XIII Assignment of Std-2 Session -2020-21 English …XIII Assignment of Std-2 Session -2020-21...


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  • XIII Assignment of Std-2

    Session -2020-21

    Subject – English Date-13.07.2020


    B. Tick (✓) sentences that are true and cross (X) the sentences that are not true.

    1. Kumar does not like his job. (X )

    2. Kumar drives Bus No. 11 in the morning. (✓)

    3. Kumar eats on the bus. (X)

    4. Men and women travel on Bus No. 500. (X)

    5. Kumar always works from morning till evening. ( X)

    6. Kumar is a careful driver. (✓)

    C. Write a or an before each word.

    1. an axe 7. a plate

    2. a key 8. a lunch box

  • 3. a cat 9. a banana

    4. a spoon 10. an owl

    5. an orange 11. an elephant

    6. a bowl 12. an umbrella

    D. Complete this story with a , an or the.

    Once upon a time, there was a boy named Liu Chu . Liu Chu and

    his mother lived in an old bamboo hut near a lake.

    One day, his mother asked him to find food for them. Liu Chu went

    to the lake and caught an orange fish. The

    fish asked Liu Chu to let it go. Liu Chu was a kind boy. So, he let

    the fish go. The fish was happy. Liu Chu plucked some

    fruits for his mother and went home.

    E. Write the opposites of these words.

    1. happy X sad 5. bottom X top

    2. cold X hot 6. long X short

    3. difficult X easy 7. clean X dirty

    4. fast X slow 8. fat X thin

    G. Complete these words with -er or -or .






  • 6.actor







    H. Write what a doctor does. Complete these lines with the phrases from the box.

    1.A doctor works at a hospital.

    2. There are many doctors in a hospital.

    3. Doctors treat sick people.

    4. A doctor always wears a white coat.

    5. Doctors give us medicines.

    Note- Students are instructed to do the given assignment in their English Grammar Book.

    Q. Write these sentences about 'Rainy Season' and learn it.

    wears a white coat at a hospital

    treat sick people many doctors in a hospital

    us medicines

  • 1.The rainy season comes after the summer season.

    2.It begins in June and ends in September.

    3. It is one of the four main seasons.

    4. It is also called monsoon season.

    5.We use umbrella, gumboots, raincoats, etc when we go out.

    6. We like to have hot food and drinks.

    7. All the water bodies get filled with water.

    8.Children take shower and float paper boats in the water of rain.

    9. Rain water washes nature and makes it clean,green and fresh.

    10. I like this season very much.

    Note- Students are instructed to do the given assignment in their English notebook neatly.

  • Assignment no.-13

    दिन ांक-13.7.20 से 17.7.20

    कक्ष -िसूरी

    विषय-द ांिी

    प ठ्य पुस्तक से

    प्र॰१.मौखिक प्रश्नोत्तर य ि करें।

    क.अरनव और अवनन पाकक में क्या कर रहे थे?

    उत्तर-अरनव और अवनन पाकक में खेल रहे थे।

    ख.ककसके बोलने की आवाज़ आई?

    उत्तर-पेड़ के बोलने की आवाज़ आई।

    ग.पेड़ ने जोर से क्या कहा?

    उत्तर-पेड़ ने जोर से कहा-मुझे मत तोड़ो।

    प्र॰२.िी गई िगग प ेली में कुछ न म छछपे ैं।ढूूँढकर ललिो।(पेज नां॰37 में करें)

    •पेड़ों के नाम-बरगद नीम

    •फूलों के नाम-चमलेी गलुाब

    •जानवरों के नाम-शेर बंदर

    •पक्षियों के नाम-तोता मैना

  • •फलों के नाम-सेब अंगूर

    •सब्जजयों के नाम-गोभी पालक

    •अनाजों के नाम-चावल गेहूूँ

    अभ्य स पुस्स्तक

    प्र॰१.ककन् ी प ूँच छ य ि र िकृ्षों के न म ललिो।ककसी एक पेड़ क चचत्र बन कर पेड़ के प ूँच भ गों के न म ललिो।

    पेड़ो के नाम-•बरगद •पीपल •नीम •आम •शीशम

    भागों के नाम-•जड़ •तना •पत्तत्तयाूँ •शाखाएूँ •फल

    •फूल •छाल

    व्य करण

    स्त्री पुरुष(ललांग)

    •पुरुष या स्त्री जानत के बारे में बताने वाले शजद ललगं कहलाते हैं।

    •सभी नाम शजद स्त्री-पुरुष अथाकत स्त्रीललगं या पुब््लंग होते हैं।

    •शजद के ब्जस रूप से उसके स्त्री जानत के होने का पता चलता है,उसे स्त्रीललगं कहते हैं।जैसे:-दादी,लड़की,हथथनी

    •शजद के ब्जस रूप से पुरुष जानत के होने का पता चलता है,उसे पुब््लंग कहते हैं।जैसे:-दादा,लड़का,हाथी

  • प्र॰१(क).चचत्र िेिकर ि ली स्थ नों में न म ललिो।(पेज नां॰32 में करें)

    लड़का-लड़की दादा-दादी

    चूहा-चुहहया मोर-मोरनी


    (ि)स ी शब्ि चुनकर ललिो।(पेज नां॰32 में करें)

    [मुगी मोरनी चुद य लड़की]

    पुस््लांग स्त्रीललांग

    लड़का लड़की

    मुगाक मुगी

    मोर मोरनी

    चूहा चुहहया

    (ग)शब्ि छ ूँटकर जोड़े बन ओ।(पेज नां॰33 में करें)

    [मामा चाचा हाथी मामी हथथनी चाची

  • शेरनी बकरा शेर घोड़ी बकरी घोड़ा]

    उत्तर- मामा मामी चाचा चाची

    हाथी हथथनी शेर शेरनी

    घोड़ा घोड़ी बकरा बकरी

    (घ)रांगीन शब्िों के ललांग बिलकर ि क्य िोब र ललिो।(पेज नां॰33 में करें)

    •उधर मोर बैठा है। उधर मोरनी बैठी है।

    •घोड़ी घास खाती है। घोड़ा घास खाता है।

    •अध्यापक पढ़ा रहे हैं। अध्यात्तपका पढ़ा रही हैं।

    ग ृ-क यग:-

    अपने पररि र के इन तीन-तीन सिस्यों के न म ललिो।

    ________ ________ ________

    ________ ________ ________




    1. Subtract:-

    a. b.

    c. d.

    Answer → a. 55 b. 46 c. 38 d. 19

    2. Arrange in columns and subtract:-

    a. 38 - 9 b. 73 - 7

    T O

    6 2

    - 7

    T O

    5 2 - 6

    T O

    4 6 - 8

    T O

    2 8

    - 9

    T O

    T O

  • c. 94 – 5 d. 42 - 4

    T O

    Answer → a. 29 b. 66 c. 89 d. 38

    3. Subtract the following :

    a. b.

    c. d.


    H T O

    3 6 4

    2 7

    Answer → a. 296 b. 715 c. 337 d. 608

    T O


    H T O

    3 4 2

    4 6


    H T O

    7 5 2

    3 7


    H T O

    6 9 7

    8 9

  • 4. Fill in the boxes :

    a. 53 – 1 =

    b. 45 - = 40

    c. – 2 = 70

    Answer → a. 52 b. 5 c. 72

    5. Complete the table :

    a. 4 x 2 = ____

    b. 5 x 5 = _____

    c. 2 x 6 = _____

    d. 3 x 7 = _____

    e. 6 x 9 = _____

    f. 7 x 8 = _____

    Answer → a. 8 b. 25 c. 12 d. 21 e. 54 f. 56

    NOTE : Complete the exercises given in Pages 59 to 64 in

    Text Book .


    Class – II Subject – EVS

    Date – 13.7.2020

    Lesson – 6 Eating Healthy

    I. Fill in the blanks with the given words .

    ( balanced food fruits cover )

    1. ___________ helps us to stay healthy and fight illness .

    2. ____________ are protective food .

    3. ____________ all food with a lid or net .

    4. We must eat a _____________ diet .

    Ans 1 Food 2 Fruits 3 Cover 4 balanced

    II. Match the following .

    1. Energy – giving food a) Eggs

    2. Body building food b) Fruits

    3. Protective food c) Potatoes

    4. Drinking water d) Food from animals

    5. Eggs e) Balanced diet

    6. Carrot and radish g) Vegetables

    7. A healthy mix of food items h) Clean and filtered

    Ans 1 c) 2 a) 3 b) 4 h) 5 d) 6 g) 7 e)

    III. Tick ( ) the correct statement .

    1. We get pulses like ________ from plants .

    a) Gram b) Wheat c) Pumpkin

    2. Cheese is made from

    a) Egg b) Meat c) Milk

    3. A balanced diet contains

    a) Only energy –giving food

    b) Different kinds of food

    c) Only protective food

    4. Rice and potato are a part of this food .

  • a) Energy – giving food b) Body building food c) Protective food

    Ans 1 a) 2 c) 3 b) 4 a)

    IV. Draw and colour your favourite fruit and vegetable .

    NOTE: Complete Q.1 to 5 in EVS Textbook and Q6 in EVS Notebook.




    1. Answer the following questions.

    1. What does an obedient child do ?

    Ans. An obedient child always follows the orders of his parents , teachers

    and elders.

    2. How can we make our parents happy?

    Ans. We can make our parents happy by obeying them.

    3. What did Eklavya do to show his gratitude towards his guru Dronacharya?

    Ans. Eklavya cut off his thumb and gave it to his guru Dronacharya to show his


    2. Who said these words?

    1. “My dear, I am going to fetch a cabbage for your dinner.”

    Ans. Mother goat

    2. “ Open the door quickly, or I shall be very angry with you.”

    Ans. The wolf

    3. “ Do not try to cheat me . Just go away.”

    Ans. The little kid


    Chapter-3 COMPUTERS AT OUR SERVICE Date: 13.07.2020 to 17.07.2020

    Answer the given questions:-

    1.) Mention any three uses of computers at malls.

    Ans: Following are the two uses of computers at malls.

    a) Computers help in conducting security checks.

    b) Computers are used at billing counters for billing of purchases.

    c) Computers are also used for booking of tickets.

    2. Do you agree that computers have brought great changes in railways and

    airways? Give three points in support of it.

    Ans: Computers have brought a revolutionary change in railways and airways.

    a. Computers provide fast and accurate ticket reservation facility.

    b.Computers help in keeping track of trains/ flight movement.

    c. Computers help in automating signaling and radar operations.







    Learn the following:

    1. Which sports do these sportspersons play ?

    • Cristiano Ronaldo-football

    • Novak Djokovic-tennis

    • PV Sindhu-badminton

    • Michael Phelps-swimming

    2. Name the folk dance of :

    • Gujarat-Garba

    • Punjab-Bhangra

    • Rajasthan-Ghoomar

    • Assam-Bihu

    3. Write the name of five toys:

    • Blocks

    • Rocking horse

    • Doll

    • Toy train

    • Teddy bear

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