Who are they? Recruitment, beliefs and disbelieves · "Grumpy old men" Political parties...


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The extreme right in Norway

Who are they?Recruitment, beliefs and disbelieves

What is Monitor?

Ø IndependentMagazineØ First published 1994ØMember of the

Antifa-netØHuge contact

network in NorwayØ Presently published

only on the InternetCover, #4/98

Purpose: To protect democracy through:

Ø Exposing totalitarianmovements and theirleaders.

Ø Exposing theirideology andfalsification of history.

Ø Contribute to publicawareness.

Ø Conduct pro-activeinformation workamong youngsters.Cover, # 1/2002

Post-war trials in 1945

ØThe nazis and theirleaders were punished.Vidkun Quisling wasexecuted.ØAll together 42 000

persons wereconvicted.ØThe nazi party is

banned.ØNazism is believed to

be dead and buried.

Vidkun Quisling isbeing taken away after

receiving his deathsentence

The growth of post-war nazism

Ø In the sixties naziveterans recruits someyoungstersØ Several small

extremist groupsØNazis attract media


The first post-war nazi party...

ØNorwegian Frontfounded in 1973Ø Führer for the new

party is young ErikBlücher from MossØ Several NS- and SS-

veterans join thenew party withenthusiasm

Terrorism in Norway

Ø 1. Mai 1979 NF-member PetterKristian Kyvik throwsa bomb into may-daydemonstration in Oslo.ØMore bombs during

the eighties.ØHardly no nazi activity

until mid-nineties

The extreme right in Norway

"Grumpy old men"Political parties and associationsMostly concisting of eldely men

The militant sceneOpen nazis and skinheads

Mostly younger men

Most groups on the extreme right areheavily involved with internalskirmishes. On rare occasions theymanage to act together like here whereBootboys, extreme Christians and anti-immigration groups demonstratetogether against Muslim calls for prayer.(Azan)

The National AllianceØFormerly known as WhiteEllectorial Alliance

ØLead by sheep farmer KjellTore Vogsland

ØSeveral hard-core nazisbehind the scenery

ØDid not stand in last yearselections.

Kjell Tore Vogsland

The Fatherlands Party

ØFounded by Harald Trefall

ØLocal representation in twolocal municipalities in earlynineties

ØTorn up by internalskirmishes

ØDid not stand at last yearselections.

Harald Trefall

Other Anti-immigration groups


ØPopular Movement AgainstImmigration

ØNorway Against Immigration

ØThe Norwegian AssociationRacist posterfrom the early


Institute for Norwegian Occupation history

ØOrganisation for oldtreatorsØGathers former

members of theWaffen-SS and the NSØ concentrates on

historical revisionism

Ørnulf Myklestadan extreme anti-Semite

among nazi veterans

The militant nazi scene

ØSeveral small groups

Øactive cadres along thecoast from Oslodown to thesouth and up to the Bergenarea.

ØApproximately 200 - 300people all together

ØMost activist havecommitted grievous crimes

National Youth (Bootboys)

Ø Founded in 1997ØGroups in Oslo, Bergen

and KristiansandØLess than 40 membersØMost leaders serving long

prison termsØ 80 - 85% of the members

have serious criminalconvictions

From a Bootboys party


Ø Sect-like nazi-pagangroupØ Subscribes to anti

Jewish conspiracytheoriesØUnder heavy attack by

security policeØRecruits children

down to 13 years oldØLead by Tore W.

Tvedt (63)Bizarre ceremony of baptism where

Vigrid initiates young people toOdin

Norwegian National Socialist Movement

ØLead by TerjeNordlienØLess than 50 membersØExtremely racist and

uniform-fixedØMost members +40ØOperates with its own

uniformed ”militia”Wedding picture of TerjeNordlien and his Polish wife


Norwegian Heathen Front

Ø Founded by convictedmurderer Varg Vikernes

Ø Lead by Vegard Chapmanand Kurt Jarle Øvrehus

Ø Mixes nazism and ancientNorse religion

Ø Sells NS-black metalØ Operates with extremely

racist programØ Wants to kill all gay,

disabled and infertilepeople.

Vegard Chapman and Kurt Jarle Øvrehus

Hwo are the nazis?

ØMainly menØAge from 18 - 27

yearsØMost activists have

criminal convictionsØUtterly fixated on

violenceØOften uniformed as

depicted.Morten Bakke, former headof ”Blood & Honour”


How many are they?

ØApproximately 200 - 300 active nazis in Norway

ØApproximately 1 000 persons have been candidates for racistparties, locally and in general elections, since 1976

ØOn its peak racist parties won 14 000 votes (in 1991)

Arne Myrdal, head of The PopularMovement against Immigration, about tolaunch an attack on anti-racists. I 1991 hewas convicted for plotting to bomb arefugee centre in southern Norway.

What do they believe in?

Ø Common racismØ Common anti-SemitismØDenial of the HolocaustØViolenceØ Some believe in Norse GodsØ Some claim to be ChristiansØDisbelief in DemocracyØHitler is worshipped as


The belief that the Jewsare behind all evil holds a

strong position amongNorwegian nazis.

How do they recruit?

ØDrinking partiesØMusic saleØConcerts (mainly

in Sweden)Ø InternetØ ”Protection”ØCrimes

Nazi concert in Sweden 1996

For further information:

www.magasinet-monitor.netPhone. +47 - 48 02 72 22
