When Was WWI? World War I Was Fought Between 1914-1918 The United States Entered the War in 1917



Long Term Causes  Unification of Germany Upsets Balance of Power System  Tensions in Balkan Region of Europe  Militarism  Alliances  Imperialism  Nationalism

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When Was WWI? World War I Was Fought

Between 1914-1918 The United States Entered the

War in 1917

Immediate Cause June 1914-

Assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria By a Serb

Long Term Causes Unification of Germany Upsets Balance

of Power System Tensions in Balkan Region of Europe Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

Balkan Powder Keg Tensions in the Balkan Section of

Southeastern Europe Many Different Ethnic Groups that

did not like each other living in this area. Nationalistic Tensions.

German/English Naval Build Up Germany Tried to Rapidly Build Up

its Navy Naval Build Up turns into Arms

Race Between England and Germany.

England felt threatened by German Naval Build Up

“The Guns of August” Due to System of Alliances

The Conflict Between Serbia and Austria Will Eventually Involve: France, Russia, England, and Germany

Chain of Events Serbian Nationalist Kills the

Archduke of Austria. Austria Issues an Ultimatum to

Serbia. Germany Backs Austria Against


Chain of Events Russia Backs Serbia Against Germany

and Austria France Backs Russia Against Germany Germany Attacks France Through

Belgium Belgium is Allied with England

Answer??? How did Chain of Events Effect the

United States? How was the US involved?

The Sides Central

Powers: Germany Austria Turkey

Allies: France England Russia (Until

1917) USA (After 1917)

The Sides

Germany’s Plan Avoid Fighting France and Russia at the

Same Time/2 Fronts Knock France Out Fast and Then Concentrate

on Russia Counts on Speed Fails and Germany Must Fight On 2 Fronts

The War Changes The War Initially

Moved Very Fast But Boggs Down in Trench Warfare For Most of the War

New Technology Machine Guns Submarines Poison Gas Airplanes

High Casualties Trench Warfare New

Technology Poor Tactics Lead to High


Russia Suffers the Worst Casualties at

the hands of the Germans Germany wants to Defeat Russia

So It Can Concentrate on France

Summary Name 4 New Technologies that

caused High Casualties during WWI:

What were the 2 Sides During WWI?
