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Social Networking in a Web 2.0 WorldSolutions and Benefits for Trade Associations

OverviewWith thousands of trade associations in operation worldwide and millions of dues-paying members, it’s little wonder that social media interaction has attracted the attention of organizations large and small. Association leaders recognize that, in the context of online social networking, the Internet has evolved into a daunting competitor for the mind share of their members.

However ironically, at the same time, the Internet exists as a powerful solution for every type of asso-ciation, especially trade organizations. By taking flight in a seamlessly integrated, decisively branded online community, an association can soar—just as it profits from all of the positive aspects of social networking.

In the past, associations represented the primary source of industry-related information for their con-stituents. Without the magnetism of a socially-enabled community, relying on a static web presence, an association could count on members to visit regularly to get up to date with trends and events oc-curring in their field. This is no longer true.

Today, in a difficult economic climate, there are more challenges than ever facing trade associations in terms of membership retention, communication, professional development and dues collection. Yet, with the deployment of a socially-energized online community, these issues can be conquered and contribute to sustained growth.

Associations ChallengesIt is an old, narrow view that trade associations are primarily about promoting an industry through activities such as public relations. On the contrary, most trade associations devote their resources to topics such as "industry standards," "education" and "workforce development." They connect CEOs with CEOs, engineers with engineers, designers with designers. They build social networks (both online and offline) and hold formal educational seminars.

Even as they seek to fulfill their missions, with the staggering growth of the Internet, industry associa-tions are dealing with a growing list of challenges:

-A general, persistent decline in membership

-As web habits have changed, a deterioration of longstanding ties with individual members has en-sued

-Difficulty attracting dedicated, active new members

-Downward trend in professional development participants

-Dues collection becoming increasingly de-manding

-Inadequate communication with local-re-gional chapters

-Declining attendance at offline educational events

-Aging membership population—inability to attract younger constituents

-Lack of non-dues revenue generation

Web 2.0 Social Media A list of essential Web 2.0 social networking tools includes the following. All will help drive engage-ment and interaction within an online community. The successful adoption of many of these elements has helped trade associations of every description meet and exceed their objectives:

Member ProfileThe Profile is at the heart of every individual’s participation in the community. Users should be able to personalize, edit and control all of the information in their profile. Managing communication—in one place—should be simple...messages, requests, commenting, invitations, lists of friends, blogs, news feeds, photos, events, calendar and more.

InvitationsInvitations should be quick and easy to send...urging like-minded people to join the commu-nity, and participate in commenting, groups, events and other socially-enhanced activities.

Blogs and CommentingOn-the-fly blog posting and commenting is a critical element to encourage interaction. Blog-ging sets the stage for an energized discussion about everything that is important to your organization. Along with commenting, members should be able to rate/tag blog entries, as well as collect blogs and have an easy way of linking to feed-driven blogs.

Remote Modules and Single Sign-OnRemote Modules allow visitors to non-community areas of your web sites to interface with community content without demanding that they join. With Remote Commenting functionality, casual visitors can contribute to the topic, thereby producing valuable content linked back to the community.

With Single-Sign-On Capability, however spread out your web presence is, visitors to any of your sites (including your social community) will only have to sign on once to access all of the diverse content.

Social Groupings or Social “Objects”In terms of interaction, Social Groupings (also known as “social objects”) give users exciting options. Social Groupings are unique rallying points like-minded members will return to again and again. Social Groupings include all types of Groups, such as Groups linked by geography or common cause or even a favorite topic like travel. Just like individual members, a Social Grouping has its own profile, ava-tar, blog, photo album, video gallery, events calendar, friends and bulletins. Members of a Social Group-ing have commenting and rating privileges. In addition, your community’s social grouping should include a blog, photo album, and video gallery so that members can easily communicate and share content.

ForumsMembers visiting public Forums and those invited to private Forums can create topics and comment on posts, setting the stage for a lively exchange of opinions. This is the type of activity that quickly builds a feeling of community. The most energized Forums let visitors receive notification of updated content via email or RSS link. Private messaging should also be a feature of Forums, along with the ability to post surveys and opinion polls. Surveys and polls help stimulate discussion, and more important, you will be able to quickly collect valuable data.

Photos and VideosPhoto and Video galleries offer a fast, fun way for members to express themselves. Visual postings make a rich community even richer, as everyone joins in the sharing. You should have full, flexible administrative control of Photo and Video functionality. Options normally include the capability of pre- or post-moderating, with email notification if desired.

Groups and EventsGroups and Events are proven elements that generate interaction between members. Encourage your members to create and/or join Groups of people with similar interests. Often a popular com-munity group will buzz with activity as members share information and images. Likewise, Events-posting will give visitors the opportunity to make others aware of important happenings in the weeks and months ahead. Links to a calendar, web site information and location mapping help make Events come to life.

Benefits of a Fully Branded Online CommunityWhile individual social media solutions are vital, it is how they are integrated that propels community activity and member engagement. The tools need to look right and work properly, and the way in which they relate to each other is critical. Throwing social media modules together—out of a box—into an existing website is not an ideal deployment.

A more effective idea is to select a social media suite working within an architecturally-sound platform

and integrate the community seamlessly into your existing web destinations. Enhancing brand identity should be a priority from the beginning.

A brand is much more than a website and a past history. The way to leverage the true power of social media is to give your most passionate members a truly unique online destination to connect and en-gage. When individuals in your association are surrounded online by like-minded people with similar interests, they will be energized— and comfortable—about expressing opinions and sharing informa-tion.

By making the decision to fully integrate (and brand) the community, the dynamic social environment your members discover will be one they return to again and again.

Trade Association Solutions: Real-World ExampleThe American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)


The American College of Healthcare Executives is an international professional society of more than 30,000 healthcare executives who lead hospitals, healthcare systems and other healthcare organiza-tions. ACHE is known for its prestigious credentialing and educational programs, as well as its annual Congress on Healthcare Leadership. ACHE came to ThePort with a goal of developing and launch-ing a unique online exam community that would help healthcare executives prepare for the Board of Governors Examination in Healthcare Management.


ACHE selected ThePort because of its growing reputation in the rapidly changing field of professional associations. ThePort’s expertise in seamless integration of social media tools within a parent com-munity was a paramount consideration.

Rather than a simple, traditional “cramming” for an exam, ACHE wanted to provide its professionals with a next-generation community experience for their online research and test preparation. Along with answering students’ questions and providing helpful information, ACHE desired to give its con-stituents enhanced ways to engage with each other as they studied.

The vital service ACHE provides online needed to be elevated with social media tools members could intuitively utilize in their quest to pass a critical ex-amination. Key to that interactivity would be a care-

fully selected menu of relevant topics, along with a dynamic forum where exam-takers could discuss problems and solutions.

Another important element ACHE wished to implement would take the shape of online “Study Groups” which registrants are able to join and enjoy the benefits of fellow member tutoring.

Creating a Multi-Faceted Social Community with a Singular GoalSolutions

ThePort consulted with ACHE leadership and came away with a compelling mandate to help ACHE promote and advance the objectives of its membership. Their online users’ precise mission? To intel-ligently prepare for and successfully pass the Board of Governors Examination.

ThePort team integrated the tools selected by ACHE into the association’s current web site, ache.org. A continuously updated stream of community-moderated News & Blog modules took center stage on the new exam community’s landing page, and custom-selected “Exam Knowledge Areas” for addition-al affiliate discussions took position on the right rail. Further interactive elements included “Resource Links,” “Tips of the Week” and general community FAQs.

Real-time Study Groups and Event tabs provided ACHE affiliates with an easy way to exchange tutorial materials with other students and access plans for testing review sessions. Other connectivity tools with high visibility on the site include Find Others and Ask ACHE (an open-topic question-and-answer thread).

ThePort’s dynamic tools were seamlessly integrated into the navigation configuration and design of the existing ache.org web site. The social media elements reside in balance with the professional, airy look established by ACHE, making generous use of white space while making it easy for visitors to navigate, engage and interact.


Major Benefits to ACHE

-ACHE now offers its affiliates a dynamic, energizing web experience with a clear focus on learning and service to members

-ACHE successfully amplified its mission and long-term educational goals, engaging and retaining a wider, more active and enthusiastic audience

-ACHE witnessed a significant increase in test applicants for the Board of Governors Examination, reflect-ing the new impact of its social media enhancements

-After activating a relevant choice of custom community blog topics, ACHE decisively stimulated the com-munication between members in critical subjects such as Professionalism and Ethics, Healthcare Technol-ogy and Human Resources

-ACHE realized the enduring benefits of an elevated status in the educational community, leveraging a new, exhilarating collaboration of social media and e-learning

-Because of its emphasis on meetings and seminars designed to serve applicants preparation needs, ACHE’s Event page proved to be the perfect way to communicate the details of upcoming confer-ences

-ACHE observed a dramatic advancement in member interaction within the newly established tutorial Groups, offering applicants a vital new alternative for specific, subject-based learning

For trade associations, the move to Web 2.0 social networking can deliver dramatic dividends.

Aside from additional ROI, an energized online community will attract new members and create a gathering place for like-minded individuals to share ideas, personal updates, visual and verbal con-tent, as well as professional/educational news and views.

Attendees of industry conferences benefit because they have a way to easily connect without regard to geographical separation. Post-seminar, the dialogue between members can continue and flourish. New business contacts can find each other and con-tinue a conversation. In this way, an industry-linked so-cial community significantly encourages every phase of professional networking.

Thought leaders in the field will have the perfect forum to share ideas on subjects they are passionate about. In a social community setting, these individuals will stimulate shared goals and collaboration that leads to real-world solutions to industry challenges.

If your association has one or more journals, a fully integrated online community will provide an excellent venue for members to expand upon published topics. Both authors and readers will be able to con-nect in ways that are more flexible and more meaningful. Compared to a traditional print publication, an online community offers unlimited space for communication...culminating in a more creative, open-ended, in-depth dialogue. Conclusion

Industry associations who have embraced social networking and invested in robust community de-

Social Media: Long-Term Benefits

Finally, non-dues return-on-investment is steadily climbing. The additional pages launched within an integrated online community originate revenue from third-party advertisements. More important, the appeal of social media in action has secured an increasing number of valuable sponsorships.

As we approach a new decade of impressive Internet growth and exponential social media expan-sion online, today’s trade associations will implement strategies that fully leverage these accelerating trends. It is more a question of “how” not “when” social networking can power their achievements. Indeed, future growth of the association space will build confidently on the social media phenomenon and its benefits.

ployments continue to generate higher levels of member retention as well as greatly strengthened existing relationships with constituents. The social community platform has also proved to be an ex-cellent forum for implementing professional development study groups and courses. The quantity and quality of educational initiatives overall has risen convincingly.

Meeting another major challenge, dues collection has been made simpler, less time consuming and more reliable. With easy member access to the community, communication with local and regional chapters has been reinforced.

Early analytics indicate that association-focused web communities are a natural attraction for younger professionals and that membership demographics are improving. In addition, attendance at sched-uled industry events is trending upward.
