Why Do You Want to Participate in the JENESYS 2


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1. Why do you want to participate in the JENESYS 2.0 Programme?JENESYS is the abbreviation for Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths. The abbreviation itself explains the reason why I wanted to be a part of the programme very much. This programme actually opens the door for youths to widen the horizon of knowledge about the diversity of Japanese Culture. Besides that, participants of this programme are from different countries that belong to different culture hence, this would be a platform for the participants to share their culture and celebrate other culture as well. To be a part of JENESYS community will, without doubt, would not only allow me to experience new experiences of seeing Japan through a new, wider lense but also to experience the sense of togetherness with people from all over the world. Those experiences will indeed transform me to be a better person. Therefore, I definitely would not want to miss such an opportunity that would bring a change in me.

2. What will you be able to contribute to it?Contribution can be done in many different manners. One of it is by being an ethical participant. Being an ethical participant would actually helps in reducing the burden of the organising committee as it would be easier on them to manage the programme and this will enhance the effectiveness of the programme. Besides, another contribution will be in the form participation. Active participant would bring the programme a different achievement as the programme would be able to be conducted more lively. Not just that, another contribution will be in the form of establishment of the programme by spreading the knowledge gained throughout the programme to the outsiders. Information not shared would not be beneficial to anyone yet information shared benefits both parties. This is because the more I speak to people about this will helps me to retain the knowledge gained and JENESYS would receive more recognition.
