Word press getting started


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Getting Started

Sheila Chandlersdchandl@vcu.edu

Overview of Wimba Interface

• Please use Wimba Comment to ask Questions

• Yes, No, Raise Hand and Emoticons?

• Polls will be used

Source: http://www.erikbrillo.com/helloooo-world/blog-cartoon/

Overview of WordPress Session• Login to WordPress at VCU (http://wp.vcu.edu)

• Post an Entry to the Blog/Site(site)

• Edit Posted Blog/Site Entries

• Post a Comment

• Enable and control comments from readers

• Add and edit Pages

• Add Users

• Where to find additional help

Exercise 1

Login to WordPress

Note: Your blog/site will automatically be created the first time you log in.

Exercise 1: http://wp.vcu.edu

Exercise 1: enter VCU eID and password

Exercise 1: after logging in will be on “Dashboard” for blog/site

Exercise 1: “Dashboard”

Exercise 1: from Dashboard to Blog/Site

Source: roystoncartoons.com

Exercise 2

Post an Entry to the Blog/Site

Exercise 2: click on Post and Add New

Exercise 2: enter and publish post

Exercise 2: Visit Site to view posting

Exercise 3

Edit Posted Blog/Site Entries

Exercise 3: edit posted site entry

Exercise 3: make changes and update

Exercise 4

Post a Comment/Reply

Exercise 4: Leave a Reply/Comment

Exercise 4: Type in a Comment

Exercise 5

Enable and Control Comments from Readers

Exercise 5: View comments and approve

Exercise 5: Allow or Not Allow Comments on a Post

Exercise 5: Default Comment settings for site

Source: http://media.photobucket.com/image/recent/JekyllnHyde_photos/May%252022nd%25202011/cartoon_blogging2.gif

Exercise 6

Add Pages

Exercise 6 – Add New Page

Exercise 6 – Add New Page

Exercise 6 - Site after “Page” is added

Exercise 7

Edit Pages

Exercise 7 – Quick Edit Page Entry

Exercise 7 – Quick Edit

Source: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/social-media-funnies-if-cavemen-were-bloggers/

Exercise 8

Add Users

Exercise 8 – Add “Existing” User

Exercise 8 – Add Users

Select Role from drop-down: Subscriber, Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor– Subscriber: Somebody who can only manage their profile– Administrator: Somebody who has access to all the administration features– Editor: Somebody who can publish and manage post and pages as well as mange

other users’ post– Author: Somebody who can publish and manage their own posts– Contributor: Somebody who can write and manage their posts but not publish them

Source: http://theantisocialmedia.com/anti-social-media/a-day-without-blogging/

Resources• http://www.ts.vcu.edu/kb/blog.html - VCU

Technology Services askIT Knowledge Base for Blogs.

• www.wp101.com – Part 1 The Dashboard (7 minutes) • http://wpapprentice.com/training-index/ - WP

Apprentice has some free WordPress training videos on specific topics. The ones I looked at were less than 10 minutes long.

What’s the difference…..• http://wp.vcu.edu – VCU WordPress site

• http://wordpress.com – Free site, not associated with VCU

• http://wordpress.org - (Note: .org) – Used to

download WordPress software and install on your own server

Questions? helpIT Center (VCU Technology Services)

• Website: http://go.vcu.edu/helpit • Phone: (804)828-2227• Email: helpIT@vcu.edu• Chat: http://go.vcu.edu/helpitlive• Address: James Branch Cabell Library

Room B-30901 Park Ave.
