World War I 1914-1918 PAGES 270-276. The Stage is Set in the West Aggressive nationalism: France...


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World War I


PAGES 270-276

The Stage is Set in the West

Aggressive nationalism: France & Germany both had strong nationalist feelings.

France wanted to regain its position as Europe’s leading power

Germany was proud of its new military power and Industrial strength - militarism

France angry at Germany over the Franco-Prussian war and that Germans were occupying border provinces of Alsace and Lorraine

Colonial claims and conflicts: Imperialism

Eastern Multinational Empires

Austria –Hungary and the Ottoman Empire feared strong nationalism

Balkans are the “powder keg of Europe” Minority populations were fostering rebellion

Alliance Systems

Triple Alliance Germany Italy Austro-Hungarian


Triple Entente France Great Britain Russia

Assassination in Sarajevo

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria Hungary visits Sarajevo

Serbs outraged, Black Hand, a nationalist/terrorist group determined to assassinate the Archduke

Gavrilo Princip, after a earlier failed attempt, was able to assassinate the Archduke and his wife

Ultimatum and Mobilization

Austria sends Serbia an ultimatum to avoid war: punish anyone involved, let Austria join the investigation and end all anti-Austrian agitation

Serbia agreed to most, but not to the demand to let Austria investigate.

Kaiser William II horrified at assassination. Told Francis Joseph assuring him of full German support – or a “blank check”

Austria declares war on July 28th 1914 Russian Czar Nicholas II wrote to his cousin Kaiser

William II urging restraint – meanwhile Russia mobilized for war


Britain and Italy chose to remain neutral. Britain had to decide whether or not to support

France German actions made decision for Great Britain SCHLIEFFEN PLAN: an attempt to avoid a two front

war, Germany had to defeat France quickly so that it could turn attention to Russia- to reach this goal the Germans quickly marched through Belgium to get to France

Belgium’s neutrality was violated = Britain declared war on Germany!

Propaganda Posters

“Each of the nations which participated in World War One from 1914-18 used propaganda posters not only as a means of justifying involvement to their own populace, but also as a means of procuring men, money and resources to sustain the military campaign…Interestingly, for all that the U.S.A. joined the war relatively late - April 1917 - she produced many more propaganda posters than any other single nation.”

Royal Pictures

Zimmerman Note
