World War Those who die in combat live on in our memory


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World WarThose who die in combat live on in our memory.

Conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia

• Pretext for the First World War• Czech Legions• End with Signing of The Armistice (11.11. 1918)

War memorials

• The world commemorate (Remembrance Day) - symbolic date (at 11.00 o‘clock on the Sunday closest to the 11 day of the 11 month) - many countries around the world commemorate the who died in all wars.

• Remembrance Day in Czech Republic - since November 2001

• The poem For the Fallen - written in 1914 - by Laurence Binyon

Red poppy

People who are interested, military and civilian, prominent officials, usually wearing a symbolic

Harry Patch

• A Veteran of the WWI• Born on June 17, 1898• Last living survivor of the trenches• He was sent to the front lines• He was wounded here• He was 111 years old. Died 25/6/09

In honour of the brave

• A bronze monument in Prague(Vítězné náměstí)

• To honour the Czechoslovak soldiers• During WWII

The End
