Women, raunch culture banning of burqa


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Women, Raunch Culture and the Banning of the Burqa

Are women oppressed in Australia today?


In Comparison to the Past – the gains that women have fought for and won

Look at legality + society pre 70’s

Issues with the victories. –+ Contradictions + cooption of the

movement – double burden

Neoliberal offensive against women-

Where are we today? – cooption of the ideals of the movement - the double burden

no sexual liberation with out liberation of capitalism. And the need for gender roles

The co-option of the ideals of the movement – women and sexuality

What is raunch culture? – sexy but not sexual – popular manifestation in Western society about the super

exploitation of women as commodities

In Comparison to the Past – the gains that women have fought for and won

Impact of raunch culture today

Contradictions of raunch culture

Why does capitalism need to commodify women and maintain gender roles?

Back lash against raunch culture

Other manifestations of oppression of women

Women should decide their fate

No burqa’s in Newtown?

In Comparison to the Past – the gains that women have fought for and won

In Comparison to the Past – the gains that women have fought for and won

In Comparison to the Past – the gains that women have fought for and won

In Comparison to the Past – the gains that women have fought for and won

In Comparison to the Past – the gains that women have fought for and won
