[Www.nyinaymin.org]how to create android applications 1~16


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  • htarhtarlwin.blogspot.comwww.facebook.com/htarhtarlwintun


    ????????????? ??????? ????????????? Android application ?????????????????? beginner ?????? ???????????????????Tutorial ????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? reference ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Android Application ??????? ??)????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    ??) jdk1.7.0 ?????????????https://dl.dropbox.com/u/94729309/jdk1.7.0.rar??????? install ??????????

    ??) Eclipse ?????????????http://eclipse.stu.edu.tw/technology/epp/downloads/release/juno/R/eclipse-mobile-juno-win32.zipeclipse-mobile-juno-win32.zip ??? unzip ???????? eclipse ?????????????? D drive ?????????????? (????????????????????????D drive ?????????????????????????????????????????? D drive ?????????????????????????????????)

    ??) Android SDK ??????????????http://dl.google.com/android/installer_r20.0.1-windows.exeinstaller_r20.0.1-windows.exe ??? run ??? Next ?????????????????????Install just for me ???????????? NextDestination floder ??????????? application ??????????????????? Browse ?????????????Install ??? click ???Next??????????? Finish ????????????

    ??) Tools ??? Android 3.0??? check ???????? Install 5 packages ??????????

    (4.2 ??????????????????????????? 3.0 ?????????????? 3.0 ??????????????????)

  • htarhtarlwin.blogspot.comwww.facebook.com/htarhtarlwintun


    ??) eclipse ???????? eclipse ?????????????????????????? double click ??????????????) Workspace ???????????????? application ????????????????????????????????????? OK ??? click ?????) ??????? Android Developer Toos (ADT) plug-in ?????????????? (ADT plug-in ??? download ???????????? offline install??????????????????)Help>Install New Software>Add ??? click ???

    ???????????????????? Ok ???????

    ????????????????????? Next ???????

  • htarhtarlwin.blogspot.comwww.facebook.com/htarhtarlwintun


    Connection ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? android application ??????? software ???????????????????????????????????????????????

  • htarhtarlwin.blogspot.comwww.facebook.com/htarhtarlwintun


    Android Application (?) ??? htarhtarlwin.blogspot.com ???????????

    Android Application ??????? (?)

    Hello world!??????????? Application????????????????????

    eclipse??? open ???????


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    Project create ?????????????

    File>New>Android Application Project

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    ?????????????? ????????????? Next ??? click ??? Minimum Required SDK ??? 2.2 ????????? ?? application ???

    Android version 2.2 ?????????? install ??????????????? application ????????????????? sdk version ????? 3.0


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  • htarhtarlwin.blogspot.comwww.facebook.com/htarhtarlwintun


    Browse ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? (application logo ??? ?????????????????????????? ????????????

    ???????? Next???????????)

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    ??????????????????????????? Next

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    ??????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? Install/Upgrade ??? click ???

    (??????????????????????? ??????????????????? install??????????????????????????????)

    Accept All ??????????? Install??? click ???

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    ???????????????? project???????? create???????????????????????

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    (1) ????? (Android version 2.2 ?????????) ??? USB debugging??? check??????????

    (2) Phone??? ???????????? USB Cable????????????????

    (3) Run>Run???????????

    (4) ??????????????? ??????? device???????????? OK???????

    (5) Phone ???????????????? Hello World! ?????????????????

    (6) ????? menu ??????????? Droid1 ?????? application ????????????? ??????? touch ???????

    ??????????? Hello world! ????????????? ????? application ??????????? uninstall

    ????????????????????? ???????????? (Settings>Applications>Manage applications


    apk file ??????????????????

    bin ???????????? Droid1.apk ?????? ???????????????? ??????? ???????????????????? install ????????????

    ??????????????????????????????? ????????????? software ??????????? (???????????????????????????????????)

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    ??????? data ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????

    ????????? select ????????? button ?????? click ???????????????? (??????????????????????????????????????????)

    Android Application ??????? (?)

    Run on Emulator

    ????????????????? Android application ????????????????????????????? android device (?????/tablet/note)

    ?????????????????????? ???????????????? ?????????????????????

    ??????????????? ??? (emulator) ??? run ???????????

    ????????? (?)????????????? project ??? real device ???? ? run ?? emulator ??? run ???????????? emulator

    ??????????????????? run?????????????????????

    ??????? Android Virtual Device Manager?????????????

    eclipse ???????????? tool bar ???? Android Virtual Device Manager ?????? tool ?????????? click ???


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    ????????????????????????? (??????????? RAM 1024??? 512 or 256 or 128???????????)

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    HHl??????????? Start??? click???????

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    eclipse??????????? ????????? (?) ????????????? application??? Run ???

    Hello world!?????? ???????????? emulator ??????????????????

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    Android Application ??????? (?)

    ?????????????????? (?)??? create ?????????? Droid1 ??? coding ?????????????????????????????? ???? application ???

    run ???????? Hello World! ??????????????????? ??????????? ????????????????????????????? ??????????


    ????????????????????? Package Explorer??? Droid1>src>com.example.droid1>DroidActivity.java????????????

    package com.example.droid1;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    import android.app.Activity;

    import android.view.Menu;

    import android.widget.TextView;//*****

    public class DroidActivity extends Activity {


    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    TextView tv = new TextView(this);//*****

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    tv.setText("Hello! I'm Dr. Htar Htar Lwin");//*****




    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

    getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.main, menu);

    return true;



    //***** ???????????????????????????????????????????

    ??????????? phone ??????????????????? run ????? Emulator ??? run ???????????????? run ????????

    Android Application ??????? (?)


    ????????????????? tutorial ?????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????


    ??????????????????????????? Android SDK ??????????????????????????????????

    ???????????????????? install ??????????? ?????? install ??????????????????????????

    ??????????????????????? D: drive ???????????????????????? ???? D:\sdk ????? sdk

    ??????????????????????????????????? D drive ????????????????????????????????????????

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    ????????????????????? Start SDK Manager ??? check ??????????? latest SDK tools ?????? platform ??????

    download ?????????????? ??????????????? platform ?????? check ???????? Install * packages ??? click ???????????? (*

    = number of packages)

    Android 4.2??? download?????????????????????????? (????????????????????????????)

    ?? ?????????????????????????????????? sdk folder (Android SDK ??? install ??????????????) ??? SDK Manager


    ??????????? eclipse??? download??????? unzip???????????

    Eclipse ??????? ????? IDE ??????????????? ???????? ????????????????? eclipse???????????????????????

    Eclipse ??? android application ??????????????? ADT Plugin??? install?????????????????

    ???????????????????????????? ???????????????

    Project ???????? create ?????????? eclipse ??????????????? command line tools ??????????????????????????

    ????????? eclipse??????????????????????????????

    ????? create ?????????? application ??? run ????????????? ???????????????????? run ????????? emulator ??????????

    run ??????????? ?????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • htarhtarlwin.blogspot.comwww.facebook.com/htarhtarlwintun


    Android Application ??????? (?)

    ???? SDK 2.2 ??????????????? ??????? 3.0 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????


    ??????????? User Interface????????????????????

    ??) Tool bar ???? create a new Android project ?????? tool ??? click ?????????????????????????????????? Next ???


    ??????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? (????????????????????) ??????? Next ???

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    ??????????????????? MyApp2>res>layout>activity_main.xml ????????????? ??????? code ??? copy


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    ?????????? MyApp2>values>strings.xml ??????????????????? code ???????????????

    My First App

    Enter a message




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    Run ???????? ??????? emulator ??? run ?????????????????? ????????????????? Textbox ???????? Button

    ??????????????????????? ????????????????????? run ??????????? bin ?????? apk ?????????????????????????????????

    install??????????????? (coding ?????????????????????)????????????????)

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    Android Application ??????? (?)

    ????????? (?) ??? coding ?????????????????????????????????????

    ???????????? textbox ???????? button ??????????????

    ????????????????????? textbox ??? button ????? layout ?????????????????

    For layout

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    android:text="@string/button_send" />

    My First App

    Application ??? name ???

    Enter a message

    Application run ???????? textbox ?????????????????? string Enter a message ???


    Application run ???????? button ???????????? string Send ???



  • htarhtarlwin.blogspot.comwww.facebook.com/htarhtarlwintun


    Android Application ??????? (?)

    ????????????????????? (??????????????????? project ???????????????????

    ?????????? textbox ???????? button ??? create ???????????? ??????????? textbox ???????????????????? button

    ??????????? ????????? display ?????????????????? ????????? ??????????????????? MyApp


    Open MyApp>res>layout>activity_main.xml

    Add android:onClick="sendMessage" as follow:


    Open MyApp>src>MainActivity.java

    Add these codes.

    package com.example.myfirstapp;

    import android.app.Activity;

    import android.content.Intent;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    import android.view.Menu;

    import android.view.View;

    import android.widget.EditText;

    public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    public final static String EXTRA_MESSAGE = "com.example.myfirstapp.MESSAGE";

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    /** Called when the user clicks the Send button */

    public void sendMessage(View view) {

    Intent intent = new Intent(this, DisplayMessageActivity.class);

    EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.edit_message);

    String message = editText.getText().toString();

    intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE, message);




    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {





    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

    getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.activity_main, menu);

    return true;



    Tip: In Eclipse, press Ctrl + Shift + O to import missing classes

    Now you need to create the DisplayMessageActivity class in order for this to work.

    To create DisplayMessageActivity class

    1. Click New in the toolbar.

    2. In the window that appears, open the Android folder and select Android Activity. Click Next.

    3. Select BlankActivity and click Next.

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    4. Fill in the activity details:

    o Project: MyFirstApp

    o Activity Name: DisplayMessageActivity

    o Layout Name: activity_display_message

    o Navigation Type: None

    o Hierarchial Parent: com.example.myfirstapp.MainActivity

    o Title: My Message

    Click Finish.

    Figure 1. The new activity wizard in Eclipse.

    Open the DisplayMessageActivity.java file.

    The class already includes an implementation of the required onCreate() method.

    There's also an implemtation of the onCreateOptionsMenu() method, but you won't need it for this app so

    you can remove it.

    The class should look like this:

    public class DisplayMessageActivity extends Activity {


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    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {





    All subclasses of Activity must implement the onCreate() method.

    The system calls this when creating a new instance of the activity.

    It is where you must define the activity layout and where you should perform initial setup for the activity


    Add it to the manifest

    You must declare all activities in your manifest file, AndroidManifest.xml, using an element.

    You used the Eclipse tools to create the activity, it creates a default entry.

    It should look like this:


    Receive the Intent

    Every Activity is invoked by an Intent, regardless of how the user navigated there.

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    You can get the Intent that started your activity by calling getIntent() and retrieve the data contained

    within it.

    In the DisplayMessageActivity classs onCreate() method, get the intent and extract the message delivered

    by MainActivity:

    Intent intent = getIntent();

    String message = intent.getStringExtra(MainActivity.EXTRA_MESSAGE);

    Display the Message

    To show the message on the screen, create a TextView widget and set the text using setText().

    Then add the TextView as the root view of the activitys layout by passing it to setContentView().

    The complete onCreate() method for DisplayMessageActivity now looks like this:


    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    // Get the message from the intent

    Intent intent = getIntent();

    String message = intent.getStringExtra(MainActivity.EXTRA_MESSAGE);

    // Create the text view

    TextView textView = new TextView(this);



    // Set the text view as the activity layout


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    Finally, DisplayMessageActivity class looks like this:

    package com.example.myfirstapp;

    import android.app.Activity;

    import android.content.Intent;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    import android.widget.TextView;

    public class DisplayMessageActivity extends Activity {


    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    // Get the message from the intent

    Intent intent = getIntent();

    String message = intent.getStringExtra(MainActivity.EXTRA_MESSAGE);

    // Create the text view

    TextView textView = new TextView(this);



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    // Set the text view as the activity layout




    You can now run the app.

    When it opens, type a message in the text field, click Send, and the message appears on the second


    Figure 2. Both activities in the final app, running on Android 4.0.

  • htarhtarlwin.blogspot.comwww.facebook.com/htarhtarlwintun


    Android Application (9) ??? htarhtarlwin.blogspot.com ???????????

    Android Application ??????? (??)


    Android device ?????? current time ??? display ?????????? application ????????????

    ???????? project ????? create ????????????

    Project name ??? skeleton ??????????? activity name ??? Now ??????????

    ??????? Now.java file ?????????? source code ??????????????????

    package com.example.skeleton;

    import android.app.Activity;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    import android.view.View;

    import android.widget.Button;

    import java.util.Date;

    public class Now extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener {

    Button btn;

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    public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {


    btn = new Button(this);





    public void onClick(View view) {



    private void updateTime() {

    btn.setText(new Date().toString());




    package com.example.skeleton;

    ??????? package ??? declare ?????????

    import android.app.Activity;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    import android.view.View;

    import android.widget.Button;

    import java.util.Date;

  • htarhtarlwin.blogspot.comwww.facebook.com/htarhtarlwintun


    ?????????????? program ??????????? class ?????? import ????????? android-specific class ???????? android

    package ??????????????

    public class Now extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener {

    Button btn;

    Activity Now ?? public class ???????? android.app.Activity ?????? base class ??? extend ????????????

    ?? program ????????? Now ?? button (btn) ???????? hold ????????????? (Button ????? android widget

    ???????? widget ????? application ??????????? UI element ??????????????? Widget ???????????? View ??????

    base class ??? extend ??????????)

    Button click ?????????????? ?? activity ??????? trap ????????????????? Now ?? OnClickListener ???? ????

    implement ?????????????


    public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {


    btn = new Button(this);





    Activity ???????????????? onCreate() ?????? method ??? invoke ??????????

    The first thing you should do is chain upward to the superclass, so the stock Android activity initialization

    can be done.

    ??????? button instance ???????? create ??????????? ???????? button click ????????????? instance ??????????

    setOnclickListener() ??????????????? ?????????????? updateTime() method ???? ?????????

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    ??????????????????? program ??? run ??????????? ?? button ??????????? current time ??? display

    ??????????????????????? setContentView() ?????

    public void onClick(View view) {



    Button ???????? click ????????????? button ????? configure ?????????? onClickListener instance ??? onClick()

    method ??? invoke ?????????? ??????? updateTime method ??? call ???????????? ?????????????????

    button ??? click ???????????????

    private void updateTime() {

    btn.setText(new Date().toString());


    Activity open ??????????????? ????????? button ??? click ?????????????? button ??? label ??? current time

    ?????????????????????????????????? setText() ????????????????

    ??????????? program run ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? tap ???????? current time

    ??????? tap ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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    ??????? onCreate() method ??? updateTime() ???????????? run ??????????? run run ????? current time

    ??????????????????? tap??????? current time ?????????????? ????????????

    Android Application ??????? (??)

    Widget ?????? create ???????? activity ??? attach ????????? Java code ??????????????????????

    ??????????????????????????????????) XML-based layout file ?????????????????????????????????????

    ????????????????????????? XML-based layout ?????? widget ?????????????? relationship ??? widget ??? ?????????

    continer ????????? relationship ???????????????????????????? XML-based layout ?????? resource

    ????????????????????? layout file ?????? res folder ?????????????????

    XML element ?????? attribute ?????? ???????? properties ?????? widget ????? ?????????????????????????

    container ??????????? ?????????????????? properties ???????? ???? Button element ???????? attribute value

    ? android:textStyle = bold ?????????? ????????? button ?????????? text ? bold ???????????????????????

  • htarhtarlwin.blogspot.comwww.facebook.com/htarhtarlwintun


    ?? layout ???????????????? aapt tool ??????? R.java ?????? file ??? generate ????????????? layout ??????

    layout ??? widget ??????????????????? R.layout.main or R.id.button ?????????????????????????????

    ??? ???????? xml code ??????????? button ?????????????????????? ???????? project ????? create ???????

    ??????????? NowRedux ?????????? layout name ??????? main ???????????????? ??????? xml code ??????

    ??????? res/layout ?????? main.xml file ??????????????????? ????????? run ??????????? button ??????????????

    ???? button ??? tap ??????????? ??????????????????????? ????????????????????? button


    ??????? XML layout file ??? button ???????? create ????????????


    Root element ??? Android XML namespace ???????? declare ????????????????? element ???????? root ???

    children ??????????? name space declaration ??? inherit ??????????


    ?? button ??? jave code ????????????????????????? ?????? identifier ???????????????? android:id attribute

    ???????????????????? element ????????? id ???????????????? java code ??????????????????? element ???????? id


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    Button ?????? XML element ???????????? Button ????? Android-supplied widget ??????????????? class

    name ?????????????????????????????????????????????? widget ???????? android.view.View ??? subclass ????????

    create ????????????????? full package declaration ?????????????? com.example.MyWidget ????????????????



    ??????? button ??? width ??? height ???????????????


    button ??????????????? text ???????????????????????????????? space ?????????

    ????????? button ???????? XML code ???????????????????????? main.xml ??????? res/layout ????????????????? layout file

    ??? java code ??? access ??????????????????? NowRedux.java file ??? onCreate() call back ?????


    ?????? statement ??????????????????????

    ???????? button ??????????????????????



    ??????? java code ?????? NowRedux.java ??????????????????????

    package com.example.layouts;

    import android.app.Activity;

    import android.os.Bundle;

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    import android.view.View;

    import android.widget.Button;

    import java.util.Date;

    public class NowRedux extends Activity

    implements View.OnClickListener {

    Button btn;


    public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {







    public void onClick(View view) {



    private void updateTime() {

    btn.setText(new Date().toString());



    ??????? run ??????????????? ??????????????????????? ??????????? button ??? tap

    ??????????????????????????????????????? ???? program ?????????????? ???????????? button ??? XML code


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    Android Application ??????? (??)

    Employing Basic Widget

    ??????? widget ?????????????????????????????????? Widget ????? filed, label, button???????????????

    Assigning Labels

    Label ??? android ??????? TextView ??????????? user ? edit ?????????????? ?????????????????????????????

    ???? textbox ?????????? ??????????????????????????????????? user ?????? ?? box

    ??????????????????????????? ?????????????? label ??? ???? textbox


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    Label ???????? create ??????????? TextView instance ??? create ?????????? ????????????? XML layout file

    ????? TextView element ???????????????? create ??????????????????? button ???????????????????????? android:

    text property ????????????????????????? text ????????????????????????? properties ??????????????????


    monospace ??????????????


    bold, italic or bold and italic ????????


    ????????????????????????????? RGB hex format ???????????????????????????????????? #FF0000 ?????

    ?????????????????????????? project ????? create ???????? Label ?????????????? activity name ??? main

    ?????????????????? main.xml file ?????????? code ?????????????? run ???

    ??????? output ?????

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    Fields of Green. Or Other Colors.

    ??????? Edit Text ??????????????????

    Edit Text widget????? TextView ??? subclass ??? Edit Text ??? properties ????????


    auto spelling ???????????????????


    ?????????????????? ???????????????? capital ????? auto ???????????????????


    digit ???????? ????????????????

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    single line or multiline ??????????????????


    numeric-only input ????????


    password input ????????


    phone number ???????????????????

    Field ?????? project ????? create ??????? activity name ??? FieldDemo ??????????

    main.xml ??????????? code ?????????????

    android:singleLine ?? false ????????????? ?????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????

    FieldDemo.java file ?????????? code ???????????????????

    package com.commonsware.android.basic;

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    import android.app.Activity;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    import android.widget.EditText;

    public class FieldDemo extends Activity {


    public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {



    EditText fld=(EditText)findViewById(R.id.field);

    fld.setText("Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 " +

    "(the \"License\"); you may not use this file " +

    "except in compliance with the License. You may " +

    "obtain a copy of the License at " +




    Run ????????????????????????????????

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    Android Application ??????? (??)

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    1. trivia ?????? game ???????? design??????????

    2. application prototype (?????) ??? implement??????????

    3. game prototype ??? run??????

    1. Designing an Android Trivia Game

    ?? game ??? user ??????????????????????????????

    ? ??????????????????????????????

    ? ??????????????????

    ? Great white sharks ??? diving ??????????

    ? ??????????????

    ???????????????????????????????????? game ??? Been, Done That! ?????????????????

    1.1. Determining High-Level Game Features

    ??????? features ?????????

    ? Application name, version and developer ????????????? splash sequence ?????

    ? Scores ???????????????????????

    ? Game rules ????????????????

    ? Game settings ?????????????????

    ?? feature ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? main menu ???????????????

    ???? user ? application ?????????????????????????????????

    ???????????? Been There, Done That! ?????? application ??? screen ??????????

    1. A startup screen

    2. A main menu screen

    3. A game play screen

  • htarhtarlwin.blogspot.comwww.facebook.com/htarhtarlwintun


    4. A settings screen

    5. A scores screen

    6. A help screen

    ?? screen ????? Been There, Done That! application ??? ???? user interface ??????????

    1.2. Determining Activity Requirements

    Screen???????????? activity class??????????????? Figure 6.1 ??? activity ???????????????

    Base Activity class ?????????????????? ?????? QuizActivity ??????????????? ????? activity


    1. QuizActivity: android.app.activity class ??? extend ????????? application preferences ???

    ????? application-wide settings and features ?????? ?? class ??? define?????????

    2. QuizSplashActivity: QuizActivity ??? extend???????????? splash screen ??????????

    3. QuizMenuActivity: QuizActivity ??? extend???????????? main menu screen ??????????

    4. QuizHelpActivity: QuizActivity ??? extend???????????? help screen ??????????

    5. QuizScoresActivity: QuizActivity ??? extend???????????? scores screen ??????????

    6. QuizSettingsActivity: QuizActivity??? extend???????????? settings screen ??????????

    7. QuizActivity ??? extend???????????? game screen ??????????

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    1.3. Determining Screen-Specific Game Features

    Activity?????????? basic features ?????? define??????????

    1.3.1. Defining Splash Screen Features

    Splash screen ? ?? application ????? entry point ?????????? ?????? functionality (code) ??????

    QuizSplashActivity class????????????? ?? screen ????????????????????????????????

    ? Application name and version?????????

    ? Game ????? ??????????????????????? graphic or logo?????????

    ? ???????????????????????????????? main menu screen ?????????????????????????

    Figure 6.2 ??? splash screen ????????????

    1.3.2. Defining Main

    Menu Screen Features

    Main menu screen ????????? ????? screen ??????????????????? Main menu screen ? splash

    ????????????????? user ? ?? ??? screen ???????????????????? ?????????????? ?????? functionality ??????

    QuizMenuActivity class ??????????? main menu screen????????????????

  • htarhtarlwin.blogspot.comwww.facebook.com/htarhtarlwintun


    ? Splash screen ????????? main menu screen ???????????????????

    ? User ??? Play Game, Settings, Scores, or Help

    ????????????????????????????????????? Figure 6.3 ??? main menu screen????????????

    1.3.3. Defining Help Screen Features

    Help screen ????? user ??? game ?????? play ???????????????????? ?????? functionality ???????

    QuizHelpActivity class ??????????? help screen?????????????????????????

    ? User ??? help text ????????? ????????? scroll ????????????????????? ???????????

    ? User ??? Question ???? suggest?????????????????????????

    Figure 6.4 ??? Help screen????????????

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    1.3.4. Defining Scores Screen Features

    ?? screen ????? user ??? game scores ???????????????????????????????? ?????? functionality ??????

    QuizScoresActivity class ????????????? ?? screen ?????????????????????????????????????

    ? Top score ?????????

    ? ???????? user ? game screen ????????????????????? score?????????

    Figure 6.5 ??? scores screen ????????????

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    1.3.5. Defining Settings Screen Features

    ?? screen ????? user ??? game settings ??? edit ???? save ??????????????????????????????? game

    settings ????????? user name and other important features ??????????????? ?????? functionality ??????

    QuizSettingActivity class ??????????? ?? screen????????????????

    ? User ? game settings ?????????????????

    ? User ??? ????????????????????????????

    Figure 6.6 ??? basic settings screen??????????????

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    1.3.6. Defining Game Screen Features

    ?? screen ? trivia quiz??? display????????????? ?????? functionality??? QuizGameActivity class

    ??????????? ?? screen?????????????????????????

    ? Yes/no questions ????????????????????

    ? Input??? handle????????? score ??? state???????????????

    ? User ??????????????? scores screen???????????????????

    Figure 6.7 ??? game screen??????????????

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    2. Implementing an Application Prototype

    1. Android project????? create?????????

    2. Application resources ?????????? strings ??? graphics ????????????

    3. Screen ???????????? layout resource??????? create?????????

    4. Screen ???????????? java class??????? implement ???????? (Activity class ??? extend


    5. Activity ??????????????????????????? application-wide preferences ??? create?????????

    2.1. Creating a New Android Project

    ? Project name: BTDT

    ? Build target: Android 2.3.3 + Google APIs (API Level 10)

    ? Application name: Been There, Done That!

    ? Package name: com.android.btdt

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    ? Create activity: QuizSplashActivity

    ??? setting ??????? project ??? create ????????????????????????????????????????????????????)

    2.2. Adding Project Resources

    Activity ???????????? layout file ?????????????? activity name ???????????????? text string

    ?????????????? application icon ????????????????????????????????????????

    2.2.1. Adding String Resources

    Eclipse ??? res\values\strings.xml ???????????????? hello ?????? string ??????????????? string ????? ???

    create ??????? screen ???????? string ????????????? screen ?????????????????????????????????????????

    Been There, Done That!

    Help Screen

    Main Menu Screen

    Splash Screen

    Settings Screen

    Game Screen

    Scores Screen

    2.2.2. Adding Drawable Resources

    Application ????????????????? icon ????????? 48 x 48 pixel ?????? PNG type image file ????? create

    ???????? photoshop ???????????????????????????? ??????? quizicon.png ??????????? ??????? drawable ?????? folder

    ?????????? ??????????????? icon.png ???????????????????????? ????????? ?????????? size ????????? create

    ??????????????????? /drawable-ldpi, /drawable-mdpi, /drawable-hdpi ?????? folder ?????? size

  • htarhtarlwin.blogspot.comwww.facebook.com/htarhtarlwintun


    ????????????????????????????? (low, medium, high resolution)?? ?????????? ????????????????????????? ???

    ?????????????? ????????? refer ??????????????????????? refer ???????????????? android operating system ?

    device ????????????????? icon version ??????????? ?????????????????? (?? project ??????????

    ???????????????? ????????????????????????? default icon ?????????)

    2.2.3. Adding Layout Resources

    Activity ???????????? layout resurce file ??????? create ????????? main.xml ??? splash.xml

    ?????????????????? splash.xml file ???????????????? (copy ??????) ?????????? game.xml, help.xml, menu.xml,

    scores.xml, settings.xml ?????????? error ?????????????????????? layout ??? TextView conrol ? @string/hello

    string ??? refer ??????????????? ???? hello ??????????????????? ????????????????????? ???????????? layout file

    ???????????????????????????????? game.xml ????????????????? @string/hello ??????? @string/game ????????????????

    splash.xml ???????? ??????? file ?????????????? ????????????????????? ??????????? @string/splash,

    @string/help, @string/menu, @string/scores, @string/settings ??????????????????

    2.3. Implementing Application Activities

    src\com.androidbook.btdt.hour6\QuizSplashActivity.java file ??? copy ??????? file name ???

    QuizActivity.java ?????????? coding ????????????????????????????????? save ??????????

    package com.androidbook.btdt.hour6;

    import android.app.Activity;

    public class QuizActivity extends Activity {public static final String GAME_PREFERENCES = "GamePrefs";


    2.3.1. Creating the Rest of the Application Activities

    ???????? copy ?????????????? file name ?????? QuizMenuActivity, QuizHelpActivity,

    QuizScoresActivity, QuizSettingsActivity, QuizGameActivity ????????????? (copy

    ????????????????????????? com.androidbook.btdt.hour6 package name ??? right click ???????? New Class

    ?????????????????? class name ??????????)

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    ?????? file ????????? error ???????? ???????????????????? file ????????? main.xml ??????????????

    ???????????????????????? splash.xml ??????????????????????? ????????? file ????????????????????????????????? ????

    QuizHelpActivity.java file ? setContentView() method ???

    setContentView(R.layout.help); ????????????????

    package com.androidbook.btdt.hour6;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    public class QuizHelpActivity extends QuizActivity {/** Called when the activity is first created. */@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.help); }}

    ??????? QuizScoresActivity, QuizSettingsActivity, QuizMenuActivity, QuizGameActivity file ??????????


    package com.androidbook.btdt.hour6;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    public class QuizScoresActivity extends QuizActivity {/** Called when the activity is first created. */@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.scores); }}

    package com.androidbook.btdt.hour6;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    public class QuizSettingsActivity extends QuizActivity {/** Called when the activity is first created. */@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.settings); }}

    package com.androidbook.btdt.hour6;

    import android.os.Bundle;

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    public class QuizMenuActivity extends QuizActivity {/** Called when the activity is first created. */@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.menu); }}

    package com.androidbook.btdt.hour6;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    public class QuizGameActivity extends QuizActivity {/** Called when the activity is first created. */@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.game); }}

    2.3.2. Updating the Android Manifest File

    ??????????? manifest file ???????????????? (?) @drawable/quizicon ?????????? (??????????????????

    ????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ????????) (?) ?????????????? activity ??????????

    manifest file ??? register ????????? (?) debuggable application attribute ??? true ??????? QuizSplashActivity

    ??? default activity ?????????????????????????????? ?? activity ??? screen ??????? Splash screen ?????? ????

    display ??????????

    2.4. Creating Application Preferences

    ?? application ???bastic state information and user data ????????? ???????????????????? ?? functionality

    ????????????? androids shared preferences ??????? android.content.SharedPreferences ????????????????????

    Shared preferences ??? application ??????? activity ?????????????????????????????????????????????

    base class ??????? QuizActivity.java file ??? public static final String GAME_PREFERENCES = "GamePrefs";

    ?????????????????????????????????????? subclasses ??????????????????????????????? (create ???????????? shared

    preference ?????????????????????????????? preference ?????? categories ????????????? preference name

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    ???????????????????????? ???? game preferences ???? user preferences ???????? shared preference


    Application ????? shared preference ???????????????????????????????????????????

    1. Activity class ??? SharedPreferences object ??? instance ??? retrieve ??????????????

    getSharedPreferences() method ????????????

    2. Preference ?????? modify ???????? SharedPreference.Editor ?????? object ??? create ?????????

    3. Editor ??????????? preference ????????????????

    4. Editor ??? commit() method ?????????????????????????????? commit ?????????

    2.4.1. Saving Specific Shared Preferences

    Preference ?????? key/value ??????????????????? preference value ????? ??????? data type


    ? Boolean

    ? Float

    ? Integer

    ? Long

    ? String

    ??? preference ??? save ??????????????????????????????????? SharedPreferences object ???

    instance ???????????????????????????????????? editor ?????????????????????????????????????????????

    commit ?????????????? users name ??? age ?????? preference ?????? save ??????????? activity class

    ???????????? code ????????????

    SharedPreferences settings =getSharedPreferences(GAME_PREFERENCES, MODE_PRIVATE);SharedPreferences.Editor prefEditor = settings.edit();prefEditor.putString(UserName, JaneDoe);prefEditor.putInt(UserAge, 22);prefEditor.commit();

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    preference ????????????? clear ??????????? shared preferences editor ?????????????????? clear() method

    ??????????????????? preference ???????? remove ???????????????????? (?????? remove ??????????? preference

    ???????????) remove() method ????????????

    2.4.2. Retrieving Shared Preferences

    Editor ???????????????????????? create ?????????? retrieve ???????????????????? activity class

    ??? shared preference values ?????? retrieve ???????????????? code ????????????

    SharedPreferences settings =getSharedPreferences(GAME_PREFERENCES, MODE_PRIVATE);if (settings.contains(UserName) == true) {// We have a user nameString user = Settings.getString(UserName, Default);}(shared preferences ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????)

    3. Running the Game Prototype

    ???????? debug configuration ??? create ?????????

    3.1. Creating a Debug Configuration

    New eclipse project ???????? debug configuration ????????????????? AVD (emulator) ??? configure

    ???????????? ?????? application ???????????????? Minimum sdk version ????????????????? (???????

    application ??? minimum sdk version ??????????????????????????????????????? AndroidManifest.xml file


    ???????????? application ??? android API level 7 ????????? configure ?????????? emulator ??? real android

    device ??????????????????????? ?? application ??????????????????? API level 10


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    AVD ????????????????????????? Eclipse toolbar ? Android Virtual Device Manager

    ?????????????????? ???????????????????? AVD ?????????????????????????? application ???? run ?????? Eclipse

    toolbar ???? Android Virtual Device Manager ??? click ???? ?????????????? AVD ??? select ?????? ??????? start

    button??? click ???????

    3.2. Launching the Prototype in the Emulator

    emulator ????????????? AVD manager window ??????????????? (emulator ???????????????????????????)

    eclipse ? Run button ??? click ??????? ????????? (bug) ????????? click ?????????????


    ?????? emulator ??? run ?????????? Lunch a new Andorid Virtual Device option ??? select ???????? OK

    ??????? ????????????????????????? configure ?????????? AVD ???????? ???????????????

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    ??????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ?????????????????? ??? AVD

    ?????????????????????? OK??? click ???

    emulator ??? run ??? ???????????????? ???????????? real device ????? run ???????????? Figure 6.8

    ????????????????????????????? (emulator ???????????? install???????? run ???????)

    run ??????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????

    Figure 6.8

    ?????????????????? Application window ???????????????????????????????? icon ?????? Been There, Done That!

    ???????????? application ?????????????????? ???????????????? application ???????? ??????????????????

    ??????????????????????????? Been There, Done That! ???????????? application ??? click ???????????????

    default ?????????????? QuizSplashActivity ????????????????????? ?? activity ??? TextView ???????????????

    ????????? title ??? Been There, Done That! ????????????? Splash Screen ?????? ??????????????????? TextView

    ????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? application framework

    ?????????????????????????????????????? coding ????????????????????????? game application


    (??? application????????????? uninstall???????????????)

    ????????? ????? project ??????????? link ????????


    google doc ??????? Hour6???????????????

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    Android Application ??????? (??)

    ???) ??????????????????????????????

    Implementing an Animated Splash Screen

    1. Splash screen ????? design ???????

    2. Splash screen layout ???????????

    3. Animation ??????????

    1. Designing the Splash Screen

    main menu screen ????????????????????????????? screen ?????????????????

    ?? screen ??? title and version information ????????????

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    2. Implementing the Splash Screen Layout

    ?? screen ??? TextView and Imageview control ?????????????? TextView ? text string ????????????

    ImageView ? graphic ?????????? ?? view ?????? screen ??? ????????????????????????????????? ???????

    Layout control???????????? layout control??????????????????

    Layout control ??? View control ?????? attribute ?????????????????? ???? ????????? behavior ???

    control ????????????? control ?????? width and height ?????????????? android:layout_width and

    android:layout_heught ?????? attribute ??????????????? ?? attribute value ?????? dimension

    ???????????????????? ???? number of pixels ??????????????????????

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    ????????????????????????????????????? ???? fill_parent or wrap_content ?????????


    ?????? splash screen ??? ImageView control ??? display ????????????? TableLayout control

    ???????????????? splash screen ??? parent layout ??????? LinearLayout ??????? ???????? TextView,

    TableLayout (??????? TableRow control ????????? TableRow ?????????? ImageView ??????????), ????????

    TextView ?????????

    2.1. Adding New Project Resources

    ?? layout ????????????????? string, color and dimension ?????? resources ??? create ?????????

    splash1.png, splash2.png, splash3.png, splash4.png ???????????????? resolution ??????????? create ???????????

    res/drawable-ldpi, res/drawable-mdpi, res/drawable-hdpi ?????????????????????

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    /res/vlues/strings.xml file ????? String ??????????? ?????? top title (Been There) ?????? ??????

    bottom title (Done That!) ?????????????????? version information ????? (multiple line ??????????)

    ????????? 13 ????????????? splash ?????? string ????????????????? ????????? ??????????????????????

    ?????????????? strings.xml file???????????????????????????

    Been There, Done That!

    Help Screen

    Main Menu Screen

    Settings Screen

    Game Screen

    Scores Screen



    Version 2.0.0\nCopyright 2011 Mamlambo\nAll Rights


    /res/vaules/ ??? color.xml ?????? file ??????????????? color resources ?????????? ?????? title text

    ????? (???????????? ?????? version text ????? (grayish white)?? ??????????? version text background

    ????? (deep blue)? color.xml file ??????????????????????????

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    /res/vlues/dimens.xml file ???????????????? dimension value ???????????? title font size ?????

    (48dp), version text font size ????? (15dp), version text ?????????????????????? line spacing ????? (3dp)?

    dp ?????? unit ??????????? ???? ?????? device resolution ?????????? ?????????????? dimens.xml file

    ?????????? code ??????????????????? save ???

    2.2. Updating the Splash Screen Layout

    splash.xml file??? ?????????????? control ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    1. LinearLayout ???????? Orientation ??? vertical ??????? background color attribute ????????????????????????????????????????

    2. TextView (TextViewTopTitle) ????????

    3. TableLayout (TableLayout01) ????????

    4. TableLayout ????? TableRow ???????? TableRow ????? ImageView ???????????

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    android:id="@+id/TableRow01"android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="wrap_content"android:layout_gravity="center_vertical|center_horizontal">

    5. TableLayout ?????? ???????? TableRow ???????????????? TableRow ????? ImageView


    6. LinearLayout ????? TextView (TextViewBottomTitle) ?????????????

    7. LinearLayout ????????????? TextView (TextViewBottomVersion) ????????????????

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    ????????????? splash.xml file ?????????? code ????????????????????

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    ??????????? save ???? run ???????????????????????????????

    3. Working with Animation

    ??????? splash screen ??? animation ??????????? Android platform ? graphics animation

    ??????????? ??? support????????????????

    ? Animated GIF images

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    ? Frame-by-frame animation

    ? Tweened animation

    ? OpenGL ES

    ?? application ??????? Tweened animation ??????????? alpha (transparency), rotation, scaling,

    translating (moving) animations ????????????????

    3.1. Adding Animations Resources

    Animation ?????? create ???????? fade_in.xml, fade_in2.xml, custom_anim.xml ?????? file ????????

    /res/anim ???????????? fade_in.xml file ????? 2.5 seconds ????????? alpha value 0 (transparent) ??? 1

    (opaque) ???????????????? fade_in.xml file ?????????? code ??????????????????

    ?? animation ??? top TextView control ?????????????

    ??????????? fade_in2.xml animation file ????????????????????????? stratOffset attribute ??? 2500

    milliseconds ?????????????????? animation ?????????????????????????????????????? 5 seconds ?????????? 2.5

    seconds ?????????? 2.5 seconds fade (????????????????????) ???????? 5 seconds ?????? splash screen

    ???????????? display ???????????????????????? fade_in2.xml file ??????????????????????????

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    ??????????????? TableLayout graphics ????? animation sequence ??????????????? ??????????

    rotation, scaling, alpha transition ?????? custom_anim.xml file ???????????????????????????

    0 ??? 360 degree ??? rotate ???????? 2 seconds ??????? alpha value 0 ??? 1 ????????? 2

    seconds ??????? 10% ??? 100% scale ????????? 2 seconds ??????? animation ????????? 2 seconds

    ??????? parallel ?????????????????????????? file ??? save ??????? animation ?????????????? View ?????????????????

    3.2. Animating Specific Views

    Animation sequence ?????? activity class file (QuizSplashAcivity class) ??? coding ??????????????????

    manage ????????? application ??? pause ???????????????????????? animation ?????????????????? application ???

    resume ??????????? animation ??????? resume ?????????????

    ??? fade_in animation ??? title TextView (TextViewTopTitle) ??? apply ?????????????????????????

    QuizSplashAcitivty class ??? TextView control ??? instance ??? create ???????? animation resource

    (TextViewTopTitle) ??? Animation object (logo1) ?? load ????????? ??????? stratAnimation() method ???


    TextView logo1 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.TextViewTopTitle);

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    Animation fade1 = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.fade_in); logo1.startAnimation(fade1);

    onPause() callback ????????? animation ??? stop ????????? clearAnimation() method ???????????????

    ???????? onPause() method ??? code ????????????

    @Overrideprotected void onPause() {

    super.onPause();// Stop the animation

    TextView logo1 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.TextViewTopTitle); logo1.clearAnimation(); TextView logo2 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.TextViewBottomTitle); logo2.clearAnimation(); //stop other animations }

    3.3. Animating All View in a Layout

    Animation ?????? View ??????????????? apply ???????? parent control ????? child View control

    ??????????????????? apply ?????????????? ?????????? TableLayout ???????? LayoutAnimationController

    object ????????????????????


    ? Animation ??? load ????????

    ? LayoutAnimationController ??? instance ??? create ????????

    ? ??????? configure ????????

    ? ??????? layout ??? setLayoutAnimation() method ?? pass ???????????

    ????- ??????? code ????

    ? custom_animation ??? load ???????

    ? LayoutAnimationController ??? create ???????

    ? ??????? TableLayout ??? TableRow ??????????????? apply ???????

    Animation spinin = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.custom_anim); LayoutAnimationController controller = new LayoutAnimationController(spinin); TableLayout table = (TableLayout) findViewById(R.id.TableLayout01);

    for (int i = 0; i < table.getChildCount(); i++) { TableRow row = (TableRow) table.getChildAt(i); row.setLayoutAnimation(controller); }

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    ????????? startAniation() method ??? call ???????????? ???????????? LayoutAnimationController

    ???????????????? LayoutAnimationController animation ??? stop ????????????? clearAnimation() method

    ??????????????? onPause() method ?????????? code ?????????????????????????

    TableLayout table = (TableLayout) findViewById(R.id.TableLayout01);for (int i = 0; i < table.getChildCount(); i++) {

    TableRow row = (TableRow) table.getChildAt(i); row.clearAnimation(); }

    3.4. Handling Animation Life Cycle Events

    ???????? splash screen ??? animation ???????????????????? ???????????? animation ??????????????

    QuizSplshActivity ??? QuizMenuActivity ???? ???????????????? QuizMenuActivity ???? ????????? Intent ????????

    create ???????????????????????? Intent ??? startActivity() method ?? pass ??????????????????? QuizSplashActivity

    ??? finish() method ?????????????? (???????????? back button ??????????? splash screen ???????????????????????????

    ???????????? QuizSplashActivity ??? activity stack ?????????? ??????? finish ??????????????????) fade_in2

    animation ?? 5 seconds ??????? AnimationListener object ??? create ????????? ??????? ?????? callback

    ???????? start, end, repeat ??????????????? onAnimationEnd() method ?? implement ?????????????????

    AnimationListener ???? ?????? create ???????? onAnimationEnd() callback ???? ?????? implement

    ??????????????????? code ??????????????

    Animation fade2 = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.fade_in2); fade2.setAnimationListener(new AnimationListener() {

    public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { startActivity(new Intent(QuizSplashActivity.this, QuizMenuActivity.class)); QuizSplashActivity.this.finish(); }


    ??????????? emulator or real device (handset) ??? run ???????? splash screen ??? animation ??????????? ???????

    main menu ???? ??????????????????????? ???? main menu ????????????? ????????????


    Example project code ??????????????????????? hour7 ???

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    Android Application ??????? (??)

    ???) ??????????????????????????????

    Implementing the Main Menu Screen

    4. Main menu screen ??? design ???????

    5. Main menu screen layout ??? implement ???????

    6. ListViews controls ??????????????????

    7. ????? menu types ??????????????????

    1. Designing the Menu Screen

    ?? screen ???????? application ????????? screen ???????????????? user ?????????? option ????????????

    ???????????? play the game, review the help, configure the settings, view the high scores ?????????

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    ???????????? ????????????????????????????????????? option ???????????? button ???????????????????

    ??????? ?????????? button ??? click ????????? listen?????????????????????????? screen ??? display????????????????

    ???? play the game?????? button ??? click ??????? game play ???? screen?????????????????????? ???????? option

    ?????????????????? button ????????????????????????? ????????? button ??????? ListView control

    ??????????? List View????? option ???????????????????????????? option ??????????? screen ??????????? scroll


    Menu ??? background image ????????????? ListView control ??? custom selection graphic


    User ? list option ?????????? click ??????????????? ??????????????? activity (screen) ??? display


    1.1. Determining Main Menu Screen Layout Requirements

    QuizMenuActivity ????????????? /res/layout/menu.xml layout file ??? ???????????????????? header,

    ListView control, ImageView control ??????????

    1.2. Designing the Screen Header with RelativeLayout

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    Header ??? screen title ????? TextView control ??? display ????????? TextView control

    ?????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? RelativeLayout ???????????? ?????????????

    RelativeLayout ?????? ????????????? child view ?????? parent layout or other child view control

    ??????????????????? ????????????????????? ????????? header ??? RelativeLayout control ???????????? ??????

    child layout ?????????

    ? ImageView control (parent control ??? top left ??????????)

    ? TextView control (parent control ??? top center ?????????)

    ? ImageView control (parent control ??? top right ?????????)

    1.3. Designing the ListView Control

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    ListView control ??? View object ?????????????????????? custom divider ??? selector


    1.4. Finishing Touches for the Main Menu Layout Design

    ListView control ??????? ImageView ????????

    main menu screen ???layout design ???????????????????

    ? RelativeLayout

    o RelativeLayout

    ? ImageView

    ? TextView (Title)

    ? ImageView

    o ListView

    ? Item(0): TextView(Play Game)

    ? Item(1): TextView(View Scores)

    ? Item(2): TextView(Settings)

    ? Item(3): TextView(Help)

    o ImageView

    ?????????????? menu.xml file ??????????????????????????

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    2. Implementing the Main Menu Screen Layout

    Project????? resurce ???????????????

    2.1. Adding New Project Resources

    Layout ????? drawable, string, color, dimension ?????? resource ???????????? ????????????

    /res/drawable????? bkgrnd.png, divider.png, half.png, slector.png ??????? bkgrnd.png ??? background image

    ???????????? (RelativeLayout ?????????? divider.png and selector.png ??? custom divider and selector

    ???????????? (ListView control?????????? half.png??? screen ?????????????????????? (ImageView ??????????

    /res/values/string.xml ??? string ???????????

    Been There, Done That!

    Help Screen

    Settings Screen

    Game Screen

    Scores Screen


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    Version 2.0.0\nCopyright 2011 Mamlambo\nAll Rights


    MAIN MENUSettingsPlay GameView ScoresHelp

    /res/values/colors.xml ??? Color resource ??????????????








    /res/values/dimens.xml ??? dimension ???????????






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    2.2. Updating the Main Menu Screen Layout Files

    Master layout file ??????? menu.xml ??? screen ???????????? layout ?????????????????? ListView

    control ????????? layout file ??????? create ??????????????????????

    2.2.1. Adding the ListView Template Layout

    ListView control ??? item ??????????????????????? item ???????????? layout template ???????????????

    ??????? /res/layout/menu_item.xml file ????????????

    3. Working with the ListView Control

    ??????? QuizMenuActivity.java file ???????????????? ???????? ListView control ???

    ?????????????????????? ??????? ListView control ??????? item ??? click ???????????? listen ??????????

    user click ??????? item ??????????? screen ??? display ????????????????? Play Game item ??? click ??? Game play

    ????????? screen ??? display ?????????????

    3.1. Filling a ListView Control

    ListView ????? item ???????????????? QuizMenuActivity class ??? onCreate() method ??? code


    findViewById() method ??????????? ListView ?????????????

    ListView menuList = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.ListView_Menu);

    ??????? resource string ?????? load ????????

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    String[] items = { getResources().getString(R.string.menu_item_play), getResources().getString(R.string.menu_item_scores), getResources().getString(R.string.menu_item_settings), getResources().getString(R.string.menu_item_help) };

    ??????????? ListView control ?????????? ???????????? data ????????? data ??? layout template

    (menu_item.xml) ??? map ??????????????????? map ??????????? adapter ????????????? ??????? data type

    ?????????????????? application ????????? ArrayAdapter ??????????????

    ArrayAdapter adapt = new ArrayAdapter(this, R.layout.menu_item, items); menuList.setAdapter(adapt);

    setAdapter() method ??? call ???????? ListView control ?????? data adapter ??????????????????


    ?????????? QuizMenuAcivity.java file ???????????????????????????

    package com.androidbook.btdt.hour8;

    import android.content.Intent;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    import android.view.View;

    import android.widget.AdapterView;

    import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;

    import android.widget.ListView;

    import android.widget.TextView;

    public class QuizMenuActivity extends QuizActivity {

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */


    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



    ListView menuList = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.ListView_Menu);

    String[] items = { getResources().getString(R.string.menu_item_play),


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    getResources().getString(R.string.menu_item_help) };

    ArrayAdapter adapt = new ArrayAdapter(this, R.layout.menu_item, items);




    ?????????????? file ??? save ???? run ???????? splash screen ??????? main menu screen


    ???????? menu item ?????? click ?????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????


    3.2. Listening for ListView Events

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    ListView ??????? item ??? click ???????????? listen ???????? respond ?????????????????? listen ????????

    setOnItemClickListener() method ???????????? respond ????????????? onItemClick() method ??? implement

    ??????????????? item ??? click ?????????????????????????????????? application activity (screen) ??? launch


    menuList.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {

    public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View itemClicked, int position, longid) {

    // Note: if the list was built "by hand" the id could be used.// As-is, though, each item has the same id

    TextView textView = (TextView) itemClicked; String strText = textView.getText().toString();

    if(strText.equalsIgnoreCase(getResources().getString(R.string.menu_item_play))) {

    // Launch the Game Activity startActivity(new Intent(QuizMenuActivity.this, QuizGameActivity.class)); } else if(strText.equalsIgnoreCase(getResources().getString(R.string.menu_item_help))) {

    // Launch the Help Activity startActivity(new Intent(QuizMenuActivity.this, QuizHelpActivity.class)); } else if(strText.equalsIgnoreCase(getResources().getString(R.string.menu_item_settings))) {

    // Launch the Settings Activity startActivity(new Intent(QuizMenuActivity.this,QuizSettingsActivity.class)); } else if(strText.equalsIgnoreCase(getResources().getString(R.string.menu_item_scores))) {

    // Launch the Scores Activity startActivity(new Intent(QuizMenuActivity.this, QuizScoresActivity.class)); }

    } });OnItemClick() method ????? item ??? click ?????????????????????????????? information ????????????? pass

    ????????????? QuizMenuActivity.java file ???????????????????????

    menuList.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {

    public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View itemClicked, int position, longid) {

    // Note: if the list was built "by hand" the id could be used.// As-is, though, each item has the same id

    TextView textView = (TextView) itemClicked; String strText = textView.getText().toString();

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    if(strText.equalsIgnoreCase(getResources().getString(R.string.menu_item_play))) {

    // Launch the Game Activity startActivity(new Intent(QuizMenuActivity.this, QuizGameActivity.class)); } else if(strText.equalsIgnoreCase(getResources().getString(R.string.menu_item_help))) {

    // Launch the Help Activity startActivity(new Intent(QuizMenuActivity.this, QuizHelpActivity.class)); } else if(strText.equalsIgnoreCase(getResources().getString(R.string.menu_item_settings))) {

    // Launch the Settings Activity startActivity(new Intent(QuizMenuActivity.this,QuizSettingsActivity.class)); } else if(strText.equalsIgnoreCase(getResources().getString(R.string.menu_item_scores))) {

    // Launch the Scores Activity startActivity(new Intent(QuizMenuActivity.this, QuizScoresActivity.class)); }

    } });

    ??????? run ???????? menu item ???????? click ?????????????????? screen ???????????????

    3.3. Customizing ListView Control Characteristics

    ListView ??? custom divider and selection picture ????????????????

    3.3.1. Adding a Custom Divider

    Divider ??? ListView item ??????????????????????????? divider attribute ? color or drawable graphic

    resource ????????????? color ??????????????????? item ???????????????????? horizontal line ??????

    ???????????????????????????? drawable graphic resource ???????????????? item ?????????? graphic

    ?????????????????????????????? item ???????????????????? item ??????????? divider ???????????????

    ListView control ????? divider ??????????? menu.xml file ???????????? ListView control ??? divider attribute

    ??? @drawable/divider ????????????????

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    3.3.2. Adding a Custom Selector

    List ??????????? item ??????? ??? item ??? select ???????????????????????? ListView selector

    ???????????? listSelector attribute???????????? default????? ?????????????????????????????????

    Selector ??????????? menu.xml file ???????????? ListView control ??? listSelector attribute ???


    ??????? save ???? run ???????? divider ??? selector ?????????????

    4. Working with Other Menu Types

    Android ??? menu type??????????????????

    ? Context menus

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    View object ????????????????????????????????????? ??????????? menu ??? context menu


    ? Options menus

    Handset ???? menu button ??? click ??????????????? menu ??? Options menu ???????????

    4.1. Adding an Options Menu to the Game Screen

    Option menu ???????????????? menu resources ????????????????? ??????? QuizGameActivtiy class ???

    coding ????????

    4.1.1. Adding Menu Resources

    /res/menu ???????? gameoptions.xml file ??? menu resource ??????????? ???

    ?????? tag ????????? item ??? attribute ????????

    ? id

    ?????????? option menu item ???????????? identify ?????????????

    ? tilte

    option menu item ????????????? string

    ? icon

    menu item ???????????????????

    ??? application ??? option menu ??? option ??????????? Settings and Help ???? ?????????

    gameoptions.xml file ????????????????????????

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    4.1.2. Adding an Options Menu to an Activity

    Option menu ??????????? QuizGameActivity class ?????????? QuizGameActivity class ?????

    onCreateOptionsMenu() method ??? implement ?????????

    @Overridepublic boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

    super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.gameoptions, menu); menu.findItem(R.id.help_menu_item).setIntent(

    new Intent(this, QuizHelpActivity.class)); menu.findItem(R.id.settings_menu_item).setIntent(

    new Intent(this, QuizSettingsActivity.class));return true;


    4.1.3. Handling Options Menu Selections

    User ????? option menu item ???????????????????????????????? onOptionItemSelected() method

    ???????????? user select ???????????? menu item ????? intent ????????????????????? activity (screen) ??? lunch

    (display) ?????????

    @Overridepublic boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {

    super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); startActivity(item.getIntent());

    return true; }

    QuizGameActivity.java file ??? complete code ????????????????????????

    package com.androidbook.btdt.hour8;

    import android.content.Intent;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    import android.view.Menu;

    import android.view.MenuItem;

    public class QuizGameActivity extends QuizActivity {

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */

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    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {





    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {


    getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.gameoptions, menu);


    new Intent(this, QuizHelpActivity.class));


    new Intent(this, QuizSettingsActivity.class));

    return true;



    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {



    return true;



    ??????????? save ???? run ??????????????????????????

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    Example project code ??????????????????????? Hour8 ???

    Andorid Application ??????? (??)

    ??????????????????????????????? ??????????? Help ??? Scores Screens ?????????????

    1. Designing and implementing the help screen

    2. Working with files

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    3. Designing and implementing the scores screen

    4. Designing screens with tabs

    5. Working with XML

    1. Designing and Implementing the Help Screen

    1.1. Designing the Help Screen

    ?? screen ??? text ?????? display???????????? scroll ???????????????????????????????????????


    Lay out design???????????????????

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    1.2. Implementing the Help Screen Layout

    Project ????? new resources ??????????????? help.xml file?????????????????

    1.2.1. Adding New Project Resources

    Help screen layout ??????????????? string, color, dimension resources ??????? text file

    ???????????????? help screen ? main TextView control ??? display ?????????? text ??????

    quizhelp.txt file ???????????? ????

    Have you been there?Have you done that?

    BEEN THERE, DONE THAT! is a trivia quiz dedicated to those who love travel and adventure. Byanswering a series of Yes or No questions, you gain points toward being the most well-traveledand field-tested person on the planet. Share your experiences and compete with your friends.

  • htarhtarlwin.blogspot.comwww.facebook.com/htarhtarlwintun




    "Been There, Done That!" was developed by Mamlambo.

    Phone: 1-800-555-1212Email: support@mamlambo.comWebsite: http://www.mamlambo.comAddress: 1060 West Addison Street, Chicago, IL 60613 (Pardon the Blues Brothers reference)COPYRIGHT (c) 2011, Mamlambo.All rights reserved.

    ?????????????????????????????? quizhelp.txt file ?? res/raw/ ????????????????????

    1.2.2. Updating the Help Screen Layout

    res/layout ?????? help.xml file ?? Help screen ??? layout ????????????????? file ??? help.xml file ???

    ?????????????? xml code ?????????????

    ? LinearLayout ?????????????? ?????? background attribute ??????? @drawable/bkgrnd?????????????

    ? ??????????? RelativeLayout ?????????????????? Relative layout ??? ImageView control?????? TextView ????????????? TextView control ??? text attribute ??? @string/help


    ? RelativeLayout control ??????????? TextView control ????????????????? ?????? id ???TextView_HelpText ?????????? linksClickable attribute ??? true ??????? autoLink attribute ???

    all ????????????? phone numbers, web addtesses, email addresses and postal addresses

    ?????? auto link ?????????????????? textStyle attribute ???? ???????? bold or italic


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    2. Working with Files

    ????????????? quizhelp.txt file ??????????? QuizHelpActivity.java file ?????????????? quizhelp.txt

    file ???????? TextView_HelpText ?????? TextView control ??? display ?????????????

    2.1. Accessing Raw File Resources

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    quizhelp.txt file ???????????? data ?????????? openRawResource() method ?????????????

    InputStream iFile = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.quizhelp);

    ????? InputStream object ????????????? ????????? lieny-by-line or byte-by-byte ??????? string ???

    create ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    TextView helpText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.TextView_HelpText); String strFile = inputStreamToString(iFile); helpText.setText(strFile);

    QuizHelpActivity.java file ??? code ?????????????????????????????

    package com.androidbook.btdt.hour9;

    import java.io.DataInputStream;

    import java.io.IOException;

    import java.io.InputStream;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    import android.util.Log;

    import android.widget.TextView;

    public class QuizHelpActivity extends QuizActivity {

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */


    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



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    // Read raw file into string and populate TextView

    InputStream iFile = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.quizhelp);

    try {

    TextView helpText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.TextView_HelpText);

    String strFile = inputStreamToString(iFile);


    } catch (Exception e) {

    Log.e(DEBUG_TAG, "InputStreamToString failure", e);




    * Converts an input stream to a string


    * @param is

    * The {@code InputStream} object to read from

    * @return A {@code String} object representing the string for of the input

    * @throws IOException

    * Thrown on read failure from the input


    public String inputStreamToString(InputStream is) throws IOException {

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    StringBuffer sBuffer = new StringBuffer();

    DataInputStream dataIO = new DataInputStream(is);

    String strLine = null;

    while ((strLine = dataIO.readLine()) != null) {

    sBuffer.append(strLine + "\n");




    return sBuffer.toString();



    ??????????? save ???????? run ???????? splash screen ?????????????? main menu ??? help screen

    option ??????????????? help screen ????????????????????????????????? quizhelp.txt file


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    Scores screen ?????????????????????????????????

    3. Designing and Implementing the Scores Screen

    3.1. Designing the Scores Screen

    ?? screen ??????? user ??? scores ??????????????? score ??????????????? all-time-high scores

    and users friends scores ?????????? screen ??? 2???????????????????? users name, score and overall

    ranking ?????????????

    Score information ???????????? TextView control or ListView control ?????????????????????

    ?????????????????????????????????????? ???????????

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    3.1.1. Determining Scores Screen Layout Requirements

    /res/layout/scores.xml layout file ???? ????????? screen ???????? title bar ????? Relative

    layout ???????????? ??????? TabHost control ?????? ?????? tab ?????????? tab ?????? all scores

    ????????????? ?????????????? friends scores ?????????????

    3.1.2. Adding the TabHost Control


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