Whether or Not Horse Evolution Lends Any Credibility to Darwinism


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  • 7/30/2019 Whether or Not Horse Evolution Lends Any Credibility to Darwinism


    Whether or Not Horse Evolution Lends Any Credibility to Darwinism

    Summary: Horse series is touted as the strongest evidence in support of Darwins

    mechanism of evolution. However this is not correct. Since, there is no evidence

    that supports migration of horse ancestors from North America to Asia acrossBering Land Bridge.

    The evolution of the horse pertains to the phylogenetic ancestry of the

    modern horse from the small, dog-sized, forest-

    dwelling Eohippus over geologic time scales. Paleozoologists have been able to

    piece together a more complete picture of the modern horse's

    evolutionary lineage than that of any other animal.

    The horse belongs to an order known as Perissodactyla, or "odd-toed

    ungulates", which all share hooved feet and an odd number of toes on eachfoot, as well as mobile upper lips and a similar tooth structure. This means

    that horses share a common ancestry with tapirs and rhinoceroses.

    Horse evolution is cited as the best example in support of Darwins

    mechanism of evolution essentially consisting of continuous, gradual

    evolution by accumulation of random variations over immense periods of

    time. In this context, Equidae fossils discovered are said to form a horse

    series that is consistent with Darwins mechanism of evolution.

    North America is presumed to be horses natural habitat. About 55 million

    years ago there is supposed to be a dry land in the place where present strait

    of Bering is. However there is no geological or geographical evidence to

    support this contention. There are only presumptions. The ancestors of

    American horses migrated to Asia, later Europe and distant Africa along thisbridge. Even archeologists cannot find their tracks. Even the timeline of

    horse migration is different in different references varying from 25 million

    years to 5 million years. For unknown reasons 30 million years ago horses

    disappeared from America. No reason for extinction of Equidae family from

    North America has ever been provided. One of the suppositions is that thesting of some fly was poisonous to horses. Moreover if horses became extinct

    from North America 25 million years back, then where were the horses left to

    migrate to Asia along Bering Land Bridge.Only in the 16th century horses

    were brought to America by conquistadors.

  • 7/30/2019 Whether or Not Horse Evolution Lends Any Credibility to Darwinism


    The Bering Strait is approximately 82 kilometres (51 mi; 44 nmi) wide at its

    narrowest point, with depth varying between 98 feet (30 m) and 160 feet

    (49 m).It connects the Chukchi Sea (part of the Arctic Ocean) to the north with

    the Bering Sea (part of the Pacific Ocean) to the south. This is supposed to

    have transformed into Bering Land Bridge, several times in the geological andgeographical history of Earth to permit migration of flora and fauna across

    North American and European continents and then to Asia and Africa. Bering

    Land Bridge is said to be 1000 Km wide from NORTH to SOUTH. However the

    only reason cited in support of such a contention is compulsion of

    Biogeography. To quote:

    Some, like the ancientsaber-toothed cats, have a recurring geographical

    range: Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America. The only way they could reach

    the New World was by the Bering land bridge. Had this bridge not existed at

    that time, the fauna of the world would be very different.

    There is no independent geological or geographical evidence to support

    existence of Bering Land Bridge. Hence the only difficult with this

    presumption is that presumes the fact it has to prove.

    Despite an excellent fossil record of the Equidae, there are still many gaps in

    our evolutionary knowledge. Only the modern horse, zebras, wild asses and

    donkey survive today, but many other lineages have become extinct over the

    last 50,000 years. Detailed fossil information on the rate and distribution ofnew equid species has also revealed that the progression between species was

    not as smooth and consistent as was once believed. Although some

    transitions, such as that ofDinohippus to Equus, indeed appear to be gradual

    progressions, a number of others, such as that of Epihippus to Mesohippus,

    were relatively abrupt in geologic time, taking place over only a few million

    years. The change in equids' traits was also not always a "straight line"

    from Eohippus to Equus: some traits reversed themselves at various points in

    the evolution of new equid species, such as size and the presence of

    facialfossae, and only in retrospect can certain evolutionary trends be


    Therefore all the accumulated evidences points only to morphological trends

    and patterns in Equidae family on empirical basis and are no evidence to

    conclude any straight line evolution from from the small, dog-sized, forest-

    dwelling Eohippus over geologic time scales to modern horse in accordance

    with Darwins Mechanism of Evolution. Hence, the observed evolutionary

  • 7/30/2019 Whether or Not Horse Evolution Lends Any Credibility to Darwinism


    morphological trends and patterns lend no credibility to Darwins mechanism

    of Evolution. There is no evidence to show that ancestors of modern horse

    actually migrated to Europe through Bering Strait. In fact extinction of horses

    in North America 30 million years ago precludes such migration. In fact, all the

    evidence points to correlations, associations and correspondences; widelyrampant in nature and for which no rational explanations are presently


    Cumulative evidence suggests some other mechanism of evolution other than

    Darwinism. Observed morphological trends and patterns are nothing more

    than correlations, associations and correspondences that are commonly seen

    in our study of nature. Empirical data does not fit into Darwins mechanism of


    Author: Dr Mahesh C. Jain is a practicing medical doctor and has written thebook Encounter of Science with Philosophy A synthetic view. The book

    begins with first chapter devoted to scientifically valid concept of God and

    then explains cosmic phenomena right from origin of nature and universe up

    to origin of life and evolution of man. The book includes several chapters

    devoted to auxiliary concepts and social sciences as corollaries to the concept

    of God. This is the only book which deals with origin of nature and universe

    from null. Thirtieth chapter of the book deals with the subject matter of

    Evolution of Life.


