Work, Ideas, Projects and Research · • A Pitch Video for Skype's Shoot The Future Contest...


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Work, Ideas, Projects and Research Welcome! I've put together this portfolio for you so you can see

• The type of work I do

• The progress of work that led me to this point

• How I can adapt to different situations and apply creativity across disciplines


College to the Present

1 - This is the basic story of how I got to this point. But, it leaves out some major influences. You'll see those on the next few slides.

Other Influences

2 - High School and College Debate Team

3 - Harvard National Model UN

4 - CSU Faculty Brass Quintet, Fort Collins Symphony, Diablo Symphony, Carson Chamber Orchestra, Zephyrus Brass Quintet...


5 - The classroom experience led to an explosion of ideas. I tried a number of experimental ideas, but the one that really worked was "game-based learning."

Global Challenge

6 - Problem: students not engaged in learning / many classroom behavioral problems

Solution: Orchestrated an experiment in game and project based learning called Global Challenge

Participation, attendance and enthusiasm for learning increased dramatically. Behavioral issues began to subside.

This led to a lot of research and writing...

7 - Starting with my thesis paper which explored the idea that a new type of system design could be the key to more effective classrooms, schools and organizations of any kind.

Working with TEDx Sacramento

I joined TEDx Sacramento in 2009, and under the leadership and direction of Brandon Weber and

working with fellow board members and volunteers - helped organize the 2010 youth event.

In 2012 there were just three of us organizing the entire event. My contribution was mainly in curating

speakers - and working with them on their presentations.


• Board Member

• Co-Curator

• Head of Speaker Team

Type of Work: Community Building, Writing, Content Development, Social Media, Recruitment


We had 9 months to pull together a massive program, with a core team of only 3 people. The program

would require invitations to over 20 speakers, try-outs, coaching, logistics, travel arrangements,

marketing, publicity, social media, professional biographies, venue arrangements, correspondence,

ticket sales and the recruitment of a dedicated group of volunteers to see that all was done on time.


I created a spreadsheet on Google Docs which listed all the key components for this event and

deadlines, then invited in team members and began the work of completing all tasks. Instead of e-mails

and phone calls, we moved to the use of project management software, thereby streamlining the entire


The event was a huge success, was well attended and publicized. We had 24 speakers over a two day

period, an engaged audience and excellent presentations, all of which can now be seen globally on

YouTube and social media everywhere. TEDx Sacramento is now a recognized name in this area.

The Education Super Collider


The Ed Tech market was booming, but little was being done in our area to introduce new ideas and apps

to area teachers. Educators were not meeting with developers to advise on product needs.


In under 60 days, we developed and marketed the first Education Supercollider Un-Conference.

Partnering with a local co-op workspace called Hacker Lab, we invited area teachers, entrepreneurs,

developers and school administrators.

We had a great day-long event - well attended, publicized and highly interactive featuring guest

speakers from various sectors of education and technology. The group came up with many ideas and

solutions to introducing more innovation into the schools.

Type of Work: Project Management, Collaboration, Community Building, Content Development,

Education Technology

Hired by Silicon Valley Based SmartEdTech to be Their Content


Type of Work: Content Strategy, Content Development, Social Media, App Development, Education


Here's some samples of my work...


Why not actively work on ideas and solutions while hiking?

Type of Work: Content Development, Marketing, Community Building, Ideation, Collaboration, Small

Business Development

Description: a creative combination of fitness and innovation, i.e. using fitness, the outdoors and free

flowing conversation to get people together to share or develop some really good ideas.

Educational Content Development Work

Here is a sample of work from a contract with a 600 office professional development company. They

needed a range of activities involving teamwork and Legos -- something that would become the core of

their program.

Type of Work: Curriculum Writing, Content Development, Creative


Below, you will find a range of activities – all based on deeply researched educational theories and

methodologies. Each one speaks to solving a particular issue or improving an individual or team skill.

Participants will be encouraged to be creative in their exploration of new solutions. Teams will be

invited and challenged to try out different scenarios and activities – each of which can deepen

understanding, sharpen insight and help to create meaningful connections. Have fun and enjoy!

Shoot The Future Video Contest

Type of Work: Content Development, Brainstorming, Collaboration, Marketing, Social Media


• A Pitch Video for Skype's Shoot The Future Contest

• Idea was to collect or capture ideas from people all over the world

• Unique format would provide interesting footage of people in motion, hiking at places all over

the world

• After learning about the contest, only had 3 days to put it together


Type of Work: Content Development, Research, System Design, Operational Improvement, Ideation,

Writing, Social Media


The term was coined by John Conway to describe patterns in his cellular automata experiment called the

“Game of Life." Glider Cells are independently moving cells formed between orderly and chaotic regions,

navigating new terrain in a unique, self-organizing and completely unpredicted way.

We Are:

• A mobile think tank of high-level thinkers, writers, researchers, artists and technologists - ready

to adapt to different situations as needed.

• Read to help organizations who want to restructure, re-organize or re-imagine their mission and

internal workings and adapt to fast moving technologies.

• Multipotentialites -- people with different skills, talents and potential

• A content developent group / production company across all areas

• We believe in improving society through better, lateral or heterarchichal systems which allow

people to move towards their areas of interest and skill

10 - It's a mixture of a lot of good things...

11 - More details on the kind of work we do...


• A Plus Certified Instructor – Presentation on Game-Based Learning and the use of The Global

Challenge Curriculum, Atlanta, GA

• Presenter on the Supplemental Educational Services Program under the provisions of No Child

Left Behind – offered by Total Education Solutions

• Workshop developer / leader for Creative and Critical Thinking / Study Skills Programs for the

Schwab-Rosenhouse Center of the Sacramento Public Library

• Presenter on the Schoolpop fundraising program for schools – as School Program Coordinator

for Webvan Group

• Media and Internet Literacy – Workshop presenter and coordinator for the AT&T Cyberlab

• Presentation to National School Boards Association on the topic of “thematic units of

instruction,” “block scheduling” and “teaching across the curriculum” — using Global Challenge

as an example

• Speaker on the topic of “Preparing Students for the Global Village of the 21st Century” at

National Social Studies Conference, Salt Lake City

• Host of four episodes of The Global Challenge Television Program – taped for Sierra Nevada

Community Access Television

• Master of Ceremonies for Reno Festival for Peace, sponsored by the Center for Holocaust,

Genocide and Peace Studies

• Guest speaker at the University of Nevada, Reno on the topic of “humor in the classroom”

• Television Panel Member for Sierra Nevada Community Access TV program on the Youth

Violence Epidemic

• Guest speaker at the University of Nevada, Reno on “the Global Challenge Curriculum” for social

studies teachers

• Producer and Host of “The Cheese Stands Alone” — a talk show about teaching for KAME/KRXI

Television in Reno, Nevada

• The Global Challenge Curriculum, Incline Village High School Social Studies Department, In-

Service Day.

• Incline Village, Nevada

• Presenter / Instructor for the University of Nevada, Reno Freshman Orientation Program.

• Guest on “Diamonds for a Glass of Water,” a show about Holocaust education for Sierra Nevada

Community Access Television

• The Multiple Intelligences, a presentation for In-Service Day, Galena High School, Reno, Nevada

12 - After organizing the Education Supercollider (Un) Conference, we needed a presentation that would show participants the connection between new technology tools and how students learn best. We needed answers to what motivates students to

learn and be engaged with the content of our classes?

I constructed a presentation focusing on several areas that would drive active and engaged learning and explained that a “user-generated classroom” would be:

1.) curiosity driven; 2.) brain-based, i.e. taking into consideration natural brain chemistry; 3.) experiential; 4.) focused on games or projects w/ occasional lectures; 5.) mindful that students gravitate to their interests and strengths; 6) a. qualitative

experience - where students produce portfolios, products, start enterprises, engage w/ real organizations and tangible things.

This turned out to be a great starting point at our event for discussion on what challenges lie ahead for educators in their use of education technology apps, programs and platforms.

For more content samples, please visit my LiveBinders Portfolio.

Other Creative Things


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