Written and Illustrated by Mrs. Wilson’s Kindergarten Class



The owl was big and he went “screeeccchhh!!” The owl saw Lilly. He tried to get her with his sharp claws, but Lilly escaped into a hole in the ground.

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Written and Illustrated by Mrs. Wilsons Kindergarten Class One night in Africa, an owl was trying to get Lilly, the mouse who was sitting on a rock. Lilly was scared because the owl was going to eat her. The owl was big and he went screeeccchhh!! The owl saw Lilly. He tried to get her with his sharp claws, but Lilly escaped into a hole in the ground. Lilly felt something soft and climbed on top of it, but she did not know she was on a lions tail! Lilly climbed higher onto the lions back. Then she saw something that looked like a big brown bush, but it was really the lions mane! Lilly disturbed Max, the lion, from his nap. Grrrrrr, said Max. He was tired and mad! Max reached behind his ear and grabbed Lilly. Lilly was hanging from the lions paw and she was scared. Squeak, squeak, squeak! said Lilly. Max tried to eat Lilly as she was trying to escape. Max got Lilly, but he was nice and set her free. He wanted to make a new friend. Max had never had a friend before. He didnt care that Lilly was small. Lilly went home to tell her babies the story of how she became friends with Max, the lion. Max went for a walk to see his family and home. A big, yellowish-green truck with a net on top of it went putt, putt, putt. Two hunters set up a trap so they could catch the animals and take them to the zoo. Max was walking in the jungle alone. He was walking towards a trap, but he did not know it was there hanging in the tree. The monkeys and the birds in the trees were staring at him. OUCH!!! Max stepped on the trap. FFFPT went the rope as his paws got stuck underneath it! Max was trapped in the net that was hanging in the air! Max was mad. He roared, Help! Help! Help! really loud. Max wanted to get out of the trap, but he could not. Lilly heard Maxs loud Rooaaaaarrrrrr! She ran as fast as she could to the trap. She climbed up a tree so she could help Max. Lilly believed in herself! Max questioned, What is Lilly doing? Max was all squished in the trap and did not think Lilly could get him out. But she was going to try. Max was confused about whether Lilly could get him out of the trap or not because Max was so huge and Lilly was so tiny. Lilly wanted to save Max, so she started nibbling on the rope. Then Max thought Lilly could actually save him! Lilly got Max out of the trap by nibbling on the rope. BONK! went Max as he fell on his back. Ouch! Max said loudly. Lilly was happy because she was able to help him after he helped her. She was also happy because she saved her friend. Max was happy because Lilly helped him. He said, Oh, thank you, friend, to Lilly. So Lilly said, Youre welcome. Max and Lilly were now BFFs. Lilly took a piece of the rope down the hole and ran to her family as fast as she could. She wanted to show the rope to her family to show that she had saved her friend. Through friendship, you can help anyone out! Big or small, we can all be friends. The End.
