "doorway" if you will, to let in an incredible amount of cosmic energy, so massive that it would be felt by everyone and

    everything. Remember what I said about everything being about energy? This in a way would likely unlock parts of our

    brain we've been unable to use to help ease in this period of "enlightenment". The link on PT 2 is a very detailed

    explanation of a variation of this. It involves physically transcending through dimensional planes of consciousness,explanation of the 13 dimensions with diagrams and pictures, and what to expect and experience during this "shift". Very

    bizarre, but believable stuff ,worth checking out.

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    Underneath it is a super-volcanoe. Yes just like in the movie. That was fact. If it erupts it will within days, destroy

    all life in America. Within week all life in the ocean will die and soon the rest of Earth. Crops will die everywhere and the

    atmosphere will become so toxic with ash, water so acidic, nothing will survive. Over the years underneath the lake at

    Yellowstone, it has been bubbling larger and larger and increasing in temperature. It really could go off anytime or by oh

    whats that? Some other crazy event jump starting it.

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    The Sun is constantly erupting solar storms that send out solar flares to the Earth. They take about 7 minutes to

    reach us and bounce off our atmosphere to create Aurora Borealis. These are somewhat necessary in a way. The Sun has

    periods of solar minimums (which may have caused the ice age) and solar maximums(unusually hot weather, global

    warming, aka -every single year getting worse in Texas for example). On the winter soltstice December 21, 2012 the solar

    maximum will be in full effect and at an all-time high. The flares shot at us will be so massive , they could rip through our

    atmosphere most likely destroying all electronics if not burning everyone alive. Scientists have also found a hole in our

    gratosphere and other layers. Guess what? Its possible they might align perfectly to give these storms a window in, if they

    dont already break through. Polar shifting comes into play here, starting to put it all together?? Definitely would send

    humanity back to the stone-age and change life forever. Think of how the entire Earth would function with no power at all?

    Every nation defenseless, only light at night being fire.. Chaos

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    The I-CHING has been used for more than 5000 years as an aid to making decisions, predicting the future and

    guiding people on the path of learning. I-CHING is one of the classical (ching ) Chinese books dating back to Fu Hsi and the

    Yin dynasty, about 2900 BCE. It was used mainly as divination means, that is, a device to predict future events.

    The book is a collection of 64 short essays assigned to 64 figures formed each of 6 continuous (____) and/or broken lines

    (__ __). These figures are called hexagrams.

    Philosopher/scientist Terrance McKenna was a complex man with a complex theory that ended in a simple

    statement: December of 2012 will be a time that we will never forget. After intensely studying the I-ching, he began to see

    patterns. The I-CHING is composed of 64 hexagrams, which are made up of six levels each of alternating horizontal bars

    and dots. If you line them up and stack them so that they are within a perfect square, you start to see a movement within

    the shapes.

    He decided to create a linear model beginning in time with the era that the I-Ching was created in China andcontinuing to the present to see what patterns develop. When he input this information into a computer program, it

    formulated a graph with a rising and falling line, like a stock market forecast. He then noticed something astonishing. The

    parts of the line that were highest or lowest corresponded with times in history when new forms were developing.

    When the line reached a peak, a new form would trigger the psyche of people. When the line fell into a crevasse,

    it aligned with a time when reality seemed to be falling apart, or there was a great event, or group of events all at once,

    that galvanized people. (The graph tells when, not where or what happens.)

    You can obviously see by the graph that very important things happened exactly during all the peaks, up and

    down. Groundbreaking events worth noting on an "Earth Timeline"

    Following the line on the graph, we see it take its last rise around the time of Classical Greece (around 700 B.C.)

    and then take a steady plunge until it simply dives off the graph into infinity, ending the module. And when was this event

    that had not occurred ever in the history of mankind you may ask? It was 2012. December 21st of 2012 to be exact; the

    final moments of the Mayan Long Count Calendar, a calendar which had begun 5000 years ago, ending with the same date

    that Terrance's module ended with.

    Terrance saw this time period ending with time being compressed, over and over, from 1945 to 2012.

    McKenna said in an interview with Sightings TV show that his best guess is that it is as if someone is likely to

    invent a time traveling machine of sorts, because it is as if it is the end of linear time. In other words, all time merges into

    one time. Everything becomes connected to everything else. Past, present and future become one. We could in effect be

    experiencing an infinite amount of evolution in a finite time.

    Around 1968 there was the last peak. This coincided with a very tumultuous point in our cultural history in the

    USA. While the hippies frolicked and tried to create Nirvana on earth, the Vietnam War was escalated into its final death

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    throws, and Martin Luther King's message came across amidst riots and violence until his voice was silenced. We can see

    that this peak provided great events that touched the psyche of a group of people and still resonates today.

    As we progress in time, we experience more rapid evolutionary growth in shorter time periods. The last one we

    had was between that time of 1967-68 until the 1990s, which corresponded to The Dark Ages of the past. Then it cycles

    again from 2010 until 2012, only 64 times faster, then in 2012, 64 times faster still. In other words, we must adapt and

    evolve 64 times faster each cycle. (Remember what I said earlier about 64 being the number of hexagrams in the I-Ching.)

    2012 minus 67 years = 1945, a year of great change

    2012 minus 4,300 years (67x64) = 2300 BC, the beginning of historical time

    2012 minus 275,000 years (4300 x 64) = the emergence of Homo sapiens

    2012 minus 18 million years (275,000 x 64) = the height of the age of mammals

    2012 minus 1.3 billion years = the beginning of life on our planet

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    The graphs are showing what the scientist did with the I-CHING formula and after really looking at them, it is kind of

    creepy. Notice the dates are different. History really does repeat itself.

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    Timewave zero

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    Originally, designed to search the web and then make predictions about the stock market, users claim they soon

    noticed the program making accurate predictions concerning things such as natural disasters and even the 9/11 tragedy.

    A system of spiders, agents, and wanderers travel the Internet, much like a search engine robot, and look for particular

    kinds of words. It targets discussion groups, translation sites, and places were regular people post a lot of text.

    The first accurate prediction from the bot came in June of 2001 claiming a catastrophic event would take place

    within the next 60-90 days. Regrettably it did - and the Twin Towers fell of September 11, 2001.

    Since then there have been a slew of predictions, some of which follow:

    The Space Shuttle Columbia tragedy when the bot predicted a maritime disaster.

    It accurately predicted the New York blackout in 2003.

    It forecast a major event in relation to Las Vegas 65 days prior to 9/11 - when the terrorists were actually in Las Vegas.

    The bot stated there would be an attack related to a commemorative event prior to an American 587 crash on Veteran's


    It read that there would be an attack on the house or assembly prior to the anthrax scare.

    The bot stated gun shot wounding referenced to Vice President Dick Cheney.

    Anthrax attack in Washington DC in 2001.

    Massive east-cost power outage in 2003.

    Earthquake in August 2004.

    Water-rising which lead to the Tsunami in December 2004.

    Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

    Crash of the US dollar beginning late 2007.

    Major catastrophe in 2012 - The Web Bot has gained most of its notoriety for contributing to the 2012

    phenomenon by predicting that a cataclysm will devastate the planet in the year 2012, possibly a reversing of Earth's

    magnetic poles or a small series of nuclear attacks leading up to a major attack during the year. The prediction does not

    necessarily call for a complete end of the world.

    After March 2011, the revolution wave will settle down into a period of reformation particularly in the troubled regions of the

    world.(Um, wasnt Osama Bin Laden just killed???)

    The following comes from the Web Bot Project Blogspot report on a radio interview: A second depression,

    triggered by mass layoffs, bankruptcies, and the popping of the "derivatives bubble," will see people moving out of cities. A

    "data gap" has been found between late 2012 running through May 2013. One explanation is that "our civilization gets

    knocked back to a pre-electronic state," such as brought about by devastating solar activity.

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    The Georgia Guidestones also known as "Americas Stonehenge" is a large granite monument in Elbert County,Georgia. A message comprising ten guides or "commandments" is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and ashorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit andEgyptian Hieroglyphs.

    In June 1979 an unknown person under the pseudonym R.C Christian hired Elberton Granite Finishing Company to build thestructure.The eight different languages inscribed one on each face of the four large stones are English, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew,

    Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.

    1.Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

    2. Guide reproduction wisely---improving fitness and diversity.

    3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

    4. Rule passion--faith--tradition--and all things with tempered reason.

    5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

    6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a worldcourt.

    7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

    8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

    9. Prize truth --- beauty --- love ---- seeking harmony with the infinite.

    10. Be not a cancer on the earth --- Leave room for nature --- Leave room for

    natureA few feet to the west of the artifact, an additional granite ledger has been set level with the ground. This tablet

    identifies the structure and the languages used on it, lists various facts about the size, weight and astronomical features ofthe stones, the date it was installed, and the sponsor of the build. It also speaks of a time capsule buried under the tablet,but the positions on the stone reserved for filling in the dates on which the capsule was buries and is to be opened aremissing.

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    They do not believe in fact the world will end at all. According to the MAYANS codexes that weren't destroyed and

    the ones alive today, the 5th age we will enter should be a period of "great enlightenment" for all and a "new beginning".

    This like all the ages, is brought upon after great tragedy. This doesnt necessarily have to happen in one day. Many believe

    it is already happening; wars, earthquakes, tsunamis, terrorism, dead birds falling outta the sky? 2012 is our breaking date.

    What has to happen for mankind to enter an age of enlightenment? Other than some far out ideas we can t fathom or are

    even ready yet to accept as fact and not sci-fi. who the hell really knows. I'm rooting for aliens. Aliens, please come take me

    away :) Maybe our creator will present itself to every sentient being on the earth, stop time, and let us know how much we

    are fucking up the place. A little housecleaning and some smack-downs ? Only time will tell

    (random bit of info) -Ever wonder why almost all of humanities earliest civilizations built Pyramids? Or temples shaped

    like pyramids, or any structure/monument going toward the sky that resembles SOMETHING like a pyramid??? You should.

    If you don't, then maybe you can answer this. Why did all these primitive cultures, SCATTERED AROUND THE WORLD,

    who've never communicated or ever known of each others existences, all start building the same things around the same

    times? Makes you wonder what a pyramid REALLY is and what it signifies. Surely it s not just the first shape they all

    simultaneously thought of.

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    Finally - Y2K VS 2012

    Y2K was a bullshit scare that WE, modern humans, created from our OWN TECHNOLOGY!! It is not even in the

    same spectrum as the events of 2012. There is no other apocalyptic controversy like this. Nothing will ever compare or

    come close at all to the amount of religious, scientific, and prophecised coincidences that surround this date. Please, please

    for the love of god do NOT compare 2012 to Y2K. Open your mind a bit, do some research over the next two years. If your

    still a skeptic thats your own decision but you have been warned

    I leave you with one thing that is for sure. No matter what ever happens in any of our lifetimes, the world will not

    end. WE MAY END, but the Earth is a perfect creation that will live on, heal, and recycle until the Sun burns up.

    It's pretty silly how overly used the phrase "the world ending" is thrown around.

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