Work and life_balance_the_risks_of_job_burnout


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The Risks of Job Burnout

Symptoms of Job Burnout

Symptoms of Job Burnout

Long workdays to compensate for diminished productivity.

Symptoms of Job Burnout

A loner lifestyle.

Loss of energy and inability to relax.

Symptoms of Job Burnout

A one-track life with little social or love life, or a chaotic family life.

Symptoms of Job Burnout

Symptoms of Job Burnout

Always having a negative attitude.

Symptoms of Job Burnout

No time for routine tasks.

Symptoms of Job Burnout

Cynical with others.

Symptoms of Job Burnout

Blaming everyone except oneself.

Symptoms of Job Burnout

Feeling unappreciated by supervisors.

Symptoms of Job Burnout

Having problems managing your workflow and too much paperwork.

Job Dissatisfaction

Insufficient training for the job.

Job Dissatisfaction

Job Dissatisfaction

Seems like a dead-end career.

Job Dissatisfaction

Lack of support for important decisions.

Job Dissatisfaction

Not enough compensation.

Job Dissatisfaction

Bad office politics.

Preventing Burnout

Preventing Burnout

Find something stimulating each day and challenge yourself.

Accept those things you can’t change in the workplace.

Preventing Burnout

Keep problems in perspective.

Preventing Burnout

Preventing Burnout

Take responsibility for your actions.

Preventing Burnout

Have other interests besides work.

Preventing Burnout

Learn to relax.

Preventing Burnout

Take care of your body by eating healthy and exercising on a regular basis.

Preventing Burnout

Have a positive outlook by seeing the positive in yourself and others.

Preventing Burnout

Develop support systems.

Preventing Burnout

Manage your time wisely.

Preventing Burnout

Plan regular breaks in the work routine.

Preventing Burnout

Develop and learn new skills.

Preventing Burnout

Ask for feedback about your performance on the job.

The Risks of Job Burnout
