WWI: The War at Home



WWI: The War at Home. Government Mobilization. Progressives in control of government New government agencies push for cooperation between big business and gov’t War Industries Bond (WIB): coordinate production of war materials Food Administration: victory gardens - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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WWI: The War at Home

Mr. ErmerU.S. HistoryMiami Beach Senior High

Government Mobilization Progressives in control of

government New government agencies push for

cooperation between big business and gov’t War Industries Bond (WIB): coordinate

production of war materials Food Administration: victory gardens Fuel Administration: manage coal and oil▪ “Heatless Mondays”

War Bonds

Getting To Work & Getting The Word Out National War Labor Board Women enter the workforce The Great Migration Committee on Public Information

(CPI) Propaganda The Espionage Act of 1917▪ Schenck v. United States (1919)

Violence targets German-Americans, labor activists, socialists, and pacifists

Building An Army

1917: Army + Nat’l Guard= 200,000 Selective Service Act of 1917

Draft (2.8 Americans drafted) Minorities fight in war Women in the military

Clerks Active Duty Army Nurse Corps

Work On It:

On page 193, write and answer questions 1-4

For homework, create your own WWI propaganda poster
