Williamstown, Jan. 6, 1804


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  • 8/12/2019 Williamstown, Jan. 6, 1804



    LettersRanger Family

    Ever-Bloved Children having an opertunity to write hopeing these may find you and yours well

    as through the Goodness of God we are at present we received a leter from Abreham and martha

    dated Nov4 -10 informing us that they ware all well that they Received ours by M

    rjagger we

    Received one from Mr [ofrazure?] that they ware all well Excepting him self had been very sick

    but was giting beter we have not heard from you since we left Quensbury but hope to hear of

    your Recovry from your hurt we have now nothing special to write I have had all the mony ofred

    for my farm since I came hom but shall not sell Except I can sute me beter I wish you would se

    Mrhaverton if he will sell and know his price and send me word the first opertue

    Williamtown Jan ye6 1804

    these from your Efectionate Parents

    John & Ruth Torrey

    P.S my Regards to Bother Peck and famaly
