Working from home – Part I © 2011 WORKING FROM HOME PART - I


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Working from home – Part I

© 2011


Working from home – Part I

© 2011


To devote time: Give all or a large part of one's time or resources to a

person, activity, or cause.

Attrition: a reduction in size, numbers, or strength

Isolation:  To set apart or cut off from others.

To Juggle: to handle or deal with usually several things (as obligations)

at one time so as to satisfy often competing requirements

Despondent: In low spirits from loss of hope or courage.

Working from home – Part I

© 2011

English French

To devote time De consacrer du temps

Attrition La fatigue

Isolation L'isolement

To Juggle Combiner

Despondent Découragé

Working from home – Part I

© 2011

Why work from home?

Working from home – Part I

© 2011

Work from home job options

Working from home – Part I

© 2011

Qualities needed to work from homeMatch the following proverbs with the qualities

Determination Self-Motivation Concentration

Organization Self Discipline

A. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

B. When every physical and mental resource is focused, one's power

to solve a problem multiplies tremendously.

C. The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay down.

D. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an

indomitable will.

E. File, Don’t Pile!

Working from home – Part I

© 2011


L'adjectif else s'emploie apres un pronom indefini ou interogatif.Can anyone else help me? Quelqu'un d'autre peut-il m'aider?

What else is there? Ya-t-il quelque chose d'autre?

L'adverbe else (sinon) se trouve le plus souvent apres les pronoms interrogatifs how, why, and when, et les composes however, why ever, and whenever.How else can it be done? Comment cela peut-il etre fait sinon?I'm busy Friday; when else works for you? Je suis pris(e) vendredi. Quel autre jour vous convient, sinon?

Working from home – Part I

© 2011

Fill in the blanks with else or other

1. Ask somebody ________. Any ________ person would tell the truth.

2. Today isn’t any ________ day. Be there on time or ________!

3. Would you like anything ________?

4. I always do it this way and I don't know how ________ it could be done.

5. Hearing was good in his ________ ear. He asked for ________ employment.

6. Where ________ do you want to go besides Miami? Where ________ can we


7. We've looked at the ________ house. I don't know what ________ to do.

8. That must be someone ________'s book. Who ________ could it have been?

Working from home – Part I

© 2011

Fill in the blanks with the words from the list

Do your family and friends think that since you "work at home" you can stop everything at once and go shopping, take a ________, go for lunch? Generally speaking, it's ________to your business to explain your ________, to your family and friends and make them understand that your job is just like ________other job. It requires ________ so many hours each day for you to ____ money and if you don’t put in your required hours, you don’t get ________. Yet, if you own a ________ you can go to a park or a coffee house and ________ your work. It's important that you try and ________ some kind of human ________ on a daily basis.

any connection crucial day off devoting do duties laptop maintain

make paid

Working from home – Part I

© 2011

Fill in the blank with prepositions

________ you to be successful ________ your home business, you

need to work hard ________ it. Motivation, consistency and

patience are the keys ________ success. If you spend most

________ your time ________ home ________ one room

________no connection with other people, eventually ________

some point ________ time, you are likely ________ feel alone and

isolated. Face it, it gets a little lonely when there's nobody to talk

________ or to share ideas, or to discuss your problems ________-

business or personal.
