With summer on the horizon, it’s pretty safe to …...With summer on the horizon, it’s pretty...


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With summer on the horizon, it’s pretty safe to assume that your desire to burn excess fat is at its peak.

Even though your nutrition plan is the primarily stimulus for getting leaner, there are simple workout modifications to augment fat loss. Indeed, when you need to figure out how to get ripped in the shortest time possible, finishers will do the trick.

A finisher is an exercise that stimulates as many major muscle groups as possible for minutes at a time. And just like the name implies, a finisher should be performed after your regular workout is done.

There are two reasons why a finisher really should be at the end of a workout.

First, after a sufficient strength training workout your available energy stores are lower than normal.

This is a perfect time to ramp up your need for energy as your metabolism stimulates hormone-sensitive lipase in adipocytes. Hormone-sensitive lipase is an enzyme that converts triglycerides into free fatty acids that enter the blood and bind to albumin for delivery to exercising muscle (Nadel, Medical Physiology, 2003).

Second, in order to maximize the uptake of free fatty acids and growth hormone release, the finisher should be exhausting. In fact, a finisher should be – dare I say – nauseating.

Even though exercise should never make you ill, a fleeting feeling of nausea means you’ve accumulated protons and acidified skeletal muscle to create a strong stimulus for growth hormone release. Put another way: if you do a finisher correctly you won’t want to do anything afterward.

Tips When choosing a weight let the rep count dictate which weight you use. You want to be hitting that rep count or failing just before. When performing burpees be sure to do a full push up. When doing step – ups, drive the weight through your heels not toes. This will shift the stress onto the glutes instead of the knees.

Finisher 1 Exercise Sets Reps Rest

A1) Inverted Rows

1 Min 25 or until form collapses


Push ups 1 Min 25 or until form collapses


Single Leg Step Up (One leg at a time)

1 Min 25 or until form collapses


Burpees 1 Min 25 or until form collapses


Finisher 2

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Cable Tricep Pushdown

1 50 N/A

Go fast on both the eccentric and concentric. At the end of the exercise squeeze the muscle as hard as you can for a 5 second count (Be prepared for the burn ☺ )

Finisher 3 Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Dips 1 25 N/A Skull Crushers 1 25 N/A Seated Dumbbell Triceps Press

1 25 N/A

Finisher 4 Exercise Sets Reps Rest

A1) Box Jumps* 4 6 reps 60 secs A2) Box Jumps** 4 20 reps 120 secs

Explosive Plyometric are very hard on knees and other joints as well as being metabolically challenging so use sparingly, listen to your body and don’t over do it. * Start from a standstill position on the ground. Squat down and explode up onto a box/bench. Best Practises # Land softly on top of the box # Let yourself down easily to avoid stressing the joints (knees, lower back) # Push yourself, increase the height of the box each week ** Starting on a bench ideally 16-32 inches high, drop down to the ground and explode up onto the bench as soon as you land. Make it a continuous movement. It will be harder but the results will be well worth it.

Finisher 5 Warrior conditioning This final finisher will help you build power, and endurance. Exercise Sets Reps Rest

A1) Med Ball Slam

2 Failure N/A

A20 Alternating Med Ball Pushup

2 Falure N/A

Plyometric Chin Up*

2 Failure N/A

Box Junps ** 2 Failure N/A *Plyometric Chin ups – Do normal chin up, bring tyour kneed up as you’re coming up. At the top of the exercise “jump” releasing your hands from the chin up bar and grabbing hold of it as you descend. WARNING, this is a very advanced exercise!! ** Box jumps – Jump up as soon as you hit the ground, spend as little time on the ground as possible.

Final Finisher 6 One exercise per body part

Bodypart Exercise Sets Reps

Chest Dumbbell Squeeze


1 Failure *

Back Alternating

Dumbbell Rows

1 Failure *

Triceps Rope pushdowns 1 Failure *

Biceps Barbell 21’s 1 Failure *

Quads Dumbbell Squats 1 Failure *

Hamstrings Nordic Hamstring

Curls **

1 Failure *

Calves Seated calf raise 1 Failure *

*By FAILURE I mean ABSOLUTE FAILURE. When you cannot do another FULL

repetition, use partial range of movement until you cannot move the weight another inch!

**Wedge your feet under a loaded barbell on the floor, use plates either side of the loaded

disks (front/behind) to stop barbell from moving

Descending Ladders This is one of my favourites, its brutal!! Start with 7 reps for A1 then move onto A2 for 7 reps. Go back and forth until you hit 1 rep of each movement. No rest between circuits. Seven should be your starting point. If too easy start at a higher number and work your way down. Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Parallell bar dips 1 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 N/A Push Ups 1 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 N/A

Quad annihilators Your legs are the foundation of your body. When you build a house you build from the bottom up or from the top down? Exactly! You are only as strong as your weakest link. So suck it up with this bad ass finisher: Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Leg Press 2 5,5,5,5 2 mins Start with a weight that you can crank out 5 reps with. Do 5 reps, rest 10 secs, do another 5 reps. Repeat twice more for a total of 2 sets.

HIIT Metabolic finishers Exercise Sets Reps Rest

High knee stationary sprints

3 20 secs N/A

Heavy Bag Punches

3 20 per arm N/A

Bench Toe Touches**

3 20 each leg N/A

Plyometric Push ups

3 Failure N/A

** Similar to bench step ups – instead of using the elevated leg to propel you up simply switch position of your leg. Don’t let your heels touch the ground Move as fast as possible, alternating legs.

Metabolic Cardio Mix up Prepare for 10 mins of HELL!! Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Treadmill Hill Sprints (Incline 5.0)

/ 15 secs /

15 Suspension Push ups

/ 15 secs /

10 Split Lunge jumps

/ 15 secs /

5 Pullups / 15 secs / Treadmill Hill Sprints (Incline 5.0)

/ 15 secs /

50 hops skipping rope

/ 15 secs /

5 tuck jumps / 15 secs / 20 jumping jacks / 15 secs / 15 suspension mountain riders per leg

/ 15 secs /

10 overhead med ball carry

/ 15 secs /

This type of finisher combines sprints with bodyweight exercises for 10 mins of fun!! Perform the circuit for as many times as you can in 10 mins, noting down the reps for each exercise and the number of times you performed the circuit. Set the treadmill at 5.0 incline, your time starts from the moment it hits 5.0 incline, not before!!! WARNING: Choose your speed carefully!! A speed that you can manage for 15 secs. Mixed movement metabolic circuit Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Med Ball Touches*

3 12 N/A

Box Jumps 3 15 N/A

Skipping 3 30 secs as fast as possible


Heavy Bag Punches

3 60 secs 60 secs then start next round

Med ball touches* – in a push up position, explode up and put hands on top of the ball then come back down again.

Fat incenerating cardio Sprint 50 Yard Sprint 75 Yard Sprint 100 Yard Sprint 150 Yard Sprint 200 Yard Sprint Rest periods should be 2:1 meaning if it took you 18 secs to do 50 meteres you rest for 36 seconds before moving onto 75 yard sprint. Row 100 Meter Row Rest 1 Mins 200 Meter Row Rest 2 Mins 300 Meter Row Rest 3 mins

Tri set shoulder finisher Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

3 15 N/A

Dumbbell Front Raise

3 15 N/A

Dumbbell Overhead Press

3 15 90 secs

Choose light dumbbells to start off with. The overhead press will feel weird at first and you’ll feel fatigued but that’s the purpose of it, we are using a pre exhaust method.

Plate Complexes Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Plate Swings 3-5 8-10 N/A Bent Over Plate Rows

3-5 8-10 N/A

Reverse lunge with Plate Twist

3-5 8-10 N/A

Plate curl to overhead plate press

3-5 8-10 N/A

Overhead Plate Squat

3-5 8-10 N/A

Low to high diagonal plate chop

3-5 8-10 60 – 90 secs

Pick a 45lbs/25KG plate and complete all the exercises in the specified reps before putting the plate down. Rest 60-90 secs for a total of 3-5 rounds.

Bicep Burnout Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Dumbbell Seated Bicep Curls

2 6,6,6,6 1 mins

On this final finisher you will do 4 mini sets TWICE. Start with a weight that you can crank out 6 reps with. Do 6 reps, rest 10 secs, another 6 reps. Do this twice more. Repeat for a total of 2 sets. You will need to drop the weight, so make sure you have a bunch of dumbbells by your side that you can pick up without getting up from the bench to keep the tension on. Aim for failure with each mini set.

Giant Set chest finisher

• No rest between exercises

• Choose a weight that you can manage the prescribed reps with. If you cannot complete the reps, rest 5 secs and go again. Repeat until you complete the required reps.

• Move quickly between exercises with little rest. Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Dumbbell Incline Press

1 12-15 N/A

Dumbbell Flat Chest Press

1 12-15 N/A

Dips (chest forward)

1 12-15 N/A

Push ups 1 12-15 N/A Flat Dumbbell Flys

1 12-15 N/A

Push Pull fat fryer Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Pull ups As many as it takes 50 N/A Push ups As many as it takes 100 N/A

This is an intense finisher. The whole idea is to perform it after your workout when you are already fatigued. Have a pen and paper nearby, start your stop watch. Perform as many pullups as you can until failure, then proceed to pushups. As soon as you hit failure on one of the exercises move onto the next one. Don’t worry if you only manage single reps at times. You will go through that phase and then all of a sudden your body will fight back and your reps will start going up. Make sure you note down the number of reps for each exercise, or else you won’t know how many you have done. Don’t try to memorise it, trust me, I’ve tried it, wont work. Try to beat your time the next week.

The 1-10 system A favorite of Arnold, this one can be used with just about any exercise, but Mr. Cali-fornia liked to use them with curls and bench presses. Here's how it works: Load up the bar with a weight that you can only handle for one maximal rep in good form. Curl it or press it, rack it, then strip off just enough weight so that you can get two reps. Again, take off just enough weight so that you can get three reps. Continue until you do a final set of ten reps. That'll be 55 reps total. For bench I like to use dumbbells unless I am with a training partner to save time and keep the tension on. I will stack all the dumbbells that I am going to use next to me so all I have to do is drop one pair and pick up another. Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Barbell Curls 1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 N/A Barbell/Dumbbell Flat Bench Press

1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 N/A

Death Sets Use one of these exercises at the end of your workout, choose one that is relevant to the body part that you have just trained in order to maximise your results.

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Goblet Squats 1 50 N/A

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Bulgarian Squats 1 2 mins 30 secs per



Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Triceps Rope


1 50 reps N/A

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Biceps curl with


1 50 reps N/A

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Kettlebell snatch,

clean and press

(Alternate arms)

1 25 per arm N/A

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Kettlebell Swings

(alternate arms)

1 25 per arm N/A

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Dumbbell standing

Alternate shoulder


1 25 each arm N/A

100 Reps of Pure Humility

As the name implies, you’re working with 100 reps; the goal is to hit that number in the fewest number of sets possible. But, there are caveats: no set should go over 20 reps; so, you’ll aim to complete in the fewest sets possible, with a minimum of five sets. Use the same weight throughout. When you can get 5×20, increase the weight next workout by 5%. Simple? Yes. Easy? Hell no. Let me just make that as clear as I possibly can: unless you routinely do high rep work for multiple sets, this is going to suck. A lot. It won’t bury you, but it will humble you. Choose one of these following bad boys

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Barbell Squat variation (Front/Back)

1 (aim for 5x20) 100 90 secs mins, max 8 mins

Trap bar deadlift 1 (aim for 5x20) 100 90 secs mins, max 8 mins

Bent Over Rows 1 (aim for 5x20) 100 90 secs mins, max 8 mins

Overhead Press 1 (aim for 5x20) 100 90 secs mins, max 8 mins

Landmine Squat and Press

1 (aim for 5x20) 100 90 secs mins, max 8 mins

High Rep chest pump The chest is a big muscle group, they sure can take a real beating! Adding in this finisher will stimulate every muscle fibre possible and will burn off that stubborn fat. Keep tension constant, no pausing at top or bottom. Mechanical Drop Sets Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Incline Barbell Bench Press

1 20 N/A

Flat Barbell Bench Press

1 20 N/A

Decline Barbell Bench Press

1 20 N/A

Upper Lower Metabolic Finisher Focusing on full body exercises done at high intensity. Rotating between upper body and lower body. You’ll do all 3 circuits 3 times!!! Pace yourself, don’t try to be a hero and go all out, you need to give your body the time to adapt to this type of training. Rest 90 secs between circuits Metabolic Finisher 1 Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Lunge Jumps 3 20 N/A

Heavy Bag Punches

3 20 N/A

Squat Jumps 3 40 N/A Heavy Bag Punches

3 40 N/A

Metabolic Finisher 2 Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Push ups 3 20 N/A

Step Ups (Alternating legs)

3 20 (10 each leg) N/A

Heavy bag punches

3 40 N/A

Mountain Climbers

3 20 N/A

Metabolic Finisher 3 Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Walk outs with pushup

3 20 N/A

Frog Jumps 3 20 N/A High Knee Sprints

3 20 N/A

Push Ups 3 20 N/A

Landmine Complex One of my favourite circuits simply because very little equipment is needed and I don’t have to move a lot! I can do more in less time. Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Landmine Squat to Press

3 10 N/A

10 Single Arm Presses

3 10 (per arm) N/A

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

3 10 (per leg) N/A

Single Arm Rows 3 10 (per arm) N/A

Reverse lunges 3 10 (per leg) 60 secs Do all exercises without putting the barbell down, rest. Perform each circuit twice, resting 60 secs after completing all exercises (one circuit). When doing the presses think shoulders. Initiate the movement from your shoulders. It is very easy to put all the tension and initiate from your hands. You don’t want to be doing that. You’ll damage your elbows. Be conscious. Loaded Carries Loaded carries, no matter what variation you choose, challenges the core more than any crunch or direct core training exercise ever could, but also provides a test for grip strength and full body stability. As if that isn’t enough to start carrying some heavy weights, as an added bonus, for many of these variations, shoulder stability is challenged, creating more ideal shoulder positions to train from, and hence optimized shoulder health. Choose 1 exercise from the list.

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Farmers’ Walk 3 70 secs 45 secs

Cross Body Carry


Goblet Carry (use dumbbell or kettlebell)

3 70 secs 45 secs

Trap bar carry 3 70 secs 45 secs Suitcase Carry (Hold 1 dumbbell to side)

3 70 secs 45 secs

Bottoms Up Carry (Holding Kettelbell upside down) *

3 70 secs 45 secs

Use 1 kettlebell, however if you’re feeling strong use 2. Hold high overhead (advanced) or just above head. Kettlebell circuits Circuit 1 Exercise Sets Reps Rest

One-Arm Swing 3 5 each * 60 secs

Threaded Lunge 3 5 each * 60 secs

SLRDL + Row 3 5 each * 60 secs Strict Press 3 5 each * 60 secs

Circuit 2 Double Kettlebell Complex Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Double Clean 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Double Clean 60 secs

Front Squat 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Front Squat 60 secs

Push Press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Push Press 60 secs

Sumo Deadlift into upright rows

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Sumo Deadlift into upright rows

60 secs

Barbell complexes (AKA Blood on a barbell) ☺ Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Barbell Push Press

As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Barbell Front Squats

As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Barbell Back Squats

As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Barbell Bent Over Rows

As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Barbell Deadlifts As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Select a weight that you can do 8 reps with, but do only 5 reps. This applies to all exercises. Do as many circuits as possible in 20 mins WITHOUT RESTING IN BETWEEN EXERCISES Do all exercises in a circuit format, no rest in between exercises. Aim for failure on each exercise whilst maintaining perfect form. Set your stop watch to 20 mins, after 20 mins stop everything even if you haven’t completed the circuit. Record the total number of circuits you have done and try to beat it next time. I recommend using 2 barbells to reduce time you will spend setting up exercise

Barbell Complex 2 Barbell complexes (AKA Blood on a barbell) ☺

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Overhead Squat As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Hang Clean As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Standing Military Press As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Bent Over Row As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Lunge (barbell/dumbbell/kettlebell)

As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 Each leg N/A

Romanian Deadlift As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N?A

Front Squats As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Standing Calf Raise As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Barbell complexes 3 (AKA Blood on a barbell) ☺

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Barbell Shoulder Overhead Press

As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Barbell Shoulder Push Press (using your legs)

As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Barbell Shoulder Push Jerks (power up with legs and catch at top, different from push press )

As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Sumo Deadlifts As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Conventional Deadlifts

As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Wide grip deadlifts

As many in 20 minutes without rest

5 N/A

Trap bar circuits Another exercise variation, using minimal piece of equipment. You don’t need a great deal of space especially if you are at home and you don’t have to worry about the gym being busy thus having to wait for the equipment to become free. Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Split Squats 4 10 (5 per leg) N/A

Romanian Deadlifts

4 10 (5 per leg) N/A

Low handle deadlifts

4 10 (5 per leg) 1 mins

Ladders of Death circuits

This is an advanced routine that should only be tried once a week, twice at the most if you are really well conditioned. It combines the 3 mechanisms of hypertrophy together to create the afterburn which will put your body into fat burning mode for up to 36 hours post exercise. Perform A1 through to A5 without rest, after the completion of the circuit rest one minute before attempting 3 more rounds. Once you have completed 4 rounds move on to B1, B2. Exercise Sets Reps Rest

A1) Squats 4 12 N/A

A2) Chins 4 12 N/A A3) Deadlifts 4 12 N/A

A4) Dips 4 12 N/A A5) Pushup 4 12 1 mins B1) Hanging leg raise

3 10 N/A

B2) Decline Reverse Crunch

3 10 1 mins

Ladder of Death Circuit 2

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

A1) Push Press 4 12 N/A

A2) Walking Dumbbell Lunges

4 12 N/A

A3) Dips 4 12 1 mins B1) Bent Over Barbell Rows

4 12 1 mins

B2) Tweisting Crunch on Swiss Ball

4 12 1 mins

Perform A1, 2, A3 resting 1 mins between circuits. Once you’ve completed 4 rounds move on to B.

Ladder Workout Challenge Perform both ladder circuits back to back without rest. Exercise (a) Exercise (b) Reps (a) Reps (b)

Push ups Squats (loaded) 10 1

Push Up Squats (loaded) 9 2 Push Up Squats (loaded) 8 3

Push Up Squats (loaded) 7 4 Push ups Squats (loaded) 6 5 Push ups Squats (loaded) 5 6

Push ups Squats (loaded) 4 7 Push ups Squats (loaded) 3 8 Push ups Squats (loaded) 2 9 Push ups Squats (loaded) 1 10

Exercise (a) Exercise (b) Reps (a) Reps (b)

Squats (loaded) Push ups 10 1

Squats (loaded) Push Up 9 2 Squats (loaded) Push Up 8 3

Squats (loaded) Push Up 7 4

Squats (loaded) Push ups 6 5 Squats (loaded) Push ups 5 6 Squats (loaded) Push ups 4 7 Squats (loaded) Push ups 3 8 Squats (loaded) Push ups 2 9

Squats (loaded) Push ups 1 10

Ladder workout challenge 2 Exercise (a) Exercise (b) Reps (a) Reps (b)

Push Press Kettlebell Swings 10 1

Push Press Kettlebell Swings 9 2

Push Press Kettlebell Swings 8 3

Push Press Kettlebell Swings 7 4 Push Press Kettlebell Swings 6 5

Push Press Kettlebell Swings 5 6 Push Press Kettlebell Swings 4 7 Push Press Kettlebell Swings 3 8 Push Press Kettlebell Swings 2 9 Push Press Kettlebell Swings 1 10

Exercise (a) Exercise (b) Reps (a) Reps (b)

Kettlebell Swings Push Press 10 1

Kettlebell Swings Push Press 9 2 Kettlebell Swings Push Press 8 3

Kettlebell Swings Push Press 7 4 Kettlebell Swings Push Press 6 5 Kettlebell Swings Push Press 5 6 Kettlebell Swings Push Press 4 7

Kettlebell Swings Push Press 3 8

Kettlebell Swings Push Press 2 9

Kettlebell Swings Push Press 1 10

Escalating Density Training

Set your stop watch for 15 mins Begin by performing 5 reps for each exercise. Pace yourself. Choose a weight that you can hit 10 reps with and use that for the entire period. As you begin to fatigue, allow your reps to drop to sets of 4,3,2 and even singles towards the end of the 15 mins interval (if you are hitting singles too early the weight is too heavy). The concept behind it is how many total reps you achieve in the 15 minutes, not in each set. Your rest intervals will gradually increase as you start to fatigue. Note down how many total reps you did in the 15 mins for each exercise and try to beat that next time. EMOM workouts EMOM or Every Minute On the Minute workouts are a great way to challenge

yourself and push it in the gym. Perform the listed number of reps then rest until the top of the next minute. Continue for the set number of minutes. EMOM Workout 1

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Barbell Bicep Curls

As many in 15 mins without resting

5 N/A

Walking Dumbbell Lunges

As many in 15 mins without resting

5 N/A

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Barbell Bicep Curls

As many in 15 mins without resting

5 N/A

Walking Dumbbell Lunges

As many in 15 mins without resting

5 N/A

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Barbell Bicep Curls

As many in 15 mins without resting

5 N/A

Walking Dumbbell Lunges

As many in 15 mins without resting

5 N/A

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Barbell Bench Press

As many in 15 mins without resting

5 N/A

Barbell Bent Over Rows

As many in 15 mins without resting

5 N/A

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Box Jumps 4 minutes 15 1 mins

Kettelbell Swings 4 minutes 15 1 mins Burpees 4 minutes 15 1 mins

EMOM Workout 2 Every minute on the minute for 16 minutes. Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Goblet Squats Even minutes 14 N/A Push Ups Odd minutes 10 N/A

EMOM Workout 3 Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Dumbbell Thrusters

5 minutes 12 1 mins

Dumbbell Lunges 5 minutes 16 1 mins Jump Squats 5 minutes 14 1 mins

EMOM Workout 4 Minutes 1-10 Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Box Jumps Even minutes 16 N/A Goblet Squats Odd minutes 16 N/A

Minutes 11-20 Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Push ups Even minutes 16 N/A Wall Balls Odd minutes 16 N/A

15 Minute AMRAP 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 etc Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Goblet Squats As many in 15 mins as possible

2, 4, 6 N/A

V Sits As many in 15 mins as possible

2, 4, 6 N/A

Burpees As many in 15 mins as possible

2, 4, 6 N/A

Perform 2 goblet squats, 2 v sits, 2 burpees, then go back and do 4 goblet squats, 4 v sits, 4 burpees etc until you hit 15 mins. Record the total number of reps for each exercise.

EMOM for 12 minutes, complete 4 reps for each exercise before moving on to the next one. Go back and forth until 12 mins is up. Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Deadlifts As many in 12 mins as possible

4 N/A

Push Press As many in 12 mins as possible

4 N/A

Box Jumps As many in 12 mins as possible

4 N/A

Metabolic Monster Workout This one will either murder you, or you’re gonna want to murder me!!!

• Heavy, low rep strength oriented loaded

• Free weights only needed

• Develops workhorse style strength endurance

• Targets all muscles in body

• Set up equipment only once for entire workout You'll be engaging every major muscle group in your entire body repeatedly...non-stop...with heavy weight...for an extended period of time.

And if this sounds like fun to you, you're definitely in the RIGHT place...

To accomplish this training without dying out within the first 30 seconds, you're going to be cycling through exercises that work different areas of your body strategically and incorporate a brief rest WHILE you're doing the sets, so that fatigue from continuous loading isn't a factor that stops you from getting all your target reps.

You'll be doing 5 total rounds (non-stop, all the way through) of 4 exercises, starting with 5 reps on the first round.

Then, on every round after that, you'll decrease the target reps by one, until you get to ONE rep sets on the last round.

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Deadlifts 2 4, 3, 2, 1 N/A

Dumbbell Floor Press

2 4, 3, 2, 1 N/A

Chin Ups/ Pull Ups/ Inverted Rows

2 4, 3, 2, 1 N/A

Bottom Start Front Squats

2 4, 3, 2, 1 N/A

Explosive bodyweight Final Finishers The best bodyweight only training can’t be categorised in simple muscular terms. It’s full-body and this routine is no exception. You’re going to work the entire body from head to toe, giving special attention to core stability and developing those powerful, explosive fast twitch fibers. Yes, some of the exercises are pretty hard! But you’ll be faster, leaner and lighter on your feet than you thought possible. Depending on how much you rest, this workout should take you anywhere from 30 mins to an hour. Exercise Reps

Explosive Pushups to bench 15 reps

Explosive Squat (starting from bottom position)

20 reps

Shoulder to Shoulder pull up 5 per side Razor Kick Lunge 30 secs per side Feet Elevated Inverted Rows 12 reps Feet Elevated Med Ball push ups 15 reps

V-ups 10 reps Single Crossed leg crunch 10 reps each side (foot crossed over

knee of opposite leg) Wide legged crunch 10 reps Cross legged crunch 10 reps per leg (legs out straight)

6. Minute Finishers

The Minute Finishers are a collection of finishers that will take you 5 minutes timed intervals to perform. You will perform five exercises for one minute each (non-stop).

This is a perfect for those fighters that want to simulate competition, where the fight is 5-minute rounds. You can use these finishers to simulate the work rest ratio for an event.

Use these as championship round finishers where you will complete 2 rounds with one minute break in between.

Directions: Perform each exercise for 60 seconds of work one after the other with no rest on between. You have the option to rest for 1 minute and complete another round or stop at 5 minutes (one round). Exercise Reps Sets Rest

Clean and Press 15 reps 2 N/A

Speed Curls 20 reps 2 N/A Dumbbell Burpees 5 per side 2 N/A

Alternating Floor Press

30 secs per side 2 N/A

Speed Bent Over Rows

12 reps 2 1 mins

Burpee Finishers

The burpee is the “Ultimate Metabolic Bodyweight Exercise”. This compound exercise works almost every muscle in your body in one short sequence of movements.

The exercise simultaneously works the upper body, lower body and core at once. Your heart and lungs are tested to the max as well.

A set of burpees will force your body to work far above your capacity to take in, transport and utilize oxygen and, subsequently, your anaerobic conditioning will improve.

A combination of Burpees and Finishers, the perfect union designed for you to use immediately after your strength training, interval workout, run or as an extra conditioning session throughout the week.

The different burpee variations make each finisher challenging, effective and fun. Each Burpee Finisher will help you build killer cardio, increase your metabolism and melt away stubborn body fat, faster than ever before.

Directions: Perform each exercise for 45 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds one after the other for one round. Each round is 5 mins. These can be done anywhere, in the gym or at home. Do anywhere from 1-6 sets depending on your time. Exercise Reps Sets Rest

Alternating One Arm Burpees

45 secs 1 15 secs

Wide Leg Burpees 45 secs 1 15 secs

Side Burpees 45 secs 1 15 secs

Burpee to Mountain Climbers

45 secs 1 15 secs

Chest to ground burpees

45 secs 1 15 secs

Density Finishers

Density training is almost like high volume training on steroids. It’s more intense, it’s more demanding, and it will get you better results. High volume training is essentially, as the name suggests, doing a high amount of work per session.

Now with density training, it’s not just about doing that higher volume of work, but doing that higher volume of work in a specific time frame.

Basically, you are making your training session denser. This collection of finishers uses the density training and AMSAP (As Many Sets As Possible) protocol.

You will be performing 10 reps of each exercise one after the other for 10 minutes straight with the goal of completing as many sets as you can in the space of time.

Your ultimate challenge is to try and beat the amount of sets you get done in subsequent Density Finisher sessions.

Directions: Perform the exercises for 10 reps each for 10 minutes straight. Make sure to keep time. Exercise Reps Sets Rest

Alternating Dumbbell Press

10 As many as possible in 10 mins


Squats 10 As many as possible in 10 mins


Bent over rows 10 As many as possible in 10 mins


Plyometric Training Plyometric training is not intended for workout newbies or those recovering from injuries. The moves should focus on good form and all-out effort. That's why it's best to do these at the start of a workout before muscles fatigue and performance slows Exercise Reps Sets Rest

Plyo Push ups 20 secs 3 N/A

Squat Thrusters 30 secs 3 N/A

Plyo Lateral Lunge 30 secs 3 N/A

PHA workouts Peripheral Heart Action or better known as PHA is a “system” that was developed by Dr. Arthur Steinhaus in the 1940s and brought to the forefront of the muscle world by 1960s legendary body builder and Mr. America/Mr. Universe title holder, Bob Gajda. The PHA method was specifically designed to keep blood circulating throughout the whole body during the entire workout. The smaller muscles around the heart are worked first before the larger muscles around the body's periphery. Exercise Reps Sets Rest

Bodyweight Sqyat 20 secs 2 10 secs

Incline Push ups 20 secs 2 10 secs

Pull Ups 20 secs 2 10 secs

Bodyweight Lunges 20 secs 2 10 secs

Close Stand Push Ups

20 secs 2 10 secs

Wall Squats 20 secs 2 10 secs

Chin Ups 20 secs 2 10 secs

Abs (Crunches) 20 secs 2 10 secs

PHA Workout 2 Exercise Reps Sets Rest

Standing Kettlebell Press

10 3 10 secs

Trap Bar Deadlift 10 3 10 secs

Abdominal Crunch on TRX

10 3 10 secs

Chin Ups 10 3 10 secs

Dumbbell Standing Calf Raises

10 3 10 secs

Dips 10 3 1 mins

PHA Workout 3 Exercise Reps Sets Rest

Military Press 10 3 N/A

Deadlift 10 3 N/A

Standing Dumbbell Curl

10 3 N/A

Lunge 10 3 N/A

Hanging Leg Raise 10 3 1 mins

Post Exhaustion Superset Workout Post-exhaustion is a superset variation. With post-exhaustion, you perform 2 exercises for a single muscle group back to back; first a compound lift, and secondly an isolation lift with limited rest in between sets. The goal of post-exhaustion is to wear down a big muscle group with heavy weight, and then finish it off while it is fatigued with an isolation lift. The focus is muscle damage using compound movements supersetted with an isolated movement working in the 5-7 rep range to target the larger fast twitch and Type IIX muscle fibers. MUSCLE GROUP EXERCISE SETS REPS


2 5


2 5


2 5


2 5


2 5


2 5


2 5


2 5

Mechanical Advantage Tri sets

Here's what you need to know...

Mechanical drop sets allow you to switch to an easier exercise or an easier

variation of the same exercise as a means to extend the set further – a great

way to add muscle to stubborn body parts.

Don't go overboard. Two to four sets is adequate for upper body exercises,

while 1-2 sets should be plenty for lower body.

Drop sets are a time-tested, muscle-building technique. You take a weight and

rep it out, reduce the weight and rep out again, and then reduce the weight

further and do it again. Essentially you reduce the weight as a means to keep

the set going.

Mechanical drop sets follow a similar concept, only rather than reduce the load

as you fatigue, the load stays the same throughout.

You simply switch to an easier exercise or an easier variation of the same

exercise to extend the set further.

The key is to use exercises that sequence well together and require little-to-no

setup changes so you can transition from one exercise to the next with

minimal disruption to the flow of the set.

Back Mechanical Drop Sets (3 sets of 10 reps each exercise resting 1 mins after the third exercise)

1. Stiff arm pull downs (here only the lats work). 2. Wide grip lat pull down to the chest, overhanded (some brachioradialis

involvement). 3. Narrow grip lat pull down, underhanded biceps to the rescue).

If you want to go really old school, do three variations of the pull ups. Wide grip first, then underhanded medium wide and finish with some parallel grip pull ups. Again, the degree of difficulty lessens as the target muscle fatigues.

Chest Mechanical Drop Sets (3 sets of 10 reps each exercise resting 1 mins after the third exercise) The chest can be trained as described above. You can perform the set with dumbbells or at the cable crossover station.

1. Flyes with minimal elbow bend. 2. Flyes with elbow bend at 90%, going for a deep stretch. 3. Bench presses.

Leg Mechanical Drop Sets

(3 sets of 10 reps each exercise resting 1 mins after the third exercise) As for legs, this is the one muscle group where I advise 45 seconds of rest, but if you can do it without, more power to you. I prefer doing a tri-set of 10 squats, again with a descending degree of difficulties.

During the first set, I use 10 lbs plates under my heels, so I have to force myself to stand upright and use mainly quads. This is followed by a set of narrow stance squats, feet about shoulder wide apart. The last set is a wide, almost power lifting stance, this will maximize glute and hamstring involvement.

Beware: it might be a good idea to do this with dumbbells, since you might get lightheaded and experience nausea. This is how it would look like:

1. 10 squats, heels elevated. 2. 10 squats with a shoulder wide stance. 3. 10 squats with a wide stance.

Shoulder Mechanical Drop Sets (3 sets of 10 reps each exercise resting 1 mins after the third exercise) When training shoulders, one way to do it would be to start with heavy partial sides, where you raise the arms about 40%, switching then to Arnold presses and finishing with regular shoulder presses.

1. Partial side raises. 2. Arnold presses. 3. Regular shoulder presses.

Bicep Mechanical Drop Sets (3 sets of 10 reps each exercise resting 1 mins after the third exercise) Everyone's favorite muscle, the biceps is rather straight forward. First set I use incline curls, maximal isolation, no chance to cheat. Second set would be regular standing curls. Lastly hammer curls in order to activate the forearm as an auxiliary muscle.

1. Seated incline curls. 2. Regular curls, seated or standing. 3. Hammer curls.

Tricep Mechanical Drop Sets (3 sets of 10 reps each exercise resting 1 mins after the third exercise) Triceps are all trained via dumbbell: kick backs (yes, they do work, just ask Lee Labrada), laying down extensions, and for grand finale close grip bench presses. Here you can up the weight for the presses.

1. Dumbbell tricep kickbacks. 2. Extensions, laying down or standing. 3. Flat bench press, narrow grip (add weight if you get more than 12 reps).

Calves Mechanical Drop Sets Now on to the forgotten muscle, the calves. You started at the seated calf raise, which uses primarily the soleus muscle. Next stop would be calf raises standing, involving the gastrocnemius as well. Lastly, I would add squat jumps with a light barbell, so your poor little calves get a lift from the bigger brothers amongst the leg muscles.

1. Seated calf raises. 2. Standing calf raises. 3. Jump squats.

Fat Blasting Finishers: Add These to the End of Your Workout

Get one step closer to your ideal physique with these fat-blasters designed to be added onto your existing routine to help maximize fat-burning!

Are you the type who wants to take your physique to the next level? Do you

want to drain every last drop left in your tank to see what you’re really made

of? Do you need something to help you strip off that last bit of fat so all of your

hard work and ultimately your ideal body can finally be revealed?

These fat blasting finishers that can be added to the end of your workouts are

brutal but effective.

Try one or a few for a while and watch your body fat melt away and finally

getting you one step closer to your best physique.

• All sets labeled A1, A2, A3 and so on should be performed back-to-back

without rest. After all sets in that series are complete a short rest can be

taken. Afterward, move on to sets B1, B2, B3 in the same fashion.

• Perform each movement with textbook form. Your goal is to push that

last ounce of energy out of your system, not to be a hero.

• Adjust each workout according to your ability. If you need to drop the

rep ranges for any reason, go ahead.

• These circuits were meant to be fat-blasting finishers, but you will get

some muscle stimulation as well.

Full Bodyweight Blast Sets Reps

A1: Push-Up

A2: Inverted Row

Perform 3 to 5 rounds of 10 to 20 reps each depending on experience level.

A3: Bodyweight Squat

A4: Burpee

A5: Leg Raise

The Upper-Body Bake Sets Reps

A1: Feet-Elevated Push-Up

Perform 3 to 5 rounds of 10 to 20 reps each depending on experience level.

A2: Floor Push-Up

A3: Hands On Bench Push-Up

A4: Neutral-Grip Pull-Up

A5: Inverted Row

A6: Plank (hold for 20 seconds)

The Lower-Body Scorcher Sets Reps

A1: Jump Squat

Perform 3 to 5 rounds of 10 to 20 reps each depending on experience level.

A2: One-Leg Step-Up On Bench

A3: Reverse Static Lunge

A4: Walking Lunge

A5: Bodyweight Squat

A6: Floor Crunch

One Plate And Done Sets Reps

A1: Front Plate Swing

Perform 3 to 5 rounds of 10 to 20 reps each depending on experience level. Choose a weight plate that has you completing your target number of reps.

A2: Plate Squat

A3: Bent-Over Plate Row

A4: Plate Stationary Lunge

A5: Plate Clean And Press

A6: Overhead Plate Sit-Up

Kettlebell Killer Sets Reps

A1: Two-Arm Kettlebell Front Swing

Perform 3 to 5 rounds of 10 to 20 reps each depending on experience level. Choose a kettlebell that has you completing your target number of reps.

A2: Kettlebell Goblet Squat

B1: Single-Arm Kettlebell Clean And Press

B2: Kettlebell Bench Step-Up

C1: Kettlebell Upright Row

C2: Kettlebell Reverse Lunge

Dumbbell Dominator Sets Reps

A1: Dumbbell Squat And Press

Perform 3 to 5 rounds of 10 to 20 reps each depending on experience level. Choose a pair of dumbbells that has you completing your target number of reps.

A2: Dumbbell Lunge And Curl

B1: Renegade Row

B2: Dumbbell Jump Squat

C1: Dumbbell Step-Up

C2: Weighted Leg-Lift

The Ab Combiner Sets Reps

A1: Twisted Leg Raise

Perform 3 to 5 rounds of 5 to 10 reps each depending on experience level.

A2: Floor Crunch

A3: Bent-Knee Lying Leg-Lift

A4: Bicycle Crunch

A5: Side-Reach Crunch

A6: Plank (hold for 20 seconds)

Plyo Pusher Sets Reps

A1: Box Jumps

Perform 3 to 5 rounds of 5 to 10 reps each depending on experience level.

A2: Single-Leg Plyo Step-Up

A3: Lateral Hop Over Bench

A4: Squat Jump

The Sprint Shootout Sets Reps

30 Second Sprint

For the sprint circuit go all out for the time allotted and then rest for the time listed before attempting the next sprint. The sprint time will decrease as the rest time increases. Do 1 or 2 rounds after a thorough warm-up.

30 Second Walk

25 Second Sprint

40 Second Walk

20 Second Sprint

50 Second Walk

15 Second Sprint

60 Second Walk

10 Second Sprint

Cool-Down Walk

The 100 Ladder Sets Reps

A1: Push-Up Perform as many reps as possible for each movement rotating once you’ve reached failure on each one. Do as many rounds necessary to reach 100 reps for each move.

A2: Inverted Row

A3: Rear-Foot Elevated Bulgarian Split-Squat

A4: Hanging Leg Raise

Sled Exercises These exercises will get you shredded by working all the muscles on your body

1. Sled Push to Plank

• Load a sled up with an adequate amount of weight • Staying low and in a good athletic position (chest up, back flat, core engaged),

push the sled as fast as you can for 30 seconds • Immediately drop down to the ground and hold a Front Plank (never hit your

knees) for 45 seconds • That's 1 round • Repeat that sequence for 5 rounds

By staying in a low stance and driving your legs, you will seriously develop your quads, core and all the muscles on the front side of your body.

Your core will be taxed like never before, and that's what you want! This one takes discipline and heart to complete. Lock in, grind and keep exploding the entire 5 rounds.

2. Sled Push to Sprint

• Load a sled up with an adequate amount of weight • Staying low and in a good athletic position (chest up, back flat, core engaged),

push the sled as fast as you can for 10 yards • Immediately slide your body to the right or left and go right into a 20-yard

sprint • Rest for 1 minute • Repeat that sequence for 4 rounds.

The sled is the ultimate tool for teaching you how to drive your feet straight into the ground with a hard force.

By pushing the weighted sled, you are telling your brain and muscles to drive your feet into the ground in a straight and powerful manner. By going right into the sprint, you are tricking your brain and muscles, because they will still be thinking that they are driving the sled. Boom! Your "show" muscles develop and your sprint form improves.

3. Sled Reverse Drag

• Load a sled up with an adequate amount of weight • Staying low, grab the sled and backpedal as fast as you can for 30 seconds • Stay low with your back flat the entire time

This one absolutely crushes your hamstrings and your entire backside. You will seriously develop your hamstrings, spinal erectors, calves and all the muscles you use when you make your breaks, cuts and of course your backpedal.

4. Battle Rope Slams to Pull

• Load a sled up with an adequate amount of weight • Get a battle rope (I use the new 50-foot, 30-pound rope and tie it through the

sled. • Staying low and in a good athletic stance, go as hard as you can with single

arm waves for 20 seconds • Immediately go right into pulling the sled toward you using the ropes for 20

seconds • Back it up and go back to the rope handles • Repeat that sequence 3 more times

Full body conditioning

This one trains your cardio-respiratory system and all of your pulling muscles at the same time.

What I love about it is that it forces you to learn how to keep your core stable when you are tired.

Every time you pull the sled, you are training your backside go muscles. Doing that is tough by itself, but adding the pre-fatigue of the battle ropes takes it to a whole new level.

5. Lateral Sled Drag

• Load a sled with an adequate amount of weight • Get a battle rope and tie it through the sled. • Face the sled perpendicularly and grab the handles to the rope. • Lean slightly away from the sled • Staying low, drive your feet into the ground keeping them perpendicular for 30

seconds • Rest for 10 seconds • Flip your body around and face in the other direction • Repeat the same process going the other way. • Do this for 4-5 rounds
