Www.wdl.org Reaching and Engaging Users Michelle Rago Product Manager, World Digital Library Library...


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Reaching and Engaging Users

Michelle RagoProduct Manager, World Digital LibraryLibrary of Congressmrag@loc.govwww.twitter.com/WDLorg


• Key metrics for 2012

• Describe methods we are using to reach and engage users now

• Describe efforts we plan to launch in 2013

Key metrics for 2012

Key metrics for 2012• Over 4.2 million visits

• Over 21 million page views

• Overall traffic numbers are lower for 2012 as compared to 2011. Mainly due to spikes caused by television coverage.

• Traffic to the Arabic site increased 70+%

• Visits from iPads increased 480+%

Top countries in 2012Spain: 16.7%Mexico: 13.3%United States: 12.6%Brazil: 10%Argentina: 4.8%Colombia: 3.9%Portugal: 3.5%France: 3.3%China: 3.2%Russian Federation: 3.1%

Chile: 1.3%Peru: 1.3%Canada: 1.2%Venezuela: 1%Ukraine: 1%United Kingdom: 1%Germany: .9%Saudi Arabia: .9% Iran: .9%Egypt: .8%

Countries on 2011 list, but not on 2012: Sweden, Uruguay

Language of pages viewed in 2012

Spanish: 55%English:


Top content in 2012Map of Spain and Portugal (1810)National Library of Brazil

Sweden Ancient and Modern (1698)National Library of Sweden

Teresa Cristina Maria, Empress of Brazil (1850)National Library of Brazil

Codex Gigas (Devil’s Bible) (1200)National Library of Sweden

Map of St. Augustine (1589)Library of Congress

Gutenberg Bible (1454)Bavarian State Library

Portrait of Chola Woman, Bolivia (1911)Library of Congress

The Light of the Eyes and the Enlightened Landscape of Vision (16th century)National Library and Archives of Egypt

Anatomical Drawings, Texts (1573)Wellcome Library

First Nerchinsk Regiment of Zabaikal Cossack Troops (1907)Russian State Library

Top search terms in 2012

What are we doing now to reach and engage users?

• Launched WDLorg Twitter account in May 2011

• 15,000 followers; gaining 213 followers per week

• We only follow WDL partners

• Promote WDL content, partners, project news. Respond to user feedback.

• Regular features: #MapMonday, #PhotoFriday

• Completed #WDLTour in which we highlighted one item about one country per day• “Can we go around again?”


• Just what the web needed! Thanks from Argentina.

• One of the best information/image galleries I have found in ages. (Djibouti)

• Thank you for this great site. Thank you for the treasure of knowledge. (Syria)

• Cool resource. Hope it continues to grow. (China)

• Totally accessible and for free! (Canada)

• A great discovery! (Spain)

Comments from Twitter (WDLorg)

• Booth at World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE)

• Cooperation with Library of Congress Educational Outreach team:• WDL promoted at six major educational conferences• Teacher Institute focused on world cultures

• Added section for teachers to project site (http://project.wdl.org/education/)

• Presented in Albania, Belarus, Canada, Japan, Spain

• Virtual conferences

Conferences, presentations

Efforts we plan to launch in 2013

• Wikipedia is the 5th most popular site on the Web

• Available in over 280 languages

• Over 24 million articles

• How many articles link to the WDL?

• Referrers from Wikipedia in 2012: 35,000

• Users who come from Wikipedia view more pages than the average user

• British Museum, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, Smithsonian Archives of American Art



Top content in 2012Map of Spain and Portugal (1810)National Library of Brazil

Sweden Ancient and Modern (1698)National Library of Sweden

Teresa Cristina Maria, Empress of Brazil (1850)National Library of Brazil

Codex Gigas (Devil’s Bible) (1200)National Library of Sweden

Map of St. Augustine (1589)Library of Congress

Gutenberg Bible (1454)Bavarian State Library

Portrait of Chola Woman, Bolivia (1911)Library of Congress

The Light of the Eyes and the Enlightened Landscape of Vision (16th century)National Library and Archives of Egypt

Anatomical Drawings, Texts (1573)Wellcome Library

First Nerchinsk Regiment of Zabaikal Cossack Troops (1907)Russian State Library

Wikipedian objectives

• Serve as liaison between WDL and Wikipedia communities

• Draft Wikipedia-related policies, strategy. Work with WDL partners.

• Mobilize Wikipedians to better represent WDL content on Wikipedia in all relevant languages

• Organize WDL outreach events for the Wikipedia community

• Wikipedian-in-Residence will start in early 2013

Full text search

Full text search

• Increasing the amount of text that can be indexed by external search engines (Google, Baidu) will increase traffic and will improve user experience

• Worked with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina on a full text search application

• Continue work on interface and release in beta in 2013

Mobile optimization

Mobile optimization

• Visits from iPads increased over 480% compared to 2011

• Non-mobile traffic is still over 90% of overall traffic

• Mobile broadband subscriptions are expected to reach 5 billion in 2016. Need to be better positioned for the future.

• Mobile optimization will ensure the user experience on tablets and smartphones is fast, visually appealing, and intuitive.

• Work to begin in first quarter of 2013

Mobile device trends in 2012

60% of iPad users are coming from: Spain, U.S., Mexico, Brazil

iPad application for educators

• Educators are increasingly using iPads in the classroom and are searching for high-quality content and activities

• Apple doubled the sale of iPads in U.S. education market in the 3rd quarter compared to last year; PC sales dropped 14% during same period.

• Work to begin in first quarter of 2013

Discuss reporting use of partner content

Reporting use of partner content

• We realize reporting how your content is being used is important

• Working on sustainable method of providing useful reports to partners

• Specific questions you would like answered in regular reports?

“Everybody take my advice, follow the World Digital Library, and you’ll be amazed.”

