Winter Training Report


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The Bajaj group came into existence during the turmoil and the heady euphoria of India’s

freedom struggle. Jamnalal Bajaj, founder of the Bajaj Group, was a confidante and

disciple of Mahatma Gandhi, and was deeply involved in the effort for freedom. The

integrity, dedication, resourcefulness and determination to succeed which are

characteristics of the company today, are often traced back to its birth during those long

days of relentless devotion to a common cause. Kamalnayan, the eldest son of Jamnalal

Bajaj, succeeded his father in 1942, at the age of twenty-seven. Putting the Nation

before business, he devoted himself to the latter only after India achieved independence

in 1947. But when he did so, he put his heart and soul into it. Within a short while, he

not only consolidated the group, but also diversified into various manufacturing

activities, elevating the Group to the status it enjoys till this day. Rahul Bajaj today

heads the group. He has been the Chief Executive Officer of Bajaj since 1968 and is

recognised as one of the most outstanding business leaders in India. As dynamic and

ambitious as his illustrious predecessors, he has been recognised for his achievements at

various national and international forums. The Waluj plant inaugurated by the erstwhile

President of India Shri Giani Zail Singh. Bajaj is currently India’s largest two and three-

wheeler manufacturer and one of the biggest in the world. Bajaj has long left behind its

annual turnover of Rs. 72 million (1968), to currently register an impressive figure of Rs.

42.16 billion (US$ 936 million).


We approach our responsibilities with ambition and resourcefulness.

We organize ourselves for a transparent and harmonious flow of work.

We respect sound theory and encourage creative experimentation.

And we make our workplace a source of pride.


Transparency: a commitment that the business is managed along transparent lines.

Fairness: to all stakeholders in the Company, but especially to minority shareholders.

Disclosure: of all relevant financial and non-financial information in an easily

understood manner.

Supervision: of the Company’s activities by a professionally competent and independent

board of directors.


Caliber motorcycle notches up 100,000 sales in record time of 12 months.

June 7th- Kawasaki Caliber Roll out of Valuf- July 25th- Legend, India’s first four-

stroke scooter roll out of Akurdi. October 1998- Spirit launched. The Bajaj Super Excel

is introduced while Bajaj Celebrates sale of its ten millionth vehicle.


Based on our own brand of globalization, we have built out distribution network over 60

countries worldwide and multiplied our exports from 1 percent of total turnover in Fiscal

1989-90 to over 5 percent in fiscal 1996-97. The countries where our products have a

large market are Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Italy, Sweden,

Germany, Iran and Egypt. Bajaj leads Colombia with 65 percent of the scooter market, in

Uruguay with 30 percent of he motorcycle market and in Bangladesh with 95 percent of

the three-wheeler market vehicle.


One million vehicles were produced and sold in this financial year.

Production commences at waluj, Aurangabad in record time of 16 months.

Bajaj auto achieves production and sales of 100,000 vehicles in a single financial



Bajaj Auto rolls out its 100,000 the vehicle.

Bajaj Auto obtains license from the Government of India to manufacture two and



Bajaj Auto has huge, extensive and very well-equipped Research and Development wing

geared to meet two critical organisational goals: development of exciting new products

that anticipate and meet emerging customer needs in India and abroad, and development

of eco-friendly automobile technologies. While the manpower strength of the R & D

represents cross-section of in-depth design and engineering expertise, the company has

also been investing heavily in the latest, sophisticated technologies to scale down product

development lifecycles and enhance testing capabilities. Bajaj Auto R & D also enjoys

access to the specialized expertise of leading international design and automobile

engineering companies working in specific areas.


1. To study the general business environment & history of Bajaj Auto Ltd.

2. Comparing Bajaj Bikes share in market to Hero Honda & TVs Suzuki Bikes.

3. Analysis of the (Bajaj Bikes) products, pricing, promotion & distribution


4. SWOT Analysis of the strategy adopted.


Data collection

In this project both primary data as well as secondary data are used.

Primary data:

Primary data used in this project is collected through two methods, namely,



METHOD. Both these method proved to be great help in getting the required


Secondary data:

It is not possible to collect first hand information for each & every thing so; secondary

data from various sources like Internet, D.K Neilson’s report on Jan, 2007, Information

from television channels like CNBC, Z Business, NDTV Profit etc. and Indian Info

line website were used.



First classified i.e. grouped qualitatively and quantitatively according to the

situation or the type of the data which was collected.

After classifying is represented in the form of tables i.e. systematically arranged

in columns and rows.

Some of the data is also graphically represented in the form of PIE DIAGRAM.

SECONDARY DATA is represented:

In the form of tables.

By the way of bar graphs and Pie CHARTS



Performance appraisal has been one of the most debated management practices

for several decades. It has generated a wide variety of viewpoints. A more

comprehensive definition of Performance Appraisal is -

"Performance Appraisal is a formal structured system of measuring and

evaluating employees job related behaviours and outcomes to discover how

and why the employee is presently performing on a job and how the employee

can perform more effectively in the future so that the employee, organization and

society all benefit"

Performance Appraisal consists of a systematic, face-to-face discussion of an

employee's work performance, training and development needs, future job goals

and job aspirations. It looks backwards, reviewing the employee's performance

during the period under review and forwards, helping the employee prepare and

set goals for the upcoming review period.

Performance Management is central to most Human Resource practices. An

organization tries to increase productivity and performance there is an increased

emphasis on appraisals. Over recent years there has also been a significant

increase in the number of organizations linking Performance Appraisal of

employees and managers with business plans and departmental goals.

Managers also evaluate employees often also unconsciously. They know whether

they are "good worker", reliable and conscientious. For a variety of reasons many

organizations ask managers to make conscious formal evaluations of employees

too. It may be as part of the organization's normal annual or biannual

Performance Appraisal System, which gives everyone a chance to clarify aims

and objectives, build on strengths and plan to strengthen weakness.

In addition to these, there has been a trend through development in 'employment

law' for Performance Appraisal to be viewed as important documentation for

legal protection. This reason alone is sufficient to emphasize the importance of

valid and equitable appraisal management.


Performance appraisal leads to the identification of the training and development

needs of the employees. It also has close links with other important areas of

human resource management, in particular with selection, motivation, and

succession planning. Performance data provides relevant information required for

validating selection methods and also helps in assessing whether selection

methods are bringing high performers into the organization.

Here the organization must not get trapped into the various pitfalls that come

along with administration of appraisal system. The question that arises here is -

how to avoid these pitfalls? A necessary condition for the effective management

of performance appraisal system in any organization is the need to clarify and

communicate to all concerned the objectives that the system intends to achieve.

The only possible way for organizations, to minimize the possible conflict among

appraisal objectives, is to emphasize on climate setting that will facilitate

achieving the objectives that an appraisal system intends to achieve.

Thus what needs to be done is to encourage managerial styles that will lead to

openness and frankness in relationships as a condition for establishing an

effective performance appraisal system. The Indian companies need to realize

that the relationship between organization culture and performance appraisal

system is a two way process implying that they can successfully use their

performance appraisal system to bring about cultural change.

The design of Employee Performance Appraisal and Development Plan thus

formed would assist in evaluating employee performance and identifying their

potential and guide in developing a plan to improve his/her performance as also

to prepare him/her for greater responsibilities in case of promotions and transfers.

It should be filled carefully, thoughtfully and objectively. Before an appraisal is

made, the superior should ensure that he/she and the employee are in agreement

concerning responsibilities, for result expected and what constitutes satisfactory

performance. The whole approach is a positive one; its purpose is improvement

of individual's ability and performance.

The next fundamental question of importance is, to what extent, links should

exist between performance appraisal pay decisions. The general trend with regard

to the Indian organizations suggests atilt towards performance appraisal systems

being linked to individual rewards and pay. The advocates of this trend argue that


when performance appraisal system is linked to individual pay and rewards then

all parties (appraisers, appraises and reviewers) take performance appraisal more

seriously. Organizations are likely to develop performance -- oriented cultures, in

which high performers are seen to receive extra rewards, and lower performers

receive lower rewards

But at the same time the issues that need to be looked into when pay and

performance appraisal are closely linked are:

The pay issue may overshadow all the other purposes of performance appraisal;

there may be a tendency of employees to withhold negative information about

performance, leading to less than frank appraisal discussions;

Employees may adapt their behaviours to focus only on receiving good ratings,

rather than genuinely improve their overall performance.


1. Firstly the organization must realize that pay related performance appraisal is

likely to be effective only where jobs are designed in such a way that allows

individual performance to be measured. Thus in situation characterized by high

interaction among jobs in achieving results, group-related pay systems may be

more appropriate. Thus before establishing company policies on the matter, it

may be good idea to read about alternative methods for rewarding good

performance like gain sharing or tying rewards to team performance or the

company performance rather' than only to individual performance,

2. Sometimes a combination of reward systems works much better and has fewer

nasty side effects than a single way of rewarding performance.

The design of Employee Performance Management and Development Plan thus formed

would assist in evaluating employee performance and identifying their potential and

guide in developing a plan to improve his/her performance as also to prepare him/her for

greater responsibilities in case of promotions and transfers. It should he filled carefully,

thoughtfully and objectively. Before an appraisal is made, the superior' should ensure

that he/she and the employee are in agreement concerning responsibilities, for result


expected and what constitutes satisfactory performance. The whole approach is a positive

one its purpose is improvement of individual's ability and performance.

The normal system consists of the following parts:

PART A: SELF-APPRAISAL - To be filled in by the appraise

PART B: PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL -- To be filled in by the Reporting


PART C: PERFORMANCE COUNSELING -- To be filled in by reporting

Authority and to be discussed with the appraise along with person in charge.

PART D: SUMMARY OV ASSESSMENT- To be filled in by Review


PART E: POTENTIAL APPRAISAL - To be filled in by the H0D / Unit head in

consultation with the reporting Authority.

How to Conduct a Performance Appraisal Process:

The following five-step approach to conducting a systematic performance appraisal is


1. Identify key performance criteria.

2. Develop appraisal measures.

3. Collect performance information from different sources.

4. Conduct an appraisal interview.

5. Evaluate the appraisal process.

Step 1: Identify Key Performance Criteria

Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of setting up a performance appraisal is

deciding what to assess. In essence, four key dimensions of performance should be

considered in a performance appraisal.


Key Dimensions of Performance

Competencies Knowledge, skills, and abilities relevant to performance

Behaviours Specific actions conducted and / or tasks performed

Results / outcomes Outputs, quantifiable results, measurable outcomes and

achievements, objectives attained


citizenship behaviours

Actions that are over and above usual job responsibilities

To ensure that the performance criteria are relevant to work practice and acceptable to

appraisers and employees:

i) Base the performance criteria on an up-to-date job description

ii) Develop criteria in consultation with appraisers and employees.

I) Base the performance criteria on an up-to-date job description:

Clear and explicit links between performance appraisal and a job description will ensure

the relevance of the appraisal. If a detailed job description is not available or is out-of-

date, it is strongly recommended that an accurate job description be developed prior to

conducting a performance appraisal.

ii)Develop criteria in consultation with appraisers and employee:

Linking performance appraisals with job descriptions can help to focus the appraisal

process on the key competencies, behaviours and outcomes associated with a particular

role or position. It can also be useful to consult with employees to:

Ensure that key aspects of a role / position are represented in the job description,

for example:

Conduct assessments

Plan interventions

Manage cases

Liaise with and refer to other providers


Keep up-to-date service records and case notes

Write reports

Develop a clear understanding of the relative importance of various

competencies, Behaviours and outcomes

Identify how these key competencies.

Employees are more likely to accept and be satisfied with the appraisal system if they

participate in the development of appraisal criteria and measures, and in the process of

conducting appraisals.

Strategies for facilitating employ’s participation include:

Engagement in formal meetings or informal discussions with supervisors to seek

input and / or feedback on appraisal measures and criteria

Representation on groups / committees involved in the design and

implementation of performance appraisals

Inclusion of self appraisals in the appraisal process

Providing opportunities for employees to contribute to the performance appraisal

of co-workers and managers / supervisors.

It is also important that employees perceive the appraisal system to be equitable and fair.

Step 2: Develop Appraisal Measures

Once clear and specific performance criteria have been developed, the next step is to

decide how to assess employee’s performance. It is recommended that a structured and

systematic approach is taken to assessing performance. Problems that arise when an

unstructured “blank sheet” approach is used include:

Increased chance of appraiser errors (i.e., reduced accuracy)

Knowledge, skills and abilities most critical to job performance may be

overlooked(i.e., feedback may have limited impact on performance effectiveness)


Reduced consistency between appraisers (i.e., evaluations may reflect differences

between appraisers rather than actual differences in a employee’s performance)

Perceptions of “subjectivity” in evaluations, which may in turn, reduce

employee’s satisfaction with, and acceptance of appraisals.

There are three important considerations in the design of appraisal measures:

1. Generic versus individually tailored measures

2. Objective versus subjective assessments

3. Assessing the impact of the work environment on performance.

Generic versus individually tailored measures:

Many workplaces use a generic rating form for all employees irrespective of their role or

position within the organization. Although this approach can save time and minimize

cost, the accuracy and relevance of appraisals may be significantly diminished. The “one

size fits all” approach of generic measures may overlook important performance criteria

that are relevant to particular jobs, and may also include criteria that are irrelevant to


Where time and other resources permit, it is more appropriate to construct appraisal

formats tailored to specific jobs or “families” of jobs. If the development of job-specific

(i.e., individually tailored) appraisal formats is beyond the resource capacity of the

organization, an alternative would be to develop two groups of criteria:

1) Core competencies that have applicability to the performance appraisal of all

employees within the organization

2) Additional competencies applicable only to some jobs and included in the

performance Appraisal if relevant.

Objective versus subjective assessments:


A basic distinction between different types of appraisal measures concerns the use of

objective or subjective criteria.

Objective assessments of work performance

Objective measures of job performance involve counts of various work-related

behaviours’. Some common objective job performance measures include

a. Absenteeism (number of days absent)

b. Accidents (number of accidents)

c. Incidents at work (number of incidents / assaults / altercations)

d. Lateness (days late)

e. Meeting deadlines.

Objective measures can be relatively quick and easy to obtain (given good organizational

record-keeping). However, it can be unwise to place too much emphasis on these types

of objective measures. An exclusive focus on results / outcomes may mask factors that

impact on employee’s performance that are beyond their control (e.g., client workload).


Subjective measures rely on the judgment of an appraiser (self, co-workers, or

supervisor). Subjective assessments are commonly used in performance appraisals and

often involve the use of rating scales. Subjective assessments are more likely to provide

accurate performance appraisals when:

The behaviours and outcomes being assessed are stated in clear

behavioural terms

The employee understands the measures (e.g., rating scales) being used to

evaluate their Performance, and agree that the measures are fair and

accurate (i.e., measures what it is supposed to)

Measurement is as brief as possible whilst addressing essential behaviours

and outcomes (frustration with long and unwieldy questionnaires may

introduce error in responses).


Assessing the impact of the work environment on performance:

The goal of a performance appraisal is to support and improve employee’s performance

and effectiveness. Therefore, it makes sense for an appraisal to include an assessment of

factors in the work environment that help or hinder a employee’s capacity to perform

effectively. Explicit assessment of environmental factors is also likely to increase the

perceived fairness and acceptability of performance appraisals.

For example, an employee’s capacity to provide effective treatment interventions is

influenced by factors such as:

Access to private, soundproofed, adequately sized rooms for counselling

Availability of validated, user-friendly assessment tools

Availability of reliable and approachable management / administration.

Step 3: Collect Performance Information from Different Sources

Once the appraisal measures are developed, the next step involves collection of accurate

performance information. A common trap is to begin noting observations of employees

just before conducting appraisals. This is likely to give an inaccurate picture of a

employee’s performance. Ideally, employee’s performance should be observed in a

systematic way over time (e.g., in a diary). This method ensures the accuracy of

information about their performances.

Many employees in the organization operate with a relatively high degree of autonomy.

This combined with the heavy workload of most managers / supervisors may limit

opportunities to conduct regular observation of employee’s performance. In addition,

perceptions of ongoing monitoring may foster a sense of surveillance which can damage

staff morale.

A more suitable approach may be to keep critical incident reports that note specific

examples of both excellent and unsatisfactory performances. Supervisors can also

encourage employees to keep track of their own performance records such as emails or

letters that commend them on their achievements.


Traditionally, it has been the sole responsibility of managers / supervisors to assess

performance. However, other organizational members can be a valuable source of

information as they are likely to have exposure to different aspects of a employee’s

performance. This approach is known as 360-degree feedback. For instance, co-workers

can provide valuable information on teamwork skills, and subordinates can provide

useful information on leadership style.

There are many advantages to obtaining feedback on performance from sources other

than supervisors or managers. Key benefits include:

Accuracy and reduced bias (incorrect information from one source can be

corrected from another)

Increased likelihood that employees will perceive the performance appraisal

system to be a fair and accurate reflection of their performance (compared to

relying on supervisor ratings alone).

If time and resources are limited, it is recommended that supervisor appraisals be

conducted in conjunction with self-assessment. Including self-assessments as part of the

appraisal process is likely to enhance employee’s commitment to, and satisfaction with,

the appraisal process. It also provides employees with an opportunity to identify barriers

and facilitators to effective performance in their work environment.

Five different sources of performance appraisal information are considered here:

a. Manager / supervisor appraisals

b. Self appraisals

c. Co-worker appraisals

d. Subordinate appraisals

e. Client appraisals.

Manager / supervisor appraisals:


Managers / supervisors play a central role in the appraisal process, and should always be

included as one of the main appraisers. In essence, managers and supervisors have two

roles in performance appraisal:

1. “Judge”: assessing performance

2. “Coach”: providing constructive feedback and identifying areas for


Performing both roles simultaneously can be difficult. Employees may be reluctant to

admit areas for improvement if performance assessment is linked with desired outcomes

such as pay, promotion or opportunities to work in desired areas. One solution is to

separate the judge and coach roles by conducting separate appraisal meetings.


The process of evaluating one’s own performance can help to increase employee’s

commitment to the appraisal process, perceptions of appraisal fairness, and satisfaction

with the appraisal process. Self-appraisal can also be useful for identifying areas for

development. Not surprisingly, self-appraisals are usually biased towards leniency.

Strategies to increase the accuracy of self appraisals include:

Using clear definitions of performance criteria linked to specific, observable


Informing employees that their ratings will be checked and compared to other

sources of appraisal (i.e., for accuracy)

Ensuring employees receive regular feedback on their performance.

It is recommended that self appraisals are used for professional development

purposes, rather than for making administrative decisions (i.e., pay increases,


Co-worker appraisals:

Co-workers can provide valuable feedback on performance, particularly where teamwork

occurs. Co-workers are often aware of different aspects of an employee’s performance

that managers /supervisors may not have the opportunity to observe. In addition, as there

is usually more than one co-worker who rates a worker’s performance, evaluations tend

to be more reliable. Co-worker evaluations, however, may be biased towards those


individuals most well liked in an organization (i.e., friendship bias). Furthermore, co-

worker appraisals may have a negative impact on teamwork and cooperation if

employees are competing with one another for organizational incentives and rewards. It

is recommended that co-worker appraisals are used for professional development rather

than administrative decisions.

Subordinate appraisals:

Subordinates are a valuable source of information regarding particular aspects of a

supervisor or leader’s performance such as communication, team building or delegation.

Subordinates can provide feedback to help managers / supervisors develop their skills in

these areas. The focus should be on aspects of managerial performance that subordinates

are able to comment upon. This source of appraisal may only be appropriate in larger

organizations where there are sufficient subordinates to allow anonymity.

Client appraisals:

Clients may also offer a different perspective on a employee’s performance, particularly

for jobs that require a high degree of interaction with people. For example, client

appraisals can be a valuable source of feedback regarding the quality of service provision

(e.g., the quality of interaction, degree of empathy, level of support, degree of


Organizations often have performance contracts that specify goals and deliverables for

client outcomes. Whilst it is important that organizational goals and deliverables are

reflected in the appraisal criteria for individuals and teams, it is recommended that

particular care be taken if incorporating client outcomes.

Relying on client outcomes as an indicator of performance can have undesirable effects

due to the complex and sensitive nature of work. A range of factors may influence client

outcomes, many of which are outside the control of an individual employee. It is rare for

a successful (or otherwise) outcome to be the sole result of one person’s efforts. This

makes client outcomes a poor reflection of the quality of treatment provided by the

employee. For example, “good” employee performance will not always bring about

client improvements, and client relapses may not be due to “poor” employee



In addition to considering client outcomes, it may also be beneficial to focus on

employee’s skills and abilities in providing services per se (i.e., independent of client


Strategies to support appraisers and enhance appraisal accuracy

Rating another person’s performance is not an easy task, particularly with complex jobs

or performance criteria. Strategies to support appraisers and increase the likelihood of

accurate assessments include:

Providing practical training in rating techniques, which includes opportunities to

practice appraising performance and providing feedback.

Limiting the assessment to performance criteria that an appraiser has

observed /experienced in regard to the employee.

Providing structured assessment tools with clear explanations regarding the

criteria to be assessed, and performance standards.

Step 4: Conduct an Appraisal Interview

The next step in a performance appraisal is to conduct the appraisal interview. The two

central purposes of the appraisal interview are to:

Reflect on past performance to identify major achievements, areas that require

further development, and barriers / facilitators to effective performance.

Identify goals and strategies for future work practice.

As discussed below, supervisors and managers can use a range of strategies to ensure

that the appraisal interview is positive, constructive and of greatest benefit for

employee’s effectiveness.



Help employees to become familiar and comfortable with talking about their

performance by engaging in regular, informal communication on work progress,

potential obstacles and issues, possible solutions and assistance.

Encourage employees to prepare – employees should be encouraged to review

their own Performance before the interview.

Do your own preparation – plan ahead. Draft a list of the issues that you want to

address with the employee (i.e., strengths and weaknesses of performance,

strategies to improve performance). Give specific examples of the employee’s

performances that you want to highlight. During the interview.

Encourage employee participation – start by inviting the employee to share their

views about their performance.

Begin with positive feedback to put the employee at ease.

Make it a two-way discussion.

Set goals mutually – ensure employees participate in determining specific,

challenging but attainable goals for future work performance.

Ensure that there is a clear agreement on performance objectives and the

evaluation criteria for the next year.

Keep written records of the appraisal interview on which

Both parties have “signed off”.


Coach employees regularly – provide frequent feedback to help employees

improve their performance

Assess progress towards goals frequently – periodic reviewing of progress

towards goals helps keep behaviour on track and enhances commitment to

effective performance.

Relate rewards to performance – by linking appraisal results to employment

decisions such as promotions and salaries, employees are more likely to prepare

for, participate in, and be satisfied with the appraisal system.


Step 5: Evaluate the Appraisal Process

As with any organizational system, the performance appraisal process should undergo

regular review and improvement. For example, the process of performance appraisal

could be evaluated by conducting focus groups or surveys with employees to gauge their

satisfaction with the appraisal process (and suggestions for improvements). It may also

be useful to monitor the types of issues raised by supervisors and employees over time.

A successful performance appraisal process should demonstrate a change in both the

ratings of employee’s performance (i.e., ideally performance ratings should improve, or

at least remain at a satisfactorily stable level over time) and the work environment (i.e.,

evidence that significant barriers to work practice are being addressed by the



Numerous have been devised to measure the quantity & quality of employee’s job

performance. Each of the methods discussed could be effective for some purposes, for

some organizations. None should be dismissed or accepted as appropriate except as they

relate to the particular needs of the organization or of a particular type of employees.

Broadly, all the approaches to appraisal can be classified into:


Rating Scales:

This is the simplest & most popular technique for appraising employee performance. The

typical rating scale system consists of several numerical scales, each representing a job-

related performance criterion such as dependability, initiative, output, attendance,

attitude, co-operation, and the like. Each scale ranges from excellent to poor. The rather

checks the appropriate performance level on each criterion, and then computes the

employee’s total numerical score. Under this method, a checklist of the statement on the

traits of the employee & his or her job is prepared in two columns.

Forced Choice Method:


In this, the rather is given a series of statements about an employee. These statements are

arranged in blocks of two or more, & the rather indicates which statement most or least

descriptive of the employee.

Forced Distribution Method:

The approach focuses on certain critical behaviours of an employee that make all

difference between effective & non-effective performance of a job. The superiors as &

when they occur record such incidents. The advantage of this method is that the

evaluation is based on actual job behavior

Critical Incidents Method:

The approach focuses on certain critical behaviours of an employee that make all

difference between effective & non-effective performance of a job. The superiors as &

when they occur record such incidents. The advantage of this method is that the

evaluation is based on actual job behavior.

Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales:

Behaviourally anchored scales, sometimes called behavioural expectation scales, are

rating scales whose scale points are determined by statements of effective & ineffective


Field Review Method:

This is an appraisal by someone outside the assessor’s own department, usually someone

from the corporate office or the HR department. The outsider reviews employee records

& holds interviews with the rate & his or her superior. The method is primarily used for

making promotional decision at the managerial level field reviews are also useful when

comparable information is needed from employees in different units or locations.

Performance Tests & Observations:

With a limited number of jobs, employee assessment may be based upon test knowledge

or skills. The test may be of the paper-and-pencil variety or an actual demonstration of

skills. The test may be reliable & validated to be useful.

Essay Method:


In the essay method, the rather must describe the employee within a number of

categories such as:

a. The ratter’s overall impression of the employee's performance,

b. The promo ability of the employee

c. The jobs that the employee is now able or qualified to perform

d. The strengths & weaknesses of the employee

e. The training & the development assistance required by the employee.

Cost Accounting Method:

A relationship is established between the cost included in keeping the employee & the

benefit of the organization derives from him or her. Performance of the employee is then

evaluated based on the established relationship between the cost & the benefit


FUTURE ORIENTED PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS It is not enough if only the past performance is assessed. How an employee can perform

in the days to come is equally important. This can be assessed by focusing on employee

potential or setting future performance goals. The commonly used future oriented

techniques are MBO, psychological appraisals, assessment centers and the 360-degrec


Management by Objectives (MBO):

The M BO concept, as was conceived by Peter Ducker, reflects a management

philosophy, which values and utilizes employee contributions. Application of MHO in


the field of performance appraisal is a recent thinking. The following arc the four steps in

which MBO works:

i) The first step is to establish the goals each subordinate is to attain.

ii) The second step involves setting the performance standard for the

subordinates in a previously arranged time period.

iii) In the third step, the actual level of goal attainment is compared with the

goals agreed upon.

iv) The final step involves establishing new goals and possibly new strategies for

goals not previously attained.

The process is then repeated.

MBO is criticized on the following grounds:

i) It is not applicable to all jobs in all organizations.

ii) It is most useful with managerial personnel and employees who have a fairly

wide range of flexibility and self control in their jobs.

iii) Employees may be less likely to establish challenging goals.

Psychological Appraisals: When psychologists are used for' evaluations, they assess an

individual's future potential and not the past performance. The appraisal normally

consists of in-depth interviews, psychological tests, discussions with supervisors and a

review of other evaluations.


The psychologist then writes an evaluation of the employee's intellectual, emotional,

motivational and other related characteristics that suggest individual potential and may

predict future performance. The evaluation by the psychologist may be for a specific job

opening for which the person is being considered, or it may be a global assessment of his

/ her future potential.

This method has the following problems associated with its application:

i) It is slow and costly.

ii) Employees may object.

Assessment centers: An assessment centre is a central location where mangers may

come together to have their participation in job related exercises evaluated by trained

observers. The principal idea is to evaluate managers over a period of time by observing

their behavior across a series of select exercises or work samples.

The characteristics assessed in a typical assessment centre includes assertiveness,

persuasive ability, communicating ability, planning and organizational ability, self

confidence, resistance to stress, energy level, decision making, sensitivity to the feelings

of others, administrative ability, Creativity and mental alertness. A well conducted

assessment centre can and does achieve better forecasts of future performance and

progress than other methods of appraisal. Also, reliability, content validity, and

predictive validity are said to be high in the assessment centers.

The problem with assessment centers is that they are not cost effective in nature and are

thus, suitable mainly for the large organizations.

360-Degree feedback:


"The systematic collection and feedback of performance data on an individual or group,

derived from a number of the stakeholders in their performance;"

To Explain

The data collection is systematic, i.e. done in some systematic way via questionnaires or

inter-views. This formalizes people judgments coming from the natural interactions they

have with each other. There is both a collection and a feedback process data is gathered

and then fed back to the individual participant in a clear way designed to promote

understanding, acceptance and ultimately changed behavior. The performance of either

individual or group can be measured. The process has recently been applied to groups or

teams but can be an effective way of measuring interactions with in a team or team

outputs and quality as perceived by the customer. The source of data is called the

stakeholders in the participant's performance. Stakeholder’s are people who are both

affected by the individuals or group's performance and deal with them closely enough to

be able to answer the specific questions about the way they interact with the



The word 'performances twice in the definition. However, we should be quite clear on

the fact that it refers to the quality of a person's interactive processes or their behavior,

rather than the results they produce.

The 360 - degree appraisal, a relatively new model for reviewing employees'

performance, incorporates appraisals from supervisors, co-workers, subordinates and

even external customers. 360-degree performance appraisal strengthens the relationship

between employee and employer. The advantage of 360-degree systems over traditional

systems is that they accumulate more information about employees' performance and

development areas; this information is used to give the most beneficial feedback


Increased feedback and multi-source feedback results in a change in management

behavior and in an increase in performance. Theoretically, anonymous feedback is more

open and honest then one - on -- one feedback. The assumption is that honest feedback

changes management behavior faster than restricted feedback.


It is also assumed that employees (and customers) that are listened to and involved will

produce more and have higher satisfaction and retention.

A basic assumption is that employees have knowledge of management behaviours that

can be provided to management. A further assumption is that the "anonymity" provided

in 360 process is credible and results in honest feedback.

The 360-degree technique is an appraisal technique that provides a broader perspective

about an employee's performance. In addition, the technique facilitates greater self-

development of the employees. For one's development, multi-source feedback is highly

useful. It enables an employee to compare his/her perceptions about self with perception

of others.

It is a systematic collection of performance data on an individual or group; derived from

a number of stakeholders - superiors, team members, customers, peers and self. By

design, the 360-degree appraisal is effective in identifying and measuring interpersonal

skills, customer satisfaction, and team building skills.

This method has recently gained a lot of importance and is used in combination with

other methods of appraisal for achieving the desired outcome of performance appraisal.


Whatever method of appraisal used by an organization, it is crucial to allow for

'employee feedback'. An interview between the manager and the employee is the main

way of achieving this.

The interview provides the opportunity, to discuss an employees’ performance and

explore areas of possible improvements and growth. It also provides an opportunity to

identify attitudes and feelings more thoroughly and thus improve communication.

Fundamental to the success of the appraisal interview is the relationship between the two

participants in the process.

The interview may have any of the following purposes:

Record / summary of performance

Feedback from employee


Feedback from manager

Career development

Suitability for promotion/ transfer



Foster the working relationship

The format of the interview will be determined in large by: The purpose of interview

Type of appraisal method used

Organization of the interview form (formal record)

The interview is perhaps the most important part of the entire appraisal program.

Unfortunately, interviewers can become overburdened by attempting to discuss too


The interviewer should observe the following points: -

Initially, emphasize strengths on which employee can build rather than weakness to


Avoid suggestions about personal traits to change instead suggest more acceptable

ways of performing.

Concentrate on opportunities for growth that exist within the framework of the

employees' present position.

Limit plans for growth to a few important items that can be accomplished within a

reasonable period of time.



Managers should never assume that only one type of appraisal interview is appropriate

for every review session. Rather, they should he able to use one or more of the interview

types depending on the topic being discussed or the behavior being appraised. Feedback

is necessary to effect improvement in performance, especially when it is inadequate.

Specifically, performance interview has three goals:

To change behavior of employees whose performance docs not meet

organizational requirements or their own personal goals,

To maintain the behavior of employees who perform III an acceptable manner.

To recognize superior performance behaviours so that the}' will be continued.

Three distinct types of interview are commonly used

Tell and sell

Tell and listen

Problem solving and mixed.

1. Tell and sell

It is also called as directive interview; the interviewer lets assesses know how well

they arc doing and sells them on merits of setting specific goals for improvement, if


Has little provision for employee participation

Generally consists of three stages

Manager lets employee know how the latter is doing.

The employee's acceptance of this evaluation is sought.

The employee agrees to follow a pre-determined plan for improved job



This method does not require much of anyone's time but is of little use if the improved

behavior does not eventuate.

There is no opportunity for employee participation and over time, it is likely that

employees will only perform to conform to their manager's wishes.

The role of the supervisor / manager is one of 'judge' and 'jury'.

2. Tell and listen

Tell and listen interview provides the subordinates with chances to participate

and establish a dialogue with their superiors. Its purpose is to communicate the

ratter’s perceptions.

It is the most commonly used interview technique.

As with "Tell and Sell", the manager lets the employee know how he or she is


Communicate strong and weak points of an employee's job performance.

The employee has a chance to respond to the assessment and present his/ her


Employee’s feelings of the appraisal are thoroughly explored.

BOTH views arc then considered together, a conclusion reached and a plan

for" future performance is developed.

This is much more flexible approach, however, the type of reaction provoked

may strongly affect the success of the interview

For example, if the manager's remarks arc perceived as unfair.

(Or critical) by the employee, defence mechanism and face saving, rather

than constructive responses might still be the outcome.

The "Tell and Listen" method assumes that the opportunity to release

frustrated feelings will help reduce or remove them.


3. Problem solving and mixed

In the problem solving or participative interview, an active and open dialogue

is established between the superior and the subordinate. Not only are

perceptions shared, but also solutions to problems arc presented, discussed,

and sought. Mixed interview is a combination of tell and sell and problem

solving interviews.

Differs markedly from the methods above.

Although recommended by some, since the objective of appraisal is normally

to stimulate growth and development in the employee.

It is used more widely in 'counselling' and is an unstructured approach.

The skills an' consistent with the non-directive procedures of the "Tell and

Listen" method in that listening, accepting and responding to feelings arc


However, it goes beyond an interest in the employee's feelings.

It seeks to stimulate growth and development in the employee by discussing

problems, needs innovations, satisfactions and dissatisfactions encountered

since the last appraisal.

A work - related situation IS presented and both the manager and the employee

discuss a solution.

The manager assumes the role of a 'Helper' or 'Facilitator' rather than a judge and

emphasis is on the work situation, not the business of the individual.

Can lead to a wide range of changes in work practices, patterns of supervision

and individual attitudes.

Managers need to have the following characteristics

Be well prepared

Show trust

Be active listeners


Discuss frankly any areas where performance IS not up to standard, backing this

with specific examples.

Conversely good performance should be praised, again using specific examples.

Whatever are the approaches followed, the emphasis in the interview should be on

counselling and development and not on criticism, witch- hunting and buck passing.

Because of the significance of appraisal interview, every effort must be made to make it

effective. Guidelines given will help make the interview successful.

Guidelines for Effective Appraisal Interview

Select a good time

Minimize interruptions

Welcome, set at ease

Start with something positive

Ask open-ended questions to encourage discussion


Manage eye contact and body language

Be specific

Rate behavior, not personally


Obstacles to the success of formal Performance Management programs should be

familiar to most managers, either from painful personal experience or from the growing

body of critical literature. Here are the most troublesome and frequently cited drawbacks.

Performance Management programs demand too much from supervisors.

Formal performance appraisal obviously requires at least periodic supervisor

observation of subordinates' performance. However, the typical first - line


supervisor can hardly know, in a way, just what each of 20, 30, or more

subordinates are doing.

Standards and ratings tend to vary widely and often, unfairly. Some rates are

tough, while some are lenient. Some departments have highly competent people;

others have less competent people. Consequently, employees subject to less

competition or lenient ratings can receive higher appraisals than equally

competent or superior associates.

Personal values and bias can replace organizational standards. An appraiser may

not lack standards, but the standards he uses are sometimes wrong ones. For

example: - unfairly low ratings may be given to valued subordinates so they will

not be promoted out of the ratter’s department. More often, however, outright

bias dictates favoured treatment for some employees.

Because of lack of communication, employees may not know how they are rated.

The standards by which employees think they are being judged are sometimes

different from those their supervisors actually use. No performance appraisal

system can be very effective for management decisions, organization

development, or any other purpose until the people being appraised know what is

expected of them and by what criteria they are being judged.

Management techniques tend to be used as performance panaceas. If a worker

lacks the ability or has not been given the necessary training for his job, it is

neither reasonable to try to stimulate adequate performance through performance

management, nor fair to base salary, dismissal, or other negative decisions on

such an appraisal.

In many cases, the validity of ratings is reduced by supervisory resistance to

making the ratings. Rather than confront their less effective subordinates with

negative ratings, negative feedback in appraisal interviews, and below average

salary increases, supervisors often take the more comfortable way out and give

average or above average ratings to inferior performers.

Performance Management ratings can boomerang when communicated to

employees. Negative feedback (i.e. criticism) not only fails to motivate the

typical employee, but also can cause him to perform worse. Only those


employees who have a high degree of self-esteem appear to be stimulated by

criticism to improve their performance.



Chairman and Managing Director

Rahul Bajaj

President and Whole-time Director

Rajiv Bajaj

(Vice Chairman and Whole-time Directors)

D. S. Mulla Atul C. Kirloskar

Kantikumar R. Podar Madhur Bajaj

Shekhar Bajaj D.S. Mehta

(Whole-time Directors)

D.J. Balaji Rao S.H. Khan

J.N. Godrej


In the ungeared scooter segment, the industry has grown by 18 % from 2, 75,000 units

during April to December 1999 to 3, 24,000 units during the current year. The Company

has recorded a growth of 19 % in volumes and has increased its market share from 19.2

% to 19.4 %. The Company had introduced Safire, a 92 cc Automatic 4 - stroke scooter

in select markets. The product has been well received and with the production volumes

going up, the Safire will be progressively launched in all the states.

In the geared scooter market, the industry has shown a fall from 7,20,000 numbers in

April - December 1999 to 4,56,000 numbers in April - December 2000. The Company's

market share stands at 71.8 % as against 73.1 % in the previous year. In order to expand


this market the Company has introduced a range of low cost scooters in January 2000.

Besides, a new premium 4 stroke scooter will be launched in February 2001 followed by

the 4 stroke Chetek.

In the step thru segment, the industry has recorded a fall of 11 % from 2,03,000 units

during the period April to December 1999 to 1,80,000 units in the current nine months.

The Company's market share has fallen from 61.3 % to 54.0 %. The Company has

introduced the M 80 Major 4 S, a 74 cc, 4 stroke vehicle giving 87 km / litre, the initial

response for which has been very encouraging.

In the Motorcycle segment, the Company has shown a significant growth of 89 % as

compared to 31 % growth recorded by the industry. The market share has increased from

14.9 % during April - December 1999 to 21.4 % in the corresponding period of current

year. In order to continue this trend, the Company will be launching Eliminator - a 175

cc 4 strokes "chopper" like bike in Pune on January 20, 2001. The Eliminator will be

followed by "Acer" - a 100 cc highly fuel efficient executive bike in March 2001. A third

bike called "Pulsar" - a 175 cc street sports bike will be introduced in April 2001.

The Three wheeler market has grown by 2 % from 1, 55,000 units in April - December

1999 to 1, 59,000 units during the current year. The Company's sales have declined by 3

% and the market share stands at 77 % as compared to 82 % in the previous year. The

CNG three wheeler has met with excellent response. With the introduction of the RE 4

stroke LPG three wheeler soon, the Company will provide the entire range of

environment friendly three wheelers.


India is the second largest manufacturer and producer of two wheelers in the world. It

stands next only to Japan and China in terms of the number of two-wheelers produced

and domestic sales respectively. This distinction was achieved due to variety of reasons

like restrictive policy followed by the Government of India towards the passenger car

industry, rising demand for personal transport, inefficiency in the public transportation

system etc.

The Indian two-wheeler industry made a small beginning in the early 50s when

Automobile Products of India (API) started manufacturing scooters in the country. Until

1958, API and Enfield were the sole producers.


In 1948, Bajaj Auto began trading in imported Vespa Scooters and three-wheelers.

Finally, in 1960, it set up a shop to manufacture them in technical collaboration with

Piaggio of Italy. The agreement expired in 1971.

In the initial stages, the scooter segment was dominated by API, it was later overtaken by

Bajaj Auto. Although various government and private enterprises entered the fray for

scooters, the only new player that has lasted till today is LML.

Under the regulated regime, foreign companies were not allowed to operate in India. It

was a complete seller market with the waiting period for getting a scooter from Bajaj

Auto being as high as 12 years.

The Motorcycles segment was no different, with only three manufacturers viz Enfield,

ideal Jawa and Escorts. While Enfield bullet was a four stroke bike, Jawa and the

Rajdoot were two-stroke bikes. The motorcycle segment was initially dominated by

Enfield 350cc bikes and Escorts 175cc bike.

The two wheeler market was opened to foreign competition in the mid-80s. And the then

market leaders- Escorts and Enfield were caught unaware by the onslaught of the 100cc

bikes of the four Indo-Japanese joint ventures. With the availability of fuel efficient low

power bikes, demand swelled, resulting in Hero Honda then the only producer of four

stroke bikes (100cc category), gaining a top slot.

The first Japanese motorcycles were introduced in the early eighties. TVS Suzuki and

Hero Honda brought in the first two-stroke and four –stroke engine motorcycles

respectively. These two players initially started with assembly of CKD kits, and later on

progressed to indigenous manufacturing. In the 90s the major growth for motorcycle

segment was brought in by Japanese motorcycles, which grew at a rate of nearly 25%

CAGR in the last five years.

The Industry had a smooth ride in the 50s, 60s and 70s when the Government prohibited

new entries and strictly controlled capacity expansion. The industry saw a sudden growth

in the 80s. the industry witnessed a steady growth of 14% leading to a peak volume of

1.9mn vehicles in 1990.

The entry of Kinetic Honda in mid-eighties with a variometric scooter helped in

providing ease of use to the scooter owners. This helped in inducing youngsters and

working women, towards buying scooters, who were earlier, inclined towards moped

purchases. In the 90s, this trend was reversed with the introduction of scooterettes. In


line with this, the scooter segment has consistently lost its part of the market share in the

two-wheeler market.

In 1990, the entire automobile industry saw a drastic fall in demand. This resulted in a

decline of 15% in 1991 and 8% in 1992, resulting in a production loss of 0.4 mn

vehicles. Barring Hero Honda, all the major producers suffered from recession in FY93

and FY94. Hero Honda showed a marginal decline in 1992.

The reasons for recession in the sector were the incessant rise in fuel prices, high input

costs and reduced purchasing power due to significant rise in general price level and

credit crunch in consumer financing. Factors like increased production in 1992, due to

new entrants coupled with the recession in the industry resulted in companies either

reporting looses or a fall in profits.

India is one of the very few countries manufacturing three- wheelers in the world. It is

the world’s largest manufacturer and seller of three-wheelers. Bajaj Auto commands a

monopoly in the domestic market with a market share of above 80%, the rest is shared by

Bajaj Tempo, Greaves Ltd and Scooters India.

The total number of registered two wheelers and three-wheelers on road in India, as on

March 31, 1998 was 27.9mn and 1.7mn respectively. The two wheeler population has

almost doubled in 1996 from a base of .6mn in 1990.


The auto two-wheeler segment has been witnessing a mixed trend in year 2001-02.

During the first seven months, the scooter volumes dipped and there was a sudden spurt

in the motorcycle sales. However there was some deviation from this trend during

October 2001 when the scooter sales stated picking up due to launch of new variants by

Bajaj Auto Ltd., But on the whole the motorcycle market continued to prop up domestic

2- Wheelers sales whereas scooters and moped sales maintained their downward trend in

fiscal 2002.

The sales of motorcycle segment remained buoyant in Dec 2001 and the major three

players have reported an average growth of 55% in their sales volumes. Bajaj Auto Ltd.

Has been the outperformed in the motorcycle segment followed by Hero Honda Motors

Ltd. And TVS Motor Company Ltd. (formed after the break-off with Suzuki Motor


Corporation, Japan) With the whopping 85% growth in the motorcycle sales Bajaj Auto

Ltd. Is the second biggest manufacturer of motorcycles?

The company’s recent indigenous launch in 4-stroke segment viz.; the 150/180 cc

‘Pulsar’ has been the major contributor to motorcycle sales alongwith its other popular

models such as Boxer,’ Caliber Croma etc. the company is also refocusing on scooter

sales and has launched the 150cc ‘Legend NXT2’ and 4-stroke version of ‘Chetek’

recently. BAL aims to reach a target of 0.6 million units by the end of fiscal 2001-02.

Hero Honda has posted a negative sales growth of 8.75% from last month November

2001 which is attributed to lower registrations for new purchases by the customers in the

last month of the year 2001-02.


Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. The purpose of research

is to discover answers to questions though the application of scientific procedures. In

short research is art of scientific investigation. Research methodology refers to the tools

and methods used for obtaining information for the purpose of the subject under study.

The methodology followed for the purpose of finding customers response was Random

sample survey.


The data was collected from primary as well as secondary sources.

The primary data was collected through interviews with the managers and trainee

sales officer.

Secondary data was collected from articles in various magazines and newspapers

and web sites.


The approach adopted was a survey with the customers visiting the show room.

Company’s servicing centre of Delhi and interview session with management of the




The research instrument used was a questionnaire.


Sampling Unit:

1. It constituted of people in the age group of 20 and above.

2. Income group of 5,000 and above per month.

Sampling Procedure: The sampling procedure adopted was convenience sampling

because of the wide scope of the project.



Companies data shows that the company produces approximately 1,11,000

vehicles per month. Out of which they sales 60,000 motor cycles per month.

The company has more demand of its product in western region.

The company has 21 regional offices throughout India out of which 10 contains

training centres.

The main objective of these offices is to pay emphasis to human resource

development and provide good services to its customers.


The results from customer survey are as follows:

1. Customers prefer because of their fuel efficiency.

2. Customers prefer because of their performance.

3. Customers prefer because they are value added product.

4. Customers also prefer because they are stylish.




Income: Our customer survey indicates that the segments available for the Bajaj motor

bike are the people with monthly income of Rs. 10,000 and above.

Age: The main segmented group for the motorcycle are 18 years and above.

Occupation: All kinds of people are taken into account. Students, professionals, Govt.

Servants, etc.

Geographic Segmentation: The potential customers for the Bajaj motorcycle are

basically from every regions of India.

Psychographic segmentation: People purchasing Bajaj’s bikes are very stylish, brand


Behavioural segmentation: This segmentation is done considering user status, benefit



The proposed targeting people in the age group of 18 years and above with a monthly

income of Rs. 10,000 and above, who are adventurous, enthusiasts and socializing and

who are either students or retired individuals or may be employed as professionals,

government servants or having their own business, but mostly male.


The image that Bajaj creates in the mind of the customers is the faith. The add shown by

it says “HAMARA BAJAJ”. That means it’s a member of the Indian family. It

represents the Indian culture and society.



The product offers a service to the customers so as to satisfy their need. The product

provided the Bajaj suites the Indian Roads. And the Indian Consumers have a perception

that the Bajaj provides genuine products.

The product is perfectly designed and the entire switch are well placed, which provides a

good riding condition.

The details of the various bikes provided by the Bajaj are as follows:

1. Eliminator

2. Pulsar- 180

3. Pulsar-150

4. Caliber Croma

5. Caliber

6. Boxer




Specification Value

Engine Type 4 stroke

Cooling Type Air Cooled

Displacement 143.90cc

No. of Cylinders 1

MaxPower 12bhp

Max Power RPM 8500rpm

Max Torque 10.8Nm

Max Torque RPM 7500rpm

Ignition Type C.D.I

Carburettor Ucal-Mikuni(DH)


Type5 Gears - All down

Clutch Type Lever operated(Left Hand)

Electrical System 12V

Head Light 35/35 W Clear Lens Type

Horn 12 V DC

Chassis Type Tubular Double Craddle

Front Suspension Telescopic

Rear Suspension Trailing arm with coaxial hydraulic shock absorbers & coil springs 5

Step adjustable

Front Tyre Size 2.75 x 18 42P

Rear Tyre Size 3.00 X 18 4/6 PR

Front Brakes Drum Brake 130mm or Hydraulic Disc Brake

Rear Brakes Drum Brake 130mm


Fuel Tank

Capacity18 litres

Reserve Capacity 3 litres

Wheel Base 1265mm

Saddle Height  780mm

Kerb Weight 132kg



Max Speed 100kmph



Specification Value

Engine Type 4 stroke

Cooling Type Air Cooled

Displacement 178.60cc

No. of Cylinders 1

MaxPower 15bhp

Max Power RPM 8000rpm

Max Torque 13.2Nm

Max Torque


Ignition Type C.D.I

Carburettor Mikuni(DJ)


Type5 Gears- One down four up

Clutch Type Lever operated(Left Hand)

Electrical System 12V

Head Light 35/35 W Clear Lens Type

Horn 12 V DC 2 nos.

Chassis Type Tubular Double Cradle

Front Suspension Telescopic


Rear Suspension Trailing arm with coaxial hydraulic shock absorbers & coil springs 5 Step


Front Tyre Size 2.75 x 18 42P

Rear Tyre Size 100/90 18 56P

Front Brakes Hydraulic Disc Brake

Rear Brakes Drum Brake - 130mm

Fuel Tank

Capacity18 litres

Reserve Capacity 3 litres

Wheel Base 1265mm

Saddle Height  780mm

Kerb Weight 137kg



Max Speed 107kmph



Specification Value

Engine Type 4 stroke

Cooling Type Air Cooled

Displacement 173.9cc

No. of Cylinders 1

Compression Ratio

MaxPower 15.2bhp

Max Power RPM 8500rpm

Max Torque 13.7Nm

Max Torque RPM 7500rpm

Ignition Type CDI Electronic

Carburettor Mikuni BSR30

Transmission Type 5 Speed

Clutch Type Wet multi-plate

Electrical System 12V AC/DC

Head Light 60/55W

Horn 12V


Chassis Type Double cradle

Front Suspension Telescopic

Rear Suspension Trailing arm with coaxial hydraulic shock absorbers and coil


Front Tyre Size 90/90-17

Rear Tyre Size 130/90-15

Front Brakes Disc

Rear Brakes Drum

Fuel Tank Capacity 14 litres

Reserve Capacity 2.5 litres

Wheel Base 1460mm

Ground Clearance  165mm

Saddle Height  680mm

Minimum Turning

Radius 2.5m

Kerb Weight 157kg

Maximum Payload 130kg

Fuel Efficiency (Ideal) kmpl

Fuel Efficiency

(Highway) kmpl

Fuel Efficiency (City) kmpl

Max Speed 116kmph


Braking Distance



Specification Value

Engine Type 4 stroke

Cooling Type Air Cooled

Displacement 111.6cc

No. of Cylinders 1

MaxPower 7.7bhp

Max Power RPM 7000rpm

Max Torque 0.83Nm

Max Torque RPM 6000rpm

Ignition Type C.D.I.

Carburettor Keihin PC 18 or Ucal-Mikuni VM18SH

Transmission Type 4 Speed Gear Box

Clutch Type Lever operated

Electrical System 12V AC/DC

Head Light 35/35

Horn 12V DC

Chassis Type Tubular Semi Double cradle

Front Suspension Long Telescopic


Rear Suspension 5-step adjustable

Front Tyre Size 2.75 x 18 Zapper

Rear Tyre Size 3.00 x 18 Zapper

Front Brakes 240 mm ventilated disc brakes

Rear Brakes 130 mm brake drum

Fuel Tank Capacity 14 litres

Reserve Capacity 3 litres

Wheel Base 1245mm

Saddle Height  780mm

Kerb Weight 120kg

Maximum Payload 246kg

Fuel Efficiency (City) 65kmpl

Max Speed 95 km/hr with single rider (68kg)kmph



Specification Value

Engine Type 4 stroke

Cooling type Air Cooled

Displacement 111.6cc

No. of Cylinders 1

MaxPower 7.6bhp

Max Power RPM 7000rpm

Max Torque 8.14Nm

Max Torque RPM 6000rpm

Ignition Type CDI Electronic

Carburettor Keihin PC 18

Transmission Type 4 Speed gear box

Clutch Type Wet multiplate

Electrical System 12V AC/DC

Head Light 45/40 W

Horn 12V DC

Chassis Type Single down tube cradle frame

Front Suspension Hydraulically damped Telescopic (travel


110 mm) with rubber boots

Rear Suspension Swing arm hydraulic shock absorber with

coaxial spring 5 step adjustable

Front Tyre Size 2.75 X 18in 4P

Rear Tyre Size 3.00 X 18in 6P

Front Brakes 110 mm Drum

Rear Brakes 110 mm Drum

Fuel Tank Capacity 14 litres

Reserve Capacity 3 litres

Wheel Base 1245mm

Ground Clearance  150mm

Saddle Height  780mm

Minimum Turning

Radius 1.86m

Kerb Weight 118kg

Maximum Payload 249kg

Fuel Efficiency (Ideal) 82kmpl

Fuel Efficiency

(Highway) -kmpl

Fuel Efficiency (City) -kmpl

Max Speed 100 with Single Rider (68 kg)kmph



Specification Value

Engine Type 4 stroke

Cooling Type Air Cooled

Displacement 99.35cc

No. of Cylinders 1

Compression Ratio 9.3

MaxPower 7.7bhp

Max Power RPM 8000rpm

Max Torque 0.71Nm

Max Torque RPM 6000rpm

Ignition Type CDI

Transmission Type 4-speed

Electrical System 12 V AC/DC

Head Light 35 / 35 W

Horn 12V DC

Chassis Type Tubular semi- double cradle

Front Suspension Hydraulically damped Telescopic (travel 110 mm)


Rear Suspension Swing arm hydraulic shock absorber with coaxial spring

Front Tyre Size 2.75 x 18 4PR

Rear Tyre Size 3.0 x 18 4PR/6PR

Front Brakes Shoe

Rear Brakes Shoe

Fuel Tank Capacity 12 litres

Reserve Capacity 2.8 litres

Wheel Base 1215mm

Ground Clearance  150mm

Saddle Height  780mm

Minimum Turning Radius  1.86m

Kerb Weight 113kg

Maximum Payload 130kg

Fuel Efficiency (Ideal) 91kmpl

Max Speed 95kmph


Pricing is an important component of marketing mix of firm. Determining the prices of

different products of a firm is a very difficult task of the marketing manager. Price

denotes money value of a product. It represents the amount of money for which a

product can be exchanged. In other words, prices represents the money which the buyer

pays to the seller for a product price represents the exchange value of goods and services

in terms of money. Price is all around.

Price factor has very well been touched by the manufactures. The manufactures (Bajaj)

are charging very comparatively cheaper prices then their competitors. The pricing

strategy of the company is very set. They price their product according to the cost of

production and also by keeping an eye on the price of the competitors of that segment &

demand of the product in the market.

The pricing stratigies adopted by Bajaj auto Ltd:


Competitive Pricing

The management of a firm decide to fix the price at the competitive level. This method is

adopted by Bajaj auto because the bike market is highly competitive.

The price lists of the various Bajaj bikes are as follows:



City Ex Show Room Price (Rs.) † On Road Price (Rs.) †

Pune 53879 58920


As On June 2007

City Variation Ex Show Room

Price (Rs.) †

On Road Price

(Rs.) †

Pune Base Model with Disc Brake 45647 49910

PuneBase Model with Disc Brake &

Electric Start49046 53605


As On June 2007

City Ex Show Room Price (Rs.) † On Road Price (Rs.) †

Pune 81685 89170



As On June 2007

City Variation Ex Show Room Price

(Rs.) †

On Road Price

(Rs.) †

PuneBase Model with Drum

Brakes39924 43690

PuneBasic Model with Disk

Brakes42201 46165


As On June 2007

City Ex Show Room Price (Rs.) † On Road Price (Rs.) †

Ahmadabad 39927 42947

Bangalore 41025 45310

Chandigarh 40090 41451

Chennai 38901 41791

Kolkata 39790 42190

New Delhi 39981 41761

Pune 36889 40390



As On June 2007

City Ex Show Room Price (Rs.) † On Road Price (Rs.) †

Pune 34327 37605


Promotion is an important part of marketing mix of a business enterprises. It is spark

plug of the marketing mix. Promotion is the process of communication with the potential

customer involving information, persuasion and influence. It includes all types of

personal or in personal communication with customers as well as middleman in

distribution. The purpose of promotion is to inform, persuade and influence the

prospective customers. Personal selling, advertising, publicity and sales promotion are

widely used to inform the people about the availability of product and create among them

the desire to buy the products.

The words of E.L. Brink and W.T. Kelly promotion is the coordination of all seller

initiated affords to setup channels of information and persuasion to facilitated the sale of

a product or service or accepted of an idea.

The various promotional activities adopted by the Bajaj Auto Company.

The company has 100crore rupees for its promotional activities out of which 75% is

sponsored by the company and 25% from the dealers.

They may sign a celebrity for its promotional activities in recent futures.

The company provides six free services to its customers in comparison to its competitors.

The company provides good services facilities to its customers through dealer’s service



Dealers encourage its customers by giving discount, providing 0% interest loan schemes,

prices, coupons etc.

The various promotional activities adopted by bajaj bikes are as follows:

Credit & finance schemes

Free services to the consumers

Advertisements on Televisions, Newspapers, Magazines

Road Shows

Free trials for the new consumers

Credit & Finance Schemes Provided By Bajaj:

Bajaj provides schemes for

New vehicles

Used vehicles

Looking for a brand new Bajaj

Bajaj Auto Finance Ltd offers the best deals on new Bajaj vehicles. Check out Bajaj

schemes for Motorcycles and Step.

They have a variety of schemes to suit your requirements. These include:

Margin Money schemes

Advance EMI schemes

Low down-payment schemes

Security deposit linked schemes

0% Interest schemes

Contact the Bajaj Auto Finance Ltd office in your city to know about the Special

Schemes they announce from time to time.




Bajaj Auto Finance Ltd

c/o Bajaj Auto Ltd

Akurdi, Pune - 411 035

Tel: 020-7472851 Fax: 020-7407393




C/o. Bajaj Auto Ltd.,

B-60/61, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase-II

NEW DELHI-110028


Not ready to invest in a new two-wheeler? We offer finance options for used vehicles


We can also assist you by showing you some used vehicles to choose from.

To take a look at these vehicles, contact the Bajaj Auto Finance Ltd office in your city.


Looking for a trustworthy partner who guarantees a high degree of safety for your hard-

earned money? One who offers the best of dividends, facilities and services?

Count on Bajaj!

Bajaj Auto Finance Ltd. has formulated three fixed deposit schemes for Indian


Monthly Scheme

Cumulative Scheme

Non-Cumulative Scheme


Fixed Deposit Schemes (For Indian Residents Only)


Minimum Deposit Period ( Months ) Interest

Rs. 25000 * 12 9.50 % p.a.

Rs. 25000 * 36 10.00 % p.a.

* Additional amount in multiples of Rs. 1000/-


Minimum Deposit Period (Months) Maturity Value Annual Yield

Rs. 5000 * 12 Rs. 5496 9.92 %

Rs. 5000 * 36 Rs. 6740 11.60 %

* Additional amount in multiples of Rs. 1000/-


Minimum Deposit Period (Months) Interest

Rs. 5000 * 12 9.50 % p.a.

Rs. 5000 * 36 10.00 % p.a.

* Additional amount in multiples of Rs. 1000/-


There are about many regional offices located in major cities through out the


There are more than 10,000 dealers through out the country.


For the product distribution the company distributes its products through

authorized dealers.

The variety products are easily available in showrooms.

Registered Office

Bajaj Auto Finance Ltd

c/o Bajaj Auto Ltd

Akurdi, Pune - 411 035

Tel: 020-7472851 Fax: 020-7407393




C/o. Bajaj Auto Ltd.,

B-60/61, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase-II

NEW DELHI-110028



It is a specialty good.

It is a high involvement product.

It is a durable goods.

Well equipped and trained staff.

Easy availability of spare parts in the market


Regional office should be located in mid of Delhi.

No promotional activities by celebrities.



Since it is the second leading competitor it has chance to grow.

High growth rate of the industry.

Encouragement of innovation theory.


The main threat is from the leading competitor.

Entry of Foreign motors bikes in the market.

Threat of second hand motorcycles.



QUESTION1: What physical features made you prefer BAJAJ bikes?







The customers look for the over all looks or we can say that they all the physical features

while deciding to purchase CALIBER. Also they look towards it as a sturdy body built



QUESTION2: What media affected your preference the most?


The customer preference is mostly affected by television advertisements.






QUESTION 3: Did price affect your preference?


74% of customers says that price affect their preference

YES 74

NO 26


QUESTION 4: What mode of payment did you prefer?


51% of customer prefers financing and 49% prefer cash payment.





Performance Appraisal is becoming the most suitable way to assess the suitability of any

individual to his job and the basis to improve training if needed, the basis of promotion

and also it is a best way of salary revision. It also helps the superior to get feedback

about them, which can be effectively used in acquiring and sharpening their managerial

and behavioural skills.

At last it can thus be concluded that:

Proper Appraisal system is used in the organization to appraise the worker.

More than 80% of the members are aware about the Performance Appraisal.

Some opinion problems are face by the superior and subordinate at the time

of Performance Appraisal.

Every subordinate perform there work with a great zeal because of motivation

Performance Appraisal.

Self appraisal technique of Performance Appraisal is very effective in

building companies goodwill.

Appraisal is followed by employee feedback & counselling is done


The suggestions after the survey are:

The Performance Appraisal should be done on half-yearly basis rather than on

yearly basis.

After the performance Appraisal, the supervisor should personally discuss the

strength and weakness of the managers.

Everyone should feel free to express their opinion openly without any hesitation.

The employee in the organization should be made aware of the latest method of

the Performance Appraisal like 3600 Appraisal.


Proper training should be provided to the managers after discussing the weakness

of the manager.

All employees should be made of the Performance Appraisal system


Samples have been taken from only four departments, as it was difficult to show

the training need identification of the entire department.

The duration was too short to complete the project with in four weeks.

Data taken from secondary sources, so it is not fully reliable.

During the training in the organization I faced some problems like every person

was very busy so they could not give me proper time.

Due to V. R. S problems we could not take the training properly in the


Some respondent did not provide accurate information.

Lack of cooperation the respondents.



Articles from news papers and leading auto magazines

(Times of India, Hindustan Times, Auto India etc.)

Press releases of the company.

Business magazines (Business world) etc.

Web site of the company (

Face to face interviews

From Mr. Mohd. Saif, Area Sales Manager, Delhi

Mr. Gautam Ahuja, Trainee Sales Officer, Baggalink, Delhi




QUESTION1: What physical features made you prefer BAJAJ bikes?

(a) Looks (b) Body Built

(c) Style (d) Robustness

(e) All of them

QUESTION2: What media affected your preference the most?

(a) Word of Mouth (b) Television

(c) Print Media (d) Dealer Efforts

QUESTION 3: Did price affect your preference?

(a) Yes (b) No

QUESTION 4: What mode of payment did you prefer?

(A) Cash (b) Finance

QUEASTION 5: Which Bajaj bike you prefer most?

(A)Pulsar (b) Avenger

QUEASTION 6: What features made you prefer BAJAJ bikes?

(a) Looks (b) Body Built

(c) Style

QUEASTION 7: Which colour you like most of BAJAJ BIKES?

(a) Black (b) red

(c) Silver

QUEASTION 8: Did price affect your preference?

(a) Yes (b) No