Where are we going… where have we been?. Ephes us 90-200 A.D. Smyrn a 200- 325 A.D. Pergam os...


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Where are we Where are we going…going…

where have where have we been?we been?

EphEpheesussus90-90-200 200 A.D.A.D.SmyrSmyrnana200-200-325 325 A.D.A.D.


500 500 A.D.A.D.


1000 1000 A.D.A.D.


1500 1500 A.D.A.D.

PhiladelPhiladelphiaphia1500-1500-1900 1900 A.D.A.D.

““Brotherly Brotherly Love Love andand

Philadelphian Philadelphian PowerPower””

Where Where are we are we going…going… where where

have we have we been?been?


1900 1900 A.D.A.D.

REVREV 3:7-3:7-1313

LaodicLaodiceeaa- (1900- - (1900- Rapture)Rapture)

““ThThee Rights of Rights of ththee P Peeoploplee””

((“Civil Rights”“Civil Rights”))

•Revelation 3:14-22Revelation 3:14-22


hiahia• The “GLORY DAYS” of the ChurchThe “GLORY DAYS” of the Church• The “GOLDEN AGE” of MissionsThe “GOLDEN AGE” of Missions

• The Church of the “OPEN DOOR”The Church of the “OPEN DOOR”• POWER of God on DisplayPOWER of God on Display

• The WORD of God was “Pre-The WORD of God was “Pre-Imminent”Imminent”

• ““Brotherly Love” AboundedBrotherly Love” Abounded• ““Travailing” PrayerTravailing” Prayer

• Preaching was from GOD’S Preaching was from GOD’S PERSPECTIVEPERSPECTIVE




LaodicLaodiceeaaThe The

LaodiceaLaodicean n

“STRAY”“STRAY”Wretched, Wretched, Miserable, Miserable, Poor, Poor,

Blind Blind and and NakedNaked

““Brotherly Brotherly Love Love andand

Philadelphian Philadelphian PowerPower””

Where Where are we are we going…going… where where

have we have we been?been?


1900 1900 A.D.A.D.

REVREV 3:7-3:7-1313

LaodicLaodiceeaa- (1900- - (1900- Rapture)Rapture)

““ThThee Rights of Rights of ththee P Peeoploplee””

((“Civil Rights”“Civil Rights”))

•Revelation 3:14-22Revelation 3:14-22

• 2nd Timothy 3:1-5 – “This know This know also, that in the last days in the last days perilous

times shall come. For men shall men shall be lovers of their own be lovers of their own

selvesselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural

affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce,

despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of

pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but

denying the power thereof: from from such turn awaysuch turn away.”

PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribed

PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribed


PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribed


Ephesians 3:21Ephesians 3:21 - - ““UntoUnto him be glory in the him be glory in the

church church by Christ by Christ Jesus throughout Jesus throughout

all ages, world all ages, world without end. without end.


•Psalms 51:16 – “For thou desirest not sacrifice; else

would I give it: thou delightest thou delightest

notnot in burnt offering.”

•Psalms 51:16 – “For thou desirest not sacrifice; else

would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt

offering.”• Psalms 51:17 – “The sacrifices of God are a

broken spirit: a broken a broken and a contrite heartand a contrite heart, O

God, thou wilt not despise.”

Psalms 69:9Psalms 69:9 – – “For the zeal of “For the zeal of

thine house thine house hath eaten hath eaten me upme up; and ; and

the the reproachesreproaches of of

them that them that reproached reproached

thee thee are fallen are fallen upon meupon me.”.”

- - Ephesians Ephesians 4:30(a4:30(a) - “) - “And And grieve notgrieve not the the holy Spirit of holy Spirit of

God,… God,… “ “ - - Ephesians Ephesians

5:18(b5:18(b) - “…; ) - “…; but but be filledbe filled

with the Spiritwith the Spirit””

•Hebrews 4:15(a) – “For we have not an high

priest which cannot be touched with the touched with the

feeling of our feeling of our infirmitiesinfirmities;…”

•Isaiah 53:4(a) – “Surely he hath borne our our

griefsgriefs, and carried our our sorrowssorrows:…”

God has a plan God has a plan andand so so does the devil.does the devil.

The God of the Bible The God of the Bible isis the God of History.the God of History.The devil does not want The devil does not want you to identify you to identify himhim in in

history.history.History History repeatsrepeats itself. itself.

Don’t remove the Don’t remove the ancient landmark.ancient landmark.

Numbers 13 and 14Numbers 13 and 14

Would Would YOUYOU have been have been one to make it into the one to make it into the

PROMISED LAND had PROMISED LAND had YOUYOU been one of the 12 spies?been one of the 12 spies?

Only Only 22 did! did!

Would Would YOUYOU have been have been one to make it into the one to make it into the

PROMISED LAND had PROMISED LAND had YOUYOU been one of the 12 spies?been one of the 12 spies?

Babylonian CaptivityBabylonian Captivity

Would Would YOUYOU have been have been ONEONE to be reinstated to to be reinstated to the homeland had you the homeland had you

been been ONEONE of the of the MILLIONS in Babylonian MILLIONS in Babylonian


Would Would YOUYOU have been have been ONEONE to be reinstated to to be reinstated to the homeland had you the homeland had you

been been ONEONE of the of the MILLIONS in Babylonian MILLIONS in Babylonian


Only Only 50,00050,000 did!did!

Upper RoomUpper Room1 Corinthians 15:61 Corinthians 15:6 - After that, he - After that, he

was seen of above was seen of above five hundred five hundred brethren at oncebrethren at once; of whom the ; of whom the

greater part remain unto this greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen present, but some are fallen


Would Would YOUYOU have been have been ONEONE of the disciples in of the disciples in

the the Upper RoomUpper Room had had YOUYOU been one of the been one of the 500500 to to

witness the resurrection?witness the resurrection?

Would Would YOUYOU have been have been ONEONE of the disciples in of the disciples in

the the Upper RoomUpper Room had had YOUYOU been one of the been one of the 500500 to to

witness the resurrection?witness the resurrection?

Only Only 120120 did! did!

Will Will YOUYOU be be ONEONE to to move out of the the move out of the the


LaodiceaLaodicea and INTO the and INTO the BLESSING and POWER of BLESSING and POWER of


PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribed


Numbers 13 and 14Numbers 13 and 14Babylonian CaptivityBabylonian Captivity

Upper RoomUpper Room

PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribed


PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribed Factor #1- The CHRIST we KNOW!




PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribedFactor #2- The LIFE we LIVE!





PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribed

• Factor #3- The PROMISES we HOLD!

PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribedFactor #3- The PROMISES we HOLD!

HE will set before us OPEN DOORS

PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribedFactor #3- The PROMISES we HOLD!

HE will set before us OPEN DOORS

This is a This is a PROMISE

Revelation 3:7 – “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These

things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of Davidkey of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and

shutteth, and no man openeth;”

PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribedFactor #3- The PROMISES we HOLD!

HE will set before us OPEN DOORS

This is a This is a PROMISEThis is a This is a PROPHECY

• Isaiah 22:20-22 – “And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will call my servant Eliakim Eliakim the son of Hilkiah: And I will clothe him with thy robe, and strengthen him with thy girdle, and I will commit thy government

into his hand: and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and

to the house of Judah. And the key And the key of the house of of the house of David will I lay David will I lay upon his shoulderupon his shoulder; so he shall ; so he shall

open, and none shall shut; open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none and he shall shut, and none

shall open.shall open.”

• Isaiah 22:23-24 – “And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and He shall be for a

glorious throne to His father's house. And they shall hang

upon Him all the glory of His father's house, the offspring

and the issue, all vessels of small quantity, from the vessels of cups, even to

all the vessels of flagons.”

•Matthew 13:44 – “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid treasure hid in a fieldin a field; the which

when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy and for joy thereof goeth and selleth

all that he hath, and and buyeth that fieldbuyeth that field.”

• Matthew 13:44 – “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto

treasure hid in a fieldtreasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth,

and for joy and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and and

buyeth that fieldbuyeth that field.”•Matthew 13:38 – “The field The field is the worldis the world; the good seed

are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are

the children of the wicked one”

•Hebrews 12:2 – “Looking unto Jesus the author

and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that who for the joy that was set before him was set before him endured the crossendured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the

right hand of the throne of God.”

•Matthew 13:44 – “Again, the kingdom of heaven is

like unto treasure treasure

hidhid in a field in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and and for joy for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth and buyeth

that fieldthat field.”

Colossians 3:3 – Colossians 3:3 – “For ye are dead, “For ye are dead, and and your life your life is is hid with hid with ChristChrist in in


• Matthew 28:18-19 – “And Jesus came and spake unto them,

saying, All power is given All power is given unto me unto me in heaven and in

earth. Go ye therefore, and Go ye therefore, and teach all nationsteach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy

Ghost”• Mark 16:15 – “And He said unto them, Go ye into all the worldall the world, and preach the gospel to every


Revelation 3:7 – “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These

things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of Davidkey of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and

shutteth, and no man openeth;”

PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribedFactor #3- The PROMISES we HOLD!

HE will set before us OPEN DOORS

This is a This is a PROMISEThis is a This is a PROPHECYThis is a This is a PATTERN

PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribedFactor #3- The PROMISES we HOLD!

HE will set before us OPEN DOORSThis is a This is a PROMISE

This is a This is a PROPHECY

This is a This is a PATTERN

OUR Opportunity

PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribedFactor #3- The PROMISES we HOLD!

HE will set before us OPEN DOORSThis is a This is a PROMISE

This is a This is a PROPHECY

This is a This is a PATTERNOUR OpportunityHIS Responsibility

• Colossians 4:3-4 Withal praying also

for us, that God that God would open unto would open unto

us a door of us a door of utteranceutterance, to speak

the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in

bonds: That I may make it manifest, as I

ought to speak.

PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribedFactor #3- The PROMISES we HOLD!

HE will set before us OPEN DOORSThis is a This is a PROMISE

This is a This is a PROPHECY

This is a This is a PATTERNOUR OpportunityHIS Responsibility

PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribedFactor #3- The PROMISES we HOLD!

HE will set before us OPEN DOORSThis is a This is a PROMISE

This is a This is a PROPHECYThis is a This is a PATTERNThis is a This is a PRINCIPLE

•John 6:44 – “No No man can come man can come to me, except to me, except

the Father which the Father which hath sent me hath sent me

draw himdraw him: and I will raise him up at

the last day.”

• John 6:44 – “No man can No man can come to me, except the come to me, except the Father which hath sent Father which hath sent me draw himme draw him: and I will

raise him up at the last day.”

•John 16:8 – “And when He is come, He will reprove the

world of sin, andand of righteousness, andand of


PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribedFactor #3- The PROMISES we HOLD!

HE will set before us OPEN DOORSThis is a This is a PROMISE

This is a This is a PROPHECYThis is a This is a PATTERNThis is a This is a PRINCIPLE

Colossians 1:27Colossians 1:27 – “To – “To whom God would make whom God would make

known what is the riches known what is the riches of the glory of this of the glory of this mystery among the mystery among the Gentiles; Gentiles; which is which is

Christ in you, the Christ in you, the hope of gloryhope of glory””

Ephesians 3:21Ephesians 3:21 - - ““UntoUnto him be glory in the him be glory in the

church church by Christ by Christ Jesus throughout Jesus throughout

all ages, world all ages, world without end. without end.


PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribedFactor #3- The PROMISES we HOLD!

HE will set before us OPEN DOORSThis is a This is a PROMISE

This is a This is a PROPHECYThis is a This is a PATTERNThis is a This is a PRINCIPLE

PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribed Factor #3- The PROMISES we HOLD!

HE will set before us OPEN DOORSThis is a This is a PROMISE

This is a This is a PROPHECYThis is a This is a PATTERNThis is a This is a PRINCIPLE

This is a PRAISE

Isaiah 66:2Isaiah 66:2 – “For all – “For all those things hath those things hath mine hand made, mine hand made,

and all those things and all those things have been, saith the have been, saith the

LORD: LORD: but to this but to this man will I lookman will I look, even , even to him that is poor to him that is poor and of a contrite and of a contrite

spirit, spirit, and trembleth and trembleth at my wordat my word.”.”

Revelation 3:7(bRevelation 3:7(b)- )- “And to the angel “And to the angel of the church in of the church in

Philadelphia write; Philadelphia write; These things saith These things saith

He that is holyHe that is holy””1st Peter 1:16- 1st Peter 1:16- “Because it is “Because it is

written, written, Be ye holyBe ye holy; ; for I am holyfor I am holy.”.”

2 Corinthians 7:1 2 Corinthians 7:1 “Having “Having

therefore these therefore these promises, dearly promises, dearly beloved, let us beloved, let us

cleanse ourselves cleanse ourselves from all filthiness from all filthiness of the flesh and of the flesh and spirit, spirit, perfecting perfecting holiness in the holiness in the fear of Godfear of God.”.”

Deuteronomy 4:10Deuteronomy 4:10 – – “Specially the day that thou “Specially the day that thou stoodest before the LORD stoodest before the LORD

thy God in Horeb, when the thy God in Horeb, when the LORD said unto me, Gather LORD said unto me, Gather

me the people together, me the people together, and I will make them and I will make them hear hear my words, that they may my words, that they may learn to fear melearn to fear me all the all the days that they shall live days that they shall live upon the earth, and that upon the earth, and that

they may teach their they may teach their children.”children.”

PPhiladelphia hiladelphia SSubscribedubscribedFactor #3- The PROMISES we HOLD!

HE will set before us OPEN DOORS


Promise –Prophecy- Pattern- Principle- Praise
