World Without Orphans




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World Without Orphans (WWO) is a global Christian movement that promotes family-

based care and assists national grassroots initiatives. CoMission helped to launch and

contributes to the leadership of WWO, which joins the efforts of a wide array of

organizations, churches, and individuals who are working together through informal

partnership. Since 2012, the WWO movement has been instrumental in catalyzing and

developing national orphan care movements in 20 countries, providing networking

opportunities for Christian, NGO and government leaders, and assisting in capacity

building projects that support family-based care. Leaders from many other countries are

interested in this vision, and are exploring ways to start a movement in their own nation.

As part of these efforts, CoMission along with a number of other organizations in the

movement are planning and hosting the Global Forum for a World Without Orphans,

which will bring together 500 leaders from 60 countries on February 11-14,

2016 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, to activate, connect, and equip the Christian community

worldwide to effectively address the orphan crisis. Leaders will work together to develop

solutions that provide every child with a safe, permanent, and nurturing family and will

share and learn best practice models from each other.  The forum will also provide a

platform for collaboration between the various represented entities and facilitate

opportunities to explain the vision for family-based care and its necessity at cultural,

social, religious and government levels to key national leaders.   The Global Forum

receives guidance from leadership of the Transform World, 4/14 Window, Lausanne

Movement, World Evangelical Alliance, Global Children’s Forum and other networks. 

The immediate outcomes expected of the Global Forum include: 1) new national

orphan care movements launched, 2) churches worldwide mobilized and equipped to

support family-based care, 3) best practices in caring for orphans and vulnerable

children identified and multiplied, 4) capacity of existing national orphan care

movements increased, 5) unity and collaboration within the global Christian community

as it relates to addressing the orphan crisis increased.

The long-term expected outcomes include: 1) a global paradigm shift from

institutional care to family-based care for orphans, 2) an increased number of children

living in safe, stable, and nurturing family environments through reunification with

rehabilitated biological families/relatives, foster care placements or adoption

placements, and 3) increased resources mobilized to support growing national orphan

care movements.  

Your encouragement, prayers, and financial gifts to any of CoMission's staff and

projects are being used by God to impact the lives of children through national believers

in countries around the world.  We are so grateful for your faithfulness in partnering

with us to join God in what He is doing for children! 

Read more here if you would like to know more about World Without Orphans!
