Www.operationlegacy.net 1 I Am an American HERO Who has Served my Country OPERATION LEGACY TM Macias...


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I Am an

American HEROWho has Served my Country

OPERATION LEGACYTM Macias - Nicholson - Zhang

I am coming home…NOW WHAT?

by Spc. Jason Garcia

Copyright 2008 www.operationlegacy.net


Military Demographics

Active duty military demographics(Source: Military Times, as of June 30, 2008)

Active Duty 1,385,116

Spouses 728,408

Children 1,207,087

Men 85%

Women 15%

Age 18 – 25 45%

Age 26 – 34 30%

Age 35+ 25%

Married 53%

High School Grad 96%

Some College 45%

College Graduate 18%

Military Veterans 24.5 million

women 1.7 million

African American 2.3 million

Hispanic 1.1 million

Asian 276,000

American Indian 185,000

Hawaiian/Pacific islander 25,000

The U.S. Census Bureau offers the following facts about U.S. veterans in 2005:


The casualty count for American deaths in the Iraq Coalition from 3/2003 to 11/2008 is 4,207



Military Veteran Challenges areThe Worst in American History

Photo Courtesy of U.S. Army

They fought for our freedom At Home:SuicidesCBS Investigation concluded 120 Veterans commit suicide each week. (CBS News, “Suicide Epidemic Among Veterans, “November 13, 2007.

More than  115,000 veterans attempt suicide every year, nearly 20% suicide attempts in the entire United States each year. (Falls Church News Press, May 17, 2007).

Average age – 24 years old

Photo: Tech Sgt. Keri S. Whitehead


by Pfc. Elizabeth Erste

Military Veteran Challenges areThe Worst in American History

They lived in harms way At Home:Domestic ViolenceThe Miles Foundation Inc. has reported that calls to their Domestic Violence Hotline for Military Spouses has increased from 50 to 500 per month since the start of the Iraq War.

In May of 2007, the American Journal of Epidemiology reported that incidents of child abuse involving military families either leaving or just returning from deployment had risen 30% since 2001.

Photo: Courtesy of U.S. Army


by Spc. Katherine M. Roth

Military Veteran Challenges areThe Worst in American History

At Home:Some made the ultimate sacrifice

Divorce According to U.S. Army data, the number of active-duty soldiers getting divorced has been rising sharply with deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq.  Last year 3,325 Army officers ended in divorce; up 78% from 2003. For enlisted personnel, the 7,152 divorces last year were 28% more than in 2003 and up 53% from 2000. (USA Today, June 8, 2005)

by Petty Officer 1st Class Bart A. Baur


by Pfc. William Servinski II

Military Veteran Challenges areThe Worst in American History

So we can enjoy freedom At Home:JoblessnessThe U.S. bureau of Labor Statistics reported that for the first three quarters of 2005, nearly 15% of Veterans aged 20-24 years of age were jobless, three times the national average. 

Mental Health and Substance Abuse - According to Iraq-Afghanistan Veterans of America, more than 78,000 OIF/OEF veterans have sought help for mental health related issues and more than 28,000 have been treated for substance abuse (Source: IAVA, “Mental Health Problems Among Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans,” 3/24/07).

by Spc. Teddy Wade


by SSG Kyle Davis

Military Veteran Challenges areThe Worst in American History

So we can live without tyranny

At Home:

Homelessness in the U.S. Among Military HeroesAccording to a 2007 National Alliance to End Homelessness report, one in four (25%) of people living on our U. S. streets are Military Veterans (Nearly 300,000 Veterans).


Military Veteran Challenges areThe Worst in American History

They Cared for the Children

At Home:Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - In November of 2007, the U.S. Army reported that 40% of reservists returning from Iraq needed treatment for depression or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The VA has seen more than a tenfold increase in PTSD claims since the start of the Iraq war.

by SSG Kyle DavisBy Petty Officer 1st Class Michael Larson

By 1st Lt. Bob Miller

By Staff Sgt. Aaron Allmon II

By Tech Sgt. Mike Buytas


Military Veteran Challenges areThe Worst in American History

Our Veterans do not have to become part of these statistics

Praying over

Thanksgiving Dinner in Kosovo At Home:

VA AssistanceOnly 30% of Veterans seek help from the Veteran’s Administration. According to the military sources, most who suffer from combat related emotional and psychological problems do not seek help.  Many experts believe this is due to the “adapt and overcome culture of the military, or a fear of being stigmatized as needing psychological help. Source: VA interview

by SSG Kyle Davis

www.operationlegacy.net10 To Live a Life of Purpose, Meaning and Happiness

Our Veterans Must Bridge the Gap betweenMilitary and Civilian Life

Life Planning Workbook

by SSG Kyle Davisby Department of Defense



Welcome Home We Love and Appreciate You - How can we help?

Our Veterans are home …now what?Resources are not available to help our Veterans plan for a long-term life of purpose and meaning. There are resources for immediate needs of food and clothing, etc., but after that….

Operation Legacy fills the gap

by Poppyseed Bandits

by Brigett Siter

Photo Courtesy U.S. Army


Creating a Vision of Where they Want to Be

There is Hope with a Planned Future

by Chief Warrant Officer Kiel Skager

With Operation Legacy

Our Veterans create a vision of their future…A vivid picture of a successful future for themselves and their family is the first step toward achieving a life of purpose and meaning.

Starting with the future in mind enables them to begin to build a realistic plan for action.

Veterans were trained to take action in the military – Operation Legacy transfers this action to civilian life.


The New Mission is Civilian Life

Selecting Core Values to Live by

by Capt. Sonise Lumbaca

Core Values Matter – how we live our lives makes all the difference…Veterans identify the core values that will govern their lives with integrity.

Core values reflect who we are, and how the world views us as we make decisions and interact with others.

With Operation Legacy

Photo Courtesy of U.S. Army


For Themselves and Their Families

A Life of Passion and Purpose

by Department of Defense

With Operation Legacy

Veterans discover their passions…Over 70% of Americans dislike their jobs. By identifying their passions, or “calling” in life, our Veterans can plan a life and career of purpose that they love and will get them jumping out of bed every morning.

When people make an impact doing something with purpose that they love and are skilled at, success is to be expected.


A Planned Future

Veterans Make an Impact putting their Skills into Action

With Operation Legacy

Veterans identify their unique talents, abilities and skills…Focusing on existing strengths and abilities enables us the opportunity to excel and be the best at what we do.

Applying effort and improving in areas where we are skilled provides the edge for a successful and happy life.

Action Planning is essential…Action must be planned, executed and monitored. Taking one step forward each day on a solid action plan will produce amazing results over time. Proven tools and techniques help to ensure success.by Sr. Airman Brian Ferguson


To Achieve their Dreams

Serving others - giving back gives us much more

Photo Courtesy of U.S. Army

Serving others is key to a happy and content life…By giving back to the community, selfless acts of service immediately builds esteem and self worth.

One of the most effective responses to feeling depressed is to help others.

Our Veterans know how to serve from their military experience, and should begin serving others as soon as possible at hometo ensure a happy and content life.

With Operation Legacy

By Spc. Christopher Sl Barnhart

Photo Courtesy of U.S. Army

By Tim Hipps


And Leave a Legacy

Creating Action Plans to live their Hopes and Dreams

Photo by Sgt Lisa Lotter Our Veterans have already paid the price…They deserve to build a life of purpose, meaning and happiness for themselves and their families.

By aligning their values, passions and skills with solid action planning, they can create a successful and valuable life. They can proudly leave a legacy to future generations.

Operation Legacy provides the way.

By Staff Sgt. Aaron Allmon II Photo: U.S. Army


Our Veterans Are Coming Home

From this:

Photo Courtesy of U.S. Army

by Spc. Jason Garcia

by Spc. Katherine M. Roth

by SSG Kyle Davis

by Pfc. William Servinski II

by Pfc. Elizabeth Erste


www.operationlegacy.net19 Living a Life of Purpose, Meaning and Happiness…

Photo by Sgt Lisa Lotter

…Welcome Home Heroes!

by Chief Warrant Officer Kiel Skager

by Department of Defense

by Capt. Sonise Lumbacaby Maj. William Thurmond

Photo by Sgt Lisa Lotter

Photo Courtesy of U.S. Army

To this:

Operation Legacy Helps Find the Way



Life Planning Workbook for Our Military Veterans and their Families

One book can change a Veterans life

…Now What?

Photo Courtesy of U.S. Army *

by Spc. Teddy Wade

by Tech. Sgt. John M. Foster

• We honor Capt. Kimberly Hampton who was killed when her helicopter was attacked near Fallujah, west of Baghdad.



Grass-roots call to America for help!- Citizens – Companies – Giving Groups -

- Faith-based Organizations -


Please Help Us Get the Word Out

“Give a Book to a Veteran - Change a Life”It’s That Simple!


The Operation Legacy Workbook Content– Five steps and twenty exercises to build a personal

plan for a better life– Designed specifically for our military men and women

to bridge the gap from military to civilian life– Enables our Military Veterans to:

• Select their core values• Write a compelling Mission Statement• Identify their skills and talents• Create an Action Plan to achieve their hopes and dreams• Join support groups to help with the journey• Live a Life of Purpose, Meaning and Happiness

A Plan for their Future


Marine Corps Officer (Ret.) / Military Media Advisor

"This reads like the definitive Field Manual for the difficult transition from military to civilian life.  Wish I'd had something similar when I made the leap.  It would have saved a lot of hassles and heartaches.  If you're planning on leaving military service after one tour or an entire career, get this book and study it from cover to cover.  If you know someone who is getting out and about to cross that transitional minefield, get this book for them.  You can't find a better way to say thank you for their service."  Dale Dye, Captain, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret), Warriors Inc., Media Military Advisors

Endorsements We Are Proud Of



Military Consultant/Minister“Operation Legacy will help you answer the question, “Why am I here on this planet? And  “How can I best maximize

my gifts and talents to serve humanity?”  Don’t become one of the many who pass through life without having played their best music. Take this book to heart and give it your all. Remember, if you can look up, then you can get up – so never give up.” Dr. Ron Archer, Consultant to U.S. Military, Pastor, and Author of Ron Archer on Teams, Dunamis and Soulfood for the Chicken.

 Professor/Global Psychologist“Spread this gift around.  Operation Legacy is for everyone in the midst of one of life's great transitions. Its

revolutionary tools and exercises create focus and velocity—exactly what you need to start soaring with a life of passion, purpose, and positive attitude.  Where does the secret of success reside? Come look inside.” David Cooperrider PhD-Author of Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change Fairmount Minerals Professor and Chair of theCenter For Business as an Agent of World Benefit Weatherhead School of Management Case Western Reserve University

President – Phillips Graduate Institute"This is a must-read down to earth workbook that is clearly written to provide the much needed support and

encouragement for our military heroes as they make the transition from military life to civilian life. This book is a true gift to give to these heroes who have given so much of themselves for our country.  I would encourage all family members of these heroes to read this as well.  It is inspirational while at the same time giving practical suggestions that will improve the quality of their lives."  Lisa Porche-Burke, PhD President of Phillips Graduate Institute



Navy Corpsman/International ConsultantThe “Operation Legacy Team has done our returning Veterans and our Nation a great service. This book and the

important program that it represents will improve or even save many lives among the thousands of military men and women, heroes all, who are returning from war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The book is easy to read, easy to use and powerful in its impact. Any one who uses these materials will benefit from them.  As a Hospital Corpsman serving in Vietnam with both the Marines and the Navy I have seen the affects of war close up. Surviving combat does not always mean surviving the experience of war. “Operation Legacy “will be the difference for many of our returning troops and help each one that is touched by the program to transition to happier and more productive life.  We should all salute and support this important work. William Belgard HMCM USNR Ret., Director Aerospace & Defense, Oliver Wyman Consulting Group , Marsh McLennan Inc.  

Military Combat VeteranTo our military veterans, “I encourage you to embrace the principles of this book. YOU have served us well and to that

end we are grateful. Let the information herein serve you to become what you were destined to achieve and that is greatness.” Antonio Loya, U.S. Army Combat Veteran

Dale Carnegie Training Expert "A desire to make a difference in our world is woven into the fabric of most humans. Operation Legacy is a must-read-

a rebirth for anyone looking to design a roadmap for a meaningful life.  The authors show genuine gratitude for our veterans.  They reignite a spirit that leads to a life of hope, promise and self-discovery."  Nancy Santarelli, Dale Carnegie Training Consultant



Thanking Our American HeroesWho Have Paid The Price

The Red, White and Blue will Never Fade

May God Bless Our Troops



~ Preserving Our American Freedom ~

by Department of Defense Photo by Sgt Lisa Lotter




♦ Log onto www.OperationLegacy.Net

♦ You can personally give books to Veterans, or we will furnish them to Veterans for you.

Thanking Our American Heroes