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How to: change the start button text on Windows XP

3 Sep, 2008 Beauty, Featured, General, Tutorials

Havent posted many Windows XP tricks recently, so heres one: How to change the start button on your Windows XP.Tired of the boring old start button at the bottom left corner of your Windows XPs monitor? Want something new to replace iit? Well heres how to change it.

With a few modifications in the Windows Registry, you can replace the start text with anything you like. Great for achieving a new, custom look for your Windows XP. So lets get started.

Warning: this tutorial is more for advanced users, and I'm not

responsible if your system gets messed up. Only attempt the following

at your own risk.Step 1: Modify explorer.exe

If the warning didnt scare you enough, then the title of this step probably did. Yes, we are going to change Explorer, the backbone of your Windows XP, but dont worry. Everything should be safe as long as you follow the steps closely.

As explorer is a binary file, we need a special tool to modify it. One of the best ones for this purpose is Resource Hacker. There are of course others that will get the trick done, but we will be using RH this tutorial so I recommend installing it to avoid making mistakes. Install it and lets continue.

< ![endif]-->< ![endif]-->< ![endif]-->As always before changing anything. you want to back up. So open My Computer and navigate to and look for explorer. Copy paste it to a safe location on your hard drive.

Now that youve backed it up, fire up Resource Hacker and find the same explorer.exe.

When youve found and opened explorer in RH, navigate to String Table -> 37 -> 1033. The start value is on line 4, after the 578. Change the text start to anything you want, making sure you keep the quotes. In this example. I changed the text to xptricks.net.

Press the Compile Script button to make Resource Hacker put together the code. Now click File and Save the script as explorer.exe. into C: \WINDOWS\inf or another C: \WINDOWS subfolder.< ![endif]-->< ![endif]-->< ![endif]-->< ![endif]-->< ![endif]-->< ![endif]-->

Note: make sure you choose Save AS, NOT just save!!And thats all for the first step! Now lets move onto the second one -modifying the registry.

Step 2: changing the registry.

By now, you have a modified explorer sitting in the /inf/ subfolder, so we need to tell Windows to use that one, instead of the original one still resting untouched.

To do this, we need to make just one simple registry modification. To open up the registry, press start (something else soon ) -> run and type regedit.

In the registry editor window that opens, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon and look for the registry entry shell. Click it.

Change the explorer.exe to inf/explorer.exe or whereever you saved the modified explorer.

And believe it or not, youre done! All you have to do now is reboot or log out and bac in to see the changes. Enjoy your new custom Windows XP start button!What is a feed?

27 Aug, 2008 Featured, Other

What is a feed?If youre used to surfing the internet and viewing blogs, you probably already know what a feed is. If you dont, then read on. A feed is basically way for a blogs or websites visitor to subscribe to the site using a web page, feed reader or email to subscribe.

New posts are automatically delivered to the chosen subscription method so that the user can read new posts from their favorite topics whenever they are updated, without having to surf from site to site looking for new posts and updates.

What is an RSS feed?RSS is the most common feed type. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication.It is a text-based XML format. The feed content is delivered to your favorite RSS feed reader. The most popular web-based RSS feed readers are Bloglines and Google Reader. Heres a list of Windows based RSS feed reader software.

Apart from RSS, the most popular feed type is Atom. It also uses XML to deliver the feeds.

Subscribing to an RSS feed

Subscibing to a feed is pretty simple. Lets walk through the process together.

Step 1: Find the RSS feed. Most blogs have their feed icon at the top right area of the page, look for the orange feed icon or RSS. On this blog, I have a custom, blue RSS feed icon.

If you cant find the feed icon on a blog (90% of blogs have it) dont worry. Most feeds are at http://www.example.com/feed so try adding the /feed to the end of the blogs adress. (My feed is at xptricks.net/feed) For blogs at blogspot.com, add feeds/posts/default to the end of their domain to find the feed. Example: http://example.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default.

Step 2: Subscribe. Click the feed icon and youll be taken to the feed page. From here you can choose which feed reader to use. I recommend Google Reader. Choose your preferred reader and continue.

Step 3: Read. Now you are subscribed to the feed. You should be redirected to your RSS feed reader and you can start reading feeds.

The Windows XP tips & tricks feed

Here at xptricks.net, we offer both an RSS feed and email updates (delivered by Feedburmer). You can subscribe to our feed by clicking the blue RSS feed icon at the top right corner of the page or inserting your email address into the box if you prefer to subscribe by email. This is probably the best way to subscribe, as you dont even have to visit the feed reader site to view the latest posts.

Do You Really Need a Registry Cleaner?

14 Aug, 2008 News, Software, Tutorials

This is a guest post by James Ricketts from www.Instant-Registry-Fixes.orgWhat Causes Registry Errors?Registry repair is an important aspect of any computer repair processespecially when you are trying to fix software errors such as DLL errors, rundll errors, kernel32 errors, and errors due to virus and spyware infections. Since its introduction with the Windows 95 operating system, the registry has been one of the most crucial components of your Windows computer. Although, its features and structure has changed with each new operating system, its basic look and feel has remained the same.

The registry of a Windows system comprises all configuration information regarding software and hardware installed on your PC. Simply stated, the registry is the brain of your Windows system. Every application you open, every configuration change you make, any file you access, or Website you open, basically anything and everything you do on your computer has to consult the registry before performing the desired action. In the process, a large number of information is added and removed from the registry in just a few minutes. In due course, a large number of obsolete, unwanted, and redundant information accumulates in the registry. This clutters and fragments the registry and leads to its unwarranted growth. A large and cluttered registry gets corrupted easily and will generate frequent system errors on the system.

How A Registry Cleaner HelpsDue to the large number of problems associated with the registry, and no specific registry maintenance tool available within Windows, a large number of third-party registry cleaners have become available. A registry cleaner frees the registry from all kinds of problems and help you with computer repair. Registry cleaners automate the process of registry clean up and repair, thereby helping you to restore your PC to its original working state without much effort.

Using a reliable registry cleaner, the XP registry can be easily scanned thoroughly for errors and all unwanted, obsolete, and incorrect information can be removed from it. Almost all registry cleaners provide you with two ways to deal with registry errors. If you are a novice user, you can use the automatic scan and repair option. Using this option, you can let your registry cleaner automatically search for errors within the registry and remove them. The second method is manual. If you choose this option, your registry cleaner will still perform an automatic scan of the registry, but all the errors will be displayed on the screen. You can scan through the displayed errors and choose the ones you want to delete and the ones you want to retain.

Due to the importance of the registry in the working of your Windows computer, it is important for you to maintain regular registry backups. Fortunately, making registry backups using a registry cleaner is quite simple. Many advanced registry cleaners enable you to make selective registry backups, or backups of only that part of the registry where you are going to make a change. The selective backup option enables you to undo only a specific change without affecting any other part of the registry.

One of the best options that your registry cleaner offers is the registry defragment tool. Using this tool, you can compress your registry to reduce its file size. The tool also helps you re-index the registry files to make them contiguous. Overall, defragging helps in enhancing the data access time, thus speeding up your PC.

Many malware programs such as spyware, adware, and viruses add non-removable embedded keys within the registry. These keys are quite difficult to detect, which makes the task of removing malware from your system almost impossible. However, with an advanced registry cleaner in hand, you can easily detect these malicious registry keys and remove them from your system.

Thus, with a reliable and efficient registry cleaner in hand, you can not only clean up the registry, but also optimize your computer and keep it free from troublesome errors. Oh, and check out the blog of Dan Neumeister.

How to: visit password-protected websites without registering

27 Aug, 2008 Featured, Security, Tutorials, Websites

We all know how annoying it is when we search Google for something and the result we are looking for leads to a password protected forum or site. You have to register to view content, but who likes doing that?

Fortunately there is a solution to save your time and email account from spam - pretending to be Googlebot. For those of you that dont know, Googlebot is Googles spider that crawls sites and indexes them for Googles search results. More about Googlebot. The owner of a password protected site also wants their site to be on Google, so they make a separate account on their site for Googlebot.

We can use this small security hole and visit a website pretending to be Googlebot. This way you are automatically logged into the site or forum and dont need to enter any password or login info. Sounds good, doesnt it? Heres how:

Step 1. If youre not using it already, get Firefox! Its a lot better than Internet Explorer and heres why.

Step 2. Download and install the User Agent Switcher plugin for Firefox.

Step 3. Restart Firefox to complete the installation and go to Tools -> User Agent Switcher -> Options -> Options. In the window that opens, select the User Agents tab and press Add.

Step 4. Add a new user agent. Write Googlebot for the description and Googlebot/2.1+(+http://www.google.com/bot.html) in the User Agent box as shown above. Press OK and youre good to go!

Now you can visit most password protected sites and forums that appear on Googles search results. Here are a few to try:

1) http://www.portaliz.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=177802) http://www.h4cky0u.org/How to: Make (fake) trojan computer virus!

1 Apr, 2008 Featured, General, Security, Shortcuts, Software, Tutorials

Disclaimer: This a harmless joke. I take no responsibility, whatsoever, for the consequences.There are several kinds of fake virus messages you can make. I will discuss 4 of them:

1. Fake computer virus error messageThis one is by far, the easiest and all you have to do is to make a new text document with notepad, type msg * YOUR MESSAGE and save as anything.bat. As always, make sure that you select All files instead of Text Document.

2. Forced shutdown trojan.This will display a custom error message and start a countdown which will shut down the computer.Right-click your desktop and create a new shortcut.Paste the following code into the Location box in the Create Shortcut menu:shutdown -s -t 30 -c Your message hereReplace 30 with the length of the countdown you want (in seconds) and place your custom error message between the quotes. Click next and name the shortcut to something the victim would be likely to click on such as Internet explorer or My Documents, etc.

Next youd want to change the icon. Right-click on the shortcut you made and click properties. Find the Change Icon button and click it. Choose a suitable icon for the name you chose earlier.

And thats all! Now you just have to sneak the shortcut onto the victims desktop and run!Note: to stop it, open Run from the start menu and type shutdown-a.

3. Endless Command prompt windows trojanThis will open up a series of command prompt windows that will never end.The basic idea is that there are two .bat files that open the other one when opened, so the other one opens the first one again and the windows just wont stop coming.How to do this:1. Fire up notepad and type: start 2.bat2. Save it as 1.bat (make sure you choose all files when saving it)3. Make another new text document and type: start 1.bat4. Save it as 2.bat into the same folder as the other one.

All you have to do to start it is to click on either of them.

The only way to stop it is to wait for the windows to become so numerous that they are a group on the taskbar. Then you can use Close group to get rid of the bastards.4. Fake Command prompt trojan virusesThis is also a good way to make the victim believe that a worm is gnawing at their hard drive and that they cant do anything to stop it.Open up notepad and type @echo off To make text appear, type it after an echo tag. To have the the commands wait for the user to press any key type pause

(Note: if you write pause >nul it wont display Press Any key to continue)

To have a complete high-speed description of files in the drive of the .bat file, type dir /s You can also initiate any other command we covered earlier, such as shutdown, error message, etc.

And why no include all of these in one fake virus?

For example:

I cant post the batch files here, as sharing .bat files over the internet is illegal.Make sure you dont do anything stupid with these tips.

Top 5 Windows XP system tools

24 Apr, 2008 Featured, Reviews, Software

Your XP, just like any other, will tend to become sluggish over time. To help itself, it has several built-in tools and programs that you can use. Ill show you the 5 most useful ones.

1. The Local Group Policy Editor

HYPERLINK "http://www.xptricks.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/gpedit2.bmp"

Such a pity this tool only exists on Windows XP Professional, as this lets you customize just about everything on your PC. To open it, go to Start >

Run, and type gpedit.msc

The Group Policy Editor is much easier to use than the registry, and pretty much anyone can understand it. You need to have a Windows XP Professional computer and admin privileges to use it though. Read More..2. Disk Defragmenter

This useful tool lets you fix any fragmented drives on your pc. Defragmenting helps avoid file corruption and speeds up accessing files on the hard drive. To defragment a drive, go to Start > All Programs >Accessories > System Tools > Disk Defragmenter.

Choose the hard drive you want and press Defragment. Depending on how fragmented the drive is, this might take a long time. Its a good idea to leave your PC on for the night to do this. Its also a good idea to automatically defrag files.

3. System RestoreSo you accidentally activated a virus or installed some spyware? This is how to fix the messed-up PC. System Restore lets you restore your settings and installed programs to any restore point, which is usually created when installing a program or doing a major system change. The system restore tool can be accessed from Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore. More about System Restore4. Registry Editor

The registry editor lets you customize and change everything there is on your pc. It is a very advanced tool and difficult to master. To open it, type regedit into the run box from the start menu. More Registry Editor tips5. Backup or Restore

The backup / restore wizard is available from Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Backup.

It is like the System restore tool, but lets you back up or restore files instead of system settings. You should regularly back up your important files, as this is pretty much the only way to get them back after an accidental deletion or drive corruption. You need a flash disk or hard drive to save the backup onto.



001. Remove MSN Instant Messenger ProgramSome of us just don't like to use this IM program. I myself have looked in the Add/Remove Program panel and can't find any way to remove it there. I found out how to do it with a little research. Just go to Start->Run and type in rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection BLC.Remove 128 %SystemRoot%\INF\msmsgs.inf and hit ENTER. Do a copy and paste to avoid typographical errors.

002. Remove Internet Explorer Completely - All version of WindowsMicrosoft said that removing IE may make Windows unstable because it has key components that makes Windows function properly. Well, there is a way to remove it completely. Go to this site and get IEradicator. Many people have used it before and removed IE with no problems afterwards.

003. Shutdown Windows FasterAll versions of Windows have the same problem. It usually takes a little longer to shutdown when you have the Exit Sound enabled. To disable this go to Start->Settings->Control Panel->Sounds and Audio Devices->Sounds. Scroll down and look for Exit Windows. Click on it once and then under Sounds, choose None. You should see faster shutdown times.

004. Clean out files in Prefetch FolderThere are files located in the Prefetch folder (C:\Windows\Prefetch) that you may safely delete. These files are usually left there by other programs that were using. You can either manually delete them or use this batch file that I created to do it. All you need to do is unzip the file called prefetch.bat into your Desktop and then double click on it. You will see the command prompt come up shortly and disappear. That's it.

005. Remove temporary files from Temp FolderYou may have noticed that .tmp files appear in the Temp folder (C:\Windows\Temp). You may delete these files. Since these files might be accessed by another program, it's a good idea to delete these when you don't have any programs open. It's best to do this right after you login to ensure that no programs are using it. If you don't want to bother going into that folder every time to delete it, you can download xp_downloads.zip which contains a file called del_temp.bat. Just extract that file and double click on it to run it.

006. Add programs/folders to SendTo menuWhen you right click on a file/folder and choose SendTo, you will get a list of programs/folders to send it to. Let's just say that you want to add or delete one of your own programs/folders. This could be accomplished very easily. Just navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\your_username\SendTo. In this folder you may add or delete any program/folder shortcuts. All you need to do is right click on the program you want to add, and drag and drop (choose Create Shortcuts Here) it into the SendTo folder.

007. Make XP stop displaying zipped files as foldersIn XP, zipped folders could be viewed just by opening up the file. If you have a third party zip program that you want to use instead of the built in one by XP, you can stop XP from displaying the zipped files as folders. This may also be useful for those who are on a slow PC and don't want to open zip files using XP's built in zip program.

To disable this in XP, go to Start->Run and type in regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll. You may just copy and paste the command into the Run menu. If you want to undo it, just type in regsvr32 zipfldr.dll. Zip away.

008. How to Create a Password Reset DiskWindows XP allows you to create a password reset disk, just in case you forget the password and can't login. This is only for computers that are not on a domain. Those that are on a domain may or may not work the same way.

Go to Start->Control Panel->User Accounts and click on your username. Under Related Tasks on the left pane, click Prevent a forgotten password. A wizard will show up. Click next and then insert a floppy disk into your floppy drive and choose to save the reset disk on the floppy.

Enter your current password and then click Next and Finish. The floppy will now contain your encrypted password. If you forget your password, you can just use the Password Reset Wizard to create a new one. Just make sure to create another reset disk once you changed your password. So if you forgot your password and changed it to a new one, create another reset disk by repeating the above procedure again.

009. Set User Logon HoursYou can restrict a certain user to only use the computer at a certain time interval. Let's say you have a username called Bill and you want Bill to access the computer only from 9AM - 9PM from Monday through Friday. You can do this by going to Start->Run and type in net user Bill /time:M-F,9am-9pm. For 24-hour time, you can replace the time with 09:00-21:00 instead. This will only allow the user to login during those hours on those days.

010. Disable XP Messenger ServiceDisable the messenger service built into Windows XP to prevent ads or other popups from coming up when using Outlook (and maybe even Outlook Express). Anyway, just disable it for better performance. To disable it, right click on My Computer->Manage->Services and Applications->Services and right click on Messenger and choose Stop. This will stop the service. There may be cases when the Messenger Service is required for some programs to run properly, so if that's the case, I would set it to Manual instead of Stop.

011. Customize SendTo Menu - All versions of WindowsHave you ever wanted to use some other program to open up a certain file but had to go through My Computer->Program Files and then click on the program's folder and then the program itself. You can open a file with any programs you have with ease by adding them to the SendTo menu. You know, when you right click on a file and choose Send To. To do this, go to Start->Run and type in sendto to open up the SendTo folder. Now go to My Computer->C: Drive->Program Files and open up any of the program folders you want. Then right click on the individual programs and drag it to the SendTo folder and choose Create Shortcuts Here. Do that for each program you want to be listed there. The next time you right click on a file and choose Send To, you should see those programs listed there.

012. Disable Personalized MenusSome XP users might not like the personalized menus that XP has. One example of this feature is the highlighting of newly installed programs in the Start Menu. Some users might find this annoying. To turn this feature off right click on the Start Button->Properties->Start Menu tab->Customize->Advance tab->uncheck Highlight newly installed programs. Click OK. Now when new programs are installed they shouldn't be highlighted.

013. Using XP System RestoreOne important feature in XP is System Restore. This makes a backup of your data. To create the restore points go to Start->All Programs->Accessories->System Tools->System Restore. Click Create a restore point and click Next. Type in a description for the restore point and click Create. You're all set. If your system fails for some reason you may use the restore point by hitting the F8 key repeatedly during boot time until a menu comes up. Choose Last known good configuration. This will restore everything to the last time when everything was working ok. It's using the most recent restore point that you created. If you can get into Windows XP, you can go to Start->All Programs->Accessories->System Tools->System Restore.

014. Clear System Restore PointsSystem restore points can take up a huge amount of space due to the many restore points created. You can delete all these restore points by right clicking on My Computer->Properties->System Restore and check Turn off System Restore on all drives. Then make sure to create them again manually for each drive using the method above (Using XP System Restore). That will get rid of the older restore points and leave you with the new and updated one.

015. Disable/Remove Hibernation ModeThe hibernation file which allows a user to use hibernation mode takes up a lot of space. If you use this feature you are allocating/creating space so that when you come back everything (programs and folders) are still open. If you don't use it that much then there's not much sense keeping it. So you may remove it. Go to Start->Control Panel->Power Options->Hibernate tab and uncheck Enable hibernation. That should remove the actual hibernation file. You may double check by doing a Search (F3 key) and search for hiberfil.sys in the C: drive. It shouldn't be found, but if it is, you may safely delete it.

016. Disable Indexing ServiceSpeed up XP by turning off the Indexing Service for your hard drive. This feature is used to make your searching needs faster, but it's affecting the overall performance so it's best to turn it off. Go to My Computer and right click on the drive that you want the feature to be disabled. Choose Properties and uncheck the box where it says Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching. When a box come up choose to Apply to all folders and subfolders.

017. Rename Multiple FilesThis is something new in Windows XP - renaming multiple files. Let's say you have a huge photo collection and want to name them in sequential order. You can do this very easily. Just select all the photos you want to rename (you may use the ctrl key and click on individual files if desired). Then hit the F2 key and type in the name of the file. Hit Enter. It should all rename. So if you entered VacationPhoto, you will have VacationPhoto (1), VacationPhoto (2), VacationPhoto (3), etc.

018. Reinstall Windows XP Without Repeating Online ActivationThis has probably happened to most of us already. We have XP installed already and when we reinstall it, we are asked to go online and activate it again. You can avoid doing that by backing up a very small file that has the activation information. Before you do this, keep in mind that your hardware should be the same as before when you activated in order for this to definitely work. Go to C:\Windows\System32 and look for wpa.dbl. Copy that file to a floppy. After you finished reinstalling XP, just rename the current wpa.dbl file in C:\Windows\System32 to something like wpa.old.

A. Videoguys top WinXP tips1. Make sure you have Win XP drivers for ALL your hardware and software.

The key word here is ALL. It only takes one outdated or not ready for XP driver to kill your XP systems performance. Worse yet, you could crash or lock up. You really want to do your homework BEFORE you install XP. Here are a few steps that will take some time, but save you hours of frustration in the long run: 1. Go to your motherboard vendor's website and make sure you are running a chipset and BIOS that will support XP.

2. If necessary update your BIOS before doing anything else.

3. Make sure your graphics, sound, network, mass storage controller and modem all have WinXP drivers. Get these drivers from the Vendors websites directly. We do not recommend letting WInXP install it's own drivers. These may be fine for websurfing and spreadsheets, but desk top video demands maximum performance.

4. Get your system up and running with ALL drivers approved for XP.

5. Get the latest WinXP drivers for your video editing gear.

6. If there isn't an official driver for XP yet, check and see how other users are gettting along with the old Win2K driver or new XP beta drivers. Only experienced users should try this.

2. You need to login to Windows XP as the Power-User or Administrator in order to install and or run most of our products. We recommend setting up a Power User account.Here is how to create a Power User Account: . Right-click My Computer, Choose Manage , Click system tools , Click Local Users and Groups

a. Right-click Users, and then choose New User from the Context menu.

b. New user Dialog, Type info, Click Create, then click Close.

c. Click Users , Double-click New User Icon, The Username properties dialog box appears.

d. Click the Member Of tab, and Click Add

e. Type in Power Users, then Click the Check Names button

f. Click OK.

Adding Special Privileges to the Power User Account: g. Control Panel>Performance and Maintenance>Administrative Tools

h. Double Click Local Security Policy, Click on Local Policies, Double Click User Rights Assignment, Double click Increasing Scheduling Priority.

i. Click Add User or Group button, Type the name of the User that you want to be able to access XPDV, Click Check names , Click OK, Click OK again.

a. Just like Win2K, XP likes RAM. We recommend a minimum of 256 for XP, and with RAM so cheap, get 512!!!a. Give Xpress DV full use of your system resources XP allows you to give programs priority for processor and memory usage. Here is how you do it. . Right-click on the My Computer icon, select Advances, click the Performance "Settings" button, you'll see a new tab Visual Effects and then An Advanced tab.

a. Click Advanced tab and you will notice A section that says Processor Scheduling and Memory usage.

b. In the Processor scheduling select Programs (for Best Performance). This gives priority for running programs (like Premiere, Xpress DV, Edition etc.).

c. Now on Memory usage select Programs. Again this gives programs priority to run programs from you memory.

d. Now hit Apply and go to item #5 before closing out and re-booting.

a. Make sure Visual Effects are set to "Best Performance"VisuaL Effects are the fancy new animations XP uses for opening and closing windows and dialog boxes on your VGA screen. These effects waste valuable system resources and they can conflict with the XDV GUI. Here is how to turn them off. . Right-click on the My Computer icon, select Advances, click the Performance "Settings" button, you'll see a new tab Visual Effects and then An Advanced tab.

a. Click the Visual Effects tab. Once there select adjust for best performance. This will allow the best format for processing performance of your video desktop display.

b. Once completed hit Apply and proceed to close out and reboot (select yes) if prompted to.

a. Enable Clear Type This makes a noticeable impact on 2D performance and the view is great. Contrary to some reports it is not designed just for LCD screens. To turn this on . Right click on a blank area of the Desktop and choose Properties -Click on the Appearance Tab;

a. Click Effects - Check the box: Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts.

b. In the drop down box select: Clear Type.

B. Cool XP extras Techtv.com Windows XP Tip: Device Driver Rollback One of XP's new features is the Device Driver Rollback. With this feature you finally have the option to quickly go back to a previous version of a device driver if the updated driver causes problems. When you update a driver, the old one will be saved to a special directory in Windows. You won't have the option to roll back a driver if you've never updated it. Since every device has the ability to roll back its driver, you're going to need to access your Device Manager to do this. Here's how to access the Driver Rollback feature for a particular device inside the Device Manager: a. Left-click the Start menu and then select Control Panel.

b. Double-click the Performance and Maintenance icon.

c. Double-click the System icon.

d. Click the Hardware tab.

e. Click the Device Manager button to open the Device Manager.

f. Expand the device menu you'd like to roll back.

g. Locate the device you'd like to roll back and double-click it to bring up its properties.

h. When you launch the properties for a particular device, click on the Driver tab.

i. Click the button labeled "Roll Back Driver" to complete the process.

Here are 12 handy shortcuts you can type into your XP run menu to get the utilities you want and need. 1. compmgmt.msc Computer management

2. devmgmt.msc Device manager

3. diskmgmt.msc Disk management

4. dfrg.msc Disk defrag

5. eventvwr.msc Event viewer

6. fsmgmt.msc Shared folders

7. gpedit.msc Group policies

8. lusrmgr.msc Local users and groups

9. perfmon.msc Performance monitor

10. rsop.msc Resultant set of policies

11. secpol.msc Local security settings

12. services.msc Services

Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP PowerToys are additional programs that developers work on after a product has been released to manufacturing. They add fun and functionality to the Windows experience! Super-Fast User Switcher With this PowerToy you can switch between users without having to go through the Logon screen.

Open Command Window Here This PowerToy adds an "Open Command Window Here" context menu option on file system folders, giving you a quick way to open a command window (cmd.exe) pointing at the selected folder.

Alt-Tab Replacement With this PowerToy, in addition to seeing the icon of the application window you are switching to, you will also see a preview of the page. This helps particularly when multiple sessions of an application are open.

Tweak UI

This PowerToy gives you access to system settings that are not exposed in the Windows XP default user interface, including mouse settings, Explorer settings, taskbar settings, and more.

Power Calculator With this PowerToy you can graph and evaluate functions as well as perform many different types of conversions.

Image Resizer This PowerToy enables you to resize one or many image files with a right-click.

CD Slide Show Generator With this PowerToy you can view images burned to a CD as a slide show. The Generator works downlevel on Windows 9x machines as well.

Virtual Desktop Manager Manage up to four desktops from the Windows taskbar with this PowerToy.

Taskbar Magnifier Use this PowerToy to magnify part of the screen from the taskbar.

HTML Slide Show Wizard This wizard helps you create an HTML slide show of your digital pictures, ready to place on your Web site.

Webcam Timershot This PowerToy lets you take pictures at specified time intervals from a Webcam connected to your computer and save them to a location that you designate.

Download PowerToys here

C. Win XP Issues

WinXp product activation is no big deal. When XP first started shipping there was lots of talk about the product activation. We feel this is a non-issue. Activating WinXP is a painless process. If you rebuild your computer often, or add and remove hardware several times, you may have a small problem re-activating WinXP. If this happens a quick call into Microsoft will get you a new activation code with little or no hassle at all. Don't upgrade over your old OS, install fresh. Yes, this will take more time and require you to re-format your hard drive and re-install all your hardware and software. DO IT! Back up all your important files and data first. Just as with the past 3 OS releases, upgrading your existing system is nothing but bad news for digital videographers. We have seen that almost half of the tech support problems our users are running into are graphic card related. You need to make sure that you are running the very latest OEM drivers with XP support for your card. Almost every graphic card on the market is now based on technology from the big 3 players - NVidia, ATI & Matrox. Find out which chipset is in your card and go to these sites to download the latest drivers.

D. Dave Laborde's TWEAKS for Windows XP for Video Editing (v 1.0) Gary,Well I guess just in time for Christmas > I finished a TWEAK guide for Windows XP utilized for Video Editing. I have been digging and playing with XP for a few weeks now. The document is a bit long but I think much more simplistic to follow than previous ones. I eliminated pictures (to cut down on length) as I think most changes are quite explanatory. I utilize quite a bit of space (7 pages) to explain the differences and features of WinXP. I think a lot of false statements and opinions are out there. The actual TWEAKS / optimizations number 21 they are contained in 10 pages alone. The first 3 items are taken from Win 2K guide but have a slight modification for two of them. I also found something's done in Win 2K were not productive for Win XP with regards to editing card / editing suite interface, etc.. The document is 26 pages long. I really don't think there is much information that is not pertinent (other than intro of 7 pages). Like I always say - attention and success is in the details. I also felt I had to structure it for "rookies" and needed to ensure things were clear so they would be done right. Anyway look over it, give them a try and if you want to post on your site you have my permission. Regards, David LaBorde

Do servisa dolazite tako da kliknete na Start - Run i upiete SERVICES.MSC i kliknete na OK.Ovaj pregled vam donosi informacije o svakom pojedinom servisu, njegovoj funkcionalnosti te servisima o kojima je ovisan tj. bez kojih ne moe funkcionirati.Mogue je da na se na vaem raunalu ne nalaze svi navedeni servisi, ovaj nesklad postoji zbog razlika izmeu Home i Professional verzije Windowsa.AlerterObavjetava korisnike o slanju administrativne uzbune. Korisno samo u sluaju kada je raunalo dio vee raunalne mree. Ako vam je raunalo samostalna radna stanica ili spojena u manji LAN (Lokalna mrea) slobodno onemoguite.Application Layer Gateway ServicePrua podrku za Internet Connection Sharing i Internet Connection Firewall. Pa ako koristite ove funkcije postavite ovaj servis da se automatski pokree, u suprotnom ga onemoguite.Application ManagementKoristi se za dodjeljivanje, objavljivanje i brisanje softvera. Ovaj servis postavite na manual.Automatic UpdatesProvjerava da li su raspoloive nove zakrpe za Windowse, te u sluaju da su raspoloive obavjetava vas. Jedini problem kod ovog servisa je to proe dosta vremena od objave zakrpe pa do trenutka dok vas ovaj servis obavijesti da je nova zakrpa raspoloiva. Stoga je bolje ovaj servis onemoguiti i zakrpe skidati runo sa windowsupdate.microsoft.com. U sluaju da se odluite na koritenje ovog servisa postavite ga na automatsko pokretanje i omoguite Cryptographic Services jer je o njemu ovisan.Background Intelligent Transfer ServiceOvaj servis koristi Windows Update. Svrha mu je da ako tijekom skidanja zakrpe iskljuite/resetirate vae raunalo nakon ponovne prijave na sustav Update se nastavi tamo gdje je stao tj. ne ide ispoetka. Ako ne koristite Automatic Updates odnosno skidate zakrpe runo slobodno onemoguite ovaj servis.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call i Workstation servisima.ClipBookOmoguuje razmjenu cut/paste objekata izmeu raunala povezanih u mrei. IMHO beskorisno, slobodno onemoguite. U sluaju da imate razloga koristiti ovaj servis onda omoguite i Network DDE jer je o njemu ovisan.COM+ Event SystemPotreban za aplikacije koje koriste COM+. Koje aplikacije koriste ovaj servis pogledajte u C:\Program Files\ComPlus Applications. Bez obzira da li koristite COM+ aplikacije ovaj servis postavite ili na manual ili automatsko jer je Optimize funkcija Bootvis-a ovisna o njemu.COM+ System ApplicationIsto kao za COM+ Event SystemComputer BrowserOdrava listu raunala i resursa na velikim mreama. Slobodno onemoguite ovaj servis ako je vae raunalo samostalno ili u manjoj mrei jer i dok je ovaj servis onemoguen moete potpuno funkcionalno koristiti mreu.Ovisi o Server i Workstation servisima.Cryptographic ServicesPotvruje digitalne potpise Windows datoteka, i koristi ga Automatic Updates, no u ostalim situacijama je nepotreban, pa ga postavite na manual.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call servisu.DHCP ClientPrima dinamiku IP adresu od DHCP servera. Ovaj servis postavite na Manual ako se spajate na Internet, u suprotnom ga moete onemoguiti.Ovisi o AFD Networking Support Environment, NetBios over TCP/IP TCP/IP Protocol Driveru.Distributed Link Tracking ClientU sluaju da raunalo B napravi shortcut na datoteku na raunalu A i raunalo A promijeni lokaciju datoteke A tada e ovaj servis javiti raunalu B kako je adresa promijenjena.Korisno u velikim mreama, u suprotnom onemoguite.Ovisi o Remote Procedure CallDistributed Transaction CoordinatorBrine se o transakcijama koje ukljuuju viestruke resurse. Trenutno ne iskoriteno, ali mogue je da e biti koriteno od strane .NET tehnologije. Onemoguite ovaj servis, a ako budete imali problema postavite ga na manual.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call i Security Accounts Manager.DNS ClientPrevodi i "keira" DNS imena. Ovaj servis je potreban samo ako koristite IPSEC. Slobodno ga postavite na manual.Error Reporting ServicePrijavljuje Microsoftu kada se odreena aplikacija srui. Onemoguite sa zadovoljstvom :)).Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call servisu.Event LogOmoguuje prikaz poruka u Event Vieweru koji je vrlo koristan kada rjeavate neki problem na raunalu. Ovaj servis postavite da se automatski pokree.Fast User Switching CompatibilityAsistira aplikacijama koje se ne snalaze u viekorisnikom okruenju. Ako na raunalu nemate puno (manje od 10) korisnikih rauna slobodno onemoguite ovaj servis.Ovisi o Terminal Services.Fax ServicePodrka za faksiranje. Podrazumijevano se ne instalira, ali moete je dodati putem Add/Remove Windows ComponentsOvisi o Plug and Play, Print Spooler, Remote Procedure Call i Telephony servisima.FTP Publishing ServicePodrka za FTP server. Ne instalira se podrazumijevano, ve se moe naknadno instalirati putem Add/Remove Windows Components ako elite stvoriti FTP server.Ovisi o IIS Admin sevisu.Help and SupportOvaj servis koriste Microsoft online help dokumenti. Slobodno onemoguite.Human Interface Device AccessKoriste ureaji koji na sebi posjeduju dodatne hotkey funkcije npr. skeneri sa fax/copy kontrolama. Ako posjedujete neki takav ureaj postavite pokretanje servisa na automatsko, u suprotnom onemoguite.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call servisuIIS AdminNe instalira se podrazumijevano, ali moete ga naknadno instalirati putem Add/Remove Windows Components. Koristi se u suradnji sa lokalnim web i ftp servisima.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call i Security Accounts Manager servisima.IMAPI CD-Burning COM ServiceSlui za snimanje cd-a iz samog shell-a windowsa. (drag & drop). U sluaju da ne koristite ovu funkciju ve cd-e snimate pomou specijaliziranog softvera (npr. Nero) slobodno onemoguite ovaj servis. U suprotnom ga postavite na manual.Indexing ServiceKreira indekse na disku radi breg pretraivanja, no to radi na vrlo lo nain tako da zauzima dosta resursa i zna se pokrenuti dok radite pa vam usporiti raunalo na razinu 486. Onemoguite sa zadovoljstvom :))Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call servisu.Internet Connection Firewall and Internet Connection SharingOmoguuje da vie raunala pristupa Internetu preko jedne modemske linije, te ugraeni firewall. U sluaju da koristite specijalizirani softver za ove namjene slobodno onemoguite ovaj servis, u suprotnom ga postavite na manual.Ovisi o Application Layer Gateway Service, Network Connections, Network Location Awareness, Remote Access Connection Manager servisima.IPSEC ServicesKontrolira IP siguronosni certifikat. Za prosjenog korisnika ovo je nepotrebno. Slobodno onemoguite.Logical Disk ManagerVitalan za rad Disk Management MMC konzole. Pokretanje servisa postavite na manual.Ovisi o Plug and Play, Remote Procedure Call servisima.Logical Disk Manager Administrative ServiceIsto kao za Logical Disk Manager.Messengeralje poruke izmeu servera i klijenta. Ovaj servis se ne odnosi na MSN Messanger. Za prosjenog korisnika nevano. Slobodno onemoguite.MS Software Shadow Copy ProviderKoristi se u suradnji sa Volume Shadow Copy servisom. Ovaj servis koristi MS Backup, pa ako ne koristite taj program slobodno ga onemoguite.Ovisi o Remote Procedure CallNet LoginKoristi se za prijavu na Domain Controller. Ako je vae raunalo dio velike mree postavite na Automatic, u suprotnom onemoguite servis.Ovisi o Workstation servisu.NetMeeting Remote Desktop SharingOmoguuje korisniku da pristupi vaem raunalu putem NetMeetinga. Svakako onemoguite ovaj servis jer predstavlja veliki sigurnosni rizik.Network ConnectionsSlui openito za mreno povezivanje. Ako vae raunalo nije spojeno na nikakvu vrstu mree onemoguite servis, u suprotnom svakako postavite na Automatic.Network DDEKoristi za dinamiku razmjenu podataka u mrei. Omoguite samo ako koristite ClipBook, u suprotnom onemoguite servis.Ovisi o Network DDE DSDM servisu.Network DDE DSDMIsto kao za Network DDE,Ovisi o AFD Networking Support Environment i TCP/IP Protocol Driveru.Network Location AwarenessPotrebno samo za rad Internet Connection Sharing servisa.NT LM Security Support ProviderNepotrebno, osim ako koristite Message Queuing ili vodite Telnet server.Performance Logs and AlertsPrikuplja podatke o performansama raunala i sprema ih. Slobodno onemoguite.Plug and PlayObavezno postavite na Automatic. Bez pitanja :))Portable Media Serial Numberita serijski broj iz prijenosnih glazbenih ureaja npr. mp3 player. Jednostavno onemoguite.Print SpoolerKontrolira poslove ispisa. Ako imate pisa ili se spajate na mreni pisa svakako postavite ovaj servis na Automatic. U suprotnom ga onemoguite.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call servisu.Protected StorageSprema lozinke koritene pri prijavi na web stranice, dial up veze i sl. Ako ne elite uvati lozinke iz sigurnosnih razloga onemoguite ovaj servis, a ako vam se ne da upisivati lozinke svaki put postavite ga na Automatic.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call servisu.QoS RSVPKontrolira mreni promet putem IPSEC-a i apliakcija koje podravaju QoS. Slobodno onemoguite.Remote Access Auto Connection ManagerAutomatski otvara vezu sa Internetom kad neki program to zatrai. Onemoguite sa zadovoljstvom :))Ovisi o Remote Access Connection Manager i Telephony servisima.Remote Access Connection ManagerOtvara vezu sa Internetom. Postavite na automatsko pokretanje.Remote Desktop Help Session ManagerKontrolira rad Remote Assistance-a. Slobodno onemoguite i utedite 4 MB RAM-a.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call servisu.Remote Procedure CallServis vitalan za rad kompletnog raunala. Obavezno postavite na Automatic.Remote Procedure Call LocatorKontrolira bazu podataka Remote Procedure Call -a. Postavite na manual.Remote Registry ServicePodrka za pristup udaljenom registry-u. Onemoguite iz siguronosnih razloga.Removable StorageKotrolira rad izmjenjivih ureaja kao npr. backup traka. U sluaju da ne koristite takav ureaj slobodno postavite na manual ili onemoguite.Routing and Remote AccessOmoguuje spajanje raunala na VPN mreu putem modema. Ukoliko se ne spajate na takvu mreu onemoguite servis iz sigurnosnih razloga.Ovisi o NetBIOSGroup i Remote Procedure Call servisima.Secondary LogonOmoguuje pokretanje procesa (programa) pod drugim privilegijama. Npr. administrator moe pokrenuti neku aplikaciju, za koju trenutno aktivan korisnik nema dovoljno prava. Oituje se kao "Run as..." stavka u kontekstualnom izborniku.Security Accounts ManagerUpravlja podacima o lokalnim korisnikim raunima. Postavite na automatic.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call servisu.ServerOmoguava koritenje vaeg pisaa putem mree. Ako ne trebate ovu funkciju slobodno onemoguite.Shell Hardware DetectionKoristi za autoplay ureaja kao to su memorijske kartice i sl. Slobodno onemoguite ako ne koristite takav ureaj. Ako koristite laptop ostavite na Automatic.Smart CardPrua podrku za identifikaciju putem SmartCard-a. Ako ne posjedujete ovaj ureaj slobodno onemoguite.Smart Card HelperKao i za Smart Card servis.SSDP Discovery ServiceOtkriva uPNP ureaje na lokalnoj mrei. Postavite na Automatic.System Event NotificationObavjetava servise o razliitim dogaajima u sustavu, kao npr. Logon ili Stand By. Trenutno nije poznata niti jedna aplikacija koja koristi ovaj servis. Slobodno onemoguite.Ovisi o COM+ Event SystemSystem Restore ServiceSystem restore u zadanim trenutku kreira sliku sustava i pomou njega je nakon eventualne havarije povratiti sustva u prethodno stanje. U praksi ovaj sustav ne funkcionira ba savreno, i zauzima dosta resursa tako da ga moete slobodno onemoguiti.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call servisu.Task SchedulerBrine o unaprijed zakazanim dogaajima kao npr. defragmentacija, backup, a koristi ga i dosta aplikacija kao npr. Bootvis. Postavite na automatic, ako koristite neku od aplikacija koje su ovisne o ovom servisu.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call servisu.TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper ServicePodrka za NetBIOS putem TCP/IP-a.Ovisi o AFD Networking Support Environment i NetBios over TCP/IP servisima.TCP/IP Printer ServerNe instalira se podrazumijevano, a slui za rad UNIX print servera.Ovisi o Print Spooler i TCP/IP Protocol Driveru.TelephonyKontrolira "telefonske" ureaje na raunalu i potrebno je za ostvarenje modemske veze prema Internetu.Ovisi o Plug and Play i Remote Procedure Call servisima.TelnetOmoguava telnetiranje udaljenog klijenta na lokalno raunalo. Onemoguite iz sigurnosnih razloga.Ovisi o NT LM Security Support Provider, Remote Procedure Call i TCP/IP Protocol Driveru.Terminal ServicesOmoguuje spajanje udaljenog korisnika na lokalno raunalo. Ovaj servis koriste Remote Desktop i Fast user switching. Onemoguite iz sigurnosnih razloga.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call servisu.ThemesPodrka za novi izgled Windowsa. Onemoguite ako vas novi izgled Windowsa ne privlai.Uninterruptible Power SupplyPodrka za besprekidno napajanje. Interesantna je injenica kako dosta UPS-ova radi i bez potpore ovog servisa te ga stoga slobodno onemoguite.Universal Plug and Play Device HostDetektira i konfigurira uPNP ureaje u vaoj lokalnoj mrei.Ovisi o SSDP Discovery Servisu.Upload ManagerVri razmjenu podataka izmeu servera i klijenta.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call servisu.Volume Shadow CopyKoristi se u suradnji sa MS Backupom. Onemoguite po potrebi.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call servisu.WebClientGlavna namjena trenutno nepoznata. Pretpostavlja se kako je ovo podrka za MS-ovu novu .Net tehnologiju. Trenutno onemoguite iz sigurnosnih razloga.Ovisi o WebDav Client Redirector servisu.Windows AudioOvaj servis je vitalan ako elite uti bilo kakav zvuk iz vaeg raunala. Postavite na Automatic.Ovisi o Plug and Play i Remote Procedure Call servisima.Windows Image AcquisitionKoriste ga neki skeneri, web kamere i sl. ureaji. Ako posjedujete ureaj koji je ovisan o ovom servisu omoguite ga, u suprotnom ga onemoguite.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call servisu.Windows InstallerOvaj servis je potreban za instalaciju aplikacija koje se instaliraju putem .msi datoteka. Postavite pokretanje servisa na manual.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call servisu.Windows Management InstrumentationVitalan servis, jednostavno ga postavite na Automatic.Ovisi o Event Log i Remote Procedure Call servisima.Windows Management Instrumentation Driver ExtensionNije vitalno kao WMI, ali ga svejedno postavite na manual.Windows TimeOvaj servis se, ako je omoguen, spaja na Internet i ugaa va sat prema atomskom satu.Slobodno onemoguite.Wireless Zero ConfigurationPodrka za rad u beinoj mrei. Ako niste dio takve slobodno onemoguite ovaj servis.Ovisi o NDIS Usermode I/O Protocol i Remote Procedure Call servisima.WMI Performance AdapterSvrha trenutno nepoznata. Glavna karakteristika da uzima do 6 MB sistemske memorije :))Postavite na manual ili onemoguite.Ovisi o Remote Procedure Call servisu.WorkstationSlui za spajanje lokalnog raunala na mreu, postavite na automatic.World Wide Web Publishing ServiceOmoguuje postavljanje vlastitog web servera. Ne instalira se podrazumijevano, ali se moe naknadno instalirati.Ovisi o IIS Admin servisu. Izrada hibridnog Win XP CD-a s integriranim Service Packom 2Veina se korisnika snalazi u instaliranju ogromne Windows XP SP2 nadogradnje, naravno uz potrebnu dozu opreza (napravljen puni backup ili image, itanje svih Microsoftovih predinstalacijskih savjeta). Da biste izbjegli svu tu nepotrebnu komplikaciju krpanja i nadogradnje nakon instaliranja Windowsa, dat emo vam savjet kako nadograditi XP-ov CD tako da vie nikada ne morate naknadno instalirati SP2Ukljuivanjem Service Packa 2 u Windowse XP moete drastino smanjiti vrijeme instalacijeProces nadogradnje uzima prilino vremena, ne raunajui vrijeme skidanja datoteke s Interneta ili instaliranja s CD-a. Proces instalacije Windowsa XP obino traje od 20 do 40 minuta na brim raunalima, a na sporijim zna biti dulji od sat vremena.Uteda se moe postii integriranjem SP2 datoteki na originalni XP Setup CD. Hibridni instalacijski CD radit e isto to i originalni, ali e biti kompletno nadograen sa svim zakrpama i imat e SP2. Raunalo na koje se instalira taj XP bit e u potpunosti nadograeno, a korisnik e izbjei sate i sate skidanja zakrpi i nadogradnji.Kreiranje novog hibridnog instalacijskog CD-a vrlo je jednostavno. Ova metoda nadogradnje instalacijskog CD-a isti je proces koji koriste proizvoai softvera prilikom nadogradnji svojih instalacijskih programa. Microsoft e ove jeseni poeti prodavati takav CD, ali zato ekati i plaati kada svatko moe napraviti svoju, potpuno legalnu, nadograenu kopiju XP-a.to je potrebno za izradu hibridnog Win XP CD-a s integriranim Service Packom 2:1) Originalan XP Setup CD (u obzir dolaze sve inaice: Pro ili Home, OEM itd.)2) CD snima, prazan CD i softver koji moe napraviti bootabilan CD (npr. Nero, Roxio itd.)3) Oko 1 GB slobodnog prostora na tvrdom disku zbog pohrane privremenih datoteka.Nakon toga moemo pristupiti pravljenju novog instalacijskog CD-a.Prvi korak: Pomou Windows Explorera doite na lokaciju gdje elite smjestiti podatke.Drugi korak:Kreirajte novi folder. Taj folder emo koristiti za pohranjivanje podataka CD projekta. Moete mu dati bilo koje ime, a zbog jednostavnosti mi emo mu dati ime XPSP2. Disk na kojem e biti pohranjeni podaci od projekta trebao bi imati najmanje 1 GB slobodnog prostora.Trei korak:Otvorite novostvoreni XPSP2 folder. Unutar njega kreirajte tri nova foldera i nazovite ih Root, Boot i SP2. Ti e folderi uvati razne komponente koje e se kasnije upotrijebiti za novi nadograeni CD.etvrti korak:Stavite originalni, nenadograeni XP instalacijski CD u CD pogon. Kopirajte sve datoteke i foldere u novi folder Root napravljen u treem koraku (npr. C:\XPSP2\ROOT). Kopiranje e na starijim raunalima potrajati, a na novijima e biti brzo gotovo.Peti korak: Otvorite folder Root, unutar njega bi trebale biti datoteke kopirane s instalacijskog CD-a. Zatim otvorite folder Support i unutar njega folder Tools. Obriite datoteku deploy.cab u Tools folderu. (Drugim rijeima, obriite: C:\XPSP2\ROOT\SUPPORT\TOOLS\DEPLOY.CAB).esti korak:Skinite s Interneta, s Microsoftovih stranica (besplatno), Windows XP Service Pack 2 Deployment Tools i instalirajte ga.Sedmi korak:Datoteka koju ste skinuli u estom koraku zvat e se neto poput WindowsXP-KB838080-SP2-DeployTools-ENU.cab. Preimenujte tu datoteku u deploy.cab i kopirajte u C:\XPSP2\ROOT\SUPPORT\TOOLS\ folder, tako da folder Tools dobije svoju deploy.cab datoteku koju smo ranije obrisali.Osmi korak:Skinite s Interneta, s Microsoftovih stranica (besplatno), Windows XP Service Pack 2 Network Installation Package for IT Professionals and Developers. Datoteku snimite u C:\XPSP2 folder ili ako ste je skinuli negdje drugdje, kopirajte je u C:\XPSP2 folder.Tu datoteku, koja se zove neto poput WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe, preimenujte u SP2.EXE.Deveti korak:Otpakirajte Service Pack datoteke u SP2 folder: kliknite Start/Run i utipkajte komandu u Run kuicu: C:\XPSP2\SP2.EXE /U /X:C:\XPSP2\SP2, zatim kliknite OK i SP2.exe e otpakirati svoj sadraj u SP2 folder.Deseti korak:Iskoristite XP-ov ugraeni alat Update da primijenite SP2 zakrpe na originalne XP Setup datoteke. Kliknite Start/Run i otipkajte sljedeu komadu u Run kuicu:C:\XPSP2\SP2\I386\UPDATE\UPDATE.EXE /S:C:\XPSP2\ROOTWindows e otvoriti Updating Your Windows Share prozor na kojemu e se moi vidjeti napredak krpanja. Kada to zavri, SP2 zakrpe bit e integrirane u originalne XP Setup datoteke.Kako od svega toga sada nainiti instalacijski CD? Uz malo sree i hrabrosti te paljivo praenje ovih uputa.Razliiti alati za snimanje CD-a imaju razliite postavke za pravljenje bootabilnog CD-a. Mi emo vam pokazati kako se to radi na Roxiovom CD Creatoru.Jedanaesti korak:Prvo to vam treba je pravi boot kod. Besplatne CD boot kod datoteke moete skinuti na stranicama http://www.tacktech.com/pub/microsoft/bootfiles/bootfiles.zip. To je standardna zip datoteka u kojoj se nalazi komprimirana datoteka boot.ima. Tu datoteku otpakirajte na C:\XPSP2\BOOT folder.Dvanaesti korak: Pokretanje programa za snimanje CD-a, u ovom primjeru CD Creator.Trinaesti korak:Izaberite File/New Project/Bootable Disc. Kada se otvori prozor, postavite u njemu Bootable Disc Type na No Emulation. Kliknite na >>Advanced i postavite Load Segment na 0x000, a Sector Count na 4. Sada kliknite na Browse gdje e vas program upitati da locirate image datoteku koja sadri bootabilni image - locate the image file that contains the bootable image. Datoteka se nalazi u C:\XPSP2\BOOT folderu. Kliknite na boot.ima, zatim kliknite na Open i nakon toga na OK.etrnaesti korak:Kliknite na File/Project Properties. Otvorit e se prozor s nekoliko opcija i podopcija. Ukratko, vi trebate postaviti novi CD da odgovara karakteristikama originalnog XP Setup CD-a. Na primjer, ako originalni XP Setup ima ime WXPFPP_EN, to ime ukucajte u Volume Label opciju. Originalno ime CD-a moete pogledati u Windows Exploreru. Slino tome postavite druge opcije tako da budu jednake originalnom CD-u:File System = JolietPhysical format of CD = Mode 1: CDROMKliknite Advanced i unesite sljedee podatke:Publisher Name = MICROSOFT_CORPORATIONPrepared By = MICROSOFT_CORPORATIONSljedee opcije su vjerojatno u redu, ali za svaki sluaj provjerite:Izaberite Use original file date.Izaberite All Files pod File Filter opcijom.Maknite kvaicu s Do not add Hidden files i Do not add System files.Kada zavrite s tim, kliknite OK.Petnaesti korak:U trinaestom koraku dodali smo boot image datoteke, sada samo treba izabrati i dodati sve datoteke i foldere u C:\XPSP2\ROOT folderu i zatim kliknuti na Burn to disc.esnaesti korak:Otvara se posljednji prozor i nudi nekoliko zadnjih opcija. Ako nisu izabrane, izaberite Record CD pod Record Options i Disc-at-Once pod Record Methods, kliknite OK - i gotovi ste!Softver bi se mogao buniti na folder depth jer instalacija ide dosta foldera u dubinu. To se upozorenje moe slobodno ignorirati jer nee imati nikakvog efekta na upotrebljivost CD-a.Premda proces izrade novog Win XP SP2 CD-a izgleda prilino komplicirano, svaki sljedei put kad ponovo instalirati operativni sustav biti e vam iznimno drago to ga imate. Naime, ovakva instalacija Windowsa ne samo da drastino smanjuje vrijeme instalacije, ve i eliminira mnoge probleme koji se znaju pojavljivati kod postepenog nadograivanja. Iskljuivane opcije "Indexing" ubrzava XPWindowsi XP rade zabiljeke o svim fileovima,i spremaju ih na Hard Disk kako bi pretraivanje fileova bilo to bre.

Ali loa strana tih zabiljeki(index) je da raunalo mora svaki file zabiljeiti to dovodi do usporavanja osnovnih funkcija kao to su: Open,Close itd...

Ako ne pretraujete esto datoteke na raunalu iskljuivanjem opcije "indexing" moete malo poboljati performanse.

1. Control Panel

2. Administrative tools

3. Services

4. Disable Indexing Services

Automatsko otvaranje C: diska u Windows ExploreruU Windows XP-u, pokretanjem Windows Explorer-a vie se ne otvara C: disk. Sada se otvara direktorij My Documents. Kako ja u tom direktoriju drim neke podatke kojima ne pristupam stalno, ova promjena mi je donesla samo frustraciju.

Da bi ovo ispravili potrebno je u ikonici Windows Explorera promjeniti postavke na sljedei nain:

1. Kliknuti desnom tipkom mia na ikonicu Windows Explorer i odabrati opciju Properties.

2. Pod target upiite (bez navodnika): "C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe /n,/e,c:\".

3. Klinite na "Apply" i zatim na OK i proces je zavren.

Ukoliko elite otvoriti D: particiju umesto "/e,C:" upiite "/e,D:".

Windows XP na OktanimaPanja! ovu preinaku mogu izvesti svi korisnici Windows XP operativnog sustava, ali zbog izuzetne potrebe za memorijom njen uinak nee biti vidljiv kao ubrzanje nego kao usporenje raspolaete li s manje od 256 MB radne memorije.DisablePagingExecutive - ukljuivanjem ove opcije sprijeit ete spremanje odreenih aplikacija na tvrdi disk vaeg raunala. S tim ete znatno ubrzati sve procese jer je poznato da je radna memorija i tisuu puta bra od virtualne memorije na tvrdom disku. Po poetnim postavkama vrijednost ove opcije je 0, da bi je ukljuili postavite ju na 1.Ovu postavku nalazite na sljedeem mjestu u registry editoru: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - System -CurrentControlSet - Control - SessionManager - Memory Management.Sljedea opcija koju nalazite odmah do prije spomenute je: LargeSystemCache. Ukljuujui ovu opciju, "prisiljavate" uitavanje operativnog sustava i njegovih osnovnih procesa u memoriju. S ovom promjenom Windowsi XP uitavaju jezgru operativnog sustava i dre ju cijelo vrijeme u memoriji, inei cjelokupni sustav mnogo brim i ivljim za rad. Pokretanje svih ostalih aplikacija takoer se odvija znatno bre Prijavljena ubrzanja iznose od 20-30 posto to svakako nije zanemarivo. Ova opcija "guta" jo vie radne memorije, pogotovo ako se koristi zajedno s prvom opcijom iz ovog lanka.Trea opcija u nizu, koja e naim Windowsima XP "dati krila", je lOPageLockLimit, Ovu registry vrijednost trebate sami kreirati odabirui opciju New - Dword koju dobijete koristei desnu tipku mia. Za ime koristite "lOPageLockLimit" (bitno je tono napisati ime ovog kljua, s malim i velikim slovima). Vrijednost koju upisujete zavisi o koliini radne memorije s kojom raspolaete: 64 MB - 1000; 128 MB - 4000; 256 MB - 10.000; 512 MB ili vie: 40.000. Vrijednosti su prikazane za unos u hek-sadecimalnom obliku. Ova opcija nee znaiti ubrzanje rada samog raunala, ali e svakako donijeti poboljanja u sferi prijenosa podataka.Nepotrebni DLL-ovi u memorijiAko koristite puno programa u vrijeme rada, svi dll-ovi {dynamic linked library) se uitavaju u memoriju od strane Windows Explorera. Zatvarate ih po zavretku rada s programima, ali njihovi dll-ovi ostaju uitani u memoriju. To utjee na koliinu raspoloive memorije, kao i na brzinu rada samog raunala. Evo kako natjerati Windowse XP da izbace iz memorije sve nepotrebne dll-ove:

Potraimo HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Software - Microsoft - Windows-CurrentVersion- Explorer. U ovom kljuu kreirajte novi Dword unos imena AlwaysUnloadDLL i postavite mu vrijednost na 1. Zatim pritisnite tipku F5 na tipkovnici (ovom radnjom se napravi refresh), zatvorite Regedit i nanovo pokrenete raunalo.

Pristupite skrivenim opcijama u Windows XP1. Idite na Start>Run... i upiite gpedit.msc2. Pregledajte opcije i vidjeti ete mnogo opcija koje su dostupne samo kroz editiranje registry baze. Sada ih moete editirati vrlo lako.

Deinstalirajte Windows Media Player1. Idite na Start>Run... i upiite cmd2. U Command Promptu upiite: rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection InstallWMP7 132c:\windows\inf\wmp.inf3. Kada se proces zavri restartajte raunalo i instalirajte eljenu verziju ili nemojte uope.Dodajte Copy To i Move to Windows Exploreru1. Pokrenite "regedit"

2. Idite u HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers3. Desni klik na ContextMenuHandlers i odaberite New pa zatim Key

4. Dodjelite mu ime Copy To. Ponovite postupak i dodjelite mu ime Move To.

5. Promenite (Default) string value za Copy To key u {C2FBB630-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}6. Promenite (Default) string value za Move To key u {C2FBB631-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}7. Restartajte raunalo i otvorite Windows Explorer. Kliknite na neki file ili direktorij i imati ete dvije nove opcije.

Ako se ne elite zamarati sa registry bazom moete nai gotovi klju u Registry KeysXP Password Recovery (vratite izgubljenu lozinku)

Ako ste kojim sluajem zaboravili XP Windows administratorski password (lozinku) i ne moete se logirati na Win XP i na taj nain doi do vlastitih podataka koji su vam od bitne vanosti,a ne elite ponovno instalirati opertivni sustav,odnosno formatirati hard disk i izbrisati te podatke,postoje web stranice koje "tvrde" da mogu vratiti va administratorski ili korisniki password(lozinku),kako ne bi ostali bez svojih podataka !Jedna od takvih stranica je i http://xpcracker.mine.nu/xpcrackerDrugi nain na koji moete doi do svojih podataka ako ste izgubili password je:Potrebno je doi do datoteke "SAM" koja se nalazi u c:\windows\system32\config\SAM,kopirati je i na drugom raunalu,pomou programa LC @stake koji moete nai na ovoj stranici http://www.downseek.com/download/21384.aspprobati vratiti svoj password odnosno deifrirati!Zakljuavanje pomou sys.key

Zakljuavanje pomou sys.key-a je jedan zanimljivi nain da zakljuate svoje raunalo.

1. Idite na Start-Run i upite SYSKEY i kliknite na OK.2. U prvom prozoru koji se otvori kliknite na UPDATE3. U sljedeem prozoru budite sugurni da je oznaen System generated password4. Stavite praznu floppy disketu i kliknite na OKAY5. Izaite iz programa, izvadite disketu i restartajte raunalo

to smo dobili? Dobili smo na neki nain hardverski klju za otkljuavanje raunala.

Sljedei put kada upalite raunalo,traiti e vas ovu disketu kako bi mogli pristupiti svome login prozoru.

Ako nemate ovu disketu,teta za vas ili onoga koji bi moda elio zaviriti u vae raunalo!

BESPLATNO PODEAVANJE STROJA U 10 KORAKABESPLATNA GENERALKASvjedoci ste hrpe softvera na Internetu koji vam nude razne naine da oistite, podesite i ubrzate raunalo do besvjesti te izvuete i zadnji atom snage iz svoga procesora naravno za odreeni iznos dolara, ali postoje naini da to sve uinite besplatno. Kao to smo ve rekli postoji mnotvo softvera koji vam nude odravanje raunala u top formi. Znai razne optimizacije, ienja i ubrzanja, kako raunala tako i internet veze bez obzira radilo se o obinoj modemskoj vezi, ISDN, ADSLNo, velika veina takvih programa zahtjeva i odreenu naknadu za svoj posao, odnosno odreeni iznos dolara koji ponekad i nije prihvatljiv svima. Da li ste se ikada upitali to ustvari rade takvi programi?Kako uspjevaju oistiti "smee" koje se nakupljalo mjesecima i sada vae raunalo vie ne radi onako glatko! Odjednom poinju i problemi sa internetom, veza je prespora i stranice se uitavaju predugo. I uz sve to sada se vie ne eli niti ugasiti onako brzo, nego uite uz monitor i razmiljate da li e se uope "ve jednom ugasiti?"No dobro, ako ste iskusili neke od ovih ili slinih problema, znai da je dolo vrijeme da napravite "generalnu istku", a XPTips e vam pokazati kako da to uinite besplatno u 10 jednostavnih koraka.1. Uklonite nepotrebne stvariPrvo pa generalnoPrvi potez je uklanjanje svih nepotrebnih programa, igara i dokumenata koji vam nisu potrebni ili ih uope ne koristite.U kontrol panelu nalazi se ikona pod nazivom "Add or Remove" gdje moete vidjeti koji su programi instalirani na vae raunalo i odluiti koje elite ukloniti. Manje - vie svi to znamo, ali veina korisnika i ne zamjeti ikonu pod nazivom "Add/Remove Windows Components" gdje moete ukloniti komponente koje dolaze sa Windowsima.Dovoljno je maknuti kvaicu ispred programa koje ne elite vie koristiti i kliknuti na Next, ako poelite ponovno vratiti te programe oznaitite prazni kvadrati i kliknite na Next.Neki Windows programi nisu vidljivi u "Add/Remove Windows Components" npr. Windows Messenger, ali moete ih uiniti vidljivima na sljedei nain:Otiite u va Windows direktorij i onda u poddirektorij INF. naite datoteku koja se zove sysoc.ini.Otvorite je u Notepadu, naite redak msmsgs=msgrocm.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,hide,7i izbacite rije hide, tako da izgleda ovako msmsgs=msgrocm.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,7 spremite promjene i sada e Messenger biti vidljiv za deinstaliranje.2. Start up programi i efektiKako iskljuiti ?Instaliranje puno programa moe zapuniti vau registry bazu nepotrebnim programima koji se startaju sa pokretanjem raunala,to moe dovesti do usporavanja raunala i zauzimanjem dijela memorije1. Pokrenite Regedit, "Start - Run i upiite regedit zatim kliknite na "ok"2. Doite do kljua HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Run3. Kada ste doli do kljua,na desnoj strani moete identificirati programe koje ne elite pokrenuti pri startu raunala.4. Desni klik na program koji ne elite da se pokrene pri startu raunala i odaberite "Delete".Na ovaj nain programi nee biti uitani u memoriju sve dok ne bude potrebe za njima.Uklanjanje vizualnih efekata takoer e osloboditi dio raspoloive memorije.Idite u Settings - Control Panel - System - Advanced i pod stavkom Performance kliknite na gumb Settings i u prozoru Visual Effects ostavite kvaice samo na "Use drop shadows i Use visual styles" ,sad kliknite na Advanced i pod opcijom Memory usage oznaite Programs, zatim kliknite Apply i sve je ostalo isto, a vae raunalo radi bre3. Oslobodite jo memorijeNepotrebni DLL - ovi i servisiAko koristite puno programa u vrijeme rada, svi dll-ovi {dynamic linked library) se uitavaju u memoriju od strane Windows Explorera.To utjee na koliinu raspoloive memorije, kao i na brzinu rada samog raunala. Evo kako natjerati Windowse XP da izbace iz memorije sve nepotrebne dll-ove:Potraimo u registry-u HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Software - Microsoft - Windows-CurrentVersion- Explorer. U ovom kljuu kreirajte novi Dword unos imena AlwaysUnloadDLL i postavite mu vrijednost na 1.Servisi su programi koji se pokreu sa Windowsima i oni nepotrebni utjeu na performanse raunala.Odite u Start - Run i upiite services.msc i sada ste dobili listu servisa koje moete iskljuivati i ukljuivati desnim klikom,odaberete Properties i zatim Disable. Sada je servis iskljuen.Ako ne pretraujete esto datoteke na raunalu iskljuivanjem servisa indexing moete malo poboljati performanse.4. ienje Registry bazeDubinsko ienjeRecimo da esto dodajete i uklanjate programe i da vodite rauna o deinstalaciji programa. Ali i pored svega ovog vae "registry" datoteke lie na monstrume i zbog njihove veliine je rad na vaem raunalu otean.U ovom sluaju uptrijebiti emo izvrstan program RegSeeker koji e ponuditi i vie od ienja.Na samom poetku nudi pregled instaliranih i pokrenutih, odnosno Start up programa, koje po elji moete sprijeiti da se pokreu sa Windowsima, te brisanje Histories datoteka i Cookiea koje va internet preglednik sakuplja prilikom surfanja.Uz sve to, RegSeeker vam u meniu "Tweaks" nudi i nekoliko vrlo korisnih trikova i opcija.I dolazimo do glavnog dijela koji se zove Clean the Registry. Sve to trebate uiniti je, kliknuti na gumb "ok" i priekati da se zavri skeniranje, zatim kliknite na Select all i desnim klikom mia odaberite opciju Delet selected items. Sada je va Registry oien od nakupljenog smea.U sluaju da nakon ienja raunalo ne radi kako treba, RegSeeker je napravio Back up svih obrisanih datoteka koje moete vratit pritiskom na gumb Backups5. XP na krilimaBrzi i estokiOvu preinaku mogu izvesti svi korisnici Windows XP operativnog sustava, ali zbog izuzetne potrebe za memorijom njen uinak nee biti vidljiv kao ubrzanje raspolaete li s manje od 256 MB radne memorije.DisablePagingExecutive - ukljuivanjem ove opcije sprijeavate spremanje odreenih aplikacija na tvrdi disk vaeg raunala. S tim ete znatno ubrzati sve procese jer poznato je da radna memorija i tisuu puta bra od virtualne na tvrdom disku. Vrijednost ove opcije je 0, da bi je ukljuili postavite je na 1.Ovu postavku nalazite na sljedeem mjestu u registry editoru: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - System -CurrentControlSet - Control - SessionManager - Memory Management.Sljedea opcija koju nalazite odmah do prije spomenute je: LargeSystemCache. Kada ukljuite ovu opciju, "prisiljavate" uitavanje operativnog sustava i njegovih procesa u memoriju.S ovom promjenom Windowsi XP uitavaju jezgru operativnog sustava i dre je u memoriji, inei cjelokupni sustav mnogo brim i ivljim za rad.6. Ubrzajte prijenos podatakaDMA - modeWin XP ne postavlja ispravno DMA mode na IDE kanale. Veina CD-ROM-ova podrava ovaj nain rada,ali XP ih gotovo uvijek stavlja u PIO (sporiji) nain rada. DMA nee ubrzati va CD-ROM,ali e koristiti manje procesorske snage i time ubrzati prijenos podatakaEvo kako:1. Otvorite Device Manager (My Computer-Hardware-Device Manager)2. Kliknite na znak plus pored "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers" i dva puta kliknite na "PrimaryIDE Channel"3. Pod "Advanced Settings" provjerite Device 1 postavke. Vjerojatno je postavljeno na PIO transfer mode.4. Postavite ga na "DMA if available".Isto ponovite i za "Secondary IDE Channel" ako je u PIO modu.Ukoliko ovo ne pomogne, u veini sluajeva pomae reinstaliranje IDE kanala koji ne eli prihvatiti DMA mode, na sljedei nain:Desni klik na IDE kanal, zatim uninstall i pritisnite ok.Restartajte raunalo i pogledajte sada dali je IDE kanal prihvatio DMA mode.U nekim sluajevima najvie to ete dobiti je MultiWord, ali i to je u svakom sluaju puno bolje od PIO moda.7. Jo malo ubrzanjaKonani obrauna) Nemojte zaboravit koristiti alat za defragmentaciju diska. Nai ete ga pod "Start/ Programs/ Accessories/ System Tools/ Disk defragmenter". Odravanjem diska na ovaj nain, odnosno defragmentacijom moete poveati performanse raunala do 10 %, i produiti vijek trajanja HD-ab) Ako imate malo vie "RAM-a", a to se odnosi na korisnike koji imaju 256 MB i vie, moete podesiti Windowse da je koriste maksimalno uinkovito. Otvorite "SYSTEM.INI" datoteku iz "Windows" "direktorija", i u "[386Enh]" djelu dodajte liniju "ConservativeSwapfileUsage=1". Na ovaj nain ste ustvari naznaili Windowsima da znaajno smanje koritenje virtualne memorije.c) Kada ve imate otvoren SYSTEM.INI, za efikasnije koritenje DMA mogunosti dodajte i liniju "DMABufferSize=64". Snimite promjene i napravite restart raunala!8. Ubrzajte surfanjeInternet na steroidimaNa Internetu moete nai hrpu programa koji vam nude bre spajanje i uitavanje programa te web stranica i u pravilu gotovo nikada nisu besplatni. Svi obeavaju veliko ubrzanje bez obzira koji tip veze koristili; obian modem, ISDN vezu ili neki novi, jo bri nain spajanja na Internet.Osjetno ubrzanje moete postii malom ispravkom registry kljua. Pokrenite Regedit i potraite klju koji se nalazi na sljedeem mjestu: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Software - Microsoft - Windows -Current Version - Explorer - RemoteComputer - NameSpace.Na ovome mjestu postoje dva prisutna kljua; jedan od njih je [D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0O60F5BF]. Obriite ga. Nije potrebno ponovno pokretati raunalo kako bi primijetili ubrzanje koje nastaje ovom jednostavnom izmjenom u Registry editoru.Ovime ste ustvari ispravili jedan od bugova u XP Windowsima.9. Podesite modemModem na maksimumSpojili ste se na Internet i zadovoljni ste prikazanom brzinom, ali ipak vam se ini da je protok podataka katastrofalan.Upotrijebili ste sve mogue trikove, "Tweak" programe i "Dial up" ubrzivae, a ini vam se da sve to negdje drugdje radi mnogo ljepe. I pitate se da nije moda greka u modemu ili looj telefonskoj liniji.Vjerojatno nije, nego je greka u premaloj brzini "port-a" na kojem modem radi. "COM port-ovima" je po defaultu brzina podeena na "9600 bps".Otvorite Device manager ( Start - Settings - Control Panel - System - Hardware - Device Manager) kliknete na zatim na Ports, i odaberete "port" na kojem se nalazi modem. Kliknete zatim na Properties, Port settings, i promjenite Bits per second na najveu vrijednost i kliknete na "OK". Sada je brzina na kojoj "port" vri komunikaciju puno vea i nije ograniavajui faktor.10. Zavrni radoviUtimavanjeIako Windowsi imaju jo puno opcija za podeavanje, mogunosti za tweakanje i primjenu ponekog trika, neemo ih sada opisivati jer bi to preraslo u jedan ogroman lanak koji nebi mogao nositi naslov "Podeavanje u 10 koraka" jer bi smo morali dodati jo jednu nulu na ovu brojku.No, ostavili smo vam mogunost da se sami poigrate alatom koji dolazi sa Windowsima i ima iznimno puno opcija za podeavanje, a zove se Group Policy Editor.Do ovog alata dolazite na sljedei nain: Start - Run i upiite gpedit.msc , kliknite na "ok" i otvorile su vam se mogunosti za iznimno detaljno podeavanje Windowsa bez kopanja po registry bazi ili zavirivanja u Control Panel.Uivajte!Ubrzajte surfanje internetomSvjedoci ste poplave programa na Internetu koji vam nude bre spajanje i uitavanje programa te web stranica. Svi garantiraju veliko ubrzanje bez obzira koji tip veze koristili; obian modem, ISDN vezu ili neki novi, jo bri nain spajanja na Internet. Veliko ubrzanje moete postii malom korekcijom registry kljua. Pokrenite Regedit i potraite klju koji se nalazi na sljedeoj lokaciji: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Software - Microsoft - Windows -Current Version - Explorer - RemoteComputer - NameSpace.

Kada ste doli do ovog mjesta, postoje dva prisutna kljua; jedan od njih je (D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0O60F5BF}. Obriite ga. Nije potreban restart raunala da bi primijetili ubrzanje koje nastaje ovom modifikacijom.

Ubrzajte raunalo podeavanjem "prefetch" direktorija(cache)Ovo je jedinstvena tehnika u XP-u koja moe ubrzati vae raunalo.1. Pokrenite "regedit".2. pronaite klju [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters\EnablePrefetcher];3. Postavite vrijednost na 0-"Disable", na sljedeim kljuevima: 1-App launch prefetch, 2-Boot Prefetch, 3-Both (proporuljivo)4. Restartajte raunalo.Ways To Speed Up WinXPHere are some suggestions that will enhance the performance and reliability of your PCs.Best of all; most of them will cost you nothing.

1. Defragmenting remains an important task. Why? For one, power consumption and heat can be directly related to a fragmented hard drive. When the computer's operating system requests data, if a file is not contiguous, then extra seeking on the disk may be required. But a more important consideration is disk failure. Should a hard drive fail, the likelihood of successfully recovering data from the dead or damaged drive improves significantly if the data is contiguous rather than randomly scattered about the drive platters.2. If a PC has less than 512 MB of RAM, add more memory. This is a relatively inexpensive and easy upgrade that can dramatically improve system performance.3. Ensure that Windows XP is utilizing the NTFS file system. If you're not sure, here's how to check: First, double-click the My Computer icon, right-click on the C: Drive, then select Properties. Next, examine the File System type; if it says FAT32, then back-up any important data. Next, click Start, click Run, type CMD, and then click OK. At the prompt, type CONVERT C: /FS:NTFS and press the Enter key. This process may take a while; it's important that the computer be uninterrupted and virus-free. The file system used by the bootable drive will be either FAT32 or NTFS. I highly recommend NTFS for its superior security, reliability, and efficiency with larger disk drives.4. Disable file indexing. The indexing service extracts information from documents and other files on the hard drive and creates a "searchable keyword index." As you can imagine, this process can be quite taxing on any system.The idea is that the user can search for a word, phrase, or property inside a document, should they have hundreds or thousands of documents and not know the file name of the document they want. Windows XP's built-in search functionality can still perform these kinds of searches without the Indexing service. It just takes longer. The OS has to open each file at the time of the request to help find what the user is looking for.Most people never need this feature of search. Those who do are typically in a large corporate environment where thousands of documents are located on at least one server. I recommend disabling it.Here's how: First, double-click the My Computer icon. Next, right-click on the C: Drive, then select Properties. Uncheck "Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching." Next, apply changes to "C: subfolders and files," and click OK. If a warning or error message appears (such as "Access is denied"), click the Ignore All button.5. Update the PC's video and motherboard chipset drivers.6. Once a month, run a disk cleanup. Here's how: Double-click the My Computer icon. Then right-click on the C: drive and select Properties. Click the Disk Cleanup button -- it's just to the right of the Capacity pie graph -- and delete all temporary files.7. In your Device Manager, double-click on the IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers device, and ensure that DMA is enabled for each drive you have connected to the Primary and Secondary controller. Do this by double-clicking on Primary IDE Channel. Then click the Advanced Settings tab. Ensure the Transfer Mode is set to "DMA if available" for both Device 0 and Device 1. Then repeat this process with the Secondary IDE Channel.8. Upgrade the cabling. As hard-drive technology improves, the cabling requirements to achieve these performance boosts have become more stringent. Be sure to use 80-wire Ultra-133 cables on all of your IDE devices with the connectors properly assigned to the matching Master/Slave/Motherboard sockets. A single device must be at the end of the cable; connecting a single drive to the middle connector on a ribbon cable will cause signaling problems. With Ultra DMA hard drives, these signaling problems will prevent the drive from performing at its maximum potential. Also, because these cables inherently support "cable select," the location of each drive on the cable is important. For these reasons, the cable is designed so drive positioning is explicitly clear.9. Remove all spyware from the computer. Use free programs such as AdAware by Lavasoft or SpyBot Search & Destroy. Once these programs are installed, be sure to check for and download any updates before starting your search. Anything either program finds can be safely removed. Any free software that requires spyware to run will no longer function once the spyware portion has been removed.10. Remove any unnecessary programs and/or items from Windows Startup routine. Using the MSCONFIG utility is one way. Here's how: First, click Start, click Run, type MSCONFIG, and click OK. Click the StartUp tab, and then uncheck any items you don't want to start when Windows starts. Unsure what some items are? Visit the WinTasks Process Library. It contains known system processes, applications, as well as spyware references and explanations. Or quickly identify them by searching for the filenames using Google or another Web search engine. Or even better yet. If you have Spybot S&D installed. You can use it to stop programs from starting up. Open Spybot and go into Advanced Mode. Go down to Tools, and then open System Startup. There you can disable programs from starting. NOTE: If you have the Genuine Windows Advantage installed, you will want to leave all "system.ini" running. Or you wont be able to get updates from MS to install.11. Remove any unnecessary or unused programs from the Add/Remove Programs section of the Control Panel.12. Turn off any and all unnecessary animations, and disable active desktop. In fact, for optimal performance, turn off all animations. Windows XP offers many different settings in this area. Here's how to do it: First click on the System icon in the Control Panel. Next, click on the Advanced tab. Select the Settings button located under Performance. Feel free to play around with the options offered here, as nothing you can change will alter the reliability of the computer.13. If you are an advanced user who is comfortable editing their registry, try some of the performance registry tweaks offered at Tweak XP.14. Visit Microsoft's Windows update site regularly, and download all updates labeled Critical. Download any optional updates at your discretion.15. Update your anti-virus software on a weekly, even daily, basis. Make sure you have only one anti-virus software package installed. Mixing anti-virus software is a sure way to spell disaster for performance and reliability.16. Make sure you have fewer than 500 type fonts installed on your computer. The more fonts you have, the slower the system will become. While Windows XP handles fonts much more efficiently than did the previous versions of Windows, too many fonts -- that is, anything over 500 -- will noticeably tax the system.17. Do not partition the hard drive. Windows XP's NTFS file system runs more efficiently on one large partition. The data is no safer on a separate partition, and a reformat is never necessary to reinstall an operating system. The same excuses people offer for using partitions apply to using a folder instead. For example, instead of putting all your data on the D: drive, put it in a folder called "D drive." You'll achieve the same organizational benefits that a separate partition offers, but without the degradation in system performance. Also, your free space won't be limited by the size of the partition; instead, it will be limited by the size of the entire hard drive. This means you won't need to resize any partitions, ever. That task can be time-consuming and also can result in lost data.18. Check your system's RAM to ensure it is operating properly. I recommend using a free program called MemTest86. The download will make a bootable CD or diskette (your choice), which will run 10 extensive tests on the PC's memory automatically after you boot to the disk you created. Allow all tests to run until at least three passes of the 10 tests are completed. If the program encounters any errors, turn off and unplug the computer, remove a stick of memory (assuming you have more than one), and run the test again. Remember, bad memory cannot be repaired, but only replaced.19. If the PC has a CD or DVD recorder, check the drive manufacturer's Web site for updated firmware. In some cases you'll be able to upgrade the recorder to a faster speed. Best of all, it's free.20. Disable unnecessary services. Windows XP loads a lot of services that you most likely do not need. 21. At least once a year, open the computer's cases and blow out all the dust and debris. While you're in there, check that all the fans are turning properly. Also inspect the motherboard capacitors for bulging or leaks. System Tune-upSystem Tune-up:OK, lets start with a basic cleanup of your system.It might be wise to print a copy of this.

Open up your start menu. Then go to"All Programs", > "Accessories", >"System Tools". And look for "Disk Cleanup" Select your main drive, usually drive C. And click OK. This could take some time, so don't worry. Then put Checks only on "Temporary Internet Files", "Recycle Bin" and "Temporary Files". Click OK. Then YES. Next we need to clean out your browser cache and cookies. Open Internet Explorer. On the top toolbar, choose "Tools", then "Internet Options" On the General Page, under "Temporary Internet Files". Choose "Delete Files" and "Clear History". Then go to Settings, > View Files and remove any cookies you really don't need. Which might be onlyleave ahandful left.Now if you don't already have them, Download AdAware.And Spybot S&D.Update them both. On Spybot,Click to "Immunize and for now close them both out.Now to get more into a system cleanup.Go to your Start Menu, to your "My computer Icon and R-Click on it. Then down to "Properties". Then click on the "System Restore" tab. Then put a check at "Turn off System Restore". Click Apply and OK. Remember this part so you can turn "System Restore" back on.Now Click on your "Start Menu" again, and click onthe "My Computer" icon. On the part that says "Hard Disk Drives", R-Click on your Drive C (C). Then down to "Properties" and click to open. On the main window that opens, choose the "Tools" tab. On "Error Checking", Click "Check Now" A new window will open. Put a check mark on both options and click OK. You will be informed that it can't run now and would you like to run "Disk Check" on next reboot. Click OK.Now go to your "Start Menu" once again. To your "Run" icon. And type "msconfig" without the quotes.This will open up the "System Configuration Utility". Click on the "BOOT.INI" tab andput a check on "/SAFEBOOT" Click Apply and OK. You will be informed that you will need to reboot your Computer. Click OK. Remember this last path. You will need to come back to this part To get your Computer back into normal
