Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) · WMIC uses global switches, aliases,...


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WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

Windows Management

Instrumentation Command-line


Full Command List include samples and switches


Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab

PhD information Technology

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017


Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC), which uses the power of Windows

Management Instrumentation (WMI) to enable systems management from the command line . WMIC extends

WMI for operation from several command-line interfaces and through batch scripts. Before WMIC, you used

WMI-based applications (such as SMS), the WMI Scripting API, or tools such as CIM Studio to manage WMI-

enabled computers. Without a firm grasp on a programming language such as C++ or a scripting language

such as VBScript and a basic understanding of the WMI namespace, do-it-yourself systems management with

WMI was difficult. WMIC changes this situation by giving you a powerful, user-friendly interface to the WMI


WMIC is more intuitive than WMI, in large part because of aliases. Aliases take simple commands that you

enter at the command line, then act upon the WMI namespace in a predefined way, such as constructing a

complex WMI Query Language (WQL) command from a simple WMIC alias Get command. Thus, aliases act as

friendly syntax intermediaries between you and the namespace. For example, when you run a simple WMIC

command such as

useraccount list brief

from the WMIC command prompt to get user account information, the Useraccount alias performs a WQL

query of the Win32_Useraccount class and displays specific data from this class in text format. WMIC also

displays the Win32_Useraccount class's properties at the console in text format. WMIC can return the results

of a command in other formats, such as XML, HTML, and Comma Separated Value (CSV).

WMIC uses global switches, aliases, verbs, commands, and command-line help to empower the interface.

Global switches are settings that apply to and for the entire WMIC session. For example, the /trace:on switch

enables error tracing. While this switch is on, WMIC returns error information for every command you

execute. The /node switch lets you access a remote computer. The /interactive:on switch ensures that WMIC

prompts you for confirmation before performing delete operations. Other global switches include /role,

/user, /implevel, and /namespace.

As I explained earlier, aliases are the friendly syntax intermediaries between you and the WMI namespace.

Verbs are the actions you want to take when specifying an alias. I've already shown you the List and Call

verbs. Table 1 describes the other WMIC verbs and provides a sample command for each one.

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

Commands structure

Command Example Description

/? or -? Shows the syntax of all global switches and aliases

/<switch_name> /? /user /? Shows information about one global switch

<command_name> /? class /? Shows information about one command

<alias_name> /? memcache /? Shows information about one alias

<alias_name> temperature Shows information about one alias and verb combination

<alias_name> <verb_name> /?

temperature get /? Shows information about one alias and verb combination

/?:Full irq get /?:Full Shows verbose help information

Most of info will be retrieved by two major switches GET and LIST to see all switches and options

for each alias with GET and LIST you can do as follow: (These commands will show all switches that

you can get CPU information with them)

C:\Wmic cpu get /?

C:\Wmic Cpu list /?

For example to retrieve CPU serial number and list Cpu information we will do as follow:

C:\wmic Cpu get processorID

C:\wmic Cpu List instance

In case if you want to retrieve only value of output you should do as follow :

C:\wmic Cpu get processorID /value

C:\wmic Cpu List instance /value

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

Using WMIC command in batch file

For example in below sample your BIOS information will be retrived and will be saved in a html file and after running

batch file HTML file will be opend to you .

WMIC /Output:bios.html BIOS Get Manufacturer,Name,Version /Format:htable

START "" "%CD%.\bios.html"

In case you want to copy result in clipboard use


In case if you want to store result in variable

FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('WMIC BIOS Get Manufacturerˆ,Nameˆ,Version /Value ˆ| FIND "="') DO (




Work with the registry

It is possible to use WMIC to read, write or delete registry keys and values, but I would not

recommend it

WMIC /NameSpace:\\root\default Class StdRegProv Call CheckAccess hDefKey=%HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE%

sSubKeyName="Software\My Program" uRequired=%KEY_SET_VALUE%

WQL or WMI Query Language

The WMI Query Language (WQL) is a subset of the American National Standards Institute Structured Query

Language (ANSI SQL)—with minor semantic changes. The following table lists the WQL keywords. WQL or

WMI Query Language allows us to get only those instances matching the conditions set by a WHERE

clause.The following modified query returns only 2 instances on my computer (it turns out the BlueTooth

dongle is also considered a physical network adapter):

WMIC Path Win32_NetworkAdapter Where "PhysicalAdapter=TRUE" Get

Now list only adapters manufactured by Realtek.Realtek in this case is a string, so we need to place it in

quotes, preferably without confusing them with the quotes for the entire WHERE clause.The following

commands will work:

WMIC Path Win32_NetworkAdapter Where "Manufacturer='Realtek'" Get

WMIC Path Win32_NetworkAdapter Where (Manufacturer='Realtek') Get

WMIC Path Win32_NetworkAdapter Where (Manufacturer="Realtek") Get

WMIC Path Win32_NetworkAdapter Where "Manufacturer = 'Realtek'" Get

Parentheses are required for more complex WHERE clauses:

WMIC Path Win32_NetworkAdapter Where ( Manufacturer = "Realtek" And PhysicalAdapter = TRUE )


WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

Full commands Table ALIAS Opration BASEBOARD Base board (also known as a motherboard or system board)

management. BIOS Basic input/output services (BIOS) management. BOOTCONFIG Boot configuration management. CDROM CD ROM management. COMPUTERSYSTEM Computer system management. CPU CPU management. CSPRODUCT Computer system product information from SMBIOS. DATAFILE DataFile Management. DCOMAPP DCOM Application management. DESKTOP User's Desktop management. DESKTOPMONITOR Desktop Monitor management. DEVICEMEMORYADDRESS Device memory addresses management. DISKDRIVE Physical disk drive management. DISKQUOTA Disk space usage for NTFS volumes. DMACHANNEL Direct memory access (DMA) channel management. ENVIRONMENT System environment settings management. FSDIR Filesystem directory entry management. GROUP Group account management. IDECONTROLLER IDE Controller management. IRQ Interrupt request line (IRQ) management. JOB Provides access to the jobs scheduled using the schedule service. LOADORDER Management of system services that define execution dependencies. LOGICALDISK Local storage device management. LOGON LOGON Sessions. MEMCACHE Cache memory management. MEMORYCHIP Memory chip information. MEMPHYSICAL Computer system's physical memory management. NETCLIENT Network Client management. NETLOGIN Network login information (of a particular user) management. NETPROTOCOL Protocols (and their network characteristics) management. NETUSE Active network connection management. NIC Network Interface Controller (NIC) management. NICCONFIG Network adapter management. NTDOMAIN NT Domain management. NTEVENT Entries in the NT Event Log. NTEVENTLOG NT eventlog file management. ONBOARDDEVICE Management of common adapter devices built into the motherboard

(system board). OS Installed Operating System/s management. PAGEFILE Virtual memory file swapping management. PAGEFILESET Page file settings management.

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

PARTITION Management of partitioned areas of a physical disk. PORT I/O port management. PORTCONNECTOR Physical connection ports management. PRINTER Printer device management. PRINTERCONFIG Printer device configuration management. PRINTJOB Print job management. PROCESS Process management. PRODUCT Installation package task management. QFE Quick Fix Engineering. QUOTASETTING Setting information for disk quotas on a volume. RDACCOUNT Remote Desktop connection permission management. RDNIC Remote Desktop connection management on a specific network

adapter. RDPERMISSIONS Permissions to a specific Remote Desktop connection. RDTOGGLE Turning Remote Desktop listener on or off remotely. RECOVEROS Information that will be gathered from memory when the operating

system fails. REGISTRY Computer system registry management. SCSICONTROLLER SCSI Controller management. SERVER Server information management. SERVICE Service application management. SHADOWCOPY Shadow copy management. SHADOWSTORAGE Shadow copy storage area management. SHARE Shared resource management. SOFTWAREELEMENT Management of the elements of a software product installed on a

system. SOFTWAREFEATURE Management of software product subsets of SoftwareElement. SOUNDDEV Sound Device management. STARTUP Management of commands that run automatically when users log

onto the computer system. SYSACCOUNT System account management. SYSDRIVER Management of the system driver for a base service. SYSTEMENCLOSURE Physical system enclosure management. SYSTEMSLOT Management of physical connection points including ports, slots and

peripherals, and proprietary connections points. TAPEDRIVE Tape drive management. TEMPERATURE Data management of a temperature sensor (electronic thermometer). TIMEZONE Time zone data management. UPS Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) management. USERACCOUNT User account management. VOLTAGE Voltage sensor (electronic voltmeter) data management. VOLUME Local storage volume management. VOLUMEQUOTASETTING Associates the disk quota setting with a specific disk volume. VOLUMEUSERQUOTA Per user storage volume quota management. WMISET WMI service operational parameters management.

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

Hardware Management: Baseboard

Property Operation ConfigOptions Depth Description Height HostingBoard HotSwappable InstallDate Manufacturer Model Name OtherIdentifyingInfo PartNumber PoweredOn Product Removable Replaceable RequirementsDescription RequiresDaughterBoard SKU SerialNumber SlotLayout SpecialRequirements Status Tag Version Weight Width


Property Operation BiosCharacteristics BuildNumber CodeSet CurrentLanguage Description IdentificationCode InstallDate InstallableLanguages LanguageEdition

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

ListOfLanguages Manufacturer Name OtherTargetOS PrimaryBIOS ReleaseDate SMBIOSBIOSVersion SMBIOSMajorVersion SMBIOSMinorVersion SMBIOSPresent SerialNumber SoftwareElementID SoftwareElementState Status TargetOperatingSystem Version


Availability Capabilities CapabilityDescriptions CompressionMethod ConfigManagerErrorCode ConfigManagerUserConfig DefaultBlockSize Description DeviceID Drive DriveIntegrity ErrorCleared ErrorDescription ErrorMethodology FileSystemFlags FileSystemFlagsEx Id InstallDate LastErrorCode Manufacturer MaxBlockSize MaxMediaSize MaximumComponentLength MediaLoaded MediaType MfrAssignedRevisionLevel MinBlockSize Name

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

NeedsCleaning NumberOfMediaSupported PNPDeviceID PowerManagementCapabilities PowerManagementSupported RevisionLevel SCSIBus SCSILogicalUnit SCSIPort SCSITargetId Size Status StatusInfo SystemName TransferRate VolumeName VolumeSerialNumber


Property Operation Availability ConfigManagerErrorCode ConfigManagerUserConfig DMABufferSize Description DeviceID ErrorCleared ErrorDescription InstallDate LastErrorCode MPU401Address Manufacturer Name PNPDeviceID PowerManagementCapabilities PowerManagementSupported ProductName Status StatusInfo


Property Operation Description ExternalReferenceDesignator InternalReferenceDesignator

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

Manufacturer Model Name PortType PoweredOn SerialNumber Tag


Property Operation Accuracy Availability ConfigManagerErrorCode ConfigManagerUserConfig CurrentReading Description DeviceID ErrorCleared ErrorDescription InstallDate IsLinear LastErrorCode LowerThresholdCritical LowerThresholdFatal LowerThresholdNonCritical MaxReadable MinReadable Name NominalReading NormalMax NormalMin PNPDeviceID PowerManagementCapabilities PowerManagementSupported Resolution Status StatusInfo Tolerance UpperThresholdCritical UpperThresholdFatal UpperThresholdNonCritical

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017


Property Operation ConnectorPinout ConnectorType CurrentUsage Description HeightAllowed InstallDate LengthAllowed Manufacturer MaxDataWidth Model Name Number OtherIdentifyingInfo PMESignal PartNumber PoweredOn PurposeDescription SKU SerialNumber Shared SlotDesignation SpecialPurpose Status SupportsHotPlug Tag ThermalRating VccMixedVoltageSupport Version VppMixedVoltageSupport


Property Operation Alias Description EndingAddress Name StartingAddress Status

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

Cpu :

Property Operation AddressWidth Architecture Availability Caption ConfigManagerErrorCode ConfigManagerUserConfig CpuStatus CreationClassName CurrentClockSpeed CurrentVoltage DataWidth Description DeviceID ErrorCleared ErrorDescription ExtClock Family InstallDate L2CacheSize L2CacheSpeed LastErrorCode Level LoadPercentage Manufacturer MaxClockSpeed Name OtherFamilyDescription PNPDeviceID PowerManagementCapabilities PowerManagementSupported ProcessorId ProcessorType Revision Role SocketDesignation Status StatusInfo Stepping SystemCreationClassName SystemName UniqueId UpgradeMethod Version VoltageCaps

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017


Property Operation Availability Caption ConfigManagerErrorCode ConfigManagerUserConfig CreationClassName Description DeviceID ErrorCleared ErrorDescription Install Date LastErrorCode Manufacturer MaxNumberControlled Name PNPDeviceID PowerManagementCapabilities PowerManagementSupported ProtocolSupported Status StatusInfo SystemCreationClassName SystemName TimeOfLastReset


Property Operation Availability CSName Description Hardware IRQNumber InstallDate Name Shareable Status TriggerLevel TriggerType Vector

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017


Property Operation Availability Caption ConfigManagerErrorCode ConfigManagerUserConfig ControllerTimeouts CreationClassName Description DeviceID DeviceMap DriverName ErrorCleared ErrorDescription HardwareVersion Index Install Date LastErrorCode Manufacturer MaxDataWidth MaxNumberControlled MaxTransferRate Name PNPDeviceID PowerManagementCapabilities PowerManagementSupported ProtectionManagement ProtocolSupported Status StatusInfo SystemCreationClassName SystemName TimeOfLastReset


Property Operation Description DeviceType Enabled HotSwappable InstallDate Manufacturer Model Name OtherIdentifyingInfo PartNumber

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

PoweredOn Removable Replaceable SKU SerialNumber Status Tag Version

Memory Management: VOLUME:

Property Operation Auto Mount Enabled BlockSize Capacity Compressed Dirty Bit Set Drive Letter DriveType File System Free Space ID Indexing Enabled Label Maximum File Name Length Name Quotas Enabled Quotas Incomplete Quotas Rebuilding Serial Number Supports Disk Quotas Supports File Based Compression


WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017


Property Operation Description EndingAddress MemoryType Name StartingAddress Status


Property Operation Availability BytesPerSector Capabilities CapabilityDescriptions CompressionMethod ConfigManagerErrorCode ConfigManagerUserConfig DefaultBlockSize Description DeviceID ErrorCleared ErrorDescription ErrorMethodology Index InstallDate InterfaceType LastErrorCode Manufacturer MaxBlockSize MaxMediaSize MediaLoaded MediaType MinBlockSize Model Name NeedsCleaning NumberOfMediaSupported PNPDeviceID Partitions PowerManagementCapabilities PowerManagementSupported SCSIBus SCSILogicalUnit SCSIPort SCSITargetId

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

SectorsPerTrack Signature Size Status StatusInfo SystemName TotalCylinders TotalHeads TotalSectors TotalTracks TracksPerCylinder


Property Operation DiskSpaceUsed Limit QuotaVolume Status User WarningLimit


Property Operation AddressSize Availability BurstMode ByteMode CSName ChannelTiming DMAChannel Description InstallDate MaxTransferSize Name Port Status TransferWidths TypeCTiming WordMode

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017


Property Operation Access Availability BlockSize Caption Compressed ConfigManagerErrorCode ConfigManagerUserConfig Description DeviceID DriveType ErrorCleared ErrorDescription ErrorMethodology FileSystem FreeSpace InstallDate LastErrorCode MaximumComponentLength MediaType Name NumberOfBlocks PNPDeviceID PowerManagementCapabilities PowerManagementSupported ProviderName Purpose QuotasDisabled QuotasIncomplete QuotasRebuilding Size Status StatusInfo SupportsDiskQuotas SupportsFileBasedCompression VolumeName VolumeSerialNumber


Property Operation Access Availability BlockSize BootPartition Bootable

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

ConfigManagerErrorCode ConfigManagerUserConfig Description DeviceID DiskIndex ErrorCleared ErrorDescription ErrorMethodology HiddenSectors Index InstallDate LastErrorCode Name NumberOfBlocks PNPDeviceID PowerManagementCapabilities PowerManagementSupported PrimaryPartition Purpose RewritePartition Size StartingOffset Status StatusInfo Type


Property Operation BankLabel Capacity DataWidth Description DeviceLocator FormFactor HotSwappable InstallDate InterleaveDataDepth InterleavePosition Manufacturer MemoryType Model Name OtherIdentifyingInfo PartNumber PositionInRow PoweredOn Removable

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

Replaceable SKU SerialNumber Speed Status Tag TotalWidth TypeDetail Version


Property Operation Depth Description Height HotSwappable InstallDate Location Manufacturer MaxCapacity MemoryDevices MemoryErrorCorrection Model Name OtherIdentifyingInfo PartNumber PoweredOn Removable Replaceable SKU SerialNumber Status Tag Use Version Weight Width

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Property Operation Description InitialSize MaximumSize Name SettingID


Property Operation AllocatedBaseSize CurrentUsage Description InstallDate Name PeakUsage Status TempPageFile

Computer Management Computersystem :

Property Operation AdminPasswordStatus AutomaticResetBootOption AutomaticResetCapability BootOptionOnLimit BootOptionOnWatchDog BootROMSupported BootupState Caption ChassisBootupState CreationClassName CurrentTimeZone DaylightInEffect Description Domain DomainRole EnableDaylightSavingsTime FrontPanelResetStatus InfraredSupported

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

InitialLoadInfo InstallDate KeyboardPasswordStatus LastLoadInfo Manufacturer Model Name NameFormat NetworkServerModeEnabled NumberOfProcessors OEMStringArray PartOfDomain PauseAfterReset PowerManagementCapabilities PowerManagementSupported PowerOnPasswordStatus PowerState PowerSupplyState PrimaryOwnerContact PrimaryOwnerName ResetCapability ResetCount ResetLimit Roles Status SupportContactDescription SystemStartupDelay SystemStartupOptions SystemStartupSetting SystemType ThermalState TotalPhysicalMemory UserName WakeUpType Workgroup


Property Operation Bias DaylightBias DaylightDay DaylightDayOfWeek DaylightHour DaylightMillisecond DaylightMinute DaylightMonth DaylightName

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

DaylightSecond DaylightYear Description SettingID StandardBias StandardDay StandardDayOfWeek StandardHour StandardMillisecond StandardMinute StandardMonth StandardName StandardSecond StandardYear


Property Operation Caption Command Description Location SettingID User


Property Operation AutoReboot DebugFilePath Description KernelDumpOnly Name OverwriteExistingDebugFile SendAdminAlert SettingID WriteDebugInfo WriteToSystemLog


Property Operation AcceptPause AcceptStop Description

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

DesktopInteract DisplayName ErrorControl ExitCode InstallDate Name PathName ServiceSpecificExitCode ServiceType StartMode StartName Started State Status SystemName TagId


Property Operation CurrentSize Description InstallDate MaximumSize Name ProposedSize Status


Property Operation BootDevice BuildNumber BuildType CSDVersion CSName CodeSet CountryCode CurrentTimeZone Debug Description Distributed EncryptionLevel ForegroundApplicationBoost FreePhysicalMemory FreeSpaceInPagingFiles FreeVirtualMemory

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

InstallDate LastBootUpTime LocalDateTime Locale Manufacturer MaxNumberOfProcesses MaxProcessMemorySize Name NumberOfLicensedUsers NumberOfProcesses NumberOfUsers OSLanguage OSProductSuite OSType Organization OtherTypeDescription PlusProductID PlusVersionNumber Primary QuantumLength QuantumType RegisteredUser SerialNumber ServicePackMajorVersion ServicePackMinorVersion SizeStoredInPagingFiles Status SystemDevice SystemDirectory SystemDrive TotalSwapSpaceSize TotalVirtualMemorySize TotalVisibleMemorySize Version WindowsDirectory

Csproduct :

Property Operation Description IdentifyingNumber Name SKUNumber UUID Vendor Version

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

Graphic management Desktop :

Property Operation BorderWidth CoolSwitch CursorBlinkRate Description DragFullWindows GridGranularity IconSpacing IconTitleFaceName IconTitleSize IconTitleWrap Name Pattern ScreenSaverActive ScreenSaverExecutable ScreenSaverSecure ScreenSaverTimeout SettingID Wallpaper WallpaperStretched WallpaperTiled

DesktopMonitor :

Property Operation Availability Bandwidth ConfigManagerErrorCode ConfigManagerUserConfig Description DeviceID DisplayType ErrorCleared ErrorDescription InstallDate IsLocked LastErrorCode MonitorManufacturer MonitorType Name PNPDeviceID

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

PixelsPerXLogicalInch PixelsPerYLogicalInch PowerManagementCapabilities PowerManagementSupported ScreenHeight ScreenWidth Status StatusInfo

Network Management SHARE :

Property Operation AccessMask AllowMaximum Description InstallDate MaximumAllowed Name Path Status Type


Property Operation Blocking Requests Rejected Bytes Received/sec Bytes Total/sec Bytes Transmitted/sec Caption Context Blocks Queued/sec Description Errors Access Permissions Errors Granted Access Errors Logon Errors System File Directory Searches Files Open Files Opened Total Frequency_Object Frequency_PerfTime Frequency_Sys100NS

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

Logon Total Logon/sec Name Pool Nonpaged Bytes Pool Nonpaged Failures Pool Nonpaged Peak Pool Paged Bytes Pool Paged Failures Pool Paged Peak Server Sessions Sessions Errored Out Sessions Forced Off Sessions Logged Off Sessions Timed Out Timestamp_Object Timestamp_PerfTime Timestamp_Sys100NS Work Item Shortages


Property Operation MaximumConnections NetworkAdapterID NetworkAdapterName TerminalName


Property Operation AccountName AuditFail AuditSuccess PermissionsAllowed PermissionsDenied SID TerminalName


Property Operation TerminalName

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017


Property Operation AllowTSConnections ServerName


Property Operation AccountExpires AuthorizationFlags BadPasswordCount Comment CountryCode Description Flags FullName HomeDirectory HomeDirectoryDrive LastLogoff LastLogon LogonHours LogonServer MaximumStorage Name NumberOfLogons Parameters PasswordAge PasswordExpires PrimaryGroupId Privileges Profile ScriptPath SettingID UnitsPerWeek UserComment UserId UserType Workstations


Property Operation ConnectionlessService Description GuaranteesDelivery GuaranteesSequencing

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

InstallDate MaximumAddressSize MaximumMessageSize MessageOriented MinimumAddressSize Name PseudoStreamOriented Status SupportsBroadcasting SupportsConnectData SupportsDisconnectData SupportsEncryption SupportsExpeditedData SupportsFragmentation SupportsGracefulClosing SupportsGuaranteedBandwidth SupportsMulticasting SupportsQualityofService


Property Operation AccessMask Comment ConnectionState ConnectionType Description DisplayType InstallDate LocalName Name Persistent ProviderName RemoteName RemotePath ResourceType Status UserName


Property Operation AdapterType AutoSense Availability ConfigManagerErrorCode

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

ConfigManagerUserConfig Description DeviceID ErrorCleared ErrorDescription Index InstallDate Installed LastErrorCode MACAddress Manufacturer MaxNumberControlled MaxSpeed Name NetConnectionID NetConnectionStatus NetworkAddresses PNPDeviceID PermanentAddress PowerManagementCapabilities PowerManagementSupported ProductName ServiceName Speed Status StatusInfo TimeOfLastReset


Property Operation ArpAlwaysSourceRoute ArpUseEtherSNAP DHCPEnabled DHCPLeaseExpires DHCPLeaseObtained DHCPServer DNSDomain DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder DNSEnabledForWINSResolution DNSHostName DNSServerSearchOrder DeadGWDetectEnabled DefaultIPGateway DefaultTOS DefaultTTL Description DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

ForwardBufferMemory FullDNSRegistrationEnabled GatewayCostMetric IGMPLevel IPAddress IPConnectionMetric IPEnabled IPFilterSecurityEnabled IPPortSecurityEnabled IPSecPermitIPProtocols IPSecPermitTCPPorts IPSecPermitUDPPorts IPSubnet IPUseZeroBroadcast IPXAddress IPXEnabled IPXFrameType IPXMediaType IPXNetworkNumber IPXVirtualNetNumber Index KeepAliveInterval KeepAliveTime MACAddress MTU NumForwardPackets PMTUBHDetectEnabled PMTUDiscoveryEnabled ServiceName SettingID TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions TcpMaxDataRetransmissions TcpNumConnections TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer TcpWindowSize TcpipNetbiosOptions WINSEnableLMHostsLookup WINSHostLookupFile WINSPrimaryServer WINSScopeID WINSSecondaryServer


Property Operation Description InstallDate Manufacturer Name Status

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Property Operation AccountType Description Disabled Domain FullName InstallDate LocalAccount Lockout Name PasswordChangeable PasswordExpires PasswordRequired SID SIDType Status


Property Operation Description Domain InstallDate LocalAccount Name SID SIDType Status

LOGON (list) :

Property Opration BRIEF AuthenticationPackage, LogonId, LogonType, Name, StartTime,



WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017


Property Operation Description InstallDate Name Status SystemVariable UserName VariableValue


Property Operation Description Domain InstallDate LocalAccount Name SID SIDType Status

File & File System Management


Property Operation Client Accessible Count Device Object Differential Exposed Locally Exposed Name Exposed Path Exposed Remotely Hardware Assisted ID Imported InstallDate No Auto Release No Writers Not Surfaced Originating Machine

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

Persistent Plex Provider ID Read/Write Service Machine Shadow Set ID State Transportable VolumeName


Property Operation Allocated Space Differential Volume Maximum Space Used Space Volume


Property Operation AccessMask Archive CSName Compressed CompressionMethod Description Drive EightDotThreeFileName Encrypted EncryptionMethod Extension FSName FileName FileSize FileType Hidden InUseCount InstallDate LastAccessed LastModified Name Path Readable Status System Writeable

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

Datafile :

Property Operation Access Rights Caption Class Name Compressed Compression Method Computer System Class Name Computer System Name Creation Date Current File Open Count Description Drive Eight Dot Three File Name Encrypted Encryption Method File Extension File Name File System Class Name File System Name File Type Hidden Install Date Last Accessed Last Modified Manufacturer Name Path Readable Should Be Archived Size Status System File Version Writeable

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

BOOT management Bootconfig :

BootDirectory ConfigurationPath Description LastDrive Name ScratchDirectory SettingID TempDirectory

Job, Service & process management


Property Operation AcceptPause AcceptStop Caption CheckPoint CreationClassName Description DesktopInteract DisplayName ErrorControl ExitCode InstallDate Name PathName ProcessId ServiceSpecificExitCode ServiceType StartMode StartName Started State Status SystemCreationClassName SystemName

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

TagId WaitHint


Property Operation CSName CommandLine Description ExecutablePath ExecutionState Handle HandleCount InstallDate KernelModeTime MaximumWorkingSetSize MinimumWorkingSetSize Name OSName OtherOperationCount OtherTransferCount PageFaults PageFileUsage ParentProcessId PeakPageFileUsage PeakVirtualSize PeakWorkingSetSize Priority PrivatePageCount ProcessId QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage QuotaPagedPoolUsage QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage ReadOperationCount ReadTransferCount SessionId Status TerminationDate ThreadCount UserModeTime VirtualSize WindowsVersion WorkingSetSize WriteOperationCount WriteTransferCount

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Property Operation Command DaysOfMonth DaysOfWeek Description ElapsedTime InstallDate InteractWithDesktop JobId JobStatus Name Notify Owner Priority RunRepeatedly StartTime Status TimeSubmitted UntilTime


Property Operation DriverEnabled GroupOrder Name Status

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

Printer management


Property Operation Attributes Availability AvailableJobSheets AveragePagesPerMinute Capabilities CapabilityDescriptions Caption CharSetsSupported Comment ConfigManagerErrorCode ConfigManagerUserConfig CurrentCapabilities CurrentCharSet CurrentLanguage CurrentMimeType CurrentNaturalLanguage CurrentPaperType Default DefaultCapabilities DefaultCopies DefaultLanguage DefaultMimeType DefaultNumberUp DefaultPaperType DefaultPriority Description DetectedErrorState DeviceID Direct DoCompleteFirst DriverName EnableBIDI EnableDevQueryPrint ErrorCleared ErrorDescription ErrorInformation ExtendedDetectedErrorState ExtendedPrinterStatus Hidden HorizontalResolution InstallDate JobCountSinceLastReset

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

KeepPrintedJobs LanguagesSupported LastErrorCode Local Location MarkingTechnology MaxCopies MaxNumberUp MaxSizeSupported MimeTypesSupported Name PNPDeviceID PaperSizesSupported PortName PowerManagementCapabilities PowerManagementSupported PrintJobDataType PrintProcessor PrinterPaperNames PrinterState PrinterStatus SeparatorFile ServerName ShareName SpoolEnabled StartTime Status StatusInfo SystemName TimeOfLastReset UntilTime VerticalResolution


Property Operation BitsPerPel Collate Color Copies Description DeviceName DisplayFlags DisplayFrequency DitherType DriverVersion Duplex FormName

WMIC Full command list | Ali Ghalehban | | WMIC full command list | Ali Ghalehban Zanjanab | 2017

HorizontalResolution ICMIntent ICMMethod LogPixels MediaType Name Orientation PaperLength PaperSize PaperWidth PelsHeight PelsWidth PrintQuality Scale SettingID SpecificationVersion TTOption VerticalResolution XResolution YResolution


Property Operation DataType Description Document DriverName ElapsedTime HostPrintQueue InstallDate JobId JobStatus Name Notify Owner PagesPrinted Parameters PrintProcessor Priority Size StartTime Status StatusMask TimeSubmitted TotalPages UntilTime
