Workbook 9 - Benjamin Adlard Primary School


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Workbook 9

Y e a r 4


Hi Year 4!

I hope you are all doing

well. I am enjoying being

at school teaching Year

6, but I am missing you

very much.

There is an exciting

reading competition

going on that I’m sure

lots of you will want to

take part in.

Make sure to tag our

reading Twitter


Here are some of the books I have been enjoying over the last few

weeks. I am on a spending ban from buying anymore books… for

now! I know you will want to borrow them when we are back

These are your spellings for the week:

I would like you to practice them every day, however you’d

like. Then after 5 days, ask someone at home to test you on


Write the words in alphabetical order

Today we are starting a new model text. I would like you to spend

some time today reading through it a few times to familiarise yourself

with it. Your job for today is to understand the text, ready to start

answering questions tomorrow.

This week in Maths, we are going to continue to look at time.

Answer these questions in your book:

1. If there are 60 minutes in an hour, how many minutes are there in

3 hours?

2. How many hours are there in 120 minutes?

3. How many minutes are there in 7 hours?



Can you think of some more activities that fit in to the 3 categories?



This week in Guided Reading, your text is a non-chronological report

about polar bears. Today, your task is to read through this text

aloud to practice your fluency.

Draw the hands in the correct places on these clock faces, then there

are some problem solving questions to work through.

Remember: the small hand is for the hour and the long hand is for the


Firstly, go through the text and highlight any words you are not sure

of. Use the internet, a dictionary or ask a grown up what the meaning


Here are some questions to answer in your book.

1. What countries do Polar bears live in?

2. Where do they live in the winter?

3. What does the word ‘carnivore’ mean?

4. How do they catch their prey?

5. Can polar bears swim?

6. Give an example of an animal Polar bears eat.

7. How are Polar bears body’s protected from the cold?

8. How do Polar bears stop water getting in their nose when they


9.What makes a Polar bear such a good swimmer?

10.How many coats of fur does a Polar bear have?

Here are some questions to answer in your books.

1. How many months are in a year?



4. How many days are in a year?

5. How many weeks are in a year?


The purpose of a non-chronological report is to give people

information. There are lots of features that makes a non-chronological

report unique.

Here, I have listed the different features. You need to give an example

from the text and explain what is the purpose of each feature.

I have done one for you.

Feature Example in text Purpose



Rhetorical question

Have you ever wondered about polar bears?

To engage the reader and give them an idea of what the text is about.






Answer these questions about the Polar bear text, and other non-

chronological report in your book.

1. What is the purpose of a non-chronological report?

2. Who is the target audience of a non-chronological report?

3. Who might read the Polar bear report and why?

4. Can you think of 5 other things you might write a non-

chronological report about? (They don’t just have to be about


5. Name at least 3 examples of a non-chronological report.

Draw this story mountain in your book and reorder the events of the story.

Challenge: can you add some extra details in to the story mountain?



Today is Book Talk day! I will leave a list of options to pick from for

activities you can do today, or all of them if you would like!

• Catch up with the last few chapters of Varjak Paw.

• Read a book of your choice.

• Create your own non-chronological report about an animal.

• Write a book review about something you have read.

• Find a poem to practice reading aloud – you could film this for


• Write a list of your top 10 books you have ever read – in school or

at home.

I will be updating Purple Mash with lots of activities you can be

getting on with.

This month’s musician of the month is:

Aretha FranklinLook at some of her songs on Youtube.

Which ones are your favourites?

My favourite song by her is ‘I Say A Little Prayer’.

School Values Think about the skills and hobbies you have now, and what jobs you could do when you’re older.

For example, if you enjoy reading and sorting books – you could be a librarian!

Research some jobs you could do when you’re older.

Art Draw around your hand and fill it in with colours, pictures and patterns.

Science Think way back to Term 1 when we investigated sound. The word volume means how loud or quiet a sound is.

Spend the day listening for sounds and put them on an arrow, from quietest to loudest.

PE Ask a grown up to time you sprinting to the end of your street and back, or around your garden.

Do this every day and record you time.

Can you improve it during the week?

Quietest sounds Loudest sounds
