Word of Life



Word of Life. July 2010. " The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it " ( Mt 13, 45-46). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Word Word ofof

Life Life

July 2010July 2010

"The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant

in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great

value, he went and sold all that he had

and bought it" (Mt 13, 45-46).

In this very brief parable Jesus caught the imaginationof his listeners. Everyone realised the value of pearls.

Together with gold,they were the most precious goods known at that time.

In addition, the Scriptures spoke of wisdom, that is,

of the knowledge of God, as something that could not be likened ‘to any priceless gem’ .

But what stands out in the parable is how strange, surprising and unexpected it would have been for the merchant to come across a pearl. Perhaps it was in a bazaar and only an expert eye could tell its enormous

value and the huge profit to be made from it.

This is why, when everything had been weighed up, it was worth selling all to buy the pearl. And who would

not have done the same thing?

So the profound meaning of the parable

is this: the meeting with Jesus (that is, with

the kingdom of God among us – this is the

pearl!) is a unique opportunity. We must seize it while we can, giving all our energies

and all we possess. 

"The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant

in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great

value, he went and sold all that he had

and bought it" (Mt 13, 45-46).

This was not the first time the disciples had found themselves facing a radical demand – they must leave everything in order to follow Jesus: everything most

precious to them, like family affections, financial security, certainty for the future.

But Jesus’ demands are not pointless or absurd.In place of ‘everything’ lost there is an ‘everything’ found,

which is inestimably more precious.Each time Jesus asks something he promises to give

much, much more, a superabundance.

So in this parable he assures us of a treasurethat will make us rich forever. And if it may seem a mistake

to leave what is certain for what is uncertain,what is sure for a mere promise, let’s think of that merchant.

He knows that the pearl is extremely preciousand he waits confidently for what its sale will bring.

Likewise, whoever wants to follow Jesus knows and sees, with the eyes of faith, what an immense gain

it isto share with him the inheritance of the kingdom as

a result of having left everything, at least in a spiritual sense.

God offers everyone a chance like this in life so they can grasp it.

"The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant

in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great

value, he went and sold all that he had

and bought it" (Mt 13, 45-46).

This is a practical invitation to put aside all the idolsthat could take God’s place in our hearts:

a career, marriage, studies, a beautiful house,our profession, sport, entertainment.

It is an invitation to put God in the first place,at the top of our thoughts and affections,

because everything in life must lead to himand everything must start from him.

By doing this, by seeking the kingdom of God, accordingto the Gospel promise, the rest will be given us as extra.Putting aside everything for the kingdom, we receive the

hundredfoldin houses, brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers, because the

Gospelhas a clear human dimension: Jesus is the God-man and,

together with spiritual food, he guarantees usbread, a house, clothing, a family.

Perhapswe should learn

from the ‘little ones’ to trust more

in the Father’s Providence.

He does not withhold anything from those

who, out of love, have given

even the little they had.

A group of young people in Congo, for some time now,have been making artistic greeting cards out of banana

skinsfor sale in Germany. At first they kept all the profits(some of them used it to keep their entire family).

Then they decided to share half the profit,and thirty-five unemployed young people were helped.

But God does not allow himself to be outdone in generosity.

Two of these young men gave such a witnessin the shop where they work that several traders

came there to look for staff.And eleven of them have found permanent jobs!

“Word of Life”, monthly publication of the Focolare Movement.

Original text by: Chiara Lubich, July 1999.

Graphic design by Anna Lollo in collaboration with Fr. Placido D’Omina (Sicily - Italy)

This commentary on the Word of Life is translated in 96 languages,

and it reaches millions of people throughout the world through the press, radio, TV

and internet – for more information visit www.focolare.org

This Powerpoint presentation is translated in various languages

and is published on www.santuariosancalogero.org

“Word of Life”, monthly publication of the Focolare Movement.

Original text by: Chiara Lubich, July 1999.

Graphic design by Anna Lollo in collaboration with Fr. Placido D’Omina (Sicily - Italy)

This commentary on the Word of Life is translated in 96 languages,

and it reaches millions of people throughout the world through the press, radio, TV

and internet – for more information visit www.focolare.org

This Powerpoint presentation is translated in various languages

and is published on www.santuariosancalogero.org

"The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant

in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value,

he went and sold all that he hadand bought it"

(Mt 13, 45-46).