When Does Link-Building Start To Work?



Link-building is the corner stone of any SEO strategy. At it’s core, it’s the essential way of getting a company up on the search engine results pages (SERP).

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When Does Link-Building Start To Work?

Link-building is the corner stone of any SEO strategy. At it’s core, it’s the essential

way of getting a company up on the search engine results pages (SERP). Yet, few

people actually talk about how long it takes, or why it works at the rate it does?

In reality, it’s a little more complicated and will depend on a websites current

position. Let’s take a closer look at how it works. Developing and creating great

links is one of our SEO services here at lowcostseo, so we have first hand

experience when it comes to understanding the rate of success.

How Fast Does Link-Building Take?

Ultimately, it’s not the speed of link-building that matters, more so the extend of

the link building. Google uses various factors when it comes to organising the

SERPs listings, with the number of links being one thing. But it also takes into

account the quality of those links, including additional factors such as the domain

authority and relevance of the websites in question.

Of course, at the same time, it penalises or ignores ‘spammy’ links and additional

links on the same page. This is why mass-commenting one a website or forum

doesn’t work. It doesn’t work for the reader and Google’s algorithms are in-line

with this philosophy.Read More

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