Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Chose the “final answer” for the following questions


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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

Chose the “final answer” for the following questions.

Question one: A machete typically is used for? A. Shaving a mustache. B. Chopping something down. C. Gardening D. Chopping vegetables


B.Chopping something down.

Question 2: To evacuate means to: A. Use a vacuum cleaner. B. Stay where you are at. C. Run away. D. Leave a place quickly due to



D. Leave a place quickly due to danger.

Question 3: If you had to leave your homeland and seek shelter for your safety you would be a: A. Orphan B. Immigrant C. Refugee D. Victim


C. Refugee

Question 4: Name used to insult a Tutsi person, or the name of an insect. A. Fly B. Beatle C.Maggot D. Cockroach


D. Cockroach

Question 6: The mass killing of a group of people is called: A. Massacre B. Suicide C. Hurricane D. Bombing


A. Massacre

Question 7: To Refuse or deny authority means to: A. Be a teenager B. Rebel C. Conform D. Stand up for yourself


B. Rebel

Question 8: To be without parents is to be: A. Abandoned B. Alone C. Refugee D. Orphaned.


D. Orphaned

Question 10: To come between two things, or prevent something from happening is to:

A. Stick your nose in other peoples business B. Ignore it C. Intervene D. Fight


C. Intervene

Question 11: A large group of people/vehicles used to move others from one place to another is called?

A. Connection B. Connecticut C. Confusion D. Convoy


D. Convoy

Question 12: To kill a group of people based on their religion, culture or political views is called:

A. Genocide B. Homicide C. Suicide D. Evacuation


A. Genocide

Question 13: Mostly false information given to change peoples minds is called:

A. Advertising B. Lying C. Pretending D. Propaganda


D. Propaganda

Question 14: People who live through a horrific event or tragedy are called:

A. Heroes B. Survivors C. Peace Keepers D. Warriors


B. Survivors

Question 15: The ethnic cleaning of over 500,000 Tutsis is considered a:

Tragedy Event War Part of life


A: Tragedy