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Source: Thelen et al





1. Lie on back with knees bent.

2. Draw lower belly in toward spine and lift tailbone up off floor. Slowly continue lifting spine one vertebra at a time off floor.

3. As the hips lift, the knees draw forward away from your head. Shift your weight toward the balls of the feet. Try not to squeeze the buttocks.

4. Hold for a breath at the top, then slowly lower down one vertebra at a time.


� Partner assist hands against knees

1. Start with both legs straight and feet as if standing on the floor.

2. Keep left leg grounded and loop towel/strap around ball of right foot. Straighten right knee.

3. Use arms to start to bring right foot closer to ceiling. Gently engage the hamstrings along the back of the leg pressing ball of foot into strap as if trying to bring leg down and forward. With each exhale move a little further into stretch.









Constructive Rest Position

1. 3 Fundamentals of Grounding1. Feel the weight of the body2. Relax soft palate3. Full commitment exhale

(diaphragm fully released)

2. Focus on releasing the psoas with the diaphragm

3. Feeling the breath in the pelvic floor

4. Awareness of the sit bones –release hamstrings

Bridge: Abdominals/Hamstrings Emphasis

1. Lie on back with knees bent.

2. Draw lower belly in toward spine and lift tailbone up off floor. Slowly continue lifting spine one vertebra at a time off floor.

3. As the hips lift, the knees draw forward away from your head. Shift your weight toward the balls of the feet. Try not to squeeze the buttocks.

4. Hold for a breath at the top, then slowly lower down one vertebra at a time.

Supta Padangusthasana: Active Hamstrings Stretch

1. Start with both legs straight and feet as if standing on the floor.

2. Keep left leg grounded and loop towel/strap around ball of right foot. Straighten right knee.

3. Use arms to start to bring right foot closer to ceiling. Gently engage the hamstrings along the back of the leg pressing ball of foot into strap as if trying to bring leg down and forward. With each exhale move a little further into stretch.

Supta Padangusthasana (Active Hamstrings Stretch): Variations

• Begin with active hamstrings stretch• Keeping both sides of pelvis grounded, bring the

lifted leg in across the body or out to the side• Only move as far as you can keeping the pelvis


Supta Padangusthasana (Active Hamstrings Stretch): Variations

• Begin with active hamstrings stretch• Keeping both sides of pelvis grounded, bring the

lifted leg in across the body or out to the side• Only move as far as you can keeping the pelvis


Wall Bridge1. Lie on back with hips about

4-6 inches from wall and heels against the wall. Draw lower belly in toward spine and lift tailbone up off floor. Pull heels down into wall and start to lift sit bones up toward the ceiling.

2. Slowly lift one vertebra at a time off the floor, using hamstrings and abdominals to lift the spine up away from your shoulders.

3. Hold for a breath at the top, then slowly lower down one vertebra at a time.

Hamstrings Strength/Length: Half Forward Fold

1. Standing with feet hip width apart and hands on hips.

2. Exhale as you hinge forward at the hips keeping the spine neutral. Keep weight in the balls of the feet.

3. Inhale as you return to standing. Initiate this movement from the sit bones, dropping sit bones down to come up.

Hamstrings Strength/Length: Full Forward Fold

1. Standing with feet hip width apart and hands on hips.

2. Exhale as you hinge forward at the hips keeping the spine neutral, then allow the spine to round forward to complete the motion.

3. Inhale to return to flat back position and drop the sit bones down to come back up to standing

Iliopsoas Strength/Length: Standing Back Bend

1. Stand with equal weight on both feet

2. Gently draw tail bone forward and drop sit bones down toward the floor, then bend back between shoulder blades

3. Hold for a breath

Hamstrings Strength/Length: Balancing Warrior

1. Stand with all your weight on one leg and the other leg a few inches behind.

2. Keep the standing leg knee slightly bent as you tip forward and lift the other leg up behind you.

3. Keep the pelvis square to the floor as you hold and breathe.

4. Slowly return to standing with control.

Iliopsoas Strength/Length: “Psoas Walk”

1. Stagger stance into lunge with left leg forward and right leg back.

2. Feet should be hip width apart with feet facing forward, back heel lifted. Can hold wall/table for balance.

3. Practice weight shifting forward/back, pressing forward with left shin and onto ball of right foot.

4. Lift the hip crests up and away from the floor, lengthen right femur toward right heel to lengthen psoas.

Iliopsoas Strength/Length: Crescent Lunge

1. Start with Psoas walk, then hold the stretch for 5 breaths.

2. While holding, activate the legs pulling in toward one another, as if standing on sheet of ice.

Hamstrings Strength/Length: Parsvottanasana

1. Stand with right leg facing straight forward and left leg back with left toes slightly rotated out.

2. Keep pelvis facing forward as you hinge at the hip, keeping spine neutral. Press ball of right foot into floor to engage the hamstrings.

3. Hold and breathe. Optional: gently round forward at the spine.

Iliopsoas Strength/Length: Camel Preparation

1. Kneeling position with hands below sit bones. Press shins down into floor.

2. Exhale and draw lower ribs down and in, use abdominals and hamstrings to tilt pelvis posterior.

3. Keeping ribs down and abdominals engaged, gently lean back and curl back between shoulder blades.

Hamstrings Strength/Length (Iliopsoas Inhibition): Band Technique

1. Place elastic band in door or around solid object. If you are exercising the left leg, lie on the floor so the band is behind your right shoulder. Place the left foot into the band. Keep the right leg grounded straight along the floor.

2. Keep left knee slightly bent as you inhale and press the foot downward, engaging the hamstrings.

3. Exhale and resist the band as the foot comes back up toward the ceiling.

Iliopsoas Strength/Length: Standing Back Bend With Strap

1. Place strap behind hips, just below hip crests.

2. Stand with equal weight on both feet. Lean back into strap.

3. Gently draw tail bone forward, then bend back between shoulder blades.

4. Hold for a breath.

Yoga Benefits/Background References

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