WINTER Template WELCOME. Template Due – Friday, May 18 Options: August 1, 2013 June 1, 2013 First...


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Due – Friday, May 18


August 1, 2013

June 1, 2013

First Class day for AY 2013-2014

• Section 1: General Information

• Section 2: Academic Advising and Student Support

• Section 3: College Readiness

• Section 4: Course Information

• Section 5: Faculty

• Section 6: ESL and Ability to Benefit


The 82nd Legislature approved HB 1244, SB 162, and HB 3468 which task the THECB to prescribe “a single standard or set of standards for each assessment instrument to effectively measure student readiness as demonstrated by current research,” among other things.

Proposed TSI Timeline – Phase II

January 2012 Request for Proposals (RFP) posted: Call for Information to testing Companies to Address Mandates of HB 1244. Assessment instrument must align with CCRS/ABE diagnostic and online.

May 2012 Recommendation presented by the Commissioner to the Board on selected test(s)

May 2012- Preparation of field testing of selected test(s)Aug 2012

Proposed TSI Timeline – Phase II

Fall 2012 Field Testing implemented

Jan – Feb 2013 Standard Setting

March 2013 Standard Recommendation to Closing the Gaps Committee for approval

April 2013 Standard Recommendation

to Board for approval

Sp/Su 2013 IHE Training

Fall 2013 Full Implementation

Proposed TSI Timeline – Phase II


Non-semester length

Not a compressed course (a compressed course has the same number of contact hours as the traditional but delivered in a shorter time) Can include non-regular meeting dates/times Delivers accelerated instruction Must include consideration of time after completion of NCBO (don’t lose students in interim)

Terminology (Cont’d)


Include innovative interventions

May still address learning outcomes related to traditional course but usually not the same number of learning outcomes


Fall 2012: IHE must have at least one NCBO ready for

spring 2013 enrollment in at least one DE disciplinary area

Spring 2013: active enrollment of students in at least one

DE disciplinary area

Fall 2013: IHE must have at least one NCBO ready for

spring 2014 enrollment in ALL DE disciplinary areas,

including ESOL

Timeline (Cont’d)

Spring 2014: active enrollment of students in ALL DE disciplinary areas, including ESOL.

Fall 2014: IHE should be placing majority of “bubble” students in NCBOs in all DE disciplinary areas, including ESOL.

Additional Requirements:

Student must be enrolled at institution Completed application Entered into system Reported as a student in all other applicable reports

Student must have taken an approved TSI assessment prior to NCBO enrollment

Additional Requirements (cont’d):

NCBO must have an Instructor of Record (IR) who is available to assist students upon request 

IR does not have to be physically present at all times in case the student needs assistance. 

A tutor, TA, or other content expert may also available to assist students who need help.  

Additional Requirements (cont’d):

IRs for NCBOs are responsible for the following:

Determining the best NCBO for the student;

Assuring the student meets the contact hour and curricular requirements of the NCBO;

Checking on the progress of the student;

Additional Requirements (Cont’d):

Assuring is student is appropriately assessed/evaluated upon NCBO completion (e.g., departmental final exam, retesting on assessment);

Assigning and reporting the student’s final grade based on IHE policy (can be pass/no pass);

Helping the student register for the next step (i.e., course)

Refresher workshops

Intensive Bridging Classes

Companion (Paired) Course (e.g., simultaneous enrollment in ENGL 1301 and NCBO)

Examples of NCBO Interventions

There will be 3 levels for each area so we will have the following breakdown:

Non Course Math1st level

0 cr hr NCDM 00501 cr hr NCDM 00512 cr hr NCDM 00523 cr hr NCDM 00534 cr hr NCDM 0054

The district will put in a default number of contact hours for each level and then the college will change at the section level as long as it is between

your minimum and maximum hrs.

For 0 Credit Hour fees are based on ½ of cost of regular semester credit hour tuition.

(Ex: Fall 2012 - 0 credit = $22.50)

Intervention Hours

4-8 hours of intervention = 0 SCH

9-24 hours of intervention = 1 SCH

25-40 hours of intervention = 2 SCH

41-56 hours of intervention = 3 SCH

NCBO Level 1 – Lowest (Ex: DMAT 097)

NCBO Level 2 – Mid (Ex: DMAT 098)

NCBO Level 3 - Highest (Ex: DMAT 099)

(See Handout )

THECB Additional Requirements

Integrated Reading/Writing (IRW) (upper-level)

Reduction of 16-week, traditional delivery of DE to 2 courses per disciplinary area; paired coursework can be considered in addition to the two-course limit.

§4.65. Advising/Placement

By spring 2015, IHEs should implement the following best-practices

• Differentiated Placement: To determine placement, IHE must use the TSI Assessment score, plus at least two of the following:

o TSI Assessment Score (must use)o Diagnostic profileo LASSI/MARS or other non-cognitive assessment(s) o HS GPAo Prior academic experience overall and in discipline area

Pre-Assessment Activity students cannot be administered the TSI Assessment without at least one

prior documented activity addressing minimally the following: importance of assessment and how it relates to student’s academic

pathway implications of not meeting minimum standard(s)

o developmental education courseworko associated additional costs/time

assessment instructions and practice test items with immediate feedback

Individual Success Plan (ISP)

• For students not college-ready, the IHE must develop with the student an ISP which addresses the following:o career advising (exploration and pathway options for

decided and undecided)o course-based, NCB, and contextualized optionso degree plano regular interactions between student and designated

POC (e.g., advisor, faculty member, peer and/or community mentor, etc.)

o registration for next semester/next steps

1. What NCBO Intervention(s) is your college offering for Fall 2012?

2. What NCBO Intervention(s) will your college offer for Spring 2013? (Will it be only one DE area, two, or all three?

3. What steps does your discipline need to take to pair down to only two DE courses?

4.What suggestions do you currently have for addressing students who would fall below the two levels? (CE, NCB, ABE?)

Thank youFor

