

WRITING SCIENTIFIC ARTILE JOURNAL. Wani Hadi Utomo PPIKID UB Pelatihan penulisan artikel mahasiswa S3 UB 2 8 Oktober 2014. Landasan hukum : SE Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi No. 152/E/T/2012 tertanggal 27 Januari 2012: Setelah Agusus 2012 dberlakukan ketentuan : - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Wani Hadi UtomoPPIKID UB

Pelatihan penulisan artikel mahasiswa S3 UB28 Oktober 2014

• Landasan hukum:• SE Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi No. 152/E/T/2012

tertanggal 27 Januari 2012:Setelah Agusus 2012 dberlakukan ketentuan:

1. untuk lulus program sarjana: 1 artikel di jurnal ilmiah

2. Untuk lulus program Magister: 1 artikel di jurnal ilmiah nasional terakredisasi

3. Untuk lulus program doktor: 1 artikel di jurnal ilmiah internasional

• Landasan hukum• PERATURAN REKTOR UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA No :225/PER/2010 (Doktor), 2

Agustus 2010Pasal 8, ayat:

3. Mahasiswa wajib menggunakan materi/subtansi disertasi untuk.menyusun pubrikasi yang diterima untuk diterbitkin di Jurnalilmiah Internasional yang diakui rem6nterian pendidikan Naslonai sebanvak 1 (satu) artikel dan/atau 2 artikel di jurnal ilmiah nasional terakredisasi , dan mahasiswa tetap harus menyusun disertasi untuk dinilai oleh majelis penguji dalam suatu Ujian Tertutup.

4. Apabila mahasiswa. tidak dapat memenuhi tetentuan pada ayat 3, maka materi Disertasi sekurang kurangnva harus diterima untuk diternitkan menjadi 1 artikel di Jurnal ilmiah nasional terakreditasi dan 2 (dua) makalah yang disajikan dalam seminar nasional ….dst

5. Dalam hal mahasiswi menctpli ptestasi istimewa dengan menulis materi/substansi Disertasi menjadi 2 (dua) artikel ilmiah yang diterbitkan jurnal ilmiah internasional yang diakui Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional atau 4 artikel dalam jurnal ilmiah nasional terakredisasi , maka mahasiswa tetap harus menulis disertasi, tanpa harus diuji, dan dinyatakan lulus disertasi dengan nilai A


• Pasal 2 : Persyaratan Karya llmiah dalam terbltan Berkala ilmlah2. Untuk lulus program magister, mahasiswa diwajibken untuk menghasilkan

sekurang-kurangnya 1 karya ilmlah yang relevan dengan bidang keilmuannya untuk diterbitkan pada terbitan berkala nasional yang terakreditasi oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi kementertan Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republlk lndonesia,

3. Untuk lulus program doktor, mahasiswa diwaJibkan untuk menghsilkan sekurang-kurangnya 1 satu) karya ilmiah yang relevan dengan bidang ilmunya untuk diterbitkan pada terbitan berkala ilmiah internasional yang diakui oleh Direktorat Jenderal pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan dan kebudayaan Republik Indonesia.

4. Penerapan ketentuan di luar yang telah diatur pada ayat 1, 2, atau 3 harus seijin Rektor.peraturan tersebut kemudian dilengkapi dengan:

5. Peraturan Rektor No. 427/2012 (Peraturan Akademik Program Magister)6. Peraturan Rektor No. 428/2012 (Peraturan akademik Program Doktor)

• SE REKTOR Nomor : 5744 /UN10/LL/2011 • Perihal : Evaluasi Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah Mahasiswa

Menindaklanjuti Peraturan Rektor Universitas Brawijaya No. 224/PER/2010 dan No. 225/PER/2010 tanggal 2 Agustus 2010 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Tesis sebagai Tugas Akhir Pendidikan Program Magister dan Disertasi sebagai Tugas Akhir Pendidikan Program Doktor di Universitas Brawijaya khususnya pasal 8 ayat 3, 4, dan 5 terkait dengan kewajibanpublikasi artikel ilmiah bagian dari tesis dan disertasi pada jurnal atau seminar nasional atau internasional sebagai syarat atau pengganti ujian akhir, serta mengingat sangat bervariasinya kualitas publikasi artikel ilmiah pada saat ini, maka dengan ini diberitahukan bahwa Rektor Universitas Brawijaya menugaskan kepada Unit Peningkatan Publikasi Internasional Karya Ilmiah Dosen untuk Internasionalisasi Universitas Brawijaya untuk mengevaluasi kelayakan publikasi artikel sebagai syarat atau pengganti ujian akhir tesis atau disertasi dengan memperimbangkan masukan dari Pengelola Program Pascasarjana di mana mahasiswa bersangkutan sedang studi.

• Bagaimana PPKID mengamankan dan mengawal peraturan Rektor.

1. Untuk tahap peralihan agar tdk memperlama masa studi mhsw, mhsw dipersilahkan mempublikasikan artikelnya di semua Jurnal Internasional yg memenuhi persyaratan sebagai JI (editor dan penulis berasal dari bbrp negara, dlm bhs Internasional)

2. Menyediakan bantuan untuk menulis artikel (pelatihan, pendampingan)

3. Menilai artikel yg telah diterbitkan (utk artikel yg tdk mengikuti pelatihan/pendampingan)

Format article

• Title• Abstract• Key words• Introduction• Materials and method• Result and discussion• Conclusion• Acknowledgement• references



Write this last

An abstract needs to capture the essence of a paper and highlight the key findings

Do not dwell on introduction or Methodology (abstract is not summary)

The abstract ‘sells’ your paper

The Change of Catechin Antioxidant during Vacuum Roasting of Cocoa Powder

• Concentration of catechin antioxidant in cocoa seed decreased greatly during processing into powder, especially in the conventional roasting process (without vacuum). Therefore, vacuum roasting process was developed. The objective of this research was to analyze the change of catechin in cocoa seed during vacuum-roasting of cocoa powder. The treatments consisted of roasting with vacuum (45.6 and 60.8 cmHg) and without vacuum at three roasting temperatures (100°C, 110°C, 120°C) for 25, 35, and 45 minutes. For catechin analysis, the standard catechin component of (+)-catechin was used, and LC-MS (Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer) with formic acid solvent (0.1% in water, pH 2.5) and methanol solvent was used for identification. Result of research indicated that vacuum roasting at 60.8 cmHg in 100°C for 25 minutes resulted in the highest percentage of catechin in cocoa powder. The increase of catechin in cocoa powder during vacuum roasting was considered as strong due to the change or degradation of procyanidin (either in form of dimer, trimer or tetramer)

Key words

• Aims: to broaden audience, increasing citation• What in the key words: 3-7 words related to

the content of the article, not in the Title

The Change of Catechin Antioxidant during Vacuum Roasting of Cocoa


• Keywords: Cocoa powder; Roasting; Vacuum; Catechin



This highlights the relevance of your work and explains why you have conducted the study

It is a brief literature survey that must be to be interesting and readable: include theory and past worksCite latest references; you need to be aware of the current state of your subject area

Introduction1. Problem statement: the important of the

problem (support by data)2. Theoritical consideration (support by

literature)3. Previous research (support by literature)4. Novelty/originality/the objective of the

research (latest literature in point 2 and 3)

The Characteristics of Rice Husk Biochar and Its Influence on the Properties of Acid Sulfate Soils and Rice Growth in West Kalimantan

• 1. Introduction

• Increasing food production both to meet in-country requirements and to help the world overcome food crises is one of the major issues facing Indonesia today. However, good productive land is limited and has mostly been utilized either for food crop production or other uses. The only available land for this purpose is that of acid sulfate soil, having a total area of about 6.7 millions ha and is spread out in Sumatera, Kalimantan, and Papua (Widjaja-Adi et al., 1992). These soils have a high iron sulfate mineral content of predominantly Pyrite, and when the soil is drained it will release sulfuric acid, which in turn will release Fe, Al, and other heavy metals that are dangerous for plants and other living organisms. When these soils are used for rice, Moore (1990) found that the most important constraints were: (i) acidity (which includes the combined effects of pH, Al toxicity, and P deficiency), and (ii) Fe stress (which is due to the combined effects of Fe toxicity and deficiencies of other divalent cations such as Ca).

• The acid sulfate soil in Sungai Kakap, West Kalimantan has been utilized for intensive rice growing since 1980. Thus, in addition to the above problems, growing rice in these lands faces the problem of soil compaction due to intensive tillage with puddling and removal of biomass continuously. Measurement prior to the conduction of the experiment showed that soil organic matter in these soils was less than 0.9%. In this soil, organic matter is very important because in addition to being a source of plant nutrition, organic matter is the major source of negative charge, which is important for helping the soil to adsorb cations in the soil solution (Ponamperuma, 1982)

• A common treatment to reduce the solubility of Al, Fe and other heavy metals in soil is to increase the soil pH, which is mostly done by liming (Ahmad and Tan, 1982; Hakim et al., 1989; Haby, 2002). The ability of liming to increase soil pH, decrease Al and Fe solubility, and increase crop yield is widely known (Shamshuddin and Auxtero, 1991; Haby, 2002; Kadery, Brown et al., 2008). In Indonesia, the source of lime materials exists mostly in Java, which is far from the location where the liming needs to be done. Furthermore, liming only treats the symptoms of acid sulfate soils rather than the cause (Thomas et al., 2003); therefore, the beneficial effects of liming are short lived, and it has to be done repeatedly (Shamsuddin et al., 1998). This makes liming very expensive and it is often un-economic for small farmers to obtain lime materials.

Intro… (continued)

• The other treatment suggested for improving the properties of acid sulfate soil is the application of organic matter (Kaderi, 2004; Shamsuddin et al., 2004). With negative charge provided by carboxyl compounds, organic matter is able to minimize toxicity by decreasing the solubility of heavy metals in the soil solutions. Positive effects of organic matter application on the properties of acidic soils, such as increasing soil pH and CEC, and decreasing heavy metal toxicity, have been reported elsewhere (see Hesse, 1982; El Sharkawi et al., 2006). Organic matter is easy to find locally and is relatively cheap, especially if the organic matter used is the un-harvested biomass of the crop itself. Again, the main limitation in using such organic matter is the easiness of these materials to be decomposed, and therefore its application must be done repeatedly from year to year. On the other hand, there is now competition in biomass utilizations with the emergence of demand in the sectors of energy resources and animal feeding. In addition, decomposition and mineralization of organic matter has been attributed as one of the major sources of global warming due to emissions of methane and nitrous-oxide (Rondon et al., 2007)

• Lately, looking the recalcitrant C-organic in a black carbon material termed “biochar”, and lately many scientists are interested in using this black carbon material as a soil amendment (Glasser et al., 2002; Topolianz et al., 2007; Woolf, 2008). Although there are still some objections (Ernsting and Smolker, 2009; Senjen,2009), a lot of experimental results have indicated that biochar applications can improve soil properties (Lehman et al., 2003; Liang et al., 2006; Chan et al., 2007) and increase crop yield (Yamato et al., 2006; Chan et al., 2008 ). Chan et al. (2007) showed that biochar application had improved some physical soil properties, such as increased soil aggregation, water holding capacity, and decreased soil strength. An increase in saturated hydraulic conductivity of upland rice soil

• The objective of the works reported here was to study the characteristics of biochar produced from rice husk grown in acidic soil and its potential to improve the properties and productivity of acid sulfate soils and the growth of lowland rice in West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

The Change of Catechin Antioxidant during Vacuum Roasting of Cocoa Powder

• 1. Introduction• Cocoa seed is a main output of cocoa which contains protein, lipid, carbohydrate concentration and mineral.

Cocoa seed also contains antioxidant, such as catechin, in high level of concentration. Catechin is a compound with some functions such as antioxidant, antibacterial, improving endothelial function, reducing blood pressure, increasing insulin sensitivity, and repairing platelet function [1-4].

• Some researchers showed that the increase of cardiovascular function in human after consuming cocoa is related to the presence of metabolite, which is coming from catechin inside plasma [5,6]. However, catechin concentration of cocoa powder greatly decreases during processing in the conventional roasting stage.

• Conventional roasting is usually conducted in open batch (without vacuum) such that free oxygen interferes into roasting space. Indeed, roasting can change catechin in cocoa seed [7,8]. Heating temperature in roasting process may trigger oxidation, degradation, and epimerization of catechin, thus reducing antioxidant activity. The reduction of catechin during processing is due to the combination of the effects of oxidation, epimerization, degradation and interaction with protein.

• Heating (at 110-200°C) during conventional roasting system (without vacuum) allows oxygen in the roasting atmosphere to activate. During roasting, oxygen is heated which then can activate formation of singlet oxygen from the initially stable oxygen (triplet oxygen) this singlet oxygen is very reactive and easily reacted with organic molecule in the food material [9]. This reactive oxygen will then oxidize catechin in cocoa seed. Oxidation may change catechin structure into semiquinon compound, which it will change into quinone through further process [10]. Misnawi explained that quinone is one of the compounds which produce a distinctive taste of cocoa during roasting process in addition to reducer sugar, peptide and amino acid [11].

• It is reasonable to say that oxygen in the roasting space can be minimized by vacuum roasting system because it seems possible to reduce oxidation. This system can reduce the possibility of catechin reduction but with the consequence of less maximum production of taste producer compounds. The final product may be then organoleptically different compared to conventional roasting system (without vacuum). Some effects in the vacuum roasting process must be further examined to ensure the reduction of the possibility of catechin reduction and loss.

Materials and Methods

Materials and Methods

You must present sufficient detail such that anybody reading your paper can repeat your experiment to investigate your claims

It is essential in this section to describe populations and sample sizes and replication

Repetition of your work (copying) is the highest form of flattery!

• Materials and Methods1. Valid and Reliable2. Clear but not too elaborate: explained only

the principle; if the method is already used as the standard method enough to be shown the reference

3. Statistical analysis: Clear what the analytical to be used

The Characteristics of Rice Husk Biochar and Its Influence on the Properties of Acid Sulfate Soils and Rice Growth in West Kalimantan2. Materials and methods

• 2.1. Production and characterization of biochar

To ensure that the rice husk had come from the acid sulfate soil of West Kalimantan, Indonesia, we harvested it directly the rice from the field and then brought it for rice milling to get the rice husk. The rice husk was then put in a piece of pyrolysis apparatus which consisted of a stainless reactor of 500mm length with a 15cm inside diameter. The rice husk was then heated externally by an electric furnace (5000 W) to a temperature of 600oC. The reactor for the biochar production is presented in Figure 1.The Biochar was ground to pass through a 0.50 mm sieve……

• 2.2. Experimental setup

A glass house experiment was set up to study the effect of rice husk biochar on rice growth. The soil used was collected from the experimental station of BPTP West Kalimantan in Sungai Kakap. Soil samples were collected from depths of up to 20cm, and then dried, ground, and passed through a 2.0mm sieve. 5kg of ground soil was then put in a plastic pot with an inside diameter of 30cm. The organic soil amendments used were:

(1) No soil amendment, as the control (Co)

(2) Rice Straw (RS), 15 t/ha

(3) Rice husk (RH), 15 t/ha,


These six treatments were arranged in Fully Randomized Design with 4 replications. The amount of soil amendment applied was calculated based on the surface area of the plastic pot, and the amendments were mixed to a 20cm depth, after which they were incubated at water content close to the field capacity for 30 days.

• 2.3. Soil Analysis

Particle size analysis was performed by the pipette method (Soil Survey Laboratory Staff, 1992), and soil bulk density was determined by the clod method as described by Blake and Harke (1986). Soil pH was measured in 1:2.5 ratio soil solutions (with de-ionized water) with a pH meter (Jenway 3305). The Walkley and Black wet oxidation method was used to determine organic C content (Soil Survey Laboratory Staff, 1992. Total N content was measured by the Kjeldhal method (Bremner and Mulyaeny, 1982). Exchange Al3+ and Fe2+ were extracted with 1M KCl (Barnhisel and Bertsch, 1982). The CEC was extracted with 1M NH4Oac (buffered at pH 7.0), and exchangeable base concentrations were measured using AAS (Shimatzu).

The data was analysis …………………

The Change of Catechin Antioxidant during Vacuum Roasting of Cocoa Powder

• Material and Methods • Sample preparation Dried cocoa seeds are collected from public cocoa plantation at Lasusua subdistrict, North Kolaka District, Southeast Sulawesi. The seeds were processed into powder using a hydraulic press of 50 tones pressure strength, powder milling tool, 80-mesh screen, and some supporting tools (such as packager and others). The powder was then divided into two groups in which one group was not roasted and another group of cocoa powder was roasted either using vacuum frying device (equipped with water jet system) or without vacuum device to obtain dried cocoa powder. Following roasting process, the dried cocoa powder was treated sequentially to form dried extract of cocoa powder using the method of Ruzaidi and Othman [1,12] with few modifications. Briefly, dried cocoa powder is concentrated using ethanol 70% (1 gram dried cocoa powder is dissolved in 25 ml solvent (ethanol 70%) for 120 minutes at 50°C using orbital shaker. It was then cooled at room temperature and screened with No.1 Whatman Paper. Result of screening is re-extracted for twice with similar solvent, and then evapo-concentrated using rotary vacuum evaporator (HEIDOLPH Type Laborota 4000 Vacuum-Controller VC2) to obtain the dried extract of cocoa powder. • Laboratory analysis Catechin analysis: Beside catechin content of roasted and unroasted cocoa powder, catechin content of dried cocoa seed, nib and unroasted cocoa powder were also analyzed and the results were used as control. The preparation of sample for the identification and analysis of catechin used the method of Othman [1] with modification. Briefly, sample solution (dried extract of cocoa powder made in the methanol (500 or 1000 times of dilution) was aspirated about 2 mL and 0.1 ml of 10% aluminum chloride and 0.1 ml of 1 M potassium acetate were added into the sample. It was further added by 2.8 ml deionized water prior to incubation for 30 minutes at room temperature and given a pressure at 415 nm. The absorbance concentration was compared to that in catechin standard curve (Sigma, Co. Chemical, St. Louis, USA) to determine the percentage of catechin concentration.o

Materials and Methods (cont……)

• The identification of catechin with LC-MS: The sample was prepared with a modified method of Subagio and Calderon [13,14]. Briefly, one gram of dried extract of cocoa powder (extracted by rotary evaporator with ethanol 70%) was diluted into MeOH (50 ml) and put into ultrasonic (sonicator) for an hour. The sample was then resided for an hour before screened and dried using nitrogen gas. The LC-MS analysis was implemented using formic acid solvent (0.1% in air, pH.5) and methanol solvent. LC-MS type used was Shimadzu (Columbia, MD) LC-10A HPLC system and the Leap (Carrboro, NC) HTS PAL

• autosampler interfaced to an Applied Biosystems (Foster City, CA) API• 4000 triple-quadruple mass spectrometer. • Design experiment and data analysis• The research consisted of three factors. Factor I was vacuum pressure (V) which consisted of 45.6, 60.8

(cmHg) and non-vacuum (Vo). Factor II was three levels of roasting temperature (T) (100°C, 110°C, 120°C). Factor III was roasting length (L) (25, 35, and 45 minutes). These three factors would produce 27 (3×3×3) combinations of treatment with 2 replications, and thus, 54 units of experiments were obtained.

• • Data were tabulated and analyzed using statistical procedure of the analysis of variance. The differences

between treatments were compared by using Duncan Multiple Range Test at 5 levels.

Results and Discussion

Results and Discusion

It is often easier to discuss your results as you present them, but various journals have different systems

Justify your points based on accepted theories or previously published work

It is fine to make bold new statements; but you must ensure such a statement is justified

Results and discussion

• Present in Table, Figure?• What Figure?• Describe the important results• Do not duplicate Table and Figure; Table,

Figure and explanation• Discuss it (why the phenomenon happens)• Comparing your results with other works


What is Science? Daniel Nocera, MIT

• “ In the discussion section, where you talk about the implications of the work, you can sound smart or stupid, and tell an interesting story”

• “ You may sometimes be stupid and you may sometimes be smart, but you must always be good”

• “ When I read the results section of your paper, everything in there has got to be right”

The Characteristics of Rice Husk Biochar and Its Influence on the Properties of Acid Sulfate Soils and Rice Growth in West Kalimantan, Indonesia

• Results and Discussion

• The effect of rice husk biochar and other soil amendments on the chemical properties of acid sulfate soil in West Kalimantan is presented in Table 3. In general, application of organic soil amendments significatly improved the chemical properties of acid sulfate soil. There was an increase in soil organic matter content, soil pH, and CEC and a decrease in exchangeable Al and soluble Fe. The results in Table 3 also show that application of organic soil amendments increased the level of P, K and Ca, but did not significantly influence the amount of Mg and Na.

• Table 3

• Rice husk ash and rice husk biochar had a high pH (Table 1); therefore, it is reasonable that the soil treated with rice husk biochar and rice husk ash also had a high pH. This results indicated that rice husk biochar could be used as a substitution for lime materials to increase the pH of acidic soils. The increase in CEC of the soil with organic soil amendments would probably be due to the negative charge arising from the carboxyl groups of the organic matter. The increase in CEC and soil pH with the addition of organic matter has been shown elsewhere (see Bot and Benites, 2005). Biochar has a high CEC (see Table 1), and with its high recalcitrance (Glaser et al., 2002), it is reasonable that soil applied with biochar had the highest CEC. An increase in soil CEC with the application of biochar has also been shown by Chan et al. (2007)

• The increase in elemental plant nutrients P, K, and Ca is as a result of addition of plant nutrients in the organic soil amendments as has been suggested by Ponamperuma (1982). For the P nutrient, however, this increase could have also been as a result of increasing the soil pH due to rice husk ash or rice husk biochar application. It is interesting to note that, although the C-organic content in rice husk biochar is lower than that of rice straw or rice husk, the highest level of soil organic matter was observed in rice husk biochar tretaed soil. This phenomenon indicated the recalcitrance of C-organic in rice husk biochar as has been suggested by many researchers (e.g. Glasser et al. 2002; Lehman et al., 2003; Rondon et al., 2007)


This is where you bring your key points together and is often the second part of the paper scanned (after the abstract)

You want to leave the reader with a take home message

Start with bullet points, then link these together

Do not bring new material (references) into the conclusion

The Characteristics of Rice Husk Biochar and Its Influence on the Properties of Acid Sulfate Soils and

Rice Growth in West Kalimantan, Indonesia

• 4. Conclusion• The experimental results of biochar made from rice husk grown in

acid sulfate soil had a characteristics of ………..• Application of rice husk biochar and other organic soil

amendment applications improve some properties of the acid sulfate soil of West Kalimantan, Indonesia, namely: decreasing soil bulk density, soil strength, exchangeable Al, and soluble Fe, and increasing soil pH, soil organic matter, total P, CEC, exchangeable K, and exchangeable Ca.

• The improvement of soil properties with organic soil amendment applications resulted in an improvement of rice growth as shown by an increase in plant height, number of tillers, and dry biomass. A significant negative correlation occurred between dry biomass and exchangeable Al, soluble Fe, and soil strength; and a significant positive correlation occurred between dry biomass, soil organic matter, and total P.

Fundamental to looks

• Methodology: should clear enough so other people can do your work as you done without a lot of questions

• Do not to elaborate• If you use the existing method enough cited

the sources (references)

Fundamentals to look


Science depends on critical analysis of data

This data must be statistically sound; means are not different unless they are statistically different at a stated probability (e.g. 0.05 or 95%)

A paper will be rejected if statistics are not soundSo choose replication carefully during the design of an experiment

Fundamentals to look (cont....)

Presentation make you manuscript look good

Figures should be of uniform size and shapeWatch font size and style in axis, titles and legend characters

Watch the width of lines on graphs

Watch the colour of shading of graphs; put yourself in the shoes of the reader

Fundamentals to look (cont....)

B rate ( kg ha-1)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

B c


. (m

g kg









B rate v s C m

B rate (kg ha-1)

0 10 20 30



. (m

g kg










B rate v s C I

S ource: Khan et a l. Massey University

Fundamentals to look (cont....)


0 .0 5

0 .1

0 .1 5

0 .2

0 .2 5

0 .3

B ra t e (k g / h a )ro o t s h oo t B

ra ti o

S ource: Khan et a l. Massey University

Fundamentals to look (cont....)


Some software applications do a better job than others and are easier to use

If possible use alternatives to excel for drawing graphs

Place images into your manuscript in a final form; do not manipulate figures in your Word document

Aim to use high resolution figures

Fundamentals to look (cont....)


Some software applications do a better job than others and are easier to use

If possible use alternatives to excel for drawing graphs

Place images into your manuscript in a final form; do not manipulate figures in your Word document

Aim to use high resolution figures

Fundamentals to look (cont....)


Any concept, output, knowledge, data or discussion that is not your own must be referenced

Avoid referencing obscure works that are not easily obtainable (can be tracked online)

Avoid personal communications where possible and try not to cite unpublished data Used a more journal article; the latest reference

Fundamentals to look (cont....)


Follow guidelines of a specific journal both in the text and the reference list

Remember you are using a publication to present your original science; your manuscript will be cited as the first presentation of a new concept, output, knowledge, data or discussion

Review Precess

Under review

Essential to ensure quality and originality of the work

Grant proposals are also reviewed

Reviewers must justify their comments

Help the reviewer by attending to as much detail as you can; proof read your work and ensure that what you submit is of publishable quality and standard

Fundamentals to look (cont....)

Under rev iewYou must pay attention to reviewer comments

Failure of academics to follow peer review is linked to the biggest scientific scandal of the twentieth century

Cold Fusion, Pons and Fleischmann from the University of Utah

Key problem was disclosure of results before review and publication

Fundamentals to look (cont....)

D on’t be concerned about re jectionThis is part of lifeWe all get rejected at some timeUse comments to improve manuscript for next journal; or, argue for acceptance with editorS ome reviewers are just mean!

Unlikely you’ll get same reviewer twice in different journalsBut, make sure you at least consider reviewer comments

What Journal ?• Journal bereputasi• Impact factor? Indexes ?• Karya ilmiah di jurnal internasional yang diusulkan dalam kenaikan jabatan akan di

periksa apakah terindeks di laman Thomson ISI Knowledge atau di Scopus SJR Journal Ranking atau Microsoft academic search. Apabila ditemukan di salah satu laman tersebut maka akan memenuhi kriteria sebagai jurnal internasional. Bila karya ilmiah tidak ditemukan disalah satu laman tersebut maka akan di periksa di laman scholarlyoa.com/publishers/ dan scholarlyoa.com/individual-journals yang memberikan informasi tentang publisher dan jurnal-jurnal meragukan (questionable journal). Dilaman ini juga dijelaskan alasan mengapa suatu jurnal sebagai jurnal meragukan. Bila jurnal yang diusulkan tidak pernah ditemukan sebagai jurnal yang tidak patut dalam penilaian Tim PAK maka jurnal yang diragukan tetap dinilai tetapi karya ilmiahnya tidak dapat dijadikan pemenuhan syarat kenaikan jabatan ke Guru Besar atau kenaikan jabatan ke Lektor Kepala dalam masa mukim 1-3 tahun. Jika jurnal meragukan tersebut telah ditemukan oleh Tim PAK dan ada hal-hal yang tidak patut, contohnya ada karya ilmiah di suatu jurnal internasional dibuat dari suatu template karya ilmiah dan lupa di delete maka jurnal tersebut tidak dinilai.

Diskusi ttg Bells’ List• Setelah membaca “Jurnal yang tidak dinilai untuk kenaikan

pangkat/jabatan dosen”, saya ingin mengetahui kriteria jurnal yang dapat digunakan untuk kenaikan pangkat dosen. Saya sudah beberapa kali publikasi di J. Chem. Chem. Eng. terbitan David Publishing Company. Penulis di jurnal ini berasal dari berbagai negara dan review-nya cukup teliti, jadi mengapa diragukan?. Sekali lagi saya ingin mengetahui apa kriteria jurnal yang dapat digunakan untuk kenaikan pangkat dosen, supay ke depan dalam publikasi tidak sia-sia

• Beberapa informasi dan pengalaman lapangan banyak jurnal dari David Publishing yang meragukan, bukan berarti tdk bisa dinilai. Disarankan agar mencari journal yang masuk dalam Scopus atau yang setara misalnya di ISI -Thomson Reuter sehingga proses penilaian akan lebih cepat

Diskusi Bells’ list (lanjutan)• Jika TIM PAK DIKTI konsisten memvalidasinya dengan SCIMago Journal Rank

(SJR), maka IJPS menurut Journal Analyzer dari Scopus memiliki nilai SJR = 0.247 dan SNIP = 1.118. Setiap naskah direview, dan hasil review dikembalikan ke author. IJPS merupakan salah satu jurnal yang menurut Jeffrey Bealls sebagai predatory journal. Tetapi faktanya memiliki nilai SJR. Sumber rujukan Jeffrey Bealls masih perlu divalidasi. Saran sebaiknya para anggota TIM PAK DIKTI mencoba untuk menulis naskah dan mengirimkannya ke journal-journal yang dianggap meragukan, sehingga bisa menarik kesimpulan. Silahkan untuk komparasi bagaimana Australia mengelola publikasi dalam suatu sistem Excellence Research Australia (ERA) atau Malaysia dengn sistem MyRA yang mengkategorikan kelompok jurnal yang diakui untuk promosi ke jenjang akademik. Mohon tanggapannya. Terima kasih

• Terima kasih atas tanggapannya. Laman Jeffrey Bealls, scimagojr, microsoft academic research hanya merupakan masukan tambahan, tetap saja karya yang diusulkan akan diperisa oleh tim PAK sesuai dengan bidangnya, dan keputusan penilaian ada di beliau.

Fundamentals to look (cont....)

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