When Obstacles Get in the Way.docx


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  • 7/30/2019 When Obstacles Get in the Way.docx


    When Obstacles Get in the Way

    Thought for the Day: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of

    witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily

    entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fixour eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before

    him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the

    throne of God. Hebrews 12: 1-2

    There are times in our lives when obstacles are a tad bigger than we can handle on our own.

    Recently, I was told a story that brought a chuckle, but in hindsight it presented a visual

    lesson of a spiritual nature that I simply could not bypass!

    My co-founder of the Bucket List Bible Study, Jan Mackowiak, recently encountered a

    cone in our church parking lot. To Jans dismay, said cone decided to take a spin

    underneath Jans car. What to do? Jan went forward and backward to dislodge said cone,

    but said cone wouldnt budge. Along comes our friend, Chris Thompson. Chris is the

    Executive Director of our regions Youth for Christ and we all love Chris. He and his wife,

    Lisa, have five beautiful little ones and Lisa also assists with the ministry to teens. Chris

    has a great sense of humor and I can only imagine his expressions and dialogue with Jan as

    she calls out for help with said cone.

    Eventually, Chris succeeded in extricating the obstacle from under Jans car and Jan

    drives off in the direction of home in complete and utter gratitude to Mr. Thompson. (Bythe way, I want to hear Chriss account of this tale!) In true form, my cheerleader friend

    has provided a teaching moment at the expense of a traffic cone!

    Obstacles, obstructions, impediments, barriers and blockagesa few names of hindrances

    that often fill our completely human, personally designed travel plans. Life is going along

    with no surprises or upsets when all of a sudden an unexpected event, problem or situation

    comes out of the blue! Most instances require an immediate pray lifted up to the Lord for


    Case in point, I dont deal well with surprises, I enjoy control. Just ask my sweet husband.

    On our 30th wedding anniversary Gary decided to plan a four-day trip, a surprise trip.

    Surpriseyou know, a trip that only he has the knowledge of the destination. This is

    exactly what a woman who enjoys information and control desires. Although the trip was

    charted and expenses covered, the destination was still held surreptitiously until the

    morning we departed. Even though this gesture is considered extremely romantic, the

  • 7/30/2019 When Obstacles Get in the Way.docx


    unknowing factor of destination caused concern especially since Gary was in charge of

    proper attire and footwear and we often do not agree in those particular areas.

    Personally, I felt like a cone got stuck under my vehicle and I needed Gods assistance to

    remove it. Not knowing the destination of an earthly journey is hard for a control freak.

    Although my husband brought into my life thirty years ago the gift of preset agendas for

    daily living, its extremely difficult to pull away from a rigid schedule of complete

    knowledge and be thrust into the just trust me vernacular.

    But just as Jan needed Chris to lend a hand in dislodging the cone from underneath her

    automobile, so I necessitate the Lords peace to just trust my husband, be thankful Gary

    loves me enough to care whether we have a wonderful 30th celebration and be grateful

    that both of us are healthy, happy and start counting the blessings God has bestowed upon

    us individually, as well as a couple.

    So, said cone, although still in existence, is no longer lodged in a place causing a disruption

    of moving forward. Said cone is a reminder that even if obstacles become barriers in life,

    we shouldnt allow them to obstruct the fruit of the Spirit God has given to each of us

    called by His name.

    But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,

    faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those

    who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and

    desires. Galatians 5: 22-24

    Father, thank you that although obstacles can hinder our journey, they also serve as

    reminders that we constantly need to lean on those words provided for us in

    scripture. There is nothing that happens in life to us that you havent seen coming

    and havent supplied a way out. Continue to enable us to understand the scriptures

    and to consult them daily. In Jesus name, Amen.

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    Thoughts and Comments concerning todays reading:










    People God brought to mind today to pray for or contact:









    Closing reflection:

    Often we need Gods help in the area of trust. As we daily trust that a chair we sit in will

    hold our weight or trust that the food we purchase at the grocers has been approved by

    the FDA, we need to exercise our trust in God and those we love. God has never let me

    down. Ive been disappointed that His direction wasnt what I desired, but God has always

    surprised me with outcomes and grown my faith in the process.

    My husband, Gary, took me to London on that four-day excursion. Imagine that, myfriends! I was worried about the clothes in my suitcase and my precious mate took me on

    my first overseas, out of the country, trip to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary.

    Sometimes it isnt about whats in the suitcase, its the actual journey. The trip to London

    I wouldnt have missed for the world and all I needed to do was let go and trust!

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