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Witness Systems is a leading provider of business-driven customer interaction recording, analysis andelectronic learning software that enables companiesto enhance their customer contacts across multiplecommunications media.

Witness Systems SalesPhone 888.3.WITNESSContact_USA@witness.com

136 • Defying the Limits

Evaluate Before You ImplementMeasurement is key to evaluating and assessingCRM performance. One of Canada’s largestCRM outsourcers uses eQuality to investigateanomalies in data and analyze agent behaviorpatterns to isolate business challenges, identifynew revenue opportunities, determine processeffectiveness and better train its staff. As a resultof the feedback delivered through eQuality, thecompany re-engineered its user interface toallow for greater efficiency as agents input cus-tomer information while in session.

Inspect and Improve Your ProcessesA major challenge of any successful CRMimplementation is correctly identifying anddefining business processes so you can meetyour CRM goals.

A CRM process redefines how you completework affecting your customer -- from customerservice, the order management cycle, orderentry, logistics, manufacturing, and of coursesales, marketing and engineering. During the“fit-gap analysis,” you might want to record

specific existing business processes you knowneed improvement.

However, does your company really under-stand existing business processes? Find outexactly what processes you have and whatgoals you want the CRM application to helpyou achieve. After all, automating a badprocess doesn’t help.

What about the processes you don’t realize have the potential for improvement? Or processes you may not even know aboutbecause users have developed some type of shortcut?

The powerful advanced business-drivenrecording capability of Witness Systems’eQuality suite enables you to capture interac-tions based on business rules that addressyour specific business needs. For example, capture interactions with high-value customers;those regarding specific products or marketingcampaigns; interactions relating to an existingservice request; those with a specific severitylevel, or by other user-defined selection criteriato evaluate the process behind those types of interactions.

Optimize Your TechnologyDeploying and implementing the technologiesthat minimize or eliminate labor-intensive tasksisn’t always a simple process. How can youknow if you are getting the best use of theCRM tool so you don’t miss key functions? TheWitness Systems quality monitoring solutioncaptures and replays actual synchronized voiceand data screen interactions so you can viewactual screen detail usage.

For example, see how a call center agentanswered a call, typed in the customer’s name, began reviewing the customer’s accountinformation, and then see at what point theagent clicked to go to another screen. You can evaluate how the CRM application needsto integrate with other applications in yourenterprise.

Witness Systems: Optimize and Protect Your CRMInvestment With Multimedia Recording and Analysis


To meet the ongoing challenge of deliveringsuperior customer service and sales results,

more and more companies are investing heav-ily in Customer Relationship Management(CRM) applications. After all, in good or tougheconomic times one sure way to hurt your bot-tom line is not to invest in customer satisfac-tion. And the quicker any business can realizea return on a significant technology investment,the better the value of the investment. Facinghefty CRM software expenditures and intricateimplementation timetables, forward-thinkingcompanies are looking for ways to protect andoptimize their CRM investment.

The synergy between the Witness SystemseQuality™ software and all phases of a CRMrollout -- from people to processes and tech-nology -- can optimize your firm’s return onany CRM investment.

The eQuality software suite of multimediacustomer interaction recording, analysis and e-learning management applications provides anintegrated, closed-loop system for continuousperformance improvement in the contact cen-ter. By integrating the eQuality solution withyour enterprise CRM applications, you can opti-mize your CRM implementation and leverageand protect your investment.

For example, the eQuality solution can inte-grate with enterprise CRM applications and trigger recordings of any CRM event you define.The system records and stores what’s takingplace, allowing you to replay a true picture ofhow service or sales representatives interactwith the CRM application. eQuality provides a clear indicator of how easy the CRM softwareis to use, which tools agents prefer and howwell they have been trained to use differentfeatures. Further, many leading companies are also leveraging the eQuality solution as aninstrumental tool for judging how reps areusing newer multimedia tools, such as emailand Web chat, protecting the investmentsmade to support these channels.

Figure 1 – eQuality optimizes all phases of aCRM rollout – from people to processes andtechnology – and enhances your firm’s returnon any CRM investment.

Solution Provider

Defying the Limits • 137

software can send training updates to eachagent’s desktop.

Although a CRM vendor may provide inten-sive initial training, ongoing supplemental train-ing reinforces the initial learning experience andhelps to ensure users master the application. To ensure that your agents are really using a CRMtool effectively, provide training to end users andstaff both initially and on an ongoing basis.

Witness Systems eQuality SolutionsWitness Systems provides business-driven mul-timedia customer interaction recording, analysisand electronic learning management softwarethat enables companies to optimize their cus-tomer relationships. As a result, you can gener-

ate additional revenue opportunities, improveprofitability, reduce employee turnover,enhance customer retention and achievegreater customer loyalty.

Witness Systems has successfully deployedthe eQuality solution in a host of vertical indus-tries, including automotive, financial services,healthcare, hospitality, insurance, outsourcing,publishing, retail, telecommunications, travel,and utilities. At Witness Systems, we providesoftware to global companies needing quick,successful implementations, rapid returns oninvestment and high satisfaction levels.

To learn more about the Witness SystemseQuality software suite, please visit www.witness.com.

David Gould Chief Executive Officer and President

Nancy Treaster Senior Vice President, Global Marketing

Alain Livernoche Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales

Witness Systems300 Colonial Center PkwyRoswell, GA 30076 Phone 770.754.1900Fax 770.754.1888contact_usa@witness.com www.witness.com

Do your business goals include using theCRM software to increase sales by upselling toyour customers? Create a business rule witheQuality to capture interactions for review whenthere is an upselling opportunity. With eQualityyou can quickly identify which rep needs additional coaching or training on upselling.Additionally, if a new marketing campaign hasjust been launched, Witness Systems’ eQualitycan help you gauge if agents are using the CRM application to its full capability.

Some scenarios (such as when your top customer’s production goes down) requireurgent notification throughout an enterprise.With eQuality, you can create a business rule to capture the critical interaction and notify keypersonnel so everyone can listen to and reviewthe interaction and quickly take steps to correctthe situation.

Prepare Your People Before implementing a CRM application, it’scrucial to prepare the people who will actuallyuse the CRM product. The eQuality e-learningmanagement application, eQuality Now, pro-vides training delivered to an agent’s desktopto ensure users receive the correct informationand training they will need to use the CRMapplication successfully.

Personalize Your Training For your people, CRM means change. You provide training so everyone can really use theapplication. However your entire user groupmay not fully master a complex applicationsuch as CRM at the same time. eQuality canhelp you find out which reps understand thenew technology and which need additionaltraining. Individuals do learn at different rates.Determine if the skill gap is because of an indi-vidual’s skill set, or, if confusion results fromthe new processes. eQuality Now can send targeted learning to an agent’s desktop to helpcorrect any individual skill set deficiency. The

Figure 2 – Bringing eQuality to eBusiness™: A complete suite of multimedia customer interactionrecording, analysis and e-learning software – eQuality Balance, eQuality Response, eQualityInteractive, eQuality Evaluation eQuality Analysis, eQuality Now
