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Chris Michals

Why Are Dreams

So Hard to Understand?!

A Few Questions

I’m Sure You’ve Wondered…

• Why doesn’t God just speak plainly to me?

• Do you tend to ignore your dreams because they don’t make any


• What is the basis for dreams and why should we pay attention to


But What About…

• Have you ever thought maybe there is a good reason why dreams

are not simple and straightforward?

• Have you ever taken a look at the dreams in the Bible and

considered that as a precedent to understanding yours?

• Have you ever wondered what might be waiting for those who take

the time to learn this metaphoric dream language?

Why Are Dreams So Hard To Understand?! 2

How I Got Started

I had always been both fascinated and bewildered by how the

Biblical characters of Daniel and Joseph could interpret dreams.

But most of my life, I never heard any teaching about dreams in any

of the churches I went to.

It was like whatever we saw in the Bible was somehow just a

monument of the past but that same God was apparently not doing

those same things today.

All this changed however, when in 2010, God gave me and a friend

some dreams that were just too bizarre and shocking to overlook. I

knew at that time, without a doubt, that I needed to search very

deliberately for Bible-based material on interpreting dreams.

Fortunately, my search led me on a surprising path that opened an

entirely new doorway, not just to interpreting dreams, but also to

many aspects of the supernatural.

To my surprise, I discovered that the God of the Bible is still very

much doing the same miracles, signs and wonders today - and that

includes speaking in dreams.

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What I’m going to show you here are a few key facts about why

dreams are so highly symbolic and hard to understand and what

you can do to begin the process of learning.

You will find out why learning to interpret will not only benefit you,

but many others and how unusual opportunities may come along

for those who take this subject seriously.

At the end, I’ll give you some important keys and show you what

steps to take next.

Get ready and take action - what I am giving you here

will change your life!

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Biblical Pattern: Most Dreams Are Full of Symbols

Since the earliest stories in the Bible, God has been speaking in

symbolic language. We see this in the story of Job with a reference

to two unusual animals (leviathan and behemoth) where God uses

them as metaphors to tell Job the reason for his trials.

We have the unfair benefit of looking back historically and miss the

fact that Job didn’t know what had just transpired in Heaven before

he lost his family, wealth and health. God used these two strange

creatures to explain what was going on in the unseen realm as it

related to his situation.

Dreamers and Prophets

We also see in the story of Joseph, how he interpreted the dreams of

two prisoners and then later, for the Pharaoh of Egypt. Each of

those dreams were very symbolic and none of the local “magicians”

could even guess at their meaning.

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And Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I have had a dream, and there is no one who can interpret it. But I have heard it said of you that you can understand a dream, to interpret it.”(Genesis 41:15 NKJV)

Another prominent character, Daniel, also had the ability to

interpret dreams and his skill far surpassed any of the “wisemen” of

his time who were not able give an accurate meaning to the king’s


Inasmuch as an excellent spirit, knowledge, understanding, interpreting dreams, solving riddles, and explaining enigmas were found in this Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar, now let Daniel be called, and he will give the interpretation.” (Daniel 5:12 NKJV)

Joseph and Daniel were both given this gift by God and became very

influential, even promoted to the highest levels of government in the

nations where they lived. Joseph was considered a “dreamer of

dreams” while Daniel was a prophet.

That distinction is important but for now, the primary significance

is their ability to understand these strange, highly symbolic dreams

that made no sense to the average person.

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Parables Forwarding now to the most prominent man in the entire Bible, we

see Jesus coming on the scene and now He is using parables as the

primary form of teaching. But Jesus goes a step further, telling his

audience there is a reason for his metaphoric style of


Jesus actually goes so far as to say that His parabolic (metaphoric)

speech is deliberately intended to separate those who want to learn

from those who do not!

Yes, as strange as that sounds, Jesus was weeding people out. Those

who wanted to know what He was saying would gain the

understanding, but those who were in opposition or uninterested

would be left in the dark.

Therefore, while not obvious on the surface, these parables actually became a test.

He answered and said to them, “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.(Matthew 13:11 NKJV)

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Secure Communications

It comes as a surprise to most, but many things (if not all) that we

see in our world with our natural eyes have a direct parallel in the

spiritual realm. God created both the seen and unseen worlds so it

should be no surprise that very similar things exist in both. We can

call these natural world - spirit world parallels.

So what might be the natural equivalent to parables and metaphors?

As it turns out, we do have an overlooked modern day parallel for a

type of communication that is not intended for everyone to openly

receive. It’s more obvious than you think!

Sensitive information is commonly transmitted by high-level

government agencies, the military and financial institutions in such

a way as to ensure that only the right people will be granted access

to it. Allowing this sort of privileged information to be seen by just

anyone would cause serious damage to both the sending

organizations and those on the receiving end.

Dreams are very much the same. God speaks through secure

communications and gives us his instructions in coded metaphoric

language. The trick then, is finding out how to unlock their


Why Are Dreams So Hard To Understand?! 8

The Meaning of Your Dreams is Hidden for You,

Not from You

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter. (Proverbs 25:2 NKJV)

Think about this for a minute - you never see anything really

valuable just being left out in plain view for anyone to walk up and

take it freely. You have locks on the doors of your home, workplace,

car and maybe a safe where you keep your most valuable items. You

also have passwords on your computer, phone, financial websites,

email accounts and lots more.

Evidence in Nature

Likewise we see in nature that gold, diamonds, oil, etc, are all

hidden beneath the surface of the earth. Just about all of the most

valuable natural resources require effort to research, discover and

bring to the surface. These are considered highly valuable in part

because of the level of difficulty in finding and digging them up.

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Dreams are the same - they are God’s way of hiding valuable

information for us.

When God communicates with us, we need to take it seriously. He

knows everything: past, present and future. The topics He may

speak to us about are very diverse and our receiving them will

directly produce a positive impact on our life. But, ignoring Him

leaves us in the dark and forces us to do the best we can with

relatively very limited information.

Be a good receiver!

Hostile Environment

We need to remember that there are two opposing forces in the

unseen realm. Two kingdoms are at war. An archangel named

Lucifer rebelled against God’s established kingdom long ago and

has been on a mission to stop everything that God wants to

accomplish ever since. This devil also wants to destroy anything

that is made in the image of God - that means you and me.

The good news is that God always has the upper hand and He has a

strategy to circumvent everything the devil has planned. God hides

valuable insight in coded dreams to avoid enemy discovery. And, He

will also at times keep things hidden from you until you are ready to

receive them.

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Timing and Strategy

Timing is often a factor in discovering the full meaning of a dream.

Sometimes we can get all or part of the meaning of a dream initially,

but other times it may take a little longer. Joseph waited 13 years to

see the full meaning of his dreams begin to show up in his real life.

God is strategic and exists outside the confines of time. He can tell

you exactly what will happen in the future and sometimes that

means you’ll have to wait a while to figure out what He is saying.

This is why you must keep a journal of your dreams. Unless you

have a record of what God has already told you, there is no way to go

back at a later date and discover the full meaning.

Therefore the meaning of your dreams is often hidden

for you, not from you.

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God Wants You to Know Him

Truly You are God, who hide Yourself, O God of Israel, the Savior! (Isaiah 45:15 NKJV)

We see by observation that God is not visible to the human eye most

of the time. It is one of His personality traits to actually hide

Himself so that we cannot see Him. That might seem a little strange

but this is a trait known as meekness.

Here’s where a little known spinoff benefit comes in with these

highly symbolic, hard to understand dreams.

Key Word Searching

One of the top techniques to understanding your dreams is to go

searching in the Bible for key words based on the images you see.

Very often, you will find the meaning this way.

This is not to suggest that the Bible is a decoder tool, but the truth

is, there is so much in those 66 books, you are going to find many

answers when you go looking there.

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Try this right now with these examples below and you’ll start to see

how each one has symbolic meaning within the context of the

passages where they show up:

Snake Water Bird Moon Gate Light Cloud Hand

The more I’ve studied the interpretation of dreams, the more I’ve

found myself digging all through the Bible to find hidden answers in

this exact manner. In this process, my level of Bible knowledge has

literally soared.

Need a daily Bible reading plan? Simple: go look up the symbols

you see in your dreams!

Searching the Bible to understand your dreams is a

huge key to understanding God and His ways.

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Gates and Passages

This is where we see unique benefits of learning to interpret our

dreams. Remember, God always rewards those who diligently seek

to know Him.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6 NKJV)

If you pass God’s tests, He promotes you, just like in our careers.

God tests our loyalty by taking notice of how much time we are

willing to give Him. Understanding dreams is one of the higher

level of tests because it requires serious work. Remember, dreams

are highly valuable just like gold and diamonds hidden deep

beneath the surface of the earth.

I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings. (Jeremiah 17:10 NKJV)

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Many people seem to only give God a very casual consideration.

Dreams are a major sticking point where you must study and put in

effort. It is not possible to get by here with only a shallow level of


Passing through God’s gates leads to advancement and


Why do people spend so much time on everything else but seeking

God? If you know what God will reward you with, it only makes

sense to put Him first!

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Miraculous Results

God gives such amazing personal insights in dreams including

wisdom, guidance and advice about your career decisions,

relationship issues, marriage choices and financial matters, etc.

He will also give you warnings about negative events before they

happen - you should never be taken by surprise!

Want to know your true life calling and purpose as God

designed you? Clues will be found in your dreams.

God has even given ideas for inventions in dreams!

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33 NKJV)

When you seek God’s kingdom and His way of doing things first, He

rewards you. It may seem like a paradox, but the more time you

spend with God, the better you will do in your natural life.

On the contrary, the less time you spend with Him, the less

miraculous your life will be.

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Rewards and Promotions for Dreamers

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV)

God is always seeking to promote people who can be used for great

purposes. Why?

The only way to advance God’s kingdom on earth is by people like

you and me. God is in the business of expanding and multiplying.

Since the time of Adam and Eve, God has chosen to give us humans

the opportunity to accomplish His work. It is a privilege we are

given and there is opportunity for advancement with great rewards

that go way beyond just this lifetime.

If you become skilled in interpreting dreams, you can be elevated to

positions of greater influence just like Daniel and Joseph. The best

way to put yourself in position for promotion is to study deliberately

with a purpose.

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The Office of the Dreamer Here’s something many do not know - “dreamers” are an actual

Biblical title.

“If there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams, and he gives you a sign or a wonder… (Deuteronomy 13:1 NKJV)

Dreamers are an “office” just like apostle, prophet, etc, but they are

outside of, and higher than, the five church positions listed in

Ephesians 4:11. Dreamers are actually a kingdom level position.

There are also levels of “dream officers” which include generally: personal - regional - national - global.

The types of dreams one receives classifies them into one of these

categories. If you frequently dream about events on a national

scale, you are a national level dreamer; if yours are primarily

personal, then you are at the beginning stage as a personal level


Everyone can receive dreams from God, but those who learn to

become skilled interpreters can be promoted to these positions as a

“dream officer”. Study the life of Joseph and you will discover

valuable insight about this office.

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God Speaks to Everyone in Dreams

God speaks to all people in dreams regardless of their beliefs. This

is exactly what we see with Pharaoh and king Nebuchadnezzar -

neither of them were believers in the God of the Bible. When you

interpret the dreams of someone who holds different beliefs, you

have just proven who the real God is.

Just like Daniel and Joseph, you can become a great

asset, influencing many and spreading God’s kingdom

in the process.

The benefits of understanding your dreams are endless. You can

save your family and friends from disasters if you properly act on

what God shows you in dreams. You may be used in the realm of

government officials or business leaders should God open that door

of influence to you.

In your own life, you will receive wisdom and insight into the events

around you. God will instruct you in many ways to develop your

character to prepare you for new assignments and greater levels of


Why Are Dreams So Hard To Understand?! 19


Now it’s up to you. I’ve given you some huge keys to understanding

why your dreams are highly symbolic and make no sense at a

surface-level glance.

You’ve seen some reasons why God uses this coded metaphoric

form of speech and how you can learn to discover the meaning of

the symbols.

And you know a few of the benefits of learning to interpret not just

your own dreams, but also of those around you.

This book is a starting point. Here’s what to do next…

Why Are Dreams So Hard To Understand?! 20

Activation Keys

#1 Write down all your dreams and include the date in a journal that can easily be accessed and won’t be lost or compromised. If you do not dream frequently, ask God to give you more dreams!

#2 Do key word searches in an online Bible or app to find the meaning of the symbols you see.

#3 Always ask God to give you more wisdom, understanding and the ability to discern the correct interpretations.

#4 Look for competent teachers of Bible-based interpretation and study their materials.

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#5 Check out the resources available at chrismichals.com and associated social media sites for many articles on this topic and network with others who are also learning to interpret their dreams.

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Credits and Resources

Insights for this e-book come from a variety of sources, primarily:

• David E. Taylor - Joshua Media Ministries International

• Adam F. Thompson and Adrian Beale - “The Divinity Code”

• Doug Addison - dougaddison.com

Why Are Dreams So Hard To Understand?! 23

About Chris Michals

Originally from Buffalo, NY, Chris spent 20 years as an officer in the

US Air Force and had assignments all over the US, Europe and Iraq.

In 2010, God began speaking to him in dreams and he realized the

supernatural realm seen in the Bible was still very much in

existence today.

Chris is a blog writer focusing on all aspects of the supernatural

and offers prophetic dream interpretation. You can contact him

through his website: chrismichals.com.

In early 2015, Chris became connected with Joshua Media Ministries

International by an unusual series of events and became a part-time

member of the dream interpretation team in January 2016. JMMI is

God’s end-times kingdom ministry led by Apostle David E. Taylor,

also known as the “face to face prophet”. Those who become

connected to this ministry will receive visitations by Jesus in

dreams, visions and the natural realm according to John 14:15-23.

You can contact JMMI at joshuamediaministries.org or by calling

1.877.THE.GLORY or 1-877-843-4567.

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