When the Patient is a VIP



When the Patient is a VIP. Talk Trauma 2011. What do these people have in common?. When the Patient is a VIP. The Role of Corporate Communications Your Role as Health Care Providers Rules of Engagement. Our Role. PROTECT the reputation of the hospital - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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When the Patient is a VIP

Talk Trauma 2011


What do these people have in common?


When the Patient is a VIP

The Role of Corporate Communications

Your Role as Health Care Providers

Rules of Engagement


Our Role

PROTECT the reputation of the hospital

PROMOTE the reputation of the hospital


Our Role

We act as your gatekeeper

We will provide assistance to patients or families with regards to media relations (signing patient consent forms, getting a spokesperson, advice, etc.)

Make sure patients and their families are aware they have options


Anonymous Patient

If the patient/ family do not want to speak with media or have information about their care released patient can be made anonymous

BUT: With social media (Facebook, twitter,

youtube) we speak with patient/family about other ways in which patient info is provided by family member, neighbour, school etc.

Social media makes it difficult to control information being released by someone other than hospital


Patient agrees to speak with media

We will:

Provide patient/family with advice on dealing with the media

Facilitate where and when interview occurs and make sure that media does not disrupt other patients

Ensure that patient consent has occurred and that patient understand that comments and images, once on internet, are beyond control


Your Role

Redirect all media inquiries to us

Call us if media show up on hospital property

We are available 24/7!




Rules of Engagement

1. Patient or decision maker have the right to refuse any release of information.

2. All requests by media must go through the communications department.

3. Patients/family members must sign a consent form before speaking with media.

4. Media must be escorted by someone from our department at all times.

5. All condition updates must go through our department and media are only entitled to a one word condition update.


One word condition updates GOOD – vital signs stable and normal. Indicators

are excellent. FAIR – Vital signs stable and within normal limits.

Patient may be uncomfortable. Indicators are favorable.

SERIOUS – Vital signs unstable and not within normal limits. Patient may be unconscious. Indictors are unfavorable.

CRITICAL – Vital signs unstable and not within normal limits. Major complications and indicators are unfavorable – death may be imminent.

DEAD – Media are informed of death only after nursing staff confirm family are notified.

DISCHARGED – no other information including date of discharged is to be provided.


When we won’t release information

Media does not have name Name is wrong

Appears to violate a law

Interferes with a police investigation

Likely to have an adverse affect on the patient in the judgment of a physician or other person involved in the direct care of the patient


Thank you!

Contact LHSC Corporate Communications

519 685-8500 ext. 76760

visit www.lhsc.on.ca
