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So +k� �OK kA"e., it - .f-ke., 7- l'r-obl�s. l'ClA>ple., kA"e., wi+k Wi�tlow 61e.iMe.N"s. Mtl kow +o A"oitl -H\�I

I kope., +kis. �o� wAs. MS.vfMl -h, �OM. If �OM li"e., lac.All�, I woMlA l,e., k"f p� -h,1"°o"iJe., �OM

wi-1-k A� r\o o"1i�IA"Hor\ �ah, fot" wir\ ow cleMir\� A-1- �OM\" koMe.,.

B,� c.Allir\� r\ow MA MU\-Hor\ir\� +kis. \"efot"+ I will �i"e., �OM fO¼ o-W �OM\" TI\"s.+ cleM -jMs.++o pt'o"e.,-h, �OM

+kA+ I MCW\S.M� Mf ir\ +ke., T pt"oble2Mt A�s.l

G-AII Me., �ow o�:

Tel - 020 3778 0679 Mobile - 07935 382 279 (Pll always answer this!)

or' s.eA\tl Me., M ��( i1d-:


iCA� - l-iot\s. of L-ot\Aot\ Wit\Aow 61�it\�

P.5. - '&et s."�+o "is.t4- M�, 11d" uk

fo� f"II tleA-tAils. of tke, s.eHvic.e,s. I r�o"i.,le, Mtl of C..O&\�

-h,s_fiMor\it,Js. n'OM M� e«is.-ttr\� �s.-hMe.N"S.!

P.1'.S -l>or\14-fo�!ie,J-4,, MeA\ttor\ +kis. �o.44-u �IAI� fo� +k� fO¼.tlis.c..oMAf" o-fP �OM� fln.4- c.lU\r\.
