(Winter Edition) 2014-2015 - Neshaminy School …...wetlands, lakes, ponds, streams. Feeds on fish....


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Maloney’s Guide to the Birds of Neshaminy

(Winter Edition)


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Winter Birds of Langhorne Area

Waterfoul – Associated with ecosystems with high water proportions or birds commonly found in water

1. Common Loon – Large bodies of open water 2. Pied Billed Grebe – Lakes and other large bodies of open water 3. Double Crested Cormorant – Lakes and large bodies of water 4. Great Blue Heron – Along edge of water, wading 5. Mute Swan – Large bodies of water 6. Canada Goose – Bodies of water and fields to feed and rest 7. Wood Duck – very secretive duck found in coves of freshwater 8. Mallard – Most common duck in the world 9. Common Merganser – Lakes and large bodies of water

Gulls – Seagull is not a specific species of bird, gulls are a large family and are common in the winter

10. Laughing Gull – Not found in the winter but found at the Jersey Shore 11. Ring Billed Gull – Open water, fields, parking lots 12. Herring Gull – Open water, fields, parking lots 13. Great Black Backed Gull – Open water, fields

Birds of Prey – Predatory birds

14. Turkey Vulture – Soaring in a V shape 15. Sharp Shinned Hawk – Small hawk of the woods, also found frequenting bird feeders 16. Red Tailed Hawk – Perched high on any structure from trees to power poles, common 17. Bald Eagle – Large bird found near open water

Shorebirds – Associated with the edge of aquatic regions or shallow waters

18. Killdeer – Fields with low cut grass

Doves –

19. Rock Pigeon – Urban Bird 20. Mourning Dove – Commonly found at feeders

Kingfisher – Birds found along bodies of water, dive in head first for fish

21. Belted Kingfisher – found along streams, lakes. Loud rattle call.

Woodpeckers – found in forests, perched upright on trees. Common drumming sound on trees

22. Red bellied Woodpecker – Large woodpecker of the forest 23. Downy Woodpecker – Small woodpecker found at feeders and forests alike 24. Hairy Woodpecker – Small woodpecker found in forests 25. Northern Flicker – Found in forest edges and fields sometimes feeding on the ground

Crows – Large black birds

26. Fish Crow – Found near water, but more and more all around 27. American Crow – Ultimate generalist species

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Songbirds – Small birds found often in flocks during the winter months for safety in numbers

28. Carolina Chickadee – Small acrobatic bird found in forests and feeders 29. Tufted Titmouse – Forests, feeders 30. Brown Creeper – Forests 31. White Breasted Nuthatch – Forests and feeders 32. Carolina Wren – Forests and disturbed areas 33. American Robin – Fields and edge habitats 34. Northern Mockingbird – Fields and urban settings 35. Cedar Waxwing – Flocks found in the tops of trees 36. Blue Jay – Forests, feeders 37. European Starling – Flocks of blackbirds found in fields and tree tops 38. Yellow-Rumped Warbler – Trees near water 39. Northern Cardinal – Fields, forest, feeders 40. Eastern Towhee – Fields 41. Common Grackle – flocks in fields 42. Red-winged blackbird – Wetlands, large flocks in fields 43. Brown headed cowbird – large flocks in fields 44. American Goldfinch – Fields, edge, feeders

Sparrows – small seed eating birds, often found at feeders or fields around seed bearing plants

45. Song Sparrow – Fields and edge, feeders 46. White Throated Sparrow – Fields, edge, and feeder 47. Dark eyed Junco – Fields and edge, and feeders 48. House Sparrow – (English sparrow) urban settings and feeders

Feeder birds – can be commonly found around bird feeders

Blue Jay Carolina Chickadee Tufted Titmouse White Breasted Nuthatch Downy Woodpecker Northern Cardinal American Goldfinch Song Sparrow White Throated Sparrow House Sparrow Dark Eyed Junco

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Table of Contents

13-14 Common Loon

15-16 Pied Billed Grebe

17-18 Double Crested Cormorant

19-20 Great Blue Heron

21-22 Mute Swan

23-24 Canada Goose

25-26 Wood Duck

27-28 Mallard

29-30 Common Merganser

31-32 Laughing Gull

33-34 Ring Billed Gull

35-36 Herring Gull

37-38 Great Black Backed Gull

39-40 Turkey Vulture

41-42 Sharp Shinned Hawk

43-44 Red Tailed Hawk

45-46 Bald Eagle

47-48 Killdeer

49-50 Rock Pigeon

51-52 Mourning Dove

53-54 Belted Kingfisher

55-56 Red bellied Woodpecker

57-58 Downy Woodpecker

59-60 Hairy Woodpecker

61-62 Northern Flicker

63-64 Fish Crow

65-66 American Crow

67-68 Carolina Chickadee

69-70 Tufted Titmouse

71-72 Brown Creeper

73-74 White Breasted Nuthatch

75-76 Carolina Wren

77-78 American Robin

79-80 Northern Mockingbird

81-82 Cedar Waxwing

83-84 Blue Jay

85-86 European Starling

87-88 Yellow-rumped Warbler

89-90 Northern Cardinal

91-92 Eastern Towhee

93-94 Common Grackle

95-96 Red-winged blackbird

97-98 Brown headed cowbird

99-100 American Goldfinch

101-102 Song Sparrow

103-104 White Throated Sparrow

105-106 Dark-eyed Junco

107-108 House Finch

109-110 House Sparrow – (English sparrow)

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Parts of a Bird

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How to Identify Hawks

Birds of prey (raptors) come in many shapes and sizes. When hawkwatchers identify birds of prey in flight, they

look mainly at body shape, proportions, and flight characteristics. There are three general types of raptors

recognizable by body and wing shape: buteos, accipiters and falcons. The shapes of these birds also indicate how

they fly and, thus, their life-styles. The following silhouettes help identify these three basic groups of raptors.


These soaring hawks have long, broad wings and wide, fanned tails. Buteos are built to glide effortlessly on air

currents. They can soar for long stretches without flapping their wings. Their soaring ability lets them hunt for prey

while circling over open areas. They will perch on trees and utility poles and wait for unsuspecting prey to move

below. Buteos include the Broad-winged Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Red-shouldered Hawk and Rough-legged Hawk.


With short, round wings, and long, rudder-like tails, accipiters are agile forest hawks. These birds, which are adept

at maneuvering in thick woods, dart through trees, hunting birds on the wing. Although they sometimes soar like

buteos, their typical flight pattern is several flaps followed by a glide. Cooper’s Hawks, Northern Goshawks and

Sharp-shinned Hawks are examples of accipiters.

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Falcons, the fastest birds of prey, are built for speed with streamlined bodies and long, pointed wings. Falcons

most often flap continuously while in flight. The peregrine falcon can dive at speeds of over 150 miles per hour.

Falcons often hunt other birds on the wing. The smallest falcon, the American kestrel, is able to hover in one place

while hunting small rodents and insects. Falcons include the American Kestrel, Peregrine Falcon, and Merlin.


The long narrow wings of Ospreys are often crooked at the wrist so that the leading edge of the wings forms an

“M” shape. Underneath, Ospreys have contrasting dark and light plumage. Ospreys tend to glide extensively on

migration. Ospreys hunt mainly for fish, and are seldom found far from water. In hunting, Ospreys plunge feet first

into the water to capture fish swimming near the surface. The bottoms of Ospreys’ feet are rough like sandpaper,

allowing them to grip their slippery prey.

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The two eagle species - the Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle - are two of the largest birds of prey found in North

America. The Bald Eagle is our national symbol. Adults have a white head and tail, and a dark body. The long, wide

wings are held flat while soaring and the large head and beak are noticeable from a distance. Bald Eagles, which

hunt live prey, mainly fish, are also scavengers. The Golden Eagle has a smaller head and beak and its wings often

form a slight “V” when it’s gliding.

Northern Harriers.

With wings held above the body in a shallow “V” these birds of prey with an “owl-shaped face” hunt over marshes,

meadows and open fields. Northern Harriers, or marsh hawks, can be identified by a white rump patch at the base

of their long narrow tails.

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Turkey Vultures.

Turkey Vultures also hold their wings in a “V” or dihedral. They are easily identified by their rocking flight as they

soar in circles taking advantage of rising thermal currents. Unlike most birds of prey, Turkey Vultures have a keen

sense of smell, which helps them to find dead and rotting animals for food.

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1. Common Loon

Common Name: Common Loon Scientific Name: Gavia immer

Habitat: Open Water: lakes, ocean.

Size: Large bird about 28 inches long

Commonality: Common on large bodies of water;

Rare in Core Creek.

Unique ID Tips: Large bird which dives under water and catches fish. Often only seen with just

barely visible body and long neck and head.

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Common Loon

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2. Pied-billed Grebe

Common Name: Pied-billed Grebe Scientific Name: Podiymbus podiceps

Habitat: Open water

Size: Smallest duck-like bird

Commonality: Not too common, but often found

as a singular bird in lakes and ponds

Unique ID Tips: Small duck swimming with bright bicolor bill from a dark line going through it.

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Pied-billed Grebe

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3. Double-crested Cormorant

Common Name: Double-crested Cormorant Scientific Name: Phalacrocorax auritus

Habitat: Open water; Ponds, lakes, oceans.

Size: Large bird, about 20 inches long.

Commonality: Common on ponds and lakes

Unique ID Tips: This bird behaves very similar to a

loon. It will dive and catch fish. Look for the cormorant swimming around with its large yellow bill angled up and barely any body visible. Bird is

all black.

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Double-crested Cormorant

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4. Great Blue Heron

Common Name: Great Blue Heron Scientific Name: Ardea herodias

Habitat: Found along the edge of wet habitats; wetlands, lakes, ponds, streams. Feeds on fish.

Size: Very tall bird, about 3 feet tall.

Commonality: Common in the right habitat.

Unique ID Tips: Very tall bird, with mix of white,

grey, and blue feathers. Large yellowish bill used for catching fish. Bird often found standing in

water. Large labored flight.

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Great Blue Heron

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5. Mute Swan

Common Name: Mute Swan Scientific Name: Cygnus olor

Habitat: Found in pairs on ponds and lakes

Size: Largest flying bird.

Commonality: Found often in residential lakes.

Unique ID Tips: Found often in pairs. Huge white

bird with bright orange bill. Unlike name, birds do make noise. Very territorial. Destroys the aquatic

vegetation of an area, pulls out plants by the roots.

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Mute Swan

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6. Canada Goose

Common Name: Canada Goose Scientific Name: Branta canadensis

Habitat: Freshwater lakes, ponds, streams. Foraging

on grass in fields.

Size: Large bird found in water

Commonality: Too common

Unique ID Tips: Loud birds, flying in V formation. Large brown bird with white patch behind eye.

Black neck and white rump.

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Canada Goose

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7. Wood Duck

Common Name: Wood Duck Scientific Name: Aix sponsa

Habitat: Found in freshwater lakes, ponds,


Size: Small duck, smaller than mallard

Commonality: Fairly common, very secretive bird, hides in corners of lakes, rarely out in open water.

Unique ID Tips: Males are very brightly colored; females have a distinct white eye ring. In flight,

they have very shallow and fast wing beats.

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Wood Duck

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8. Mallard

Common Name: Mallard Scientific Name: Anas platyrhynchos

Habitat: Freshwater lakes, ponds, and rivers

Size: About 16 inches in length

Commonality: The most common duck in the

world, very common in our area.

Unique ID Tips: Males have bright green head and light gray/white belly. Females are all brown and

white speckled with dark blue patch on wing. Both adults have bright yellow bill, an olive

colored bill is found on American Black Ducks.

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9. Common Merganser

Common Name: Common Merganser Scientific Name: Mergus merganser

Habitat: Freshwater lakes and ponds. Can be

found on rivers, but not a commonly as standing water.

Size: Just slightly smaller than a mallard

Commonality: Common in large flocks during the

winter, when lakes are not frozen over.

Unique ID Tips: Males and females sit low in the water, a very streamlined posture. Males are

predominantly white with dark head and thin bill. Females have reddish brown head and grey body.

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Common Merganser

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10. Laughing Gull

Common Name: Laughing Gull Scientific Name: Larus atricilla

Habitat: Jersey Shore

Size: Your average “sea gull”

Commonality: Only common in the summer


Unique ID Tips: Black head and white/gray body.

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Laughing Gull

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11. Ring-billed Gull

Common Name: Ring-Billed Gull Scientific Name: Larus delawarensis

Habitat: Large bodies of open water, Parking lots,

mowed grass fields

Size: Larger than a crow

Commonality: Very common when in habitat

Unique ID Tips: This gull is smaller than others and has a distinct black strip on the bill. The coloring is very similar to other species of gull. Confused with Herring Gull which is larger and no stripe on


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Ring-billed Gull

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12. Herring Gull

Common Name: Herring Gull Scientific Name: Larus argentatus

Habitat: Open water, parking lots, and mowed

grass fields

Size: :Larger than a crow

Commonality: Common in habitat

Unique ID Tips: Medium sized gull with grey back and white head. Bill is bright yellow with small red patch on lower mandible. Mantle is a light


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Herring Gull

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13. Great Black-backed Gull

Common Name: Great Black-backed Gull Scientific Name: Larus marinus

Habitat: Open water, mowed grass fields

Size: Larger than a crow and the largest of the


Commonality: Fairly common in habitat

Unique ID Tips: Large gull, almost twice as large as a ring billed gull, with a very dark (black) mantle.

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Great Black-backed Gull

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14. Turkey Vulture

Common Name: Turkey Vulture Scientific Name: Cathartes aura

Habitat: Fields, Roadsides

Size: Large bird with a wingspan over 5 feet

Commonality: Very common

Unique ID Tips: Most often observed when

soaring overhead. Distinct V pattern of body in flight and rocks side to side. Secondary feather

appear see-through when in flight overhead.

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Turkey Vulture

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15. Sharp-shinned Hawk

Common Name: Sharp-shinned Hawk Scientific Name: Accipiter striatus

Habitat: Fields, woods, and feeders

Size: Small hark, just smaller than a crow.

Commonality: Uncommon, but can be found

when looking in the right habitat.

Unique ID Tips: Small bird of prey with brown and white patterned feathers. Square tail and small

head along with skinny legs. Long tail.

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Sharp-shinned Hawk

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16. Red-tailed Hawk

Common Name: Red-tailed Hawk Scientific Name: Buteo jamaicensis

Habitat: Open fields, and Edge forest habitats,

urban settings, along highways

Size: Large bird of prey. 20 inches tall.

Commonality: Very common

Unique ID Tips: Large and common raptor. Brown back and head and white belly. In flight tail looks brownish red. Younger birds have a

brown streaked “belly band”

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Red-tailed Hawk

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17. Bald Eagle

Common Name: Bald Eagle Scientific Name: Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Habitat: Trees surrounding open water

Size: Large bird with a wingspan over 6 feet

Commonality: Commonly found if in the right


Unique ID Tips: Large bird, often seen soaring over water or perched. White head and white tail only visible on birds older than 4 years. Immature

are brown and white mottled.

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Bald Eagle

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18. Killdeer

Common Name: Killdeer Scientific Name: Charadrius vociferus

Habitat: Open fields

Size: About the size of a robin

Commonality: More common in the summer than

in the winter, but could be found if in the right habitat.

Unique ID Tips: Often heard before seen. Small upland shorebird with two distinct black stripes around the neck. Brown back and white belly.

Long wings compared to body.

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19. Rock Pigeon

Common Name: Rock Pigeon Scientific Name: Columba livia

Habitat: Urban settings, birds of the city

Size: Just larger than a robin

Commonality: Very common when in the city or

urban setting.

Unique ID Tips: These are pigeons; they come in a variety of colors. Often seen in flocks of 10-20.

Also called pigeon, rock dove.

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Rock Pigeon

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20. Mourning Dove

Common Name: Mourning Dove Scientific Name: Zenaida macroura

Habitat: Feeders, forests, forest edge

Size: Fatter than a robin, but about the same size

Commonality: Very common

Unique ID Tips: Ground bird with gray mantle and

lighter belly. Often heard cooing.

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Mourning Dove

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21. Belted Kingfisher

Common Name: Belted Kingfisher

Scientific Name: Megaceryle alcyon

Habitat: Near open water, lakes, ponds, rivers

Size: About the size of a crow

Commonality: Common in habitat

Unique ID Tips: Often heard providing a rattle sound in flight. Perches over water and dives

headfirst for fish. Females have a reddish/brown stripe across their belly, males do not.

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Belted Kingfisher

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22. Red-bellied Woodpecker

Common Name: Red-bellied Woodpecker Scientific Name: Melanerpes carolinus

Habitat: Forests, Forest Edge, Feeders

Size: Robin sized woodpecker

Commonality: Very common in habitat

Unique ID Tips: Very bright red head with white

face patches. Black and white laddered back with white breast and rosy belly which is often not


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Red-bellied Woodpecker

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23. Downy Woodpecker

Common Name: Downy Woodpecker Scientific Name: Picoides pubescens

Habitat: Forests, Forest Edge, Feeders

Size: Smallest Woodpecker, about 2/3 the size of

a robin

Commonality: Possibly the most common woodpecker

Unique ID Tips: Small black and white laddered

back woodpecker. Males have a red mark on the back of their head, females do not. Bill is as long as the head is thick. Most often confused with

Hairy Woodpecker.

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Downy Woodpecker

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24. Hairy Woodpecker

Common Name: Hairy Woodpecker Scientific Name: Picoides villosus

Habitat: Forests, Forest Edge, Feeders

Size: Just slightly larger than a Downy, but smaller

than a robin

Commonality: Fairly common

Unique ID Tips: Small black and white woodpecker. Males have a red patch on the back

of their heads, females do not. Distinguishing mark is the size of the bill which is longer than the

head is thick. This denotes the difference between downy and hairy woodpecker.

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Hairy Woodpecker

Downy Hairy

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25. Northern Flicker

Common Name: Northern Flicker Scientific Name: Colaptes auratus

Habitat: Forest, Edge habitats, Fields, Feeders

Size: About the size of a robin

Commonality: Fairly common in habitat

Unique ID Tips: Woodpecker that often perches

vertically on branches and not just the trunk. Gray barred back and brown with black spotted breast. Dark black collar and red patch on the back of the head. Feathers have a yellow tint

when in flight.

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Northern Flicker

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26. Fish Crow

Common Name: Fish Crow Scientific Name: Corvus ossifragus

Habitat: Forests, fields, edge, riparian zones

Size: Larger than a robin

Commonality: Fairly common

Unique ID Tips: All black bird, very large and

noticeable. Physically very similar to American Crow, but when it vocalizes, it makes two nasally

“ehhh” sounds.

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Fish Crow

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27. American Crow

Common Name: American Crow Scientific Name: Corvus brachyrhynchos

Habitat: Forests, Edge, Fields, Riparian zones

Size: Large bird, bigger than a robin

Commonality: Common

Unique ID Tips: This species was decimated by the West Nile Virus and a lot of the habitat has been

occupied by the identical Fish Crow. When vocalizing, they only make one nasal sound at a


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American Crow

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28. Carolina Chickadee

Common Name: Carolina Chickadee Scientific Name: Poecile carolinensis

Habitat: Forests, Edge Habitats, Feeders

Size: Smaller than sparrows, about 3-4 inches


Commonality: Very Common

Unique ID Tips: Loud small bird often found in mixed flocks in the winter. Has “ADD” and is always moving around in the tree tops. Has black cap and throat with stark white face.

Commonly confused with Black-capped chickadee which is not found in our area


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Carolina Chickadee

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29. Tufted Titmouse

Common Name: Tufted Titmouse Scientific Name: Baeolophus bicolor

Habitat: Forests, Feeders

Size: Smaller than a robin, just larger than


Commonality: Fairly common

Unique ID Tips: Small gray bird with tufted cap on head. Often found in flocks with chickadees

around feeders. Gray back with white belly and in ideal circumstances a reddish brown band just

along wing line.

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Tufted Titmouse

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30. Brown Creeper

Common Name: Brown Creeper Scientific Name: Certhia americana

Habitat: Forests

Size: Smaller than sparrow

Commonality: Fairly Common

Unique ID Tips: Small bird often found tight to the trunk of a tree and it forages by climbing vertically up the tree. Brown back and white belly allow it

to blend in well with the tree bark. Very sharp beak for picking out insects.

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Brown Creeper

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31. White-breasted Nuthatch

Common Name: White-breasted Nuthatch Scientific Name: Sitta carolinensis

Habitat: Forests, feeders

Size: Sparrow sized

Commonality: Fairly common

Unique ID Tips: Forest bird found feeding on

insects on the trunk of the tree. Bird feeds while heading down the trunk of the tree head first.

Back is gray and the belly is white. Sometimes a reddish-brown color is visible on the flanks. Very

nasally trumpet sound.

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White-breasted Nuthatch

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32. Carolina Wren

Common Name: Carolina Wren Scientific Name: Thryothorus ludovicianus

Habitat: Forests, Edge

Size: Sparrow-sized

Commonality: Fairly common

Unique ID Tips: Small bird found foraging on the ground. Light brown colored with bright white

supercilium. Tail is often erect and upright. Song is remembered as “Tea-kettle, tea-kettle, tea”

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Carolina Wren

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33. American Robin

Common Name: American Robin Scientific Name: Turdus migratorius

Habitat: Open fields, forests, feeds on worms on

the ground

Size: about 10 inches tall

Commonality: Very common year round

Unique ID Tips: Found often in flocks, known as the harbinger of spring, although they are found year round. Red bellied birds with small white

tips of the tail.

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American Robin


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34. Northern Mockingbird

Common Name: Northern Mockingbird Scientific Name: Mimus polyglottos

Habitat: Edge, Urban

Size: Robin-sized

Commonality: Fairly common

Unique ID Tips: Larger gray bird with longer tail.

In flight, white wing patches are very visible. Very loud and will mimic all other species. It will

repeat the songs 2-3 times.

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Northern Mockingbird

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35. Cedar Waxwing

Common Name: Cedar Waxwing Scientific Name: Bombycilla cedrorum

Habitat: Forests

Size: Robin-sized

Commonality: Fairly common, found in flocks

Unique ID Tips: Often found in fruiting trees.

Found high atop other trees, and identified by high pitch “zzzzz” sound. Cream colored body with grey wings and very bright feather tips.

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Cedar Waxwing

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36. Blue Jay

Common Name: Blue Jay Scientific Name: Cyanocitta cristata

Habitat: Forest, Edge, Feeders

Size: Just larger than a robin

Commonality: Common

Unique ID Tips: Large, loud, blue and white bird.

Crest on hear and large slow flapping motion when in flight. Black outline of face. Not

recognized as a mimic, the blue jay has the ability to sing other birds songs, especially to scare other

birds away from feeders.

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Blue Jay

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37. European Starling

Common Name: European Starling Scientific Name: Sturnus vulgaris

Habitat: Urban, Fields

Size: Robin-sized

Commonality: Very Common

Unique ID Tips: Found in large flocks either

feeding on the ground or in vocal groups in trees.

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European Starling

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38. Yellow-rumped Warbler

Common Name: Yellow-rumped Warbler Scientific Name: Stetophaga coronata

Habitat: Riparian forests, forests

Size: Sparrow-sized

Commonality: Fairly common

Unique ID Tips: Often called “butter-butt”

because of the yellow patches on their rump and sides of the wings. Found looking for insects at

mid height in trees.

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Yellow-rumped Warbler

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39. Northern Cardinal

Common Name: Northern Cardinal Scientific Name: Cardinalis cardinalis

Habitat: Understory Shrubs and feeders

Size: About the size of a robin

Commonality: Very Common

Unique ID Tips: Male is bright red with pointed head crest. Female is brown but with a bright

yellow orange beak

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Northern Cardinal

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40. Eastern Towhee

Common Name: Eastern Towhee Scientific Name: Pipilo erythrophthalmus

Habitat: Fields, Edge

Size: Robin-sized

Commonality: Fairly common

Unique ID Tips: Loud bird with black back and

head. The sides are rufous colored and the belly is white. Often heard with its call note “TWEE” or

the song “Drink-Your-TEEEEEEE”

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Eastern Towhee

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41. Common Grackle

Common Name: Common Grackle Scientific Name: Quiscalus quiscula

Habitat: Fields, Forests, Urban, riparian zones

Size: Robin-sized

Commonality: Fairly common

Unique ID Tips: Larger black bird that in the right

light appears iridescent. Found in flocks often with starlings, cowbirds, and red-winged


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Common Grackle

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42. Red-winged Blackbird

Common Name: Red-winged Blackbirds Scientific Name: Agelaius phoeniceus

Habitat: Wetlands, Fields

Size: Robin-sized

Commonality: Common in habitat, especially

during warmer months

Unique ID Tips: Males are black with red and yellow wing patches. Females are brown and

white stripped birds.

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Red-winged Blackbird

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43. Brown-headed Cowbird

Common Name: Brown-headed Cowbird Scientific Name: Molothrus ater

Habitat: Mowed grass fields, edge

Size: Robin-sized

Commonality: Common in large flocks

Unique ID Tips: Black bird with noticeably brown head. Found in large flocks with starlings, red-

winged blackbirds, and grackles. Known for parasitizing nests of smaller birds by laying eggs in the other species nest and using the hosts to raise

their young.

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Brown-headed Cowbird

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44. American Goldfinch

Common Name: American Goldfinch Scientific Name: Spinus tristis

Habitat: Forests, fields, feeders

Size: Sparrow-sized (3-5 inches tall)

Commonality: Very common

Unique ID Tips: Bright yellow bird with black

wings and black forehead. In winter the birds molt to a dull brown-yellow with a distinct wing bar. Very small beak for eating seeds. Flight is undulated and often hear three “kik”s in flight.

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American Goldfinch

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45. Song Sparrow

Common Name: Song Sparrow Scientific Name: Melospiza melodia

Habitat: Fields, Edge, feeders

Size: Sparrow (3-5 inches tall)

Commonality: Common

Unique ID Tips: Small bird with brown and white patterning. Very distinct brown mandible stripes which resemble sideburns or a mustache. Most

diagnostic marking is a dark brown dot right in the chest.

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Song Sparrow

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46. White-throated Sparrow

Common Name: White-throated Sparrow Scientific Name: Zonotrichia albicollis

Habitat: Forests, Fields, Feeders

Size: Sparrow (3-5 inches tall)

Commonality: Very Common in the winter

Unique ID Tips: Small brown bird with a light gray/white belly. Face has two bright white

stripes on top of head and a bright white throat. Lores are diagnostically yellow and are very

noticeable when looking at bird.

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White Throated Sparrow

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47. Dark-eyed Junco

Common Name: Dark Eyed Junco Scientific Name: Junco hyemalis

Habitat: Fields, Forest edges, and Feeders

Size: Sparrow sized

Commonality: Very common in winter only

Unique ID Tips: Small bird with upper body

black/slate grey, and white belly. Beak is pink. In flight, outer tail feathers stark white

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Dark-eyed Junco

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48. House Finch

Common Name: House Finch Scientific Name: Haemorhous mexicanus

Habitat: Forests, fields, feeders

Size: Sparrow-sized (3-5 inches tall)

Commonality: Common

Unique ID Tips: Small brown and white bird. Males look as though their upper body was

dipped into cranberry juice. Females are dull brown and white streaked body.

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House Finch

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49. House Sparrow

Common Name: House Sparrow Scientific Name: Passer domesticus

Habitat: Urban

Size: Sparrow (3-5 inches tall)

Commonality: Common

Unique ID Tips: Small brown bird with brown back and white belly. Males have black throat and grey

patch on their head. These birds are commonly found in yards and dominating feeders in

suburban yards.

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House Sparrow

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Common Name: Scientific Name:




Unique ID Tips:

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