WORKING TOGETHER - Labour Party · the Tramore Tidy Towns committee are doing fabulous work around...


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A Chara,

Tramore is coming on in leaps and bounds – and assomeone who grew up here (in Elm Park), I can really seehow we’re benefitting under the Council Merger.Investment is benefitting the town –and more is planned.The arrival of Nearform in Tankfield is very welcome.

The Labour Party is the party of work – and we’ve madejob creation a priority in Government. We’re committedto making sure that many more jobs are created this year.The hard work and sacrifices we’ve had to endure over thepast few years are paying off and unemployment isfalling throughout the country- including a 10% drop inWaterford.

It’s onwards and upwards for Tramore, and for Waterford.

Best wishes,

Tramore’s T.D.


@ciaramconway #Tramore

Constituency Office:36 Mary Street, Dungarvan, Co. WaterfordPhone: 058 24514Email:

Ciara Conway Update from Tramore’s T.D.


Happy to meet you onany issue in Tramore

- please text 086 1022958.


Work shouldsoon be gettingunderway onGaelscoil PhilibBarún. Afteryears of hardwork, I wasdelighted toannounce inDecember thatmy colleagueMinister forEducation JanO’Sullivan hadlistened carefully to our case, and approved the Gaelscoil for aplace on the school building programme. Things have been going well since then. The tender process isalmost complete. The design team is submitting the tender to theDepartment of Education who will then appoint the builder basedon this report. It’s hoped that construction will start in the nearfuture.

The Lafcadio Hearn Gardens officially open on June 26th. Thegardens celebrate Tramore’s link with Japan through a writer whospent his childhood summers here and are being developed byTramore Development Trust. I was delighted to be able to helpassist by getting a Community Employment Scheme for Tramore.The CE workers are helping to transform the gardens at TramoreHouse and are doing great work on other projects across thetown.

Minister Joan Burton and Ciara Conway TD discussing plans for Lafcadio HearnMemorial Garden at Tramore Housewith Sonomi Leslie and Agnes Alyward, ProjectLeader of Tramore Development Trust.



Pictured are L-R Principal Daithi de Paor Minister forEducation and Skills Jan O'Sullivan, Clare Brennan,Chairperson of Parents Association, Ciara Conway T.D.and John Wall, Board of Management.

WATERFORD IS GETTING BACK TO WORK May 2014 May 2015 Percentage fall

Waterford County 12628 11340 10.20

Dungarvan 2045 1681 17.80

Waterford City 10583 9659 8.73

� Live register in Waterford has fallen by 10.2percent between May 2014 and May 2015

� Nationally - Monthly unemployment rate of9.8% in May 2015

� This is the first time in 7 years that theunemployment rate has fallen below 10%

Infographic courtesy of Waterford City & County Council. Designed by Emagine.

Anne Marie Tierney Le Roux (pictured with CiaraConway T.D.) was recently appointed as the IDAIreland Regional Manager for the South East.

She has responsibility for bringing investors tocounties Waterford, Kilkenny, Wexford, Carlow, andSouth Tipperary.

Anne Marie is based in Waterford, and her main briefis to market the region to clients and work withglobal operations teams in winning investment forthe South East. There have been several bigannouncements since her arrival.

LABOUR’S PROUD ROLE INHISTORIC YES VOTE Ciara Conway T.D. says that Waterford’s ‘Yes’ vote in the MarriageReferendum campaign proves that positivity combined with personalparticipation can be used to make history and change society.

Deputy Conway commented “All the team in the Tramore YES Equalitygroup did fantastic work campaigning on the referendum locally.”

“I’m also proud of the role the Labour Party has played in this result.It’s crucial to note that this issue would never have been put to thepeople if it weren’t for the fact that the Labour party put this on theagenda from the beginning , long before we entered government. Andwhen we entered power Eamon Gilmore was to the fore inchampioning the issue, saying it was the ‘greatest civil rights issue ofour generation’ - he was instrumental in making it an issue.”

Tramore will be proudly flying the Blue Flag foranother year – and Newtown Cove has claimedanother Green Coast Award. This is great news. Creditgoes to all the people in the community who worktogether to keep T-Bay beautiful – with a particularthanks to the Tidy Towns teams.

Ciara Conway T.D. at the Ladies Slip in Tramore. The slipwayhas been upgraded and railings and access improved afterstorm damage.

Waterford March 25th 2015 - Tanáiste and Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton cut theribbon on Sun Life Financial’s newly expanded offices in Waterford recently, announcing that theexpansion allows the company to increase its workforce to 400 employees in the city. Sun Lifeopened its Waterford office in 1998 with a team of 12 people, and today employs 350.


Labour TD Ciara Conway is urgingTramore parents with children agedunder 6 to register them for free GPvisits, so that they can avail of thescheme when it comes on stream onJuly 1st. You can do this by logging onto

Ciara Conway said: “I am delighted tofinally see this initiative being rolledout across the country, because it willease the pressure on working families,and give peace of mind to parents ofsick children. It means that no parentof young children will ever be in aposition again where money becomesan obstacle to bringing their child to aGP.

Without Labour in Government, thissimply would not have happened. It isperhaps the single most importantdevelopment in primary care in thehistory of the State, and my colleague,Primary Care Minister Kathleen Lynch,played a crucial in getting it across theline."



LABOUR - SUPPORTING PEOPLE AND FAMILIES IN WORKBudget 2015 announced the Back to Work Family Dividend(BTWFD) scheme which provides financial support to Jobseekerand One-Parent Family Payment (OFP) recipients with childrenwho end their claim to take up employment, increase hours ofemployment or take up self-employment. If you meet theeligibility criteria of the scheme, you will be entitled to a weeklypayment for up to 2 years following the ending of your socialwelfare claim.

The Back to Work Family Dividend will be additional to anyentitlement the family may have under the Family IncomeSupplement (FIS) and will have no impact on an individual's FISentitlement.

JobsPlus is an employer incentive which encourages and rewardsemployers who employ jobseekers on the Live Register. Under theJobsPlus scheme, the Department of Social Protection pays:

� €7,500 over two years to the employer for each personrecruited who has been unemployed for between 12 and 24months. This equates to approximately €312 a month.

� €10,000 over two years to the employer for each personrecruited who has been unemployed for more than 24 months.This equates to approximately €416 a month.

Tax has been reduced for low and middle-income earners to ensure that those at work take home more and begin to benefitfrom the recovery. This is a significant step forward in targeting reliefs at low and middle income earners and ensuring that,proportionately, they gain the most:

� A further 80,000 low paid workers are being taken out of USC with an increase in the entry point to €12,012

� Cut in lower rates of USC from 2% to 1.5% and from 4% to 3.5%

� The standard rate band of income tax has been widened by €1,000 to €33,800 to take 33,000 people out of the top rate

� The marginal rate of tax has been cut by 1% for workers earning from €33,800 up to €70,000.


I was delighted to see my hometown of Tramore getting a BronzeAward, as I helped secure a CE Scheme for Tramore which has workersdedicated to keeping the place looking ship-shape. Anne Cheasty andthe Tramore Tidy Towns committee are doing fabulous work aroundthe town and beach alongside the Waterford City and County Counciloutdoor staff and Tús wokers – and this award is further recognitionof that.

Former T.D. Brian O'Shea, Ciara Conway T.D. and DeputyLeader of the Labour Party Minister Alan Kelly

Ciara Conway T.D. and Minister with Special responsibility for smallbusiness and collective bargaining Ged Nash at the 'Taking Care ofBusiness Event' in Waterford recently


@ciaramconwayConstituency Office:36 Mary Street, Dungarvan, Co. WaterfordPhone: 058 24514Email:


@ciaramconway #Tramore

Happy to meet you on any issue in Tramore - just call 086 1022958.
