White House Special Files Box 32 Folder 20


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White House Special Files Box 32 Folder 20Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List
Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description
32 20 11/26/1968 Memo HRH telphone messages 11/26. 2 pgs.
32 20 11/26/1968 Memo HRH telephone calls 11/26. 3 pgs.
32 20 12/10/1968 Memo HRH telephone calls 12/10. 1 pg.
32 20 11/15/1968 Memo Items due Los Angeles office. 3 pgs.
32 20 01/13/1969 Memo Memo from Bob Haldeman to Jay Wilkinson. 1 pg.
32 20 01/09/1969 Memo Memo to Bob Haldeman from Larry Higby. RE: Misc. Details concerned with the move. 1 pg.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009 Page 1 of 3
Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description
32 20 01/10/1969 Memo Memo from Bob Haldeman to Harry Fleming. 1 pg.
32 20 01/10/1969 Letter Letter from Lawrence Higby to Charles Rotchford. 1 pg.
32 20 01/10/1969 Letter Letter from Lawrence Higby to William Hopkins. 1 pg.
32 20 01/10/1969 Memo Memo from Larry Higby to H.R. Haldeman. RE: Allen Warner. 1 pg.
32 20 01/10/1969 Memo Memo from Larry Higby to Jay Wilkinson. RE: Movement of Haldeman's New York office goods. 1 pg.
32 20 01/10/1969 Memo Memo from Larry Higby to Chuck Stewart. RE: Inaugural address. 1 pg.
32 20 n.d. Memo To Ken Cole. White House Staff List. 1 pg.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009 Page 2 of 3
Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description
32 20 01/07/1969 Memo Memo from Larry Higby to David Kinley. 5 pgs.
32 20 12/18/1968 Memo Memo from Larry Eagleburger to Larry Higby. Subject: Possible letter writers. 1 pg.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009 Page 3 of 3
l HRH TELEPHONE MESSAGES· Tues. t Nov. l6th - Late p. m ••_. p.
p.m. ED NIXON requests apoointment re himself and his department
DICK HOWARD _. HRH has phone call pending
MR. SEYMOUR: HRH talked to.
MR. KLEIN: LH referred him to Doug Hofe
JOHN EHRLlCHMAN: LH talked to Bud Krough, John's assistant; suggested John get in touch with Harlow directly re Hruska lunch as you had not had a chance to talk to him.
-------------------._------._----------------------_.--------_._--­ 3:15p.m.
4:45 p. tn.
4:50 p. m.
5:00 p. m.
ROSCOE DRUMMOND at the Pierre Request appointment with HRH before departure Wed.
CHAPIN: RN has talked to David Rockefeller
HUGH GANNON 986-5077 at request of J. A. MclLA..N'Y of Philadelphia would like to talk to HRH before 5 p. m.
lUCHARD MILLER of Hornblower-Weeks 344-6600. x.483 Personal call re basketball game
ROGER SMITH of Scientific Research 971 ..6007 Would like to talk to LH or HRH before 5 p. m. because they are working on their deadline
DOUGLAS J. KINSEY 944-5600 Will call back - .. personal.
FORRESTER MASHEIR op. 71 La. Vegas 70Z/735-7867 at this number until 5: 15 EST or tomorrow until I-pm EST Talked to LH la.t week, would like to talk to HRH personally Could not learn more through operator.
LOU WlUGaT, General Manager in Chicago for N. Y. Life Re appointment with HRH to offer services in particular area. LH referred to JE
HRH and JE bave reservations in the Edwardian room at 7:30 tonight.
Katherine Eickhoff called for ALLAN GREENSPAN RE memo from RMW re PETER K. EVANS Evans had sent in a copy of reports on problems in the aviation industry to ERH. Greenspan's office cannot do anything now but suggest that he be sent an acknowledgement and the correspondence held oendlmr an aooointment to the Transportation Atrency.
a. m. Chapin talked to LH Does Ellsworth still need to see RN?
12:45 p. m. MR. WRIGHT OF CHICAGO called again. Did not want to leave word because he is moving about.
12: 50 p. m. Hl.lee~
HENRY WUaBEftT of NEWSWEEK HA 1-1234, x. Z5Z leave message with Linda McGrew RE request for lIZ hour appointment with HRH
today or tomorrow
1: 00 p. m. JACQUES ELLIOTT Chairman of the Board, Ogilvie & Mather RE request for appointment with RN for ex-Gov.
of Puerto Rico Referred to Chapin by JC
1:55 p.m. MR. POLGAR for DR. ROBER1;'. PRITCHARD a Negro pianist and director of the Pan American Assoc. headquartered in D. C. RE: appointment with HRH Mr. Polgar can be reached in NYC 427 -8137 LH ,.U;ed to lam. (.0/'-'­ Cr<tt.....L....
Z:30 p. m. RON ZIEGLER HRH talked to him
Z: 30 p. m. JOHN EHRLlCHMAN Please call
Signal 484
Z:50 p. m. DR. HENRY KISSINGER's Secretary called Will arrive at LaGuardia at 9:Z6 a. m. Wed., Nov. 27th, NE.505 Will expect driver at N.'E. ticket counter unless he hears
to the contrary. He will make his own arrangements for returning. (have notified American to cancel)
9:30 a. m.
MURRAY CHOTINERI Handled by LH as follows: 1) All recommendations re Inaugural Parade to be forwarded
unanswered to Bob McCune 2.) Re requests from Government Agencies. Told he should
develop a form letter to answer all requests stating that no one has as yet been designated to deal with that particular agency. but when someone has been designated the correspondence will be forwarded to that person for action.
nICK ALLEN Re Ray King (8ee Tuesday)
BOB SMITH Detroit 313/962.-8900 Wanted to arrange appointement for a Peter Spender Referred to JE by LH
PETER FLANIGAN PF phoned Chapin re RN appointment, subject: PF Chapin requests guidance
____ • _____________________ ~ _____ • _____________________ ______ 4 __ _
FRANK LlNDSAY._. ITEK (2.: 30 p. m. appointment) Bringing with him PHILIP ARRIDA and MR. MAY (Will be at Union League Club for lunch)
MR. SEYMOUR MU 6-7000 Personal call .. -to talk to HRH only Second call. talked to LH. Result to be learned.
MR. deGRAFF D. C~ 2.02./347-9437 Following up on letter written at suggestion of Don Brewer and Charlie McWhorter. In Science Engineering business. RE: Military R&D Referred to Martin Anderson per LH
MR WRIGHT from CHICAGO Will call back after lunch. Did not wish to leave word. or talk to LH
HRH Telephone Messages .... TueBday, November Z6th -- Page Z.
10t 30 a. m.: MR. BART LETT JWT in D. C. Personal call At home after 7: 00 p. m.
(op. 16) Bus.: 2.0Z /2.96-6450 ReB.! 703/0L 6-0814
10: 30 a. m.: (approx.) DICK ALLEN called aga.in RE John King affair, requelt 58 secs. with HRH message from LH
1Z:00 noon: MR. KLEIN GSA Regional Administrator RE Payroll LH talked to him. result not known.
12.: 00 noon: JOHN EHRLICHMAN LH talked to him, result not known.
12.: 2.5 p. m.: LEWIS BANKS of Fortune Magazine Personal call for HRH
~. 556-3675
HRH TELEPHONE CALLS -- TUES,. DEC. 10. 1968 -- late afternoon -2­
November IS, 1968
~___La~ry Higb)' - Deluxe Pentel Pens $ 12.72 ) .-....----- - -- .~-~~----~~--------- ,--~. _.... /.
H. Levenhagen,:", Recordplate Forms ." .85::;';'::-­
l.. i " ~
, .
Inhag~n··-·· R~~~;dpi-a·t··-e·-F·-o-r-m--s·----· •85~' f.'
13.57 .' '
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,./ .-..tlr.m~· .. . ' 'I·A~~' 8!11f"". S~ ,®~Wlt ..~ ., l~n;I' "\' "I,,"'~' ; i THIS -'Ii The Remitter should sign, in ink, his or her name 'Qnd address on the Money Qn:l.er after fill­
- , ing in a date and the name of the payee. Purchaser 'agrees that no request 'for refund Qr to stop RECORD . P~t or otherwise will ?e mad~ to this Ba~k wjtp !SO t~ saip_Mo.~L()rcier.. u,\I""b I l'"
.r) '~Imer's RECORD IS submItted thereWIth. '-t r o,.J\ "-. ~ V. ~. '" ,I. .j<~. .,SE COMPLETE AND SIGN FNCB MONEY ORDER PROMPTLY) j)
. d 1...£' )~'1
January 13, 1969
I would like you to be In cbarge of the Richard Nixon Iriah Setter birthday preHnt. Attached 1. a telegram from one poa8ible .ouree.
under.tand there have been other.. Plea.e check around and find out what oUer. have been made, and do a little quick investigation a. to which might be the be at 80urce and glve me a recommendation.
We would like to get the dog for RN a. 800n a. poa.ible and it should be at lea.t aix months, preferably about nine montha, properly hou.e trained, and other ba.ic training. He doea not want a hunter. He want. a dog that wUl be a companion dog .0 it ahould not have been trained to hunt. Plea.e follow up on thia aa quickly aa you can. U you have any queetioDa, let me know.
'1'0:- __ RI: Ml..llAfteou a.tau.. concemecl v1th the 1lOV'e., rn
~.-----.--.-.--~-----------------------.-.-------------._.__.--------------- Bel_ are Hft1'&l -.11 ltema tllat I diacu.ae4 with variou.a )*)ple in WuhiDgton tbat we lbou14 probably P'N ... oo:aa14eration to before JDOYiq.
A. ,... are aware, there are DC!fW' aore than 100 oolor " letl in varioUi off1cel. TheM will be rea0M4 the week ....... ot tbe 20th. Bl:Mtver, there 11 probabl.,' ... valid need tor certain ptOple tQ.,. ...... "'I. It JOU. concur, I'll dray up a prelWary lbt aDl1 we can DIOV'e torward..
2) Bill Hopt1Da re4lUated tbat 70U aeeure a good .i.-ture of :RNa for \lie on White JIo\lae correQODdellce. Aa.oon a. th1. 11pature 1. obtained, I auae.t we torward. it to John Brawn aDd. let him work out appropr1ate details.
3) TOt! are to diacua. nth the Pre.14ent..el.ct wbo he Yi•• to 4••1snate u Pre.ident1al ~nt. u4 we are to torwar4 tbat lilt Yith __I all4 .tate. a. they vilh to apPear 011 tbelr ca.1..iOl1l to B111 Hopkina.
4) I 'U coo:f.1Date the p\heriD6 of all per.ormel _ter1&l per Hopkin'. re.. qu.••t aDd. fo~ __ to hila 110 tbat a"ropr1ate arra~nt' for payroll can be .a4e. Memo resarclill8 thl. baa lODe out to aU heads of area••
5) Do you. WUlt the .et of " let. removed. tram 8. be4r0Cll.'
6) I ...... )'GUIll want dlltaphoae. In:::'atalle4 1n your ottioe aDd two locatlona in the 0nJ. Office, 1n the -.u ottice &DI1 by RN t bed 111 the _nslon. If '0,•
IUl intorm GSA.
7) 1_...,....ill8 JOe.lble apace tar Af;.MtI1n the JOB, I .....t I eOlltaot Stu Blair, a4Yiae hill of our plana,' u4 aak hill vb&t a~nt. he wou.l4 llke to _ke for the CIoYernor, if aD7, In the BOB ottice. Al.oDg v1th tbat I belleve he should be adviMd ot the .1tuatlon exlatll18 111 tema of moving on the 10th, in ••e he want. to -.ke anr ~. tor apps'Opr1&te b.k apaoe in the GoYernor t office•
ill the White HoUle.
8) MaD7 of the BOB ofnee. looate4 on the fir.t floor of the beeut1ve Ottice Build1D& will be !IOftd. You ahoulA talk to Mayo about our plaal cODeemiDl the tir.t floor J and. adv1ae h1ll of the taet that we will be marina several ottice•• We now haft GSA till4iq alt.nate apt.ce far the.. office., and. Yill advi•• Ma70 of wbere the.. locatl0. are.
GSA. tal req,uelte4 t.bat we intontthea of ¥bat of our ottiee QlLce in lOB 11 v1U be vacated. SeYeral. of the people in officeI we ..ve there YUl be aelSt 401m to tile Bxeeutift omee lNi14ill8 10 apace v1U be available.
", \
Dear Cbarl••:
~baa1t JOU tor all JOIU' belp while we were in lfalb.iDcton. You'" rq job a buillred-. t.1M. _1v. I look 1'ortfI.l'4 to Y01id.ftg with JOU 4urins the c-.1D& ,...,....
Dear :sm.. !tat.IIk ,.. to:r all ,.our belp while ... wre in
lfub.i.Datoa. You. ... .,. job • buII1re4 t1aea ....ler.
I look tonu4 to woftiDB 1I'itll :fOU. 4mi.D& tile cc.iItc
---.. ----- --~ - ----- ---------- --- ------------------- --~~-------------
Allen W ner worked witb the ew Yorker. tor Nixon group during the lalt ign. He worked a & volunte r. Hia title I A 1.tant Dire tor of eial ente.
.ted in t ar ot tranaportation to r with Volpe. A tly he I
J but • received no re ons.
In tpeald with R1 user who coorid.rla.ted the New YOI' era for Nixon, ahe tion fact that t eSpecial ent. ar a 0 of the .tron~r ot her or zation.
ct Allen Wrner a eeur fran him interelt nd if it 1 transportation tb n a rapriat covering letter fran
JI.JlUar)' 10. 1969'lOt- !It Mov••aat of BaHIF•• •.... York omce goo4a
Aa we 4i..._ the other .sa7, Bal"eMn _tntaiu aD offloe at hU re.14eue at \be 1f7a4baa Hotel. Woal4 ,.. plaN proricIe lUll with ft:1lfd' br five aonDg boD. tile f!rat JIU't of aut week 10 tbat be eall pack up t.t om...\erial. OIl tbe 18th ¥hen J'OU have the 08A truet 1oa4 1lJ bere M ... tbea MDg b7 the 1f7a4baa JIotel aa4 ,iet up .....t.eftr _ter1al.l be bat there aDd. tr&aapcf.rt thea on 401f1l vith the nat of tbat .,..:1' to the vtdte JkNae.
ftIaat )'OU tor Jour cooperation.
------...._----------- .. _- ..--------------------------------_...-----_....._----...-..
BIJ4...n r .....t. that you provi44t J&J' WilkiuOD and hi. "ite wittl <al,Pl:iIlentarJ ticket. to tbe IDauaural BaU. Ap.rent17 becauae ot J&J'. position 4uriug the eampaip. Thi. i. not atandard practice but. be __ted loaaer than BlOat ot U8 and wU1 be with U8 dur1ne; the DDt eight ,.a.ra. It only ... &pp! opr1&te.
Alao J per our 4iae118.1011 of the other 4&,. will you pleaae phone McCune '. ai4e aad place .. OIl the staft list at the Hilton duriDg the inaugural period. I 0&Il aaaure )"Ol1 It11 be wor~. Pr1llll!Lrily I Yill be down there to over... the moving-in tbatw111 take place duriDs that period..
AUo, to ccmt1m ticket meda that Haldeman baa regarding events uDder 7OIU' im1IIec11&te reaponsibillty. He'll Med 12 tic.keta for the (]ala aid 10 ticketa tor both the coneert and the Ball; tvo of the ticket. in eacb ot thoH groupe can be charged, but the re­ _iDl1er of the aboul4 be ccapl1mentary.
'.rbanlta for your cooperation.
Haldeman' ~~ Cole Higby ~-~~,. Brown Wilkenson ~i~fo- . Bull
u)~, Stephens JJWich U)~Ak--. . Harlow P"$~~.Harlow Timmons Rienke Whitaker Belieu ..... E;llsworth Hofegren Whitehead Ehrlichman Lerner Keogh Morgan Stewart, Dent . Sears Klein Costello Roy Ash Stan Blair Krogh Buchanan Pri<;:e Safire Gavin Huebner Kissinger Eagleburger Moynihan , Allen Mayo Martin Anderson Chapin Sloan Elam
Woods Acker Scarney DaVies
D-.r Daft:
Bere '. a re... ot a tellollf I )mew at tJC'LA vbo 1 • .,aite a lMMr &DJl ta .1Boerel1' 1Atenlte4 111 tile probl-. areu be Matlou.
~ I 40 BOt Jaew exaetlJ ....1'8, I _ ave he eoul4 __ a coaVi'butlO1l to laDe pt.'J't of the _ opaati_, DOt ....--.r1l7 111 W&Ib1actoa eltMr but .......re.
I vw.l4 appreciate &Ill' t~ or couiMft.t1oa JOU aip.t be able to ,ift thta. I probabl1' .0Wl4 Uke ODe of tbI tbouIaDl lettert I 1aJDw JOU an neeiYiDi ~, but I _ n:re t1d.a .,.., COQl4 be ot help.
AlUbule to Itt. Pt'1.Iplt of c.lilonuli
December 26, 1968
Re: Resume - Allan vJiesblott
Dear Sir:
Enclosed you will find a brief resume of my scholastic and professional activities, to date.
As a young man it is impossible to implant my energy and concern on the two dimensional world of paper and print. I have grown up in Central Los Angeles and attended school with a cultural breakdown which was approximately 60% Black, 20% Oriental, and 20% Caucasian. I attended a University while many of my friends did not. In most cases it was unlikely that the situation was thus because of my being "a better man. II
My concern for both my generation and minority groups and their desire to seek a valid place in our society stretches far beyond a mere academic query •. I, along with many professors, sociologists and politicians, have researched the problems now plaguing the American society. However, research, in and of itself, cannot bring about the sensitivity of solving America's "Gordion Knot" societal complexities. I believe I have that sensitivity.
Please note the enclosed list of gentlemen from whom you may seek personal and professional references.
If you have any questions, you may contact me at the above address.
AW:ms Enclosures
College Activities
General representation on Student Legislative Council Vice President of Blue Key (Men's Honor Society) President of Men's Spirit Organization Cal Club (25 students chosen by President Kerr to aid
in administrative affairs) project India (15 students chosen to represent the
u.S. on 3 month's stay in India on programs sponsored by the State Department)
Chosen Outstanding Senior
Zeta Beta Tau - twice chosen Interfraternity Council Scholarship William Ackerman Scholarship Nominee for Woodrow ~<'Vilson scholarship Nominee for Rhodes scholarship Valedictorian, UCLA 1966-67 ~.
Report on India for University Publication Student Poetry Prize Columnist on Daily Bruin Assistant Editor Campus Humor Magazine Have a book in process on Black/~~ite relations in the U.S. from slavery to present
Professional Activities
Supervisor for The Neighborhood Youth Corps- Poverty Program ­ Venice, California Elementary School Teacher, Venice, California Presently Assistant Dean of Students - UCLA - (working with
and establishing programs for Black Student Union, Students for Democratic Society, The Resistance, troubleshooter, et all
Community Sensitivity Program in Central Los Angeles "Freeing-Up" (counter group for Black Student Union,
SDS, The Resistance, Thomas Jefferson Club, Fraternities, Sororities, and Dormitories)
Seminar between police and militant campus organizations Writer's workshop for elementary school children of
minority groups On-campus Colloquium Topics of the Time Establishment of Administrative Program for all University
affiliated programs for minority groups and underprivileged areas. ... .
Dr. Charles E. Young University of California, Los Angeles 408 Hi1gard Avenue Los Angeles, California 90024
Dr. Franklin Murphy, Chairman of the Board The Times Mirror Company Times Mirror Square Los Angeles, California
Dr. B.H. Atkinson, Dean of Students University of California, Los Angeles 408 Hi1gard Avenue Los Angeles, California 90024 ....
Dr. John McManmon Department of English State University College Geneseo, New York
Mr. Robert Finch Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare %'hite House Washington, D.C.
Mr. Henry Greenberg 201 North Bristol Circle Los Angeles, California 90025
Mr. Robert Haldeman Special Advisor to the President White House Washington, D.C.
December 18. 1968
I .>
..... As I told you on the telephone, Merriam is not interested in the
Job. However. he gave me the names of two other people who are interested and might be worth looking at (he is sending me their resumes). I know neither of them. They are:
Peter Gall. Presently Senator Kuchel's press man. He's 32 years old. a graduate of Princeton and a former reporter for the Wall Street Journal. Merriam tells me he writes very well •.. . Bruce Barr. He's 33, and now works for the Senate Republican Policy Committee.
In addition to the above. State is now putting together a list of Foreign Service Officers for me. I'll look them over and send up my recommendations in a day or two.
