WSUS Women's Health Guide - Forward



The goal of this “healthzine” is to provide women with a reliable abbreviated resource to which they can turn for important women’s health care issues.

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WSUS Women’s Health GuideHot Topics






i-Porter, M


Kathleen Kobashi-Porter, MDWomen’s Health ChairWashington State Urology Society

With the fast pace of life, it can be di� cult for many of us to � nd the time to take proper care of ourselves. Although there is a plethora of health-related infor-mation available on the Web and in the media, it is often challenging to identify helpful and precise in-formation on which to base our healthcare decisions.

Several years ago, the Men’s Health Initiative created a Guide to Men’s Health that has been very well-received. Consequently, it seemed � tting to proceed with a women’s version of the Guide to provide brief and accurate information for the women in our community. Contained in this booklet is informa-tion ranging from nutrition, alternative medicine, cancer screening and treatment options to treatment of urinary incontinence and pelvic prolapse.

WSUS respects the importance of the movement to-ward “green” products as well as the growing demand for easily accessible information in our contemporary “high-tech” world. We also recognize that a large segment of our readers will bene� t from a larger font size.

In striving to meet these needs and in order to provide maximal bene� t to the community we serve, the WSUS has enthusiastically chosen to proceed

with an on-line publication that allows readers to zoom in on articles and print them as they wish.

� e goal of this “healthzine” is to provide women with a reliable abbreviated resource to which they can turn for important women’s health care issues. Authors from across the state of Washington have been gathered to contribute in their respective � elds to provide a reliable and useful source of information.

Every couple of months a new article will be added to this on-line health guide to provide new material on an active basis until the entire guide is available. � e articles found within the guide are updated regularly representing a current perspective on ongoing health issues facing women.

As October 2008 was Breast Cancer Aware-ness Month, we chose to highlight the breast cancer overview as our introductory chapter.

We hope you � nd this guide a useful reference and would appreciate any feedback from our readers.

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