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6 TIITC Oct. 0.


neut.. -„ . .,..„( ,. n the

; was rcn-

i'i lac. 2-iia lueejjsjry. Tbe .0 track considerably, mak-

chiue np Ihe jnth adjoining th* road to a point where he fliHta the roods loii-l enough to mount and proceed OQ tiii ride.

Ifhy any secl.lent a rider Is obliged to dUmonnt,


t!:e drive. Tricycles or bicycles can be used on Ihe ice. C«a •• - - l: ; with hands off handle of bicycle

Wlil rWi. ,st their machines at proper times

and pl.u ••;.



Club.The new Nassau Athlc* : ''' l ' M its first

annual fall meeting at i . ' >n Park {rounds, Fifth avenue an l .j t, Brook­ lyn, Sept. 26. All the events were handicaps. Return:

A. C. (gcrU.-l,

j7 j10m. - half i.2u>. I


..!'.'• - the 440-y.trd n. btcjclo r i- . runni . •hot, i

i summary of tho three days'

'in, 1st, iai 34-o«; J.

'h Gardner,>u, o; fcVaiik AluLiu, Worcester, U;

4.',-i . IWH. amateur— Fred Foster,W. K. I "riif, Washington,

Siiern, Sd. Crist nn-..,.,....,, auJ iiiado * strong bid

- i', proroa'eur — Wm. A. Rowe. Lvn:i,*; G«o. SI. Iltndie, Si ringftVld, 2.1,V. t'. Ins, JleiiJen, 3J; Percy W.

i>; C. P. A.lanv, Spiiugtiel.l, Mo., 0.' - - 1 m. 14 2-.ii.

-Fivd \V, nil, I^eicester,,s.; Jo'm S. Prince, Wash-

A . .\i. Woodsiile, Mii.neapdlidckir, Newton l,"oyd«.), 0. Wu>d-".rn. 252-0:..

i.-i-Hir— A. B. Bleb, New •,. N H. W. ilaskell. Biwton, i. :: : , • .1 ams, tio^tjii, 3d. itieb,

. i., U.I , vr'imatenr — W.lliam A. Rhodes, Bov

">i 4 5 ; IVrcy W. SU;ie, S'. Lou H, ad,., F. V. IVCK, M II. f. Burn-^uil C. P. A.t.i IJ, did no!-. I'M points; - I ,•», 87. n, ainlteiir— fe'irtl luitu \V. E. Criat,

.-, in iji. 4j 3-5j ; 1). E. Hunter, Salem, uitb; P. S. Brov>n, 3d. Second I.ea": v- York I itv, 1st, iu 2m. 48 2-5s ; Fred , Ont.,2J; H. W. Ga-krll, Boston, 3d.-.*..-.- K in 2ui. 4S35-.; Crist2J, in

4th and llicli 5th. ,1— Fred Wi od, Leicester,

...... ... .. t'rocker, Newton, 2d, OS;VVusliingion, 3.1, >J5; W. M. Woodsida,

; W. J. H,,rxaD, Cl.i -ago, 0; Robertniu.ugbam, Kog., 0; C. H. Frazier, Sinilh

rnil^«, p:-oTHtt*eur — William A. Bowe, Lynn, •'•.-. 23:t-5.<.; K. t. Iver, Merlden,

.», S|i:i. gfield, (123>ds.) 3d; W. 0; W. U. Haradon, Spring-

t'eSHional — Chas. H. Frazier. Smith .11 2iu. 57 2^»<.; Fred Wo. d. Lticerfer, .i.; J. S. Prince :il, K. A. Ueibwn 4th,

i 5th and R. J-iinee Oth. •liryrl". proa atui', A. C. C. champion-

:i, lit, in 201. 59 2-5-.; F. JO 1 -5s. Buruham sped

'. i', lemainiug there. if, amatei.r— A. B. P.icb, Now York in:?; II. A. Ga.«ke!l. boston, 3d, 179 -tcr, T. r nto, 3.1, 141 poinU; U. S.

' p.jii«ts. G^kelt was inule, Fi ster the second,

t , i, Kich tbe fifth and six-b, I.,- tlie etvenlh aiw! eighth, Rich the ninth and (. 'lie t nth. (iaskell s lime, 31m 3o 4-5s.; Ricb, S.j. . 1-5J.

i'lvi.- uiiles, pronnteiir— WiLiam A. Rowe, I.ynn («cr:it 10, 1st, in 14:u 8 2-fK; Georae M. llendee ii,-r.:. k^ Springfield. 2', l.y a Iwlf wheel; F. K. Ivs,

, 3d; P.rcy W. Stone (150yds.), St.:h; Wm. A.P.hodes, on (15Oy<!s.), ft A. A.


tMil. ton

fV. 7-

joined in the bands to MUs Ciarie K. Lion at theChurch of the Holy Sepulchre, New York, ou Sopt. 21. I UchoylkiU te»-a by 62 to 0.Joy be with them.

•i (475jJ*.j, 0; Wai. tlaradou, Spring- . C; t'. T. Adams, Springfield Uar.idon led almcst continuously

- ....-cstii lap, when Rowe got in front. Thein two to five miics is the itfiUst evt i->rtcc, ai d tint f.,r five isnhfal of all anm-

'-' ' ~' ^ }.r.;fessioi.ul record..tenr—W. II. Bocdreaa, ..i. W. \Vi»re,Marblehead,

\v . sv. \v iL.iii?, Weft Millbnry, 3d; G. ::r,0; t'his K. Tracy, Waltharn, 0; J.

;.vnn, 0; O. J. Collins. Lj nn, 0.•rule1*, (ap, pr. tVs^ionn!—William M. Woodside, ipolw, Ut in l.mi. 9 t-5i; H. G. C.'ocker, Nea-

('. If. Fr»7irr ivnlthvlile, 3d; John S. Prince, -. Birmingliam, and W. J.

.ish. Frazier won the first . Crocker tbe third and

I... the fifth. Crotker the sixth aud .e rest. Woodside, el points; Crocker,

. 50s. limit, amateur A. C. U. champion- fi h, N. V. City, 1st in 2m. 47 l-5s.; Fred t. . '"'lit. -Tin 2m 47 4-os ;E. A. De B: .wn, Washington, 0; D. E. II -t, Waihiugton. 0.

ok tbe firdt lap, Rowe the second, Iv*s the third, Rove the fourth »sd rfth, Ithodos the sixth, seventh and ei7M'i and Ives the ninth. Ive»' time,•m. 2:1 l--ji: !'• ;• ilium, 0:n. 23s.

Thr." n'i!—'. (On'env—E. A. Do Blois, Hartford C^r - l^t, ia d:n. 4ii2-.lv.; W. H. Boudrean, S. . M, In 10m. Is.; P. S. Brown, Wash- i:.. . i,3,i; C. E.Tracy, Waltham (330yds.), 0; i.. .v '".. -ir.i. tyon (3i:iy:ls.), 0; C. W. Ware,"Mar- blehe&'l 117".)dp.), 0; J, B. Sni;r:ujin, Lynn {'^50>ds.), 0. 0. M. \V.. deu. Lynn (225yds.), 0; Fred Foster, To- ronlj. Unt. (scratch), 0. Th;: latter (luit at tbe end of three Ispg.

0: PJ!\ promateur—George M. Hendee, Spring- fl. i 41 2 -at.; F.F. Ives, Meriden. 2(1, in 2m 4 \V. etme, St. Louis, Sd; William A. h -., lib; C. P. Adams, Springfield, 5th.

JT. Ilia. cl«», amateur—W. B. Criat. V -t, in Sim. 34 2-53.; Fred Fneter, Toronto 2 i .-.is ; B. S. Kavanaugh, ('oboes, N. Y., 0 P.- .-.-.»«. W>-suuuEtoD,0; E. A. Da Blois, Hart f. - C. W. Ware, Maiblthead, 0; W. H. Boudreau,

T* J KiKes, lip, nr..fosfi. nil—Fred Wood, Irficejler Er..g., l=t, 43 niutj, i', -ti. 'Mi-Si.; H. C. Crocker Ne\»ri-.: ii'i^. «'. II. Fi;i/.ier, Smithvillp, tie for second ( ' W. M. Wo (bide, Minnsaroli.', 1th on ! ,t Euisli in oui. 34 1-oj.; R. A. Keibon 1 n S. Prince, Washington, 0; B. James

. -ricycle—H. W. Gaikf U, Boston (50yd-) §£.,.,, ... ... -m. lo 4-5s.; A. B. Rich, New York City(sd-iK.-h). Al in Dm. 11 l-5>.; D. F, Hunter, Salem (l.l-ov.Vi.M: G. M. Wordrn, Ijcn (£45yds.),4th; John T y.-ji,;....... i. .... • BOyds.), 0.

iV,' ur, A. C. U. championship, limit 1511. ndee, Springfield, 1st, in 14m 303-5-.: r-i-'-j ". .-n tie, St. Louis, 2d, in 14m. 3H F. f. Ives, Mcrideo, 3J; «'. A. Rhodes, Boston. 4th Khodea was the p'lol at the end of the first mil'--, Ivei•>t th? sjcu&d and Hendee at Ihe third, f jnrth and Anal.

One nii'o, lip, amateur—E. A. De Blois, Hartfjrd 1- Jin. 4:ia.; ^. E. Crist, Washjugton. 2d

I31-.U; D. E. Hunter. S:i!f m, 15; H. W ., 15; F. F ~ter, Toronto, 15; A. B. Rich

:v.o: U.S. Kiivanaugh, C.boes, 0. :'..[.. t-r f.~;..ral—William M. Woodaide h'. IT" ;. JM-; 0. H. Frazier, Sn.ithvillc

./Lhn S. Prince quit on the fourth lap .in Iho «leveuth, W.J.Morgan on Ih

The Meet of the Kansas Division—Election of Officers—The Races.

The meeting and race tourney of the Kansas L. A. W. Division were held at Junction City Sept. 22 and 23. The following officers were elected:—Seoretary-treasurer, Charles C. C'Jndy, of Fott Leavenworth; racing committee, C. S. Davis, Junction City; J. II. Everest, Lyons; P. B. Pulsifor, Concordia; C. W. Chandler, Paola; A. E. Curdy; di-trieting of Sute committee, \V. K. Irwin, Emporia; P. B. Pulsiftr, Coneor- di»; C. C. Condy, Fort I.eivenworth; vice con­ sul, C. S. Davis, Junction City. In the after­ noon the races were held on the quarter-mile bicycle track, which was in poor condition, ren­ dering quick time out of the question. Return:

Half-oiiitf State ch;uupionahip—The first heat was won by 11. S. Hale iu 2:0:11-5; the second heat was

•on by II. S. Hale in 2:03%.Mile amateur, o,pen—C. U. Ellit 1st, in 2:031-5; H.

.sbcroft 2.1.Mile L. A. W. Stale championship—J. H. Everest

«t, in 3:27^ H. S. Hale 2d.Quarter-mile Stite championship—J. H. Everest 1st,

n 47'^t.; R. S. Chambers 2d.Half-mile, hands oft'—J. H. Everest won in 2:22%Ilalf-mile State championship—H. S. Hale 1st, fn

Two and a quarter miles—Won by H. Asbcroft, of .antas City.Mile Slate championship—J. H. Ererett, 3:54%.Two-mile State chjuipituthip— H. S. Hale, 8:31; W.

. Asucroft M. _ ___

Racing in Minnesota.The Minnesota Division, League of American

Vheelmen, held their annual meet and races at Winona, Sett. 22, 23. Results:

Oue-mde, novice—Luud, Owatunna, 1st, in 3m. 21 4-6*.; Culler, UJ, 3m. 'i^vi.

H.ilf-uiiL>, 1:10 ciiite—Jlarneld, Wiiiora, 1st, in 1m. «s; D>nes 2.J, 1m. 31 4-5s.; Wilsjn 3d aii.1 Flecktn- tein 4 h.Two-mile, professional—Speir, Mioneapolis, 1st, in

m. 26 2-5i; IMI 2.1, 601. 27 3-5».; Dingley 3d.Httlr-iniK—S^vtige, Minneapolis, 1st, iu 1m. 20

-5s.; Marneld. 2J, 1m. 30j.Oae-mile, 3:*J clasj- Lnnd, Owat jnna, 1st, in 3m.

9 2-5s.; Burwick 2d, 3m. 22j.; C iltjr 3d.One-mile, club members—Stinchfleld 1st, in 3m.

4 4-5d ; Jnynes 2d, 3m. 2i».Three-miles—Savage, Minneapolis, 1st, in 10m.

2 2-5s.; Barwick 24,10m. »7 4-5j.Two-mile, 7: JO class—Vleckenitein 1st, in 7m. 21

-5s.; Wilson 2d, 7m. 24s.; Stan.'hnekl 3.1.One-mile, State ehumpionship—Savage, Minneapo-

is, 1st, in 3m. 21 ; Lund 2d, 3m. 22 3-5i.; Murneki *!.Five-mile, Northwestern championship—Savage was

he only starter; lime, 17m. 31 2-03. The first mile wa* make in 3m. 30'.

ll«l' mile, open—Lund 1st, ia lui. 3U; Barwick 2d, m. 31 l-5s.Half-mil", open— Savago, IsJ, in 3m. 17 2-5s.; Hart

Id, 3m. 21 i-5s.Oi>e-nilie, professional—Bell 1st, in 2m. fil l-5a.;

*pe»r 2J, im. 51 3-5s.ilftlf-mile, State championship—Savage 1st, iu 1m.

26 l-5s.; MarBeld, 21,1m. 20 3-59.lUlt'-mile, ban.la off—Ravage 1st, in lou 40 4-5^.;

rieckeD'Stein 2.1, lui. 40 :3-5i-Oue-nillr, 3:10 class—Lnnd 1st, in 3m. 15«.; Barwick

2d, 3m. 17s.One-mile, rewrd—Sav.ige 1st, in 3a>. 8 3-5s.; Mar-

field, 2d, 3m. 9 l-5s.Twenty-mile, L. A. W. championship—E. A. Savage r, in Hi. 11 2-5s. ____ ____

Racing at Baltimore.A tonrnirr.ent was held at Halstead'a Driving

Park, Arlington, near Baltimore, Sept. 30, under .he auspices of the associated clubs of Baltimore. The races were well attended—the fair sex being present in force—and were hotly contested. Re- ;urns:

Mile dash, open—R. A. Whitttngham 1st; Jere W. Lord 2a; time. 3.03 4-5.

Mile dash—W. P. Hall 1st; B. H. Stluemett id; time 3:18.

One and one-half mile challenge race for Maryland championship, W. B. Brown, of Biltimore 'Cy challenger—Open only to

, 11 G. Crncker on the twenty-fifth. Time"

GKe v V :_•

Tun u,il Mil. ' •! 2 rt'.v

bv ii. !«d: Ut, 2m. 43 I -"s.; Wo-xiaide, two miles, 5m 43 I..'H ; Wixjdsid", three miles, 8m. 35 4-fc; Woodside four mile', llm. 41 1 oi.; Woodside, five mile 1 , 14ra 40 1 k; Fruzier, six miles, 17m. 39 3 53.; Woudside peven miles, 2Dui. 392-53; WiKHldide, eight miles 24m. 4^11 5s; W'.olsido, nine mil..s, no time; Frazier ten miles, 2i,'ni. 30 l-5j.

Three mil^ prom-item-—William A. Rowe, Lynn ecritcli. 1st, iu 8m. 21 1-5*.; Percy W. Stone, &t. Louis 75>,ls. si«rt, 2J, by three length*; E. P. Bnrnhani Ne-it .-.n. OOj-ds.. 3d; C P.Adams, Sprlngfiel.l. 125>ds. 4ti.;',V"m. A. Kb "les, Boston, 50yi!s. 5th; F. F. Ives Mer .leu, fell oe ths first miU aud withdrew. Burn lurn ro,!^ the first railj iu 2m. 43 1 5*., and two mile m oni. 38 4-53.

Ou-i mil ii , cor.so! ition, amateur—H. S. Kavananz'n Coh us. 1-t, i»2iu. 52 2 5.<; G. M. Worden, l.ynn, 'il The wiurur led fr"m Ihe send-off.


the TTheelmon Must and Mnst No Do in the Peoples' Domain.

Captain CLasteaa, of tho Fnirmount Par!j^uP;i

Captain CLast uanl, ha? fariji the rules made by th

i for the guidance, not only o bi.j-'i-ta wh'j wuh to avail themselves of thi roa !~ in the park, but also by those wh> drtvi hoT-i-ea. Local itheelmen should study tbesi ruks carefully. Familiarity anl complirvnctherewith rany and will enable them to avoiiEr ,• . .- ....I-,.

''ion to bicycles pushed by th (. ••''tvl-n'T and Police:

• That all bicyclH unt volume nn to be I a all bicycles shal t .t m i'."i'u' i-hicics, etc. 3J: Tha ! not be ran at a rate greater than etvt t.

Irs be

. rule:! of the roa .-lit.

'. m and after this iu,-.l.all p«« ftbreasto

.|,rr>M-ing lo^sover hand)

sinners the follow .,-., i.v C.ipUIn Chasteat

.1 to have a burning lam

rsto nr* the ilrlv;nil chililren ridiu

, i.. allowed to use th

'•; to lidt; the several heav :n»:niit and uusli the ma

r. B. Hobby, Brooklyn A.'I 1 .*.. iiiilM >nn \\.>n tiy


by S. Barr, Brooklyn A. A. : . George Glut, New York Ci»y

One and one-half mile walk—Won by W. B*rri«n, Brooklyn A. A. (SOs.), in llm. 613-5s^ C. L. Kicol,. Brooklyn A. A. ), -ii.

,- 4 .u.

Two hundred and twenty yards run—Run in three trial heats and a Ii ml best. Won by F. P. Outruns Brooklyn A. A. (!>>d3.). in 21j.; H. A. Cornell, Brook­ lyn A. A. (8yds.), 2d.

-'- broad jumps—Won by S. Pitcher, dtch), who cleared :Uft. 2^in.; R.

A. C. (3ft.j,2<l,clearing, with his haudi-

Tno huuured aud twenty yardahurdle race—Run in two trials and a final heat—Won by •ciatcuinan C. T. Wiegund, of ih.i Nassau A. C., in 27 2-5s.; J. T. Norton, " an A. C. (12yds.), was a close second.

- -tir hundred and forty yards club run—This race was tho third eo jipetiuon tl.ra gold modal held by S. E. (Virbett. W. P. Taber (15yds.) won in 543-5j.; S. E. i.rlett (scnt.-hl. 2!.

r. I'.mp—Won by C. W. Stoknin

, . .«' race—Won by J. W. Bate'iiOj^a.,, iu aui. --ij^.; W. J. Sav.jy (scratch), 2d.

Getting Ready.The Yale freshnKu have elected tho following offi­

cers of their athletic organizations:—B «t Club—Presi dent, LoMis B. j»»try, df New York City; vice presi­ dent, Harry (J. tester, of St. Paul; treasurers, Howard 1>. Collins, ot Newport, and Arthur H. Day, cf New Haven. Foot ball—President, Horatio N. Strait, (fTroy; vico iJeut. Hugh N. Kleuiinj.', of K-ir,

usurers, Jaoiea A. Warner, of Albany, and Fred B. M»tt!iewj, of Philadelphia. Base ball—President, Frank f. Ball, of Sew VurkCitj; vico pr.sident, Wil­ liam M. t'iaffson, of Woodstone, C(. J.; trcasiireis, Ste­ phen H. Kohler, of Akron, Uhio, and Juhn U. Hitch- ell. of New York Cily. Tdoma* ¥. Bayard, Jr., a son of Secretary Bayard, is a member of the cl»*.

- . ^--- —A Hint Worth Noting.

Gccrge Ilaolon, t-lie of the famoiu family of acro­ bats, is opposed to j^yiunadiums and is of tha ..pinion that gymnastics are overdone. Talking with a Chieag:* reporter recently, he expres ed himielf on this matter, aud also on the subject of bdtliiug. He said:— ''I dou'l believe in plunge or shower baths. I strip in a com­ fortable room; wet a towel, wring it ont thoroughly and wipe the surface uf the entire bo4y; wet it agjin, tut leave • little moisture in it, and rub the body a^ain; once m"re, with still more water on the towel, and then rub off dry. Onr family has found that by all cdjs the best methol."

Pointer!.The Spartan Harriers will hold their neit paper

chase on Saturday afternoon, October 16, from Wood- lawn.

Fred Carpenter defeated James Shebey in a race of l:j7yds., for JOO, at Slew Bedford, Mass., Sept. 25. Time, 17i.

William Smith, of Camdeu, defeated John Brannan iu a 120-yards fit.t race at Gloucester, N. J., Seiit. 30, for a puise of £.lo.

The I'niveriity fall athletic games will take place on Oct. 10. Tiitre will be two events for etrangira, half-mile bicycles and half-mile running.

u t.i..»a U', inasmuch 4is Ike t ni-, ;ive trownwi down -'cane rushing. ",v!..'ke<i t'orwari to nithcon-

liians, for (hoy will

Uircuiiefiiate field ii«y sports.

' the frogman rlii i.at ia this year's in*


AH the Clubs of the Intcrcolletiate Asso­ ciation Getting Ready.

Th.> " ' -longing to the Intercollegiate Fot ' ition have already electci cap­ tain^.:.. . . 3 .... practice. This year Harvard will re-enter the League with Prineeton, Yale, Wetleyan and tbe University of Pennsylvania. It is as yet impossible to say how good a teaoi the t'nivcrsity will put in the field. Only four of !ait year's eleven remain — Graham, tbe full­ back; Tunis, Houston and Frazier, Wh:»t new material there is will be picked after the class games, which are now being played. Frederick (jrahain has been elected captain for the ensuing jear, and N". B. Young manager.

I'rinceton has lojt eight of last year's eleven, among whom arc the phenomenal half-back, Liunar, who made the run which give Priaoe- ton the championship, and Tracy Harris and Otptain De C-iaip, two of the strougest players Prince- ton evtr had. S.iTjge, Ciwau and C^.k are ihe thrte who remain; of these Savage will a?t ;n captain. Tho incoming fn-shman class numbers 1SL*, in wl.i^-h there

l,e jjo .d Foot ball, however,cannot be. taught in six le-nous, aud it is hudly pos­ sible that a team can be put in the field t^iid reason capable of keeisia.!; Pri ncetouftt the head of tlu* !.«.»»; tie.

Yale I aa ton if last year's team. Pet r-, '80, who captained tbe eleven last jear, has returned to take » course at tho law i-ciujol. Beecher ai:d Walkin^on, the senwtionul half-backs, ary among those who re- maiu. It is almost a ceitain thing that Yale will win tbe cbampioorhip.

Harvard's season of inaction has Dot hurt her chances in the least, as her cl-is-i games last year vier? marked by brilliant iiidiv, dual pi ijs and cluse scores. Walter S. Brooks will ca;.!niu the team.

At MahaDoy City, Pa., 25, a mile race for, .tl,iJ"0 between. Fred Harris, of JUIi.im.y City, and Ceolg1' Caton, ol Loousuiali;, was""wyll by Hitri-is ia 4m. 34s.

Harry Hutching, Ibe famoiu English sprinter, is going to Australia t> run a match at l^Ovtls. with T. Malone, of Sydney, S. S. W., f ,r two a eide, tho Aus­ tralian allowing him £100 for ezben^es.

Larry O'Hc-olihau, of Eist Boston, and John Mul- Une, (f Quincy, had a sprinting-tnatch at ibo last- named place Sept. 25, f. r a stake of §60. The distance was atout three-quarters of a mile, aiid O'Hooliban won in 3m. 10s.

C. A. J. Queckberner, the celebrated heavy-weightathlete, bas embraced double blessednrs*. having been '


Meeting of the Association and Schedule of the Games to be Played.

The Northern Intercollegiate Foot Bill Asso elation met at Springfield, Mass., Sept. 24, with delegates from Amherat, Tufts and Williams colleges. The Beaten Institute of Technology was not represent^!, failing to receive notice of meeting In season. The following offi-'ers were elected: President, A. J. Wells, of Williams; vice president, A. K. Snow, of Tufts; secretary, W. J. Nonrse, of Amher?!: treasurer, Mr. Cooley, of the school of Technology. I>flrtriu uth ap­ plied for admission, l,ut was refns-'d on account of dii- tance. T.'ie s.hejule of gnnies adopted is as f'.liowe: Oct. 20, TufH vs. Williaui at College Hill; Oct. £). Amherat vs. Technology at Amherl; Oct. 27, Technol­ ogy vs. Tufts at Boston; Oct. 30, Amherst vs. Williams al Amhertt; Nov. 3, Technology 13. Williams at Bj* ton, and Tufts vs. Amhcrst at College Hili; Nov. 4, Techmlogy vs. Amherst at Boston; Nov. 6, Willi«" s vs. Tuft^ at V* illiamatown; Nov. 9, Amherst vt*. _,.iu at Amherst; NJV. 17, Williams v«. Tjcb': ..jgj- at Wil- liamstown; Nov. 20, Tufts vs. Technology at College Hill, tkd Williams vs. Amherst at V illiamstown.

T'oten. On Sett. 30 tbe'Jr.ivSraty team beat the Falls of


^" • - at .Feroin*1 Park, Bl'Iijnt(»n Beach, j • :itonia—Trotting at Lcxiugtoii and

C .try J-'air8.At Jerome Park, Sept. 28—Gleaner, Conne-

runra, Mollie McCarthy's Lost, Stonebuek, Adonis, Ju.Ige (irilfith. Sept. 30—Herbert, Re­ bellion, Wick bani, V*le», Matah Rcdon, Burr Oak. Oct. 2—(jlcanor, laggard, Climax, Vo- laite, Little Minnie and M.ijor i'iekott.

AT BftiCUTON EKACH.Sept. 27—Amber, Ko-iere.('oramander,Crafde,

Florence M., and Poet. .Sept. 2'.»—tJIendon, Chuno, Big Head, Saludii, Ferg Kyle, .Mamie Hunt. Oct. 1 — Triple Cross, Young Duke, Uniqne, l»ell* Beacli, Sam Brojvn and Harry Mann.

AT cnvixnTOX, KY.The autumn ineetinj of tho L-itonia Jockey

Clab commenced at Covington, Ky., on Oct. 1.

at DelnumieoX ' 2i— ih* twentieth anniTenary ot lii*, . .mi tu'>ti <•! ihv club.

E<lvar<l Kmery, uf (hotel :O«D. Mil , had a 2 year-old i

heat.U; U;*t t

r lut indeed.,

•• ,i lo and I lu the third

Tbe entire collection nf stock of tl:«y Spring Hiil Trotting Stn.l. the pr.>}xriy i.f Ihe l«l« Harriaon Purki-e, is to be sohi «t pubKc ail.- in New York City, Nov. 3.

Rosa Willies, 2:18%. by George Wilken, dam by Maiit.rino-Patrhea, f. alrd her first en\t to Hartwo<}4, by Har Id, dam Tweedle, l/y Woodfoi'I-Mambrlnj on Sept 25.

A n .v. 1 tr.'ttins; rft'^e his been an-i(3gwl to take• -lie Pjrk, lloftou, on Oi't. II. A purse of

. odered for bt.r»enot' a white or gray color

* K*ell Farm of M;>jor CAinpEiell Br>wn's, th« •'. of tl.e [.liters Hrown Hal Hlirl Tennessee Wilkes,

The winners were lliuiyar, Ligan,fligbt, IJriie'.te, KigUtanray. Oct. 2. — Kennc- bec, Lisland, !Sir Joseph, Flora L., ilontaua Kegent.


Half-mile track. Scj>t. 28 — Adela, Georga Angus, Belle B., Bister. Oct. 1 — Alamo, Maggie A., Harry Russell, Hochester.

AT NKWSARKET, KT..The first October meeting at Newmarket com­

menced Seii". 28. Ormonde won the Great Foal Stakes and St. Mary the Iluiicful Stakes for 2- year olds. Sept. 29, Pearl Diver won the thirty-third running of the Gloat £astern Railway Handicap. Sept. 30, &t Mirin won the<ir*ud l>ufco Michael Stakes and J. U. Honidsworth '* 3-yiur-oU filly, by SpriiigneUI, wou the Xeu«i*i-ket October Handicap. 1h« mooting clised on Oct. 1, with the. Sous Memorial S akts, nhicli was won by J. Daw- son'a Caller llerrin.

AT LEXINC.TOX, KY.The Kentucky Truttiii2 llorso Breeders' A'sociition

meeting 01*1 cil at Lcsington, on Sept. z'J. Aeiral •on lh<» 2:27 trol; Graver Cleveland 2ii; best that-,

Tulttlllou won race tor jeatliogs, liait-nr.N l.(im; In at lime, l.-K'^J. Sept. 30, WoudmU ai.d Ilarl.ison, (h. g., by Wambmio Jor, won the Chimbs' Purse fur ihr«".;.imu.. hi rsjo; (>«it time, 2:27J4 Wild liak», t>y HMmbletuiiian M.tjsbrino, won the Ken­ tucky St-kes tor ihre..— vtar-olds; Ix-at lim-, 2:22>4. Del. 1, Mdnzanita won Ibe Hlue Una* Stakes fur four- year olj*; best time, :.':•_':>. Kin* Wi.Kes vvo the tyear-uld pacing ci,iS:; best t uie, 2:40^. The -:'^0 was won l>y Patn.u, llm U lljao 2tl, To;u Hi.ge beat lilu,.., 2:20>,j.

s 3d;

AT r,rTT»XDt KC,, S. .1.Fred N., Whitu Oak, }«"aw>n »u(i Rifleman were the

winners vmou t:io first t-.vo daje, Sept. 28 ami 29, of the Nnrih Uudaon Driving 1'ark Association at tiul.tn- bnrg, N. J.

AT POTfSTOWS, PA.Montgomery, Berks Hud Chester Connty Agricn'-

tura! Association's Fair, September 29.— Westoiout I eat Lorene in the special picing ilass; be.il tiDie, 'J:£2.

31. won ihe o-miunte cla-s; l*3t time,

lio. Srpt. o

, IVpe Ij«o w<.n the mile rnfinins race; time,

»on ihe Irot; L«dy1 inJa 2d; besl lime, 1-:i.V-A. Lady Jla-cul wun the 2:45 cU»; test time, 2.SiJ£. Ilartfuid won the 2:33 cU»=; tif»t lime, 2:26^. 1'upe I.*o won thu mile run; lime, 1:43>5. Ot. 1—Lajy Mascot nun the 2:50 cii.ss; best siroe, 2::'Uj/a . Mayrl-jMer wou the 2:22 cla?p; beat tim j, 2:3*2. luvi-1 G.fiNKJe'* P.l'j'lriver aod Burney di^titnctd their competitors in the double team race in 2:50.

AT IX>VEB, DEL.Delaware'^ State Fair commenced at Dover on tbo

28th of September. Th« winners of the several irot- tiiii? claa-ea »>rs: 2:50 race, Lillian; b .at lime, 2:37^. Pacing race, Lale Row, uf Ball imorr; best time, 2:27. Clay, an Actoma: county, Vj., colt, won Ibe colt race;1'fdt time, 2:3 Bt pt. 30 th» wmntrs wire: Frank. Rwtor 8 UelchaiitviMe the 2:M tror; lif st time, 2:3W j;

made aad Thomp-

bam; II. L. Kingsland, 2d. Time, 2:20%, 2:21. Win ner of third and final heat, Jere W. Lord; Whittlng. ham, 2d. Time, 1:29,1 :¥>y,.

Tw» mile handicap, open— H. L. Kingsland, 1st; B. A. Whittinghaiu,2d. Time, 0:11.

Three mile lap race, resident Maryland riders—R. A. Whittingham, 1st; John D. Lord, Jr., 2d. Time of race, 10:36%.

One mile consolatkn—John C. Turner, 1st; W. L. Seabrook, 2d. Time, 3:25.

A Chicago Club'a Races.Taere was bat a small attendance at the races

held under the auspices of the Chicago Owl Club Sept. 18, while a high wind prevented fast times. Results:

One-mile, novice—F. T. Harmon 1st, H. B. Winship 2d, W. B. Bnikley 3d; time, 3m. 3^8.

-Two-mile, open—*V. S. Webster 1st, H. W. Bowber 2.1; time, 6m. 16 l-5s.

One-mile, handicap, club—F. T. Harmon (.5s.) 1st; 0. U.-Hunger (5s.) 2d; C. B. Pierce (s,Tatch) 3d; time, 3m. 3 4-5s.

Tnre*-mi!e, handicap, open—N. H. Van Sicklen 1st, C. J. K'ug'j (20s) 2J; time, Om. 35 2-5j.

One-mile, handicap, C. B. C.—J. M. Crennan (los.) 1st, N. H. Van Sicklen (scratch) 2,1; time, 3m. 5 4-5j.

Hall-mile dash—W. S. Webster 1st, C. B. Peirce 2d; time, 1m. 27 3-5s.

Two-mile, lap race—W. S. Webster 1st, H. B. Win- ship 2ii; time not taken.

Slow race, 100yds.—C. B. Pierce 1st, C. H. Hunger 2d; time, 4m. 4 4-5*

One-mile, O. C. C. championship—I. T. Ilanuon 1st, C. H. Hunger M; time, 3m. 4 2-5s.

One-mile, Illinois Cycling Club championship—M. Bowber 1st, J. F. Palmer 2d, W. K. Burchey 3J; time, 3m. 101-5».

Thomas Stevcns and "Onting."NEW YORK, Oct. 1.—Editor SFOBTISO LirF.:—At the

last meeting of the League of American Wheelmen, held at Buffalo, a statement was nude by one of the prominent ppenkers calling iu question the character ol Thomas Steveng.

It was hinted that this gentleman belonged to a class of riders who are hired to exploit particular makes c f bicycles.

As Mr. Stevens is now crossing India and close to tbe Chinese frontier, this slanderous statement will not reach him for many weeks. Will you kindly allow me, therefor?, to state—

First—That Thomas Stevens is makicg the tour of tbe world solely us special correspondent of Outing.

Second—That he H at perfect liberty to ride any st;b of bicicle he chooses.

ler (S6^yds. start) won first prize in the Don- landicap, run at the Queen's l-runnds, Shef-

,ek*., Eng., Sept. 11. He wen by siji inches only, J. Addisou (STyoV. l being id, aud W. Martin, (83Ji)-ds.) 3d, t>y a like dUtauce.

Edward Farten and J. W. Waring ran one hundred yards for §50 a si <-le, on Ihe Monanajroish load, St. John, N. B., Se[ t. 21. They ran together for halt the distance, when Farren drew away and won in a jog; tiaie, 12^8., which ia slow enough to be correct.

Thomas Conners, the champion wrestler of England, who arrived in New York on Sept. '26, has issued a challenge to Joe Actc-u or any otber m:in in America to wrectle for 31,000 » sid-j, the match to take place iu New York or Philadelphia four weeks from signing articles.

The Wynntwoo dAthlotic Association of Philadel­ phia, elected the following officers: President, T. B. Dorrnan; vice president, John H. May; treasurer, Walter Scott; secretary, C. W. Humphreys; manager, D. Anson Partridge; directors, Thomas Twining, Francis Lawson and W. B. Lcst«r.

Two foot races came off at Island Park, near Al­ bany, N. Y., Sept. 25. The first was a 100yds. event, for a prize valued at §20, and was won by Coleman, defeating VV. F. Kearney, in 13s., on a heavy track. Jaa.<.£ Smith aud F. Coleman then Mn bulf-a-rftile for a ten spot, and the former proved the winner, in 2m. 25s.

At the annual meeting of tho Canadian Amateur Athletic Association the following odicers were elected f >r the enduing year: President, J. Pearson, Toronto; first vice president, George B. Stark, Montreal; second Ti:e president, H. Bieck, Toronto; hon. secretary, L. Dwight, Toronto; hon. treasurer, Captain J. O. McQee, Toronto.

Arthur Wb.irton, tbe amateur champion sprinter of England, on Sept. 4 ran 150y*U. iu 14 2-59. oa a slop­ ing grass track at Astoa Lower Grounds. He. r;in a dead beat from scratch and won the rnu-off in 14 4 5s., subsequently winning the 150yds. scratch race in the same time. Whartcn is a mulatto from San Dcmingo, who, at the English bummer meeting ran lOUyds. iu 10s.

Several foot races were run at PbilionX Patetson, N. J., on the evening of Sjpt. 25. Luke Duukerly won the amateur gold metUl by covering live miles iu 31m. 86. Peter He'gelmaa succeeded in an attempt to beat E. C. Carter's time for two miles on that track, tho dis­ tance being covered iu loin. 21s., and Thomas i)c!;iny defeated Peter Golden ia a five-mile race for $50 a side, ia 27m. 47s. The race, which was very exciting, was won by one foot.

The Spartan Harriers opened the cross country

Lnylvania University team has arranged __ J:— Oct. U, University vs. Lthigh; O:t. 11, _- niTcrslty vs. University graduates; Oct. 16 and 23,

University vs. I'rinceton; Oct. 20 and 3o, University vs.Lafayette.

season with a chase from Mount Vernon Sept. 25.in New York. Too hares— Messrs. John Hatton, W. E. K»ox and A. Jaeger— were started «t ten minutes to 4 o'clock p. M. The pack of hounds under Edward Weicacht, as pacemaker, started ten minutes later.

Thini—That his eipemes are paid exclusively and The hares got hime first after a delightful run of entirely by Ovting. atout twelve miles at ten minutes past 5 o'clock. The

Fourth—That no special manufacturing interests Pack made a fine and exciting finish twelve minutes have anything to say In regard to Outitig, tbe entire and sole control being vested in the editor.

I am, yours vciy truly, POVITSCY Bisltow.

Wheel Notes.The Brooklyn Bicycle Club held a five-mile road

race on tho Boulevard, S.-pt. 25, O. K. Todd winning in 22m. 5 3-On.; T. B. Uawkina2d and William Vail 3d.

Some time this fall Bowe will attempt, on the Lynn track, lo lower all the record) from tho quarter to twenty udks, and endtavor to make a reccrd for tbe hour. ^

John 6. Hitchcock, of Omaha, Neb., the well-known cyctiat, wft4 recently picked np in the streets of Min­ neapolis fn a dazed condition, and is BOW confined iu an intane asylum.

Percy Furnivall, the English amatenr champion, won a hve-mile scratch rsco at Lillie Bridge, £ng., Sept. 11, for the fifty-guineas Kildare Cup, held by W. F. Ball. He was two le.ngthf) ahead ol K. May* at the finish, who was a length ahead of Fenlon. Speedily aUo ran. Time, 10m. 3 2-5s.

The Camdon, N. J., wheelmen are making big preparatioiw for their opening race meet over the new quartor-mile track at Stoikton Park, Eighteenth end Fe'lerjl streets, on Saturday, Oct. 18. The programme is made np of thirteen contests from ft quarter-mile to thr.:o miles, the winners to receive valuable prizes. Entries close on:the| lllh in«. In case of rain the meet will be postponed until the following Saturday.

RACI.M5 IN NF.W JEUSKV.—Tho Millviilo, N. J., Bi­ cycle Clnb held a connty meet Sept. 25, about 1,000 persons attending. Re&ult:—One inilo novice—George Kobinson won in 3m. 2s.; Lew Brandiff 2d, 3m. 5X". One, and one-qnurter mile dash—Norton Lndlow won in 4m. 3^s.; S. Culver 2d. Half-mile, with bat one pclnl—Lew BiandifTwon In lui. 51>ft.; George Porch 3d, 1m. Ma. Five-mile race, county (biiinpicLJliip anl Kcti'iall silver cnp—Jnmes Peareo:i won in 15m.

Thrco-mtlorHC*.—Ilowell and Porch retired. near the finish, leaving Pearson t!>

It apixnre alter al] that Will '• ton, was not «o i.li-.tic fts tl. wonM le.id one to believe, fj. ing.of the Cabin John Bridge at a ili/./.j altitude, «ud tho litter part of tho journey 011 the big wheel alone, Iml, SIT, there was a ropo lied around the body of the sensib!.; cycler, tho other end of which was held by friends, r.nd another line »ss attached to the machine and w&s Bccured In lika manner. Will is one of the cleverest trick riders in tbe country, and is w«ll suj)- plied with the average brain power, which has not y.;t succumbed to ossification — tales to the contrary not­ withstanding. "I knew him well, Horatio," and he was not a fellow of such influite jest — not such a crank — as he rides a Star, and not a falling one either.

later.TotBVAViKT AT KANSAS CITY.—Held at the base

ball park in Kaiifas City, Mo., Sept. 26. Keturn: 100- yds. inn—Won by Arthur Mitcbell, in llj^s; T. Gregory 2'!; 440jds. race—Won by G. P. MA*on, ia 53s.; J. F. Bruton, 2.1. Standing broad jump—Pettifer, 12i't. 9J>iin. Running broad jump—Randolph, 17ft. 7%in. Half mile run—Won by C. P. Mason, In 2:16. Running high jump—T. Randolph, 5fl. 5in. A broad­ sword monn'ed combnt between Inincan C. Ross and Scrg. Walek resulted in a victory for Bos«.

An athletic meeting wai held Sept. 23 ou H. S. COB- don's ground*, near Perryville, Md. Upwards ot 1,000 spectators wore present. A large number of athletes were in attendance, among them being M. W. Ford, of New Y»rk. Ford won the lunning race, a d^sh of ab»ut eighty yards, in 9s.; Mack llermott, of the Fifih Regiment, Baltimore, 2d. In che high jumping Ford jump 5Tt. Sill, and Mack Dernlott 5ft. 4in. The soft coniiti«n of ths eround handicapped the men. W. L. Co»don tkrew the 161b. hammer 98ft. llin. M. W. F.rt put the n». shot 35ft. 4%in. W. L. Condon threw Ike KTb. weight 24ft. lin. Sparring, horizontal and parallel bar and other gymnastic exercises fol­ lowed.

How GEORGE COLLAPSED.—It seems that George col­ lapsed in hia four-mile race with Cummings, directly the Scotchman set up the pace in the fourth mile. Ho was clearly out of condition, and cannot well win the third and deciding race of the series at tea mile* Oct. 2, in Birmingham. The rumor of a fake has no foun datUn. George bet a large amount on himself and lost it all. The first quarter was ran iu 1:142-5, the first mile In 5:00"^, two miles in 10:122-5, three mile} in 15:11, and tho four miles in 20:122-5. George tt'ipt'e-1 at three and a half miles and Cunimings ran t" ' ' r aloue in 07s. Cnmmiugs said after i bent him George must have beaten r- 'i l''ng v-ty.

Benevolilit Asso-. 'iTinmil picnic and ;. i>. All the events v.eie luuui,:aia. Uuiu:u.,: luij ynils—Won in tho final heat l-v J. J. C.illcapie, Wust Si.le A. C. (scratch); time, 10%« "; C. H. Matthew, Spartan Harriers (lyd.) 2d. Oo«» mile walk.—Won by scratchinan J. J. Mc- Permott, of the Olympic A. C.; time, 6.B. Ma.; H. l>ai,K<. I n.ii.n.. A C. (25 seconds'stur!),2d. 220 yardl

The Lafayette College clnss of '8S in a game of foot ball at Easton, Pa., Sept. 25, defeated tha class of '80 by tbe score of 32 to 0. Following this was a game between '87 and '69, resulting iu favor of '87 by the score of 4 to 0.

The Staten Inland Foot Ball Club has been organized frjm r,niong the players in the Athletic Rowing, Staten Island Cricket and Clift.ja Foot Hail club?, and has joined Ihe American Fuot Ball Union. The (fficT-i for the season are: A. B. Boardmau, president; A. W. Morris, secretary; P. W. Smith, treasurer; C. A. Mac- Donald, captain.

A meeting of the Hamilton Collegiate Institute Foo'.ball Club wai held last week for the purpcss of orgitizing for the season. The following officers were elected: Hon. president, Sir. P. S. Campbell; president, Mr. Charles Robertpoi.; secretary, Mr. I. B. Turner; ccmmitteeof Diaoa^emi nt, Messrs. Thompson, Clark, Thorn, Livingstone and SI.-Kwen.

Forty Harvard men assembled in fcot ball suits on Jarvis field Sept. 30 to show what material was avail­ able for a foot ball team to fitht Yale and Princetoo this fall. A great deal of enthusiasm and very little skill were shown by the candidates. One new man, Hariin?, of "90, Exeter's best tJarer of lait fall, ihowed to good alvantage, and will get en the team. Peabody, Willard, Fletcber, HoHenand Porter will make the main strength of the team this fall.

Brooks, '87, captain of the Harvard eleven, met Ihe candidates for the foot ball team on Jarvis Friday after- ii'-on. About thirty men appeared, among whom welt: Willarii, '87; Hotelier, '67; Peabody, '87; Thompson, '87; Porter, '88; Holder, '88; Bancroft, '86: Scott, 'b9; Newell,'89; Morse,'89; Trafford,'89, aud Houeynian, '89. CupSain BrooRs believes in scientific tactics1 rather than slugging, anl intends to mak-i Harvard show up well in spite of her two years' forced retirement fruui Ihe field.

The inter-clasa games at tbe University of Pennsyl­ vania have been finished. On Sept. 22 class '87 beat '89 I y 20 to 0; on the 23d the Seniors deleated the Freshmen by 33 to 0; on the 24ih the Freshmen for­ feited to the Juniors; on the 2fith the Sophomores de­ feated the Juniors by 10 to 0; on the 28t!i '87 btut '88 37 to 0. Tbe last game was played on the 30th, when the Sophomores beat the Freshmen 24 to 0. The re­ sult of the class games ha* snown the Seniors to have tbe champion cla>s eleven.

The five foot ball clnl>s which at present constitute the American Foot Bill Union were represented at the fall meeting Sept. 30, at >'o. 213 Broadway, I\ew York. The Brooklyn Hill, Stiten Island, Spartan Haniers, Unions, of Columbia College, and Cutlers, organized by the election of Clareuce Smith as presi­ dent, and W. Halsey as secretary, and an informal adoption of a constitution find by laws. A coinmiUee was appointed to couftr with the New York Athletic ai.d Polytechnic Institute clubs with regard to mem­ bership fa the Union. The annual dues were fixed at $10. The schedule of games will be filed next Uun day.

The American Foot Ball Association met in New ark, N.J , Sept.25, every clnh being represented. A sub-commiitee consisting of Messrs. Hood, Waldrou aud Grant were appointed to arrange preliminaries for the visit of a Canadim team on Thanksgiving. The usual routine business having been transacted the tir*l ties in tlie competition for the cup, were drawn. Tbe result was ss follows: 1, New York VP. We*t Si'Je, of New York; 2, Paterson vs. Trenton; 3, Ktarny Rangers vs. TiSany Ilovers; 4, Alma vj. (lark's 0. N. T. Pilgrims, of New York, drew a bye. It was re­ solved that the tie be played off on or before- the last Saturday in October.

. The detail of games, however, does not pr<;- great ailisparitj—drawn, 2; Sr. V,, 15; Juilge

start'!; i

"H. H. l5m. 4-J- 220 jai.

. ,. Schwc'ger, Amei Scan A. C. (3yd».

McCarthy, Scottish American ., :. Boys rare, 200 yards— Won by .t New York City (2yds. »t«rt); time,

..oil. Brooklyn (lyds. start). 2d. One

Chess Notes.The Franklin Chess Club, of this city, last week

moved into commodious new quarters at No. 1319 Walnut etreet.

A match has been arranged between the Irish and Scottish chess associations. There will be about forty-seven players on each side.

There is a movement on foot to organize a Rho.j. I'lsn.t State Chess Association, upon a plan similar to that which has proved so successful in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and other States.

An extraordinary impetus bas been given to chesa In Havana by the fxialing there as consul of Seo'T Don A. C. Vazquez, the Mexican chimpicn. He has already contested four mutches with Senor Don Celsc Golmayo, tho Cuban champion, winning one to a loss of three. ~' ser.t so f......... . .G., 18. With Senor Carvajal, the matches stand two to one in the brilliant Mexican's favor, the games being strictly equal—drawn, 2; each played 10. A fifth match with Judge Golmayo has opem d one to one.

Tho third meeting of the prcmo era of the Inter­ national chess tourney WM h. Id ?cpt 25 in the new h(;use of tho New York Chess Club, 158 Sec.'nl avenue New York. Representatives \vr-re present from New York, Brooklyn, Metropolitan, Jetfer-ioniat. and oth<T clubs, as well as lending playcn from di!T.-rent parts of the country. In the nbsenco of Presi li.nt Poje Mr Steinitz occupied the chair. Jlr. Loy.l, ptesidm tf the New York Club, Mr. Schui.crt and Mr. Elli- wortli were appointed as a committee on jngrammf tj report at the uext meeting on Oct. U. This «i| be the first inteinational congress ever hold in thi. country. Heretofore these tourneys have been bel( in London, where an international contest can bo ha* by imr-ly crossing the channel. The prizes will ag gregate at lea«« $>),000, with |i,OUO for the first prize

At a meeting of the Pettvboro, Ont., Gun Club his.....i, 11 .. fallowing officers weio elected: Prcsidonl

i Judge Weller; first vii:e president, Bnd vice president, U. Calcutt; secretary

ircimim, U. W. Kent.

, , .«I tio:;best time, 2:31. The fair closed Oct. 1:

B Sylvester won the 2:30 trot; best time,

Lillian, road »~ ;-^ IHI.T, ..ji/.iarf, Z:V%. Bay MuleV.'H"30. Clay woaaci.lt rise; best i


Alterations Made in British Turf Law- Fred Webb Injured.

LONDON, Sept. 30.—A full attendance of the ornmittee of the Jockey Club at Newmarket confirmed the following alterations of rules, msaed at Newmarket at the July meeting:

No, horse, when once under the starter's ordeis, shall ;o tack except in case rf accidt-n*.

The clerk of the scales shall, if requested, allow one pound for tuib or double bridle.

Every jockey shall pay one sovereign for every ap­ prentice and ten shillings for his license, to be ap- died with bis subscription tj the Beutiuck Benevo- 'ent and Provid, nt Fund.

When a cup or udde-1 money is advertised to be run ror it shall be given even in the event of a walk-over.

The following motion was lost:Gentlemen «h'ill not rid-- races with licensed jockeys

n eqna! conditions of weight except with the express.emission of tho stewards of the Jockey C.ub.

The HOD. II. W. Fitzwiliiim, brother of Earl •Mtzwiliiam, was elected as successor to the

Marquis of Londonderry, resigned in c mse- quence of his acceptance of the Lord Lieuten­ ancy of Ireland.

A JOCKEY BCHT.The third "Fred" among the jockeyp, Webb,

rhile riding his private hack on the Newmar- let Heath this afternoon, fetched a bad stum- )le, whicb. broke his collar bone. Two eminent medicals came to his relief, and gave the verdict of "no interns! injuries, but that he would be ont of tbe saddle for the rest of the season." An odd conjunction of racing names was observed lo-diy at the Lanark meeting in tho Douglas Nursery Handicap—trover Cleveland's Clarice won and James Buchanan'a Thespia was second

Annual Meet of the First Troop Philadel­ phia City Cavalry.

The First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry presents an exceedingly interesting programme for its fourth unnual fall race meeting, to be held at Ueluiont 1'ark Thur&lay, Oct. 14, com­ mencing at 2 p. M. Every member of the or­ ganization we are assured is taking a personal interest in the event, and if the weather is pro­ pitious it promises to be one of the most brilliant and successful racing matinees ever held in the Quaker City. The programme is made of a raco for "Tha Captain's Cup," open to Troopers only; a mila dash for hacks und h.'ilfbrcc-dp a mile hurdle race over four hurdles; "The Overbrook Cup," a mile dash, open to Troopers only; "The Pres­ entation Stakes," a dash of three-quarters of a mile for three-year-olds and upward*; a sweepstakes of $10 p. p. added to ft purse of $-100, presented by Walter (Jiatz; etetplechmr, open to members of reco?nize( hunt clubs and the First Troop, P. C. C. The las event will be a steepitclrrae sweepstakes of £10 each vithf',00 aided. Entries close Oct. 7 with the race committee, P. 0. box No. 116, Philadelphia.

Track Talk.Walter Gratz talkj of wintering his horses iu

Memphis.There is likely to be a match between Connsmara

md Ferenzi.Chef.pn, the bookmaker, tas purchased a breeding

farm near Lexington.There will be one or two new California raco stabiea

to come Kftat next season.Eli Ager was one of the officials of the Luzern

county races at Wyoming, 1'a.Peter V. Jobnstcn has given up hi* position a

trainer at the Indian Hiil *tock farm, Ky.The Latoni* Jockey Club for the firet time lince It

organization bas difliK-nstd with hurdle racing.The horses of W. 8. Birnei 4 Co. will be sold in th

West this fall to close out a partnership concern.Pool-selling was brisk at the Kentucky Trotting

Horse Breeders' meeting at Lexington last week.The trcttiiig mare M.ibel A., 2:23;^,by Attorney.was

lately purchased by P.. Schiitl*, of St. Paul, Miun.It was Kentucky against California in the 2:20 class

at Lexiugton, with Blue Grass Patron in tho ascend­ ancy.

Mr. Schwartz, It is said, proposes to clean the roads

jaturtiay, Oit. 9.The s tie of Commod- re Kitteon's Ei-Jenheim stock

will be held at Jerome Park on Ilia filli iiut. The lot twenty-oue yearliugH, tew two year-olds, and

ix tbree-yenr-.ild«.Tr.ple €10 i, winut-r of the tfl.i '• -*e

Irigbton Beach hut Fri l^y, |»iil tin ' )r 85 in tho members' box atid s' 1 Imnoe in the liocks."Raneocas," the gnjatest breeding farm in the world,

nd uU th it ii ccritoim, id vet down lo be sold posi-vely wilho'it reserro and tj tbe highest bidder OD

"rlday, lo:h of Oelol* r.Eo t m, San^ua and Liwreuc^ h^ve combined under

he he-ivii of tlie drand Eistein Trutting Circuit. Pan-es to thu amount of $jj,fKj) Mill Le «8ered. Tha ircuit c ptr.s at Mystic Part Oct. 12Seventy thousand pnople attended Wiswnsin's SMte

'air at MilMHiik^e, an 1 the gross receij.ts were $-25,000. i is i!iK'U;led to i»ay off some of the t>ld debt, and a anci-ioiiie lubil.e will be l»!'t bcti-lis.Mike Wiiker, the pacer, who fthows a most remark-

b!e burst of rpoed at times, is gaij to have an ex- eedingly bad temper, and when upon the track l» lable to belt the fecce ;vt any moment.The receipt-* ot" Ihe late Rerki county fair held at

Seeding reached over $l!l,000, the largest am->uut ever enli/ r d by tho s«x'iety. Aiter uli espensea have been aid there v. ill be a meg haliuce left of over $4,OOU.W. D. Kikard s Ida ll-uki "i wo:i the -:!5 cl«8g, best

ime *2 41V4 . an t Kirdnrd llentscliellV brown mureizzia It. \\jn the 2:-M class, bent time 2.31^, at Ihe

(anovei County Agri, iiliural S-jtiity'« tiir on the l»t•,«. *

At a ineetincj of (bo AViseon'in State Veterinary He-IK-al Associaiion held at Mihvaukee on Sept. 25, it

fla uhown that the Asiocfali-jn \rm ID the highest de-ree. pn>sj)eri'U!". Articles of in*-ur|ioratio« have beenre:ur<r'l to the Lcgisliture. Metropolitan, a bay stallion 13 yuan olJ, by

Hjgily*'* HamMefa^nian, dam H\acinth,by Volunteer,li«jir-'i»rty of£. G. Doolitila, New York' City, died• clie s:ut>les ofCrit l>uvi^, llanodjlur^, Ky., on Sept. :-\ of dropsy and Liood poison.Pitlsburg horsemen have arnin^ed for a testimonial

n the way of =i trjtiing exhibition fr the widow of he late Koily Pattenon, Jr. ll.'i. Intei Co., lessees f Exptjbition Park, have tendered the use of the rouudd f.r the worthy oljwt.The two-year-old colt C. II. Todd. which broke th€

•eat two-year old mile r.cor.l at ^tocktoo, on Sept. 22, Blade s.'ven eighths of a mile- At 3<in J>>«e on W^dnes- ay in 1:'28J.^, beating the recjrd by *4*. The eld-'st son of Tom t.'annon, lh. v noted English

ockey, m.ide his debut in th-j pig-skin at Sandown 'ark recently, lie chimed t!io wpprentices' allow­

ance upon Ttiracjat iu the Juveail** Selling iandicap, and framed exceedingly well.

ntiue RoUniLii, Jr.'s, sorrel *,'?! Hsi.; Conundrcm Ihe Ii:-a !in? gelding Shu^-itrins: iu a haif-mila

leat rice at Polls own last week. Tne Reading peo- »le were certain their horse would wi», but he hai no ho\v in tlie race. Th* br-»*t heit w^i ^~ 1,^.After ell ue^itiatioas h-td b.'ou m;nlj by D. M.

Karsh, of Cleveland, for tbepnrelns* *>!' the mare Big fonni •, 2:2i% and D-IVJ Mocklo w«Bi t> Bothwell,

, l» buog her 011, George J,.hn«, her owner, recon- idert:d the matter and rbfused to part with her.Philadelphia is not represented bv a single entry in

he State Trjtting Horse Grredrii' Assocw'ion to be lelu in Pittsburg on Wednes-Lty an i TbursUay of this

will be the scene of a t of yuiiQg stock on

week. There ;ire *iuilo a iruml*r of entries,lowever, an1 the meeting promises to be u success.

Charles Marvin, tbe trainer, hai i*M Sphinx, one ol :he fast's: ihrco-yeir-oHs ever bred at Palo Alto, ?nl, to Sutherland and Benjamio, of East Siginaw, Midi., for $6,(Xifl. Thee It v.-Bssira-l by Electioneer, dam by Belmont, second dam Waters-itch, by Pilot,

Lenigh county had a great fair at Allentowu last week. Ths speeding part of the programme was the chief attraction. In tho frte-ftr-all class Jacob iJader's Jesee boat Kobeit D-mjs*frs Loreuzo and three others in four heats; test t-ne «f winner

Mr. Fred Gebhard intends to builJ a la^ge private table upon the Polo Gr^vmd-( adj.rining Jerome Park.

The gemlenum proposes lo bave o,uite a racing stable next season. He has secured Tom Little to train his steeplechasers, and it is said that Earb««, the jockey, has also been secured.

During tho recent races at Lee Purk. Wiikesbarre,Pa., W. S. Wtlla, a well-known r ef that city., ,and 73 yea- a of age, drove hid inure Kate llano, 18year§old,a quarif-rmile In l ia 1:14%. Mr. Wells challe ao equal to tbia performance.

a half i tuc worli to produce

EJna T., a young and promiiiuj trottias »are, fall sister to Lady Barefoot, broke li«r nrai' hind leg while beina driven a 2:40 cl-p f»t the N»v." York Driving Chip's track last \\eek antl sh« v** coMpclled to be de^patcLtd. fche wtw owcoJ by Kniil Thomas, of Hob ben, N. J., aod w as valued (tt |3,(MJO.

PhiUip Ittiub, of Dallas, this State, wua offered 82,500 for bis sorrel gelding Cyclone l.»t week, bnt the tempting offer was refoaed. C.vck'ne hgs been very

ul at fairs throughout the State this fall, andhis owneras he is a young hor-*- yet and pr

thinks he can wait for Incurs de%-^iopmeat-j."Knap" McC-trthy issaiil to har« b-3cn presented

wiih £500 for driving Beile F. ia th» $IO,(JOU race at Hariford. Clo-e friends of lh» jx>pol»i' driver, how­ ever, believe nothing of the kiud. Upon the other hand, thcv say he received a severe censure from the owner of tho mare for not laying her up after tue sec- oisd heat.

WiM Rahe, winnor of toe Kentucky Stakes for 3- year-ol-ls last wetk at Lexingt*-n, w a »on <>f Haruble- louitin Mambnuo. the pr*.per*> of Mr. f'h.irl'-f! Bossell, of this city. To bout »wch yfrirpftev1* aa Bermuda, MUbrcaker and ttso C.Jifoinia Sphinx \9 no taay thiiiiz, but WiM Bttko downed them h.iml jumely and with something to spare.

Leonard Jerome, of New Yoik, thinks he has de- TiSdil a new gyst^m of belting on nic^s which the law cannot touch. Sopvrintei.deDt Slur-ay, of the New Yi.rk City police depsiitment. \\!i-'u si«jken to in re­ gard tj the matter, said he pn>p'«e<i to prevent evenprop

law iindirect violation of Ibe law aa much at fashionable Jtrome Park as at the cheap pool ruoms,

Dr. James A. Marshall officiated as starung jadgo at the Union County Agricultural Hocuty's races at Le wisburp-, Pa. The hantliomo reteri oarian is a capital juige upon all occasion^, b«f he was never Been to a better advaat:;tge than iu the present instance, aod his nume is likely to be he'd ia the very highctt esti­ mation by tbt; Union county people f,*r mauy dajs to come.

Tho National Horse Show to be held at Madison Squate Cadets, New York, in Sox-embar promises to eclipss all other exhibitions ever s;iven by ike associa­ tion. Among the special feutu es will be a special pviw for » hunter beating the highest jamp — Oft. Gin.; a ppeci.il priz^ by Mr. A. J. (Wa't tor tho best and fattest walker under saddle, and &,(M in plate for tho best fi>ur-Hi-baijii team.

Tbe three-year- ;!d coli rftco between J. H. De Blott'd b»y getfiinr, by Som-uto, an i J. It. Honpton's Wt*rk c«It, by KfcQtncky I'nnce, f>r $1,0(KJ a ride, to take place at Fb*two^ «l Park, H. Y , Oct. 15, Is looked upon with consk!er;ib!e i.jt--ie^t among the merobera of the New York Driving Clnb George Martin will handle the &>rreitt> colt, and Jo'm iiurphy will take care of the son of Kentucky Prince,

"There is no nation upon the face of the earthwhich s the inhabitant-; of tho United States

. , ,iu Chicago this winter »Ha Oliver K. and Charlie llogan to the pole.

Adeie Gould, tbe trotting mare, hn» been brc'I to Bayonne Prince. It is wU<l that the maro has c>m- pletely broken down.

John Forbe^, a w*ll-kr.o*n horsf-man of Woodstock,Ontario,day, 'JHth of So

,t Shc^psbead Bay raco track on Tues­

The fair at Oxford. Pa., 1 wt wefr'-r, w*<) ft liig suoce^. Swit'.-h »nd BiUie A. won th* important troU and Sagwa ihe jaun^ race.

The running aicttiiu at the half-milt1 truck In ibiscity is Jmterrst t»kr n in the mci

wearily akmg. There is alrolutt-iy no

their teuderuesa and con^ior^tian for horses. T'-ronghout the length acd breadth of the Union no such tuuig as a blinker or a beariLK-u-m is ever seen, fxcept it be in th^ equipage of sonio fojlwh and fash­ ionable New York lady, who blindly imitates her barghty M.-jter upon this side of Ihe Atlantic even in th- stylV of her carriage aod haraeaa." — London Daily Teleijra'ph.

Ace- rdiug to tho Providence Star there were loud complaints by the local horsemen over tho firm belief that they were trotting against "lingers" !• tho Nar- r.iKan^e tt Park races. The clum i* mado that in the 2:37 class the marc Mattie B. h certainly a "ringor" and has a record in the toena. H ia believed that she is the celebrated muro Catohfly, au>l wbon an investi­ gation wan to havo been DKidi! sbe wai spirited away. "Kitty's Ba'^v" was al&o entered tu trot, but her owner fi-r Ei-nie uLikn^vfn reason took her quietly out of the city.

At the recent California State Fair, Joe Danlela wan awarded tho firat prize for thoroughbred atalltom of 4 yt«.rj» and over; C. S. Criitswlen's Ju»o the sweet)- stakes pti/e, as well as tho ficdt pri7:3 for tbe best trot­ ting s'ttllion of 4 years and ovc; on cxhibilion, onfl the fame gentleman g.>t first prize for thu best doublo team ufioadatcrc. In live stock, other tuan horses; lion. LolaoU Sfanf.'rd v;is siwarded tho gold medal in the firftt (iuparrment. Ow fair was » grtat sticcesa, rti.tj it is expt cted that the de-'>t »f the nswoiation will bw rtducod SlO.OGi).

Burt Thompson, the j-ckey who was thrown from I his borso at the Windr-stcr. 0-, races, died fioin tho iiyuri*. a few days aftt'nvanl.

An altem;.t h»a l«en nmd > to t'uin T.eonains, tint, his leg has filled every lime lie lit>» bee." Rail >pi-d. He will bo pern.une-ntly r< tired.

Lo'tie P. the wi.-ilkii.iwn Western pacer, with aruconlo at n .'ombinari'inPeoria, III., en *'t)t. K, f.r ?WU.

Harry Wltkm. Ollvr K . Ari»», Phylli-i, Hello Y., andCharli.i II'' ! for the free-for-allClllS! »t St. I. '

V. S. Hi.riib-' HhlpjUnclw Countythis Slut", h.i.l 11 va' ', nmr«_ kicked todeath in a ii.'M our. 1 ' ^cpt. 25.

ERIE OiCU.va Ci.t'H K.vrK:-..—field at Eiio, Pa. Scl>*. 21. Results: Ons ir.ili:—Port Ptifiord, Erin, won in 3:r,l; Fri-nX Carr, Eric, »•!. H,\lf mile—B. S, Blovers, W.*.S.jW, K. Y.,W(.-II in 1:-W; Wlllbm W. If.'fie, Krir-, 2il. Two milei—E. S. Blawofs, Wr-etfield. N. A'., von in 7m. IT;'lf uiili-. K'.i'c-ty—K. Fairl«(irn, Krie, wou in 2:00; D. S. Cr.'-ufcr), Erie, 2d. Club challenge bmlfc", OHO mil.-—Wen by Williani W. Piecce, aged !0, of Erio, iu 3:31.

The New England Assncwtioo of Pol.) Clubs m«t Ia Boston Sopt. E7. Tbe following <-fli-'»rj tor tho e»ju-

ef K

. . »CTB 'slcctod: I'rwiiiMit, Krcnk 0. Bancroft,

IkJIcr'l; rice pro.i!Ucbt, Fran'; A. lappc-D, of

of New lifilfi ivc: -1 llerM.l; W. A.I' itil-.' •!•-"•: fll. T*-.-
