WHEN DISASTER STRIKES - gvph.org · WHEN DISASTER STRIKES North Carolina Residents and the...


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North Carolina Residents

and the Strategic

National Stockpile




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Public Health Regional

Surveillance Teams by Regions

During a public health emergency you may be asked

to go to a special Point of Dispensing site – also called a

POD. Although public health officials will be using the

media during an event to tell people where their POD is

located, it is always a good idea to be prepared. Use the

information below to become familiar with the location

of your POD and keep this pamphlet handy – just in case.

Know Your POD!

POD Location Information___________________________________________________________________________




The leaders of North Carolina’s public health system want residents to know that they have been working very hard the past several years to prepare for the delivery of special medical supplies during any health emergency that might use up our existing supplies. To make this happen, state and local public health managers have worked closely with local emergency management, law enforcement, emergency medical services, fire departments, patient care facilities, the military, and volunteers to plan AHEAD OF TIME for the order and delivery of these materials. In the event that there is ever a need for these supplies, it is important that people in every community know where to go to get them.

What are these medical supplies

and where do they come from?

The Strategic National Stockpile and North Carolina

• The CDC’s (Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention) Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) is a

large supply of medications and medical supplies that

can be used following a public health emergency –

such as a terrorist attack, flu outbreak, or hurricane –

when local supplies are expected to run out.

• Once state and local officials decide there is a need

for the SNS supplies, state response officials alert the

CDC. Because the supplies are kept in special

shipping containers that are stored in key spots across

the country, they can be delivered to North Carolina

within 12 hours of a request being approved. These

“Push Packages” are made up of 130 containers and

can be loaded onto trucks or cargo aircraft for rapid

delivery. They contain a lot of different medical

supplies and medicines so that local responders –

who may be responding to many different types of health threats – will be

able to choose what they need based on almost any threat they may face.

• If the emergency requires even more medicines and/or medical

supplies – or if at the beginning of a threat local emergency responders

know exactly what they need – health officials can order just the kind of

supplies necessary. These “Managed Inventory” supplies can be delivered

within 36 hours of being ordered.

During an event where the threat is

known, the Managed Inventory can be

tailored to provide medicines, supplies

and other products specific to the

suspected or confirmed threat. In this

case, Managed Inventory can be used

instead of Push Packages.

• The SNS program also coordinates the

CHEMPACK Project and the Cities

Readiness Initiative. CHEMPACK is a

CDC effort to provide state and

local governments a stored supply of nerve agent antidotes so that they

can respond quickly to an event where nerve agents are used.

• The Cities Readiness Initiative focuses on helping major cities and their

metropolitan areas – like Charlotte – prepare for a large scale bioterrorist

event by developing the means to dispense antibiotics to their entire popu-

lation within 48 hours of the decision to do so.

All Disasters are Local

Once the SNS materials arrive at the state’s designated Receipt, Stage and Stor-

age sites (RSS), the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (PHP&R)

will take control of them. PHP&R will then sort the materials and deliver them to

Local Receiving Sites (LRS) in each county where needed. Key to making sure the

materials are delivered safely and quickly are the local emergency managers.

(See the Emergency Management section on the next panel.)

Partners for Preparedness: Keeping our Communities Safe

Regional Surveillance Team Pharmacists

PHP&R has established seven Public Health Regional Surveillance Teams (PHRSTs)

to facilitate preparedness efforts throughout the state. Among other essential

assets associated with this system are the three regional pharmacists and the state

pharmacist who plan and coordinate North Carolina’s SNS activities. These

public health pharmacists also provide direction and oversight to local health

departments and jurisdictions for all SNS-related issues.

Local Public Health

The local public health department serves as the SNS planning and coordination

agency at the county level. The health

department’s Preparedness Coordinator

is charged with maintaining an SNS plan

for each local public health department or

district. These local plans are created

and updated jointly with all SNS partner

agencies in the county or jurisdiction.

Emergency Management

Local Emergency Management (EM) is

the primary partner in planning for the

delivery and storage of SNS materials to

each county. All requests for SNS resources are made through EM while working

with public health at both the local and state levels. Resources are received at the

local receiving site – managed by local public health – and supported by EM and


Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement plays a vital role in security services by making sure all SNS

assets are secure, while providing protection for staff, volunteers, and facilities.


Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and fire professionals are essential

partners for SNS planning and support, providing their knowledge to make

sure community needs are met in any SNS event.

Hospitals/Patient Care Facilities

Patient care facilities also have an important role during SNS events and may

even serve as a Point of Dispensing (POD) for their staff members, patients

and families. Their expertise and support are also essential in SNS planning.

Volunteer Organizations

Volunteer organizations, consisting of Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Units,

faith based organizations, non-profit groups, and others, assist with POD and

staff support.

Military Installations

Military Installations, another key partner in SNS planning, may be involved

on many levels. Installations may provide an LRS facility, a POD, security, or

provide additional support for SNS activities.

Other Government Agencies, Private Businesses, and Schools

and Universities

The list of possible SNS partnerships is almost endless. Government

agencies may supply trucks and drivers to make deliveries. Private

businesses may provide warehouse space or serve as a point of dispensing

for employees. Schools and universities make excellent locations for

community PODs.

IMPORTANT: Your county health department has already established one

or more Point of Dispensing sites for emergency medicines and supplies.

Please look at the next panel for the location of these sites and/or the name

and contact information of your local or regional Preparedness Coordinator.

State of North Carolina

Department of Health and Human Services

Division of Public Health

Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response

www. ncdhhs.gov • www.epi.state.nc.us/epi/phpr

N.C. DHHS is an equal opportunity employer and provider. 01/08
