Www.worcestershire.gov.uk BESD review update Briefing for Headteachers July 2012


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BESD review update

Briefing for HeadteachersJuly 2012.


Progress so far


•Detailed needs analysis and consultation•Reports to elected members / ChS LT / BOLD programme board •Principles and Service Specification completed and signed off as basis for LA commissioning•Preferred options presented and confirmed as basis for further action by ChS LT•Acknowledge need for review and equitable / transparent allocation of resources•Locality (NE / NW / S) and phase specific delivery models to be explored – one size may not fit all!


National policy developments


• April 2013 – PRU budgets delegated – no longer LA provision

• School / HLN funding changes – LA commissioning specialist / alternative provision places

• ‘Place plus’ funding for special schools and PRUs / Alternative Provision

• Challenge of financial viability, sustainability, stability• Any new school will be academy / free school• Sponsored academy solutions apply to PRUs in Ofsted



BESD in Worcestershire – current position and future options for service redesign


• Local (NE, NW, S) and phase specific (primary, secondary) solutions building on current position – with consideration of middle school needs

• Options to be developed and implemented with schools and other providers – market development for sustainable ‘future proof’ provision

• Reduce organisational / structural barriers within the BESD continuum

• No additional LA capital / premises committed• Equity of access and outcomes for pupils will be LA



BESD in Worcestershire – current position – Primary

• Specialist provision in WF School – limited in Riversides and Kingfisher

• Perryfields outstanding, strong behaviour support links, developing partnership role in BESD continuum with m/s and special

• Beacon satisfactory, upward trajectory, Acting Head, provides for all N Worcs P Ex and co-ordinates NW behaviour support

• Coach House – staff deployed from Beacon• Effective Nurture provision in primary phase schools.

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BESD in Worcestershire – future options– Primary

• County-wide multi site single PRU• North and South Worcs multi site PRUs• Strengthen nurture approach• Middle school provision• Local and sustainable provision presents financial

challenge• Smaller units likely to require ‘federated’ leadership

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BESD in Worcestershire – current position and future options - Secondary


• NW- WF Special School includes BESD

- Sec SSS provision currently led by local mainstream Trust – upward trajectory

- 2013 options - AP Free School (preferred option if DfE approve) or local academy sponsorship



BESD in Worcestershire – current position and future options - Secondary

• NE- BESD special school and SSS stable, upward

trajectory- Develop according to local partnership preferences –

stand-alone PRU; alignment with BESD Special; alignment with mainstream partners / external (eg Free School)

- No preferred option- No external imperative for change (other than




BESD in Worcestershire – current position and future options- Secondary

• South Worcs- Special School – satisfactory (potentially good?) –

leadership changes offer opportunity for redesign if GB choose

- Mainstream partnerships emerging. Schools engaged in principle but not yet ready to deliver collectively

- 2 (3?) Secondary partnership groups – redefine ‘S. Worcs’ provision.



BESD in Worcestershire – current position and future options - Secondary

• South Worcs continued – Newbridge SSS- Merged 2010 - relocated 2011 – purpose built

conversion- Capacity weak at all levels (LA and Ofsted findings)- Unable to meet needs of LA, schools or pupils- Action Plan in place to address weaknesses in

leadership, teaching, curriculum, organisation- Interim improvement plan pending service redesign


Newbridge SSS – LA actions• New acting head (previously Deputy, had been Teacher in Charge of

outstanding PRU) – supported by Associate Head from BESD Special school

• Additional deputy seconded from Forge SSS• LA and Consortium working together to manage admissions and prevent

unplanned admissions until provision is stabilised• Alternative Provision (including home tuition where required) for newly

permanently excluded pupils)• Input from EP and LA Behaviour Management lead to establish behaviour

management routines, reinforce staff skills, and monitor implementation of behaviour policy

• Input from School improvement team to challenge and develop quality fo teaching and learning

• Structured performance management established• Experienced governor recruited to strengthen Management Committee• Engagement with local heads to share information and request support

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Newbridge / S Worcs BESD ‘structural solutions’

LA desired outcomes (basis for commissioning):-

• Sustainable high quality provision meeting new BESD service specification

• Delivery of Newbridge Action Plan – rapid improvement in all areas

• Sustainable leadership of BESD in S Worcs



S Worcs BESD – preferred options for ‘structural solutions’

1. BESD ‘Hub’ – reconfigure BESD special school and PRU into a single organisation offering specialist and alternative provision across several sites, and delivering behaviour support / outreach to mainstream.

- involves Riversides GB opting for Sponsored status.

2. Commission PRU provision through mainstream or AP partnership – Free School / external provider / Academy sponsor for PRU.



Sponsored Academy / Free School –implications

• New governance arrangements• Closure of SSS and reopening as sponsored Academy

or• Closure of SSS and commissioning from new provider• Options to use all existing sites flexibly• Potential to recruit, retain and develop high flying leaders

and staff – long term sustainability• Value added from access to wider sponsor resources


What next?

Autumn 2012 – • working groups LA / Heads – preferred local /

phase options with costings• Consultation• Proposals for redesign – appropriate approvalJan 2013 – • Transition and implementation Sept 2013• Redesigned provision in place.

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