WINTER EDITION 2017 - Leigh...


Citation preview



Page 2 – Key Dates

Page 3 – Remembrance Day

English, Dance

Page 4 – Charity & Student

First Aid

Page 5 – Post 16

Page 13 – Anti Bullying


Page 14 – Physical Education

Page 15 – Graphics &


Page 16 – Milestone Academy

Page 17 – Behaviour for


Page 18 – Yr7 Team Building,

Mark Prince Foundation

Page 19 – Bromcom

Page 20 – Drama, Dance &




Dear Parents and Carers

It is a great pleasure to introduce our Winter newsletter which highlights

some of the academic and sporting success of our young people as well as

their contributions to fund-raising for the Bantubami charity, page 4. There

are so many events that have taken place this year which are contributing

to the social and moral development of our young people and their wider

education both on and off site.

I am proud to write to you as Academy Principal in a year which had already

seen so much success. I am sure you will be aware that we have recently

had a robust Ofsted inspection and I am delighted to announce that Ofsted

have judged The Leigh to be ‘Good’ in all categories. They agreed with our

self evaluation that we have in place a team of fantastic leaders who are

driving forward with further improvements to make our Academy such a

great place to work and learn. Ofsted also highlighted the strength of our

teachers and staff who support students to achieve their very best and give

them guidance as they move into the next stage of their lives. Ofsted

reported that our students enjoy being here and are engaged in their



January Thursday 4th – Module 3 begins (WEEK 2) Monday 8th – Start of Yr10 & 12 Mid-Year Exams Wednesday 13th – Yr11 & 13 Parent Teacher Day Monday 15th – Act of Kindness Week Thursday 18th - Leigh Trust Spelling Bee Monday 22nd – 23rd - Yr9 Vaccinations Monday 22nd – Parents’ Group Meeting Wednesday 24th - Ski Lessons Tuesday 30th –

• Yr7 ‘What are my skills?’ Workshop

• Rambert Dance Company Workshop

• Ski Lessons Wednesday 31st – Yr9 History Trip to Greenwich February Wednesday 7th – Yr8 Parent Teacher Afternoon Thursday 8th – End of Module 3 Monday 19th – Module 4 begins Thursday 22nd – Yr8 Guided Choices Evening March Monday 5th – Parents’ Group Meeting Thursday 8th – Yr8 Digital Footprint Event Thursday 24th – End of Module 4


learning and value the opportunities available to them with us. You can

see the full Ofsted report on The Leigh Academy website.

I am also pleased to share with you the news that Faye McGill, co-Principal

has this week given birth to a beautiful baby girl, Zara and both mother

and daughter are doing well.

It really is an exciting time to be at The Leigh as we continue in our mission

to provide the very best educational experience for our young people.

You will be able to read about our annual Remembrance Service at which

visitors from Milestone Academy, Dartford Primary Academy as well as two

veterans representing the British Royal Legion laid wreaths as our

community paid their respects. We have also focused on equality and

diversity and the importance of tolerance and mutual respect for all those

within our Academy community and in the local area.

We have a bumper edition of Post 16 articles, showing the many on and

off site events that take place to support our 16-19 year olds to be

successful in their two years with us and be supported into the next stage

of education, apprenticeships or employment. We have begun teaching

the International Baccalaureate Career-related pathway this year and are

really pleased with the impact that these different IB diplomas and core

courses are having on students learning. See article on page 9 for more

information on this pathway and our IB ‘World School’ status.

We are also revamping our Behaviour for Learning Policy and I ask that all

parents/carers familiarise themselves with the changes (on page 17) which

will be in place from January.

I would like to thank you all for your ongoing support and I wish you all a

very Merry Christmas and a festive start to 2018.

Julia Collins

Academy Principal



Our Year 7 Challenger students had

the opportunity to meet comedian

and author, Harry Hill, at Wilmington

Academy. Harry Hill had teamed up

with WH Smith to celebrate the

launch of his new book, ‘Matt Mills’.

Our students behaved impeccably

and Harry Hill was very impressed

with their questions and jokes! Jude

Hall (Yr7 Brunel) even got on stage

and told a joke! Lots of our students

took the opportunity to purchase a

signed copy of his book and have

really enjoyed reading it!

Mrs Adams

Yr11 BTEC dance students performed

for 28 yr8 students at Wilmington

Academy. The performance went

extremely well & Tegan Kear and

Nicole Radzan led a very successful

workshop after. Students worked hard

to create and rehearse the work and

as a result the Yr8 students

thoroughly enjoyed the morning.

Mrs. Culling


Remembrance Day 2017

Leigh TV is proud to present The Leigh Academy Remembrance Day 2017 in

memory of those who have lost their lives to conflicts around the world. It

is tradition here at The Leigh that on the Friday before Remembrance Sunday

all 1500 students and staff stand on the balconies & winter gardens to

demonstrate their respect for those who have been involved past conflicts.

A ceremony consisting of readings from staff, students and service men from

the local area was given followed by 2 minutes’ silence. Ceramic poppies

from the Tower of London were also planted in the College winter gardens

as a symbol of remembrance and respect.




This year, the proceeds of the Christmas Jumper Day will go to Bantabami, an AIDS orphanage in South Africa that

the Academy has been supporting for several years and for whom Post-16 students have been leading this year's

fundraising. One eighth of the population of South Africa is either HIV+ or has AIDS and hundreds of thousands

of orphans have been created because of this terrible disease. Bantabami is a tiny charity that supports the AIDS

orphans of Pietermaritzburg, near Durban, providing food, clothing and other practical support to the orphans, as

well as the grannies who look after them. Without our support, the charity would cease operating, so we thank you

for the donations you have made including those on Christmas Jumper Day this year, which will enable Bantabami

to continue its work in 2018. Ms. Butler


Over 250 students have participated in critical Resuscitation training via a British Red Cross training programme held

at The Leigh Academy. The day was spent discussing what students would do if they found someone unconscious

and the decisions they would make if they were breathing or not breathing.

Students learned how to place people in the recovery position, monitor someone who was unconscious and

resuscitate a person who was not breathing. The students were keen to ask questions and engaged in lots of practical

exercises as well as discussing first aid & emergency situations.

The two trainers from the British Red Cross commented on the excellent behaviour of students and their enthusiasm

to learn the basic first aid response. "The Leigh Academy students are a credit to the school with so many wanting

to offer help if they found someone in a similar situation”. Mr Lindars

First Aid Training at The Leigh Academy



In September, we welcomed 126 new students to Post-16, forming our Year 12 cohort for 2017-18. On Day 1, students

were inducted to their new lives as the most senior students in the Academy, learning about our PARADE standards

(relating to Punctuality, Attendance, Role-modelling, Attitude, Dress Code and Equality) and how we use VESPA (Vision

- Effort - Systems - Practice - Attitude) to help students to achieve success. They then spent the afternoon enjoying an

‘Xtreme Vortex’ experience, developing their teamwork skills and personal determination.

On Day 2, students were sent out in tutor groups on a ‘Dartford History Hunt’, whereby they had to visit ten historic

sites in Dartford (having first worked out where those sites were, based on the clues they were given) and then take a

photograph in each location that depicted one of the IB Learner Profile Characteristics. Not only did this help students

bond with their new tutor groups but it developed their research skills, explored their creativity and helped them see

their town in a new light. It was, however, exhausting, with some students covering 8 miles on foot!

Mr Forcella-Burton




On 18th October, Year 12 Aspire students - our

highest achieving students at GCSE - visited the

University of Oxford, as part of the Leigh

Academies Trust’s mission to raise aspiration and

prepare our most able students for applications

to Russell Group universities. Despite the

horrendous traffic and awful weather en route,

resulting in a late start in Oxford, the day was a

fabulous experience for our students, all of whom

thoroughly enjoyed the trip, which included visits

to Mansfield and St Hugh’s Colleges. Student

evaluations were overwhelmingly positive, with

one student stating, “I had never thought Oxford

University would be accessible for me before this


Early in Module 2, the Year 12 Aspire students were

taken to watch ‘Heisenberg: The Uncertainty

Principle’ in London’s West End. Later that week, they

attended a workshop, learning how to write a

professional theatre review. The next week, they were

sent independently to watch ‘The Woman in Black’

and wrote their own review of the performance. Not

only did they have to plan this final trip themselves

but they had to write their reviews and submit them

for professional scrutiny. Thus developing their

analysis & organizational skills



Post-16 students lead the way in raising money to sustain the Bantabami Orphanage

In the week running up to World AIDS Day on Friday 1st December, Post-16 students at The Leigh Academy answered

the call to raise enough money to feed, clothe and house the orphans - and the grannies who look after them - of a

South African orphanage for the coming year.

Bantabami, which is a Zulu word that means “our children”, was set up 19 years ago, by a group of ordinary people in

the small South African city of Pietermaritzburg. There, like every community in South Africa, hundreds of children had

been left orphaned by the AIDS epidemic that has swept through sub-Saharan Africa in the last thirty years. The number

of orphans has only been rising in the last two decades. Most of the children are born HIV+, infected in utero by their

mothers, and are left orphaned when their parents succumb to AIDS, since the South African government does not fund

the antiretroviral medication that prevents HIV from developing into AIDS.

Bantabami is one of thousands of tiny charities that South African citizens have set up to care for the hundreds of

thousands of AIDS orphans now living in the country, who only have very elderly relatives surviving to look after them.

Bantabami provides basic food, clothing and domestic support in the grannies’ own homes and in a network of four

orphanages around Pietermaritzburg. They receive no government support, relying on financial assistance from local

donations and those they receive from The Leigh Academy. The charity cannot save the children’s lives but they can help

to ensure that whatever short lives they live are filled with love, caring and safety.



Fundraising for Bantabami at The Leigh Academy

Nita Butler, Director of Inclusion at the Academy, is from Pietermaritzburg and,

along with her mother, is a Trustee of the charity. She and Lee Forcella-Burton,

Director of Post-16 at the Academy, have been fundraising for Bantabami for the

last 16 years, with staff and students at The Leigh Academy and another Kent

school, raising in excess of £16,000 in that time. However, Bantabami ran out of

funds in August this year and this crisis led to Mr Forcella-Burton asking Post-16

students to step in and raise £500, which would be enough to ensure that

Bantabami could continue its vital work throughout 2018.

Dozens of students came forward to help, selling World AIDS Day red ribbons and organising a big fundraising event in

the Academy restaurant over lunchtime on Friday 1st December. At the time of writing, staff and students have raised an

incredible £630 in just one week! The total donation of £1138 will mean that Bantabami can fulfil its mission for the

coming year.

Thank you

On behalf of the orphans and grannies, thank you to everyone who volunteered their time and effort and everyone who

donated money - you have all done something truly wonderful and life-changing.

This is only the beginning...

This year’s Christmas Jumper Day - 15th December - will also raise funds for Bantabami, with all the money raised going

to provide a small Christmas present for each of the orphans and grannies, as well as funding further developments of

the work of the charity, enabling them to reach out to yet more abandoned children.

Can you help?

Please look out for future announcements about our work with Bantabami and the ways that you can offer support.

Whether you are an individual, a family or a representative of a business, we would sincerely appreciate your assistance.

If you would like to find out how you can help, please contact to find out more.



Post-16 Open Evening 2017

On 22nd November, the Academy welcomed over 500

visitors to our Post-16 Open Evening, where guests heard

talks from staff and students about life in our Post-16 in the

Lecture Theatre, experienced a presentation in the Post-16

Study Centre about the IB Career-related Programme, visited

an array of subject stalls in the Restaurant (speaking to staff

and students about the 40 courses we are offering in

September 2018) and were treated to refreshments in our

specially set up piano bar, where Year 12 students provided

musical accompaniment to the whole event. We were also

privileged to host Robert Tibbott, a representative from the

International Baccalaureate Schools & Colleges Association

(IBSCA), who spoke about the benefits that following this

pathway has for students as they move onto the next stage

The buzz of excitement and interest was extraordinary, with

visitors commenting unanimously on the fantastic welcome

they had received. This is a typical response we received,

when we asked a visitor how they had enjoyed their


“The whole evening was warm, friendly and welcoming, from

the moment we walked through the doors. Everyone was happy to share information and seemed caring and

passionate about their subjects. What a great and successful event!.

(Lee Forcella-Burton)

Following on The Leigh’s accreditation as an IB ‘World School’ in July, we are delivering 9 IB diplomas; Business

Management, Computer Science, English Lit/Lang, Film Studies, Global Politics, IT in Global Society, Mathematical

Studies, Psychology & Social and Cultural Anthropology this year to Post 16 students & we will be able to expand

our IB offer to include Geography & Economics from September 2018. The IB Career-related Programme is designed

for students aged 16-19. Students who follow this pathway undertake a minimum of two IB Diploma courses, a core

consisting of four components (personal & professional skills, service learning, reflective project and language

development) and a career related study such as a BTEC qualification. This combination of courses develops students

academically through the rigour of the IB diplomacy & provides practical, real world approaches to learning whist the

CP Core helps students to develop skills & competencies required for lifelong learning. If you would like to find out

more about studying the IBCP at The Leigh, then the IBCP brochure is on The Leigh Academy website. If you would

like to apply for a place in our Post 16 for September 2018 then please do so via our academy website.



Year 13 Higher Apprenticeship Evening, 17th October 2017

The Leigh Academy hosted the 3rd Higher

Apprenticeship evening on the 17th October 2017.

The Restaurant was setup to allow the participants the

opportunity to place their promotional materials in a

way that allowed plenty of access for the students and

parents. We were fortunate to have Ernest Young,

Lloyds of London, Laing O’Rourke, Davis Turner and

many more attend the event, which is organised to get

Year 13 students thinking about possible careers

options for the future. In total, we had in excess of 20

organisations support the event.

Nicola, from Ernest Young, mentioned that a number

of students had applied to EY and it was a great opportunity to talk to the students about the recruitment process.

A4G, a local accountancy firm, recruited two students from the Trust, during the last academic year, proving that targeted

and appropriate career-related events, improve the outcomes for our young people.

One of the students mentioned that he was exceptionally keen on

a career with Davis Turner of Lloyds of London and was positively

buzzing about the prospects of their apprenticeship opportunities.

We opened the event to all Trust students and we were fortunate

to be joined by Mascalls students, who travelled to the Dartford

event all the way from the Paddock Wood area.

The interactive screens were set up to advertise the job opportunity

page of the careers section of the school website to businesses,

students and their parents and carers.

Students are actively applying for jobs, which we are advertising on

the website, and, year on year, it is attracting more opportunities. It

was a very successful evening and I feel certain that some of the

students will gain employment or apprenticeship opportunities,

having attended the event. For further information regarding

careers please contact Lesley Tannock on

Mrs Lesley Tannock



Year 13 University, Apprenticeship and Employment Convention at The Emirates Stadium

On 29th September, Year 13 students were taken to The

Emirates Stadium in London to experience one of the UK’s

largest higher education, apprenticeship and employment

conventions. Students were able to make face to face contact

with nearly two hundred universities, apprenticeship providers

and employers, with many making valuable connections that

have already led to applications with students being called for

the next stage of the recruitment process.

Higher Education at The Leigh Academy

In late September, The Leigh Academy welcomed staff from the University of Leicester, who came to explain

to Year 13 students why they should consider university, how to select the right course, how student funding

works and how to write a stand-out personal statement. Students

have taken their advice on board and two thirds of our Year 13

cohort are well under way with their applications to university.

We are waiting in anticipation of seeing our first student earn a place

at the University of Oxford. Athavan Ramalingam, a talented physicist

in Year 13, has sent in his application and we wish him well, when the

interview process begins in the new year! Mr Forcella-Burton-Head of




BBC News Report

Leigh Academy Post 16 students were interviewed on Monday 4th December by the BBC who are launching a new

initiative about how young people access media and the onset and dangers of ‘fake news’. The students were asked

about their use of media, where they got their news from and their understanding of how they could establish whether

news was fake or from a dubious source. One of our students who is a keen Media enthusiast had the opportunity to

shadow the cameraman and producer and even took an active role in proceedings, noting down questions and names

of participants. As a result, he has been given the opportunity of spending time with the producer at a later date to see

the BBC in action.

The day was a great success and our visitors were impressed with the knowledge and maturity of our students. The

interviewer was Amol Rajan who is the BBC’s Media Editor and works mainly for the highest profile output on BBC

News. He commented on the knowledge and maturity of the students and their confidence in front of the camera. The

footage was shown during the national news broadcast on BBC1 on Wednesday 6th December and was seen by

millions of people throughout the country. Footage can be found here at

Mr Shepherd



The Anti Bullying theme of 'All Different All Equal' has been a focus at The Leigh Academy during Module 2. Students

have enjoyed a range of activities including, changes to the curriculum, focused assemblies and a Tutor Time programme

based around the anti-bullying campaign.

This included the 'High Five Hand' task where all 1400 students were asked to create a hand with 5 things that made

them different from everybody else or a personal message on why bullying has no place at the academy. The hands

taking pride of place over the College balconies for all guests, visitors, staff and students to see and ensuring the anti-

bullying message was seen and heard


Students participated in workshops on how

to deal with bullies, listened to guest

speakers who discussed the dangers of online

bullying and our Post 16 students also

launched 'Unity' a group to support and raise

the issues surrounding LBGT students.

Mark Prince from the Kiyan Foundation came

back to the academy to promote tolerance,

diversity and relationships and Matt Hamid

from the Imago Community delivered a

passionate presentation about the dangers of bullying and the impact it can have on students’ lives.

Mr Lindars

Anti-Bullying- All Different All Equal



District Cross Country Championships at The Leigh Academy 2017

On Thursday 16th November The Leigh Academy hosted the District cross country championships for the sixth consecutive

year, this time with a record number of schools and runners taking part. From the 22 schools that attended, 322 runners

completed the mixed terrain course that also included a 400m section through the woods adjacent to the lower field

football pitch. There were many good performances from Leigh Academy students including Isobel Rose in the year 7

girls race, Kye Rossiter in the year 7 boys race, Daniel Fowler in the year 8/9 boys race, Fankie Box finishing 9th in the

year 10/11 girls race and Sean

Powley finishing 7th in the year

10/11 boys race.

The outstanding performance of the

day however, was Archie May’s

victory in the year 10/11 boys race.

His winning margin was over 2

minutes from his closest rival and

Archie now in year 11 ensured that

he has won the race in every year

group since year 7. The Leigh

Academy also had some success in

the team event finishing 3rd in the

year 8/9 boys race and 1st in the year

10/11 boys race. Archie May, Sean

Powley and Frankie Box have now

ensured selection for the Kent

Schools cross country championships

that take place in January.

Congratulations to all participants.

Mr Pickett & Miss Marshall

Physical Education



Greenwich is world-famous as the traditional location of the Prime Meridian, on which all Coordinated Universal Time is

based. Graphics and Photography year 11, 12 and 13 students went for a visit to record the wonders of this location

and focus on finding evidence of ‘Britishness’, Signs, Graphic Design, History and Fashion. The students drew and

photographed the features of the park, took some extraordinary selfies and climbed the hill to photograph the

cityscape. (Christine Britton)

“People hardened, rusted by salt,

Step into space, sea, sky, expanding horizons.

Stretch into the streets that wind and curl,

Reflected in window panes,

Patterns intersect and overlap.

I stepped through a portal into this world by the sea,

All new to me, but a place that echoes old times past,

Hides old ghosts, barking dogs and doors that creak,

Framed scenes that juxtapose a gritty, rocky beach,

Against kitsch souvenirs and sweets.” By Miss Smith & Ms Britton

Year 11 and 13 Photography visited Whitstable earlier in the term to explore ideas for the theme “PORTAL.”. The students

met local residents and took portraits, ate ice cream, visited the shops and captured the character of this British seaside

town. Liam Waite-Yr11Phtography Student

Graphics & Photography



From 6th November, sixteen students and six staff from Milestone Academy's main site in New Ash Green moved into

their new home in The Leigh Academy. This specialist space is one of Milestone's three "satellite provisions" and aims to

provide Milestone Academy students with access to inclusion opportunities, independence skills, and social experiences

they might not otherwise have the chance to experience. Over time, Milestone at The Leigh will grow to accommodate

approximately thirty students in three classrooms.

Staff and students at the Leigh Academy have been extremely welcoming, introducing themselves to

all at Milestone at The Leigh, visiting the new classrooms, and joining in conversations on

the school field and quad.

Milestone students at The Leigh were not afraid to admit that there was some anxiety about their first day at the Leigh,

but those feelings soon disappeared. They were especially impressed by the amazing lunches provided by Cucina, as well

as the dignified Remembrance Day assembly attended by all Leigh Academy students.

"Milestone and the Leigh have had a great working relationship for a long time," says Kyle Marsh, Director of Milestone

at The Leigh. "We are looking forward to building on this great relationship as we fearlessly pursue inclusion and

collaboration activities across both Academies." Mr Marsh

Milestone Academy



It was great to see the launch of the Post 16 Unity group with so many people involved and ensuring our LBGT students

are supported. It was also great to see lots of our most vulnerable students being supported by their peers and ensuring

bullying is not tolerated across all Colleges, with our Anti-Bullying focussed theme this module.

In the future there are lots of new initiatives planned to ensure that Behaviour, Welfare and Safety of our students remains

a top priority. Students will be involved in future events with Bikeability Level 3 courses being set for students who ride

to The Academy, we've also been selected to be the pilot school for the new KCC Travel ambassador scheme. The Leigh

Academy Student Voice team have been asked to plan and create resources for safe travel to and from school. Diversity

Role Models will also be visiting us late in December with the theme of anti-bullying being revisited.

Finally, in February I am hoping to set up a variety of schemes with local charities to support the homeless, disability

groups or children in need support groups as part of the 'Act of Kindness' week. If parents/carers would like to be

involved, please do contact me on

At the start of Module 3, we will proudly be launching ‘The Leigh Academy League of Excellence’. This updated reward

system will see each student achieve a score based upon three major elements. Students will be awarded a score based

on their modular attendance (100% = 100 points), their overall attitude to learning score within their modular report

added to their behaviour points score for the module. Students are continuously awarded points or achieving an R1 (10

points), R2 (20 points, R3 (30 points, R4 (40 points) or an R5 (50 points). However, points are now deducted if a student

is given one of the five consequences for negative behaviour S1 (-10) S2 (-20), S3 (-30), S4 (-40) or an S5 (-50). Your child

would have received a letter at the end of Module 2 explaining the new behaviour policy and heard a presentation during

college assemblies explaining this. If you didn’t receive the letter, then please do log on to the school website where you

will find all letters that have been sent out. I thank you in advance for your support as parents/carers for our Behaviour

for Learning Policy. It is vital that students know that we are working in partnership with home to support our young

people. You can find more details of the new process & policies on The Leigh Academy website under ‘policies’. Can I

also ask for your support in speaking to your child about their behaviour to & from the academy. We are often contacted

by members of the public who praise our students, for example by giving up their seat on the bus for an elderly passenger,

but we all too often get contacted by members of our local community who report unacceptable behaviour. Whilst we

do speak to students in the academy & will set sanctions for students who bring the academy into disrepute, we would

ask for your help to enforce this at home. Mr Lindars

Behaviour for Learning, Welfare and Safety



The Leigh Academy are proud to be working alongside

former World Boxing Champion Mark Prince. Twenty

fights, nineteen victories and fifteen knockouts later, his

career included two international belts and a bruising,

single loss in a World Title light-heavyweight

fight. Prince was on the cusp of superstardom when a

terrible knee injury prevented him from fighting

again. And yet his biggest challenge was yet to

come. In 2006 his son Kiyan, a promising young

talented footballer signed to Queens Park Rangers

Football Club, was fatally stabbed outside his school in North London. It marked the beginning of a journey and a

commitment to use Kiyan’s legacy to help inspire, challenge and educate the youth who are not fulfilling their potential

in school or who may be tempted with engaging in anti-social behaviour. Mark set up the Kiyan

Foundation ( and has been recognised for his work by winning national TV awards in recognition

for his hard work, passion and dedication to the fight against knife crime.

Mark’s success in boxing was built on his core strengths of being a natural fighter and being able to bounce back

positively from adversity. His positive personality is infectious and students of all ages have been lucky to meet with him

over the past few weeks. Mark has delivered 3 powerful assemblies and demonstrated his passion and belief that all

students have an inner ability to be a champion in their own way. Mark was so touched by the response to his story from

Leigh Academy students he has agreed to deliver an 8-week mentor and life skills programme to a selection of Y10

Year 7 Team Building

On Friday 10th November 2017 Miss Austin, Mr Piggott and Mr Crouch accompanied 24 Year 7 students to the

Bowles Outdoor Activity Centre for the weekend.

All students took part in a range of activities including rock climbing, raft building, orienteering and learning how

to make a campfire. All students enjoyed the weekend and were extremely tired but feeling proud of their

teamwork and individual achievements. Ms Austin

Mark Prince – Kiyan Foundation



students. This has been well attended, with students keen to develop their fitness alongside

strengthening their mind, resilience and ability to support the less vulnerable students. At the

end of the 8 weeks, parents will be invited to attend a presentation and witness the

students achieve recognition for making their own personal changes as well as completing

the course.

Mr Lindars

As part of The Leigh Academy’s continued drive to improve our communication systems, we are pleased to launch My

Child at School to our parents. This will give parents a real-time view on assessment, timetable, rewards and

consequences and other key data about your child.

The primary contact for each child has been emailed a user name and password to access the system


If you have any questions or issues in accessing the system, please


Ms Forde

Bromcom-My Child at School

A reminder to all parents/carers collecting or dropping off their children that there is a one-way system in place in

the car park and a maximum speed limit of 5mph. Please be considerate of each other and our students to ensure

that all children are safe on our site. Also please do not park in the disabled parking bays unless you have a Blue

Badge on display, otherwise you will be asked to park elsewhere. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Car Park Safety



Who needs Santa when you have Kieran Drew raising The Leigh Academy’s Christmas spirits through The Christmas

Variety Show 2017. There were Christmas solos sung with a live student band; spectacular dance routines from the year

9s and 11s; alongside well timed comedy sketches from year 11s and 12s. This whole show was organized, produced and

technically constructed by Kieran Drew for his BTEC technical set-up assessment and he did a sterling job with no hiccups

on the night. You may think this is easy, but in the 24 hours leading up to the show everything that could have gone

wrong technically did through no fault of the school! The sound cables broke hours before the production; the lights in

the theatre suddenly stopped working for the first time ever; students called in sick; and the set went missing!? These

were all problems no one could predict or control, but Kieran worked through them one at a time, calmly, with humour

and only mild hyperventilation at points. In all the shows I have done at The Leigh I have never seen one person faced

with so many technical hurdles so he did brilliantly, with support from Miss Burton and Mr Quinton.

The Christmas Variety Performance exploded into action with the year 9 dancers performing ‘Play’ with their shimmering

glitter costumes, which set the bar high for the rest of the show. The ladies were synchronized and dynamic, as were all

the dance routines created by Mrs Culling.

Megan Skalska opened the numerous solo numbers with a cheeky rendition of ‘Santa Baby’, which made us all smile.

Then we changed gear into the first of a very funny run of comedy sketches from Callum Bultitude and Tom Carey. This

was followed by heart felt solo from Eden Reece with a song performed from ‘Les Miserable’. Our hearts were won by

the Key Stage 3 Leigh Choir VOX, (Abigail Aferi, Vanessa Madora, Victoria Notarianni, Summer Rayfield and Ewelina

Zarebska) with their take on Conor Maynard’s Ed Sheeran mashup.

And so the show went on with more outstanding live music from the band and vocalists with a sound team of musicians

including: Rishi Achadoo, Emily Friend, Brima Koroma, Brooklyn Oliphant, Megan Skalska, Abilash Thanabalasingam,

Emmanuel Owomoyela, Ayodele Omololu, Joshua Pedro, Keeley McDonald, Rosabella Camm, Frankie Vilday, Kyle Prangell,

Kenndrick Dimanlig, Tommy-Lee Taylor, Jack Williams, Manny Hedges and Cameron Perry.

From the Drama Learning Area came comedy sketches from the west end musical ‘A Comedy About a Bank Robbery’

which were expertly performed by Callum Bultitude & Eden Reece with pristine timing and hilarity. Callum included a

very powerful and moving solo performance from the musical ‘Dear Evan Hansen’.

Drama, Dance & Music



The dancers performed a variety of pieces including @Chorus Line’, ‘Plastics’, and a Bruno Mars number. Each dance was

performed in a different style and was extremely creative & dynamic.

The Grand Finale was performed by Manny Hedges playing ‘Last Christmas’ by Slade in his now familiar anarchic singing

style, which got everyone on their feet cheering and clapping. It was an amazing end to the show and very typical of a

Leigh Production.

To all the performers, teachers and audience involved, especially Kieran Drew, we would like to say well done and thank


After Christmas we will be starting work on our next big performing arts performance of the musical ‘GREASE’ so auditions

will open in January for ALL years. Mrs Wilson, Mrs Hannam, Ms Burton & Mrs Culling)