Wireless Remote Access THrough Cellular (WRATH – C)



Wireless Remote Access THrough Cellular (WRATH – C). Team Members: Sam Bhoot Milap Dalal Kartik Natarajan David Yee. Objectives. Acquire Hardware: Embedded computer Cell phone PC link Peripherals Install OS and necessary software Perform preliminary tests of hardware - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Wireless Remote Access Wireless Remote Access THrough CellularTHrough Cellular


Team Members:Sam Bhoot

Milap DalalKartik Natarajan

David Yee

ObjectivesObjectivesAcquire Hardware:

– Embedded computer– Cell phone – PC link – Peripherals

Install OS and necessary softwarePerform preliminary tests of hardwareWork on Perl automation scripts

HardwareHardwareComputer – Compu-Lab 686 BASE

333 MHz Processor 64 M of RAM 40 Gig Hard-drive

Cell Phone Motorola T720 – found to have problems Nokia 6190

HardwareHardwareCell Phone – Motorola T720

– T720 operates as a modem so accepts Hayes AT command set.

AT+CMGS – Send text messageAT+CMGR – Receive text message

– T720 did not support direct SMS from PC.– Tried uploading message to SIM card and send

SMS for memory location.– Method proved to be unsuccessful due to

insufficient documentation.

HardwareHardwareCell Phone – Nokia 6190

– 6190 supports direct SMS from PC– Requires specific drivers for communications but Nokia

only supports Windows OS– Un-official drivers exist for operation with Linux called

GNOKII– GNOKII allows full access to phone including storing

information on memory and SMS


– Install Redhat 9.0 text-based operating system.– Compile GNOKII drivers.– Configure GNOKII to operate with Nokia 6190 with a

dau9p cable on Serial port (ttys0).

Prelim.TestingPrelim.Testing Send commands to phone through PC link

– Failed – Communication timed out.– Further configurations led to very slow communications

(approximately 5 minutes) and errors in data.– Problem with embedded computer.

Too slow? BIOS not configured correctly?

Tried again using Dell Laptop– Success! – Full access to phone’s functionality.

Solution: Develop with Laptop and export to Compu-Lab after completion.

GNOKII TestingGNOKII Testing GNOKII commands to send SMS:

bash-2.05b# echo "Testing this method"|gnokii --sendsms 9739791811GNOKII Version 0.6.0Send succeeded!

GNOKII commands to receive SMS:bash-2.05b# gnokii --getsms SM 1

GNOKII Version 0.6.01. Inbox Message (unread)Date/time: 06/04/2004 12:09:19 -400Sender: +19739791811 Msg Center: +12063130004Text:Hello mr phone guy!


Simple script writing language– Script – sequence of commands that the user

frequently usesHandle low-level tasks better than C (i.e.

memory allocation)

Flow ChartFlow ChartCell Phone

SMS? Done

/inbox/new Application /outbox/new

Same Cell Phone









Store & Delete Sensor Tripped

Description of PartsDescription of Parts

checkSMS.pl– Checks cell phone for any messages in SIM– If there is, save message and delete it from SIM

Do not want any old messages on the phone– Send command to Application– Adds message to a history file

Flow ChartFlow ChartCell Phone

SMS? Done

/inbox/new Application /outbox/new

Same Cell Phone









Store & Delete Sensor Tripped

Description of Parts (con’t)Description of Parts (con’t)

Application: Sensor board– Inputs

Text command Sensor warning

– Outputs Prepared SMS response message for transmission

Flow ChartFlow ChartCell Phone

SMS? Done

/inbox/new Application /outbox/new

Same Cell Phone









Store & Delete Sensor Tripped

Description of Parts (con’t)Description of Parts (con’t)

sendSMS.pl– Takes response SMS message and transmits– Adds message to a history file– If there is an error, give up and add message to

failed history file

Flow ChartFlow ChartCell Phone

SMS? Done

/inbox/new Application /outbox/new

Same Cell Phone









Store & Delete Sensor Tripped

A little Perl codeA little Perl codebash-2.05b# gnokii --getsms SM 1

GNOKII Version 0.6.01. Inbox Message (unread)Date/time: 06/04/2004 12:09:19 -400Sender: +19739791811 Msg Center: +12063130004Text:Hello mr phone guy!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------my $reply = `/usr/local/bin/gnokii --getsms SM 1`;

chomp($reply);if ($reply ne "SMS location SM 1 empty." && $reply ne "") {

my $txtmsg = pop($lines);my @lines = split "\n",$reply;my $sender="";my $tmp="";my @tmp;

foreach (@lines) {if (/Sender:/) {

($tmp,$sender,@tmp) = split (" ",$_);chomp($sender);$sender =~ s/\+//g;



gnokii’s code forreading SMS



searches and storessender’s number

stores text message

A little A little moremore Perl code Perl code

my $in = "/var/wrathc/inbox/new.txt";open SMSNEW, ">>$in" || die "ERROR: $_";print SMSNEW "$sender\n$txtmsg\n\n";close SMSNEW;

stores SMSinto file


Continuously running program on UnixUsed to schedule when specific commands

are executedWe will use this to periodically call


More research needs to be performed

Future GoalsFuture Goals Finish Perl automation script for transmitting and

receiving SMS. (Dave & Milap)

Develop code for application stage. (Kartik)

Continue researching methods to interface with sensor board. (Sam)

User Authentication (Kartik & Sam)

Export to Compu-Lab board.

TimelineTimeline 4/15 – Finalize design for sensor board. Continue

working on Perl SMS scripts and application scripts.

4/22 – Finish Perl SMS scripts. Continue working on application scripts and user authentication methods.

4/29 – Finish all coding. Preliminary testing of completed project.

Final: Demo completed design project.

Team Member ResponsibilitiesTeam Member Responsibilities Sam Bhoot – Hardware configuration, GNOKII

development Milap Dalal – Perl coding Kartik Natarajan – Hardware configuration, AT

command set research. David Yee – Perl coding
