What's new in Mainframe Express




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What’s new in Mainframe Express® 3.0




Introduction 3

1 Mainframe Compatibility 4

1.1 Enterprise COBOL for z/OS 4

1.2 DB2 4

1.3 IMS 5

1.4 CICS 5

1.5 JCL Support 5

2 Testing Enhancements 6

2.1 Test Coverage 6

3 Editing Enhancements 7

3.1 ISPF-style source editing 7

3.2 Embedded SQL (ESQL) Assistant 7

3.3 Data file editing 8

4 Usability Improvements 9

4.1 IDE enhancements 9

4.2 Dragging and Dropping Files into a Project 9

4.3 Displaying Files that are not in a Project 9

4.4 Updating Workgroup Status When Adding Directories 9

4.5 Audio Visual Tutorials 10

5 Administration and Implementation features 11

5.1 Product Administration: 11

5.2 Application Management: 14

6 New! – Mainframe Express® Enterprise Edition 16

6.1 Introduction 16

6.2 Analysis Option 16

6.3 AppMaster Builder 16

6.4 Component Generator 17




Micro Focus Mainframe Express® is the leading PC-based developmentenvironment for IBM mainframe applications, enabling rapid editing, compilation,debugging and testing of applications in a Windows environment. Providing acomprehensive suite of tools that includes mainframe emulators and specializedmainframe connectivity technology, programmers are more motivated and moreproductive with this modern and cost effective alternative to traditional mainframehosted development.

Mainframe Express 3.0 includes a wide range of new and enhanced features focusedon productivity, manageability and mainframe compatibility. Many of the highlightsare described below.

Micro Focus is also excited to introduce Mainframe Express Enterprise Edition.Highlights of the capabilities introduced in this new product edition are also describedbelow.



1 Mainframe CompatibilityIn this release there is improved mainframe compatibility in the following areas:

1.1 Enterprise COBOL for z/OSWe have introduced a new COBOL dialect setting in Mainframe Express called‘Enterprise COBOL for z/OS’. This provides compatibility with the latest generationof IBM’s mainframe COBOL compiler.

Notable enhancements provided by this COBOL dialect include support for Unicodedata types and support for XML PARSE syntax.

Support for XML GENERATE syntax (introduced by IBM in Enterprise COBOLV3R3) will be included in a WebSync release soon after Mainframe Express 3.0becomes generally available.

1.2 DB2

1.2.1 Mainframe version compatibilityVersion Full DB2 v7 support will be included in the SQL Option for DB2.

Preliminary support for DB2 v8 will be provided in Mainframe Express 3.0 viasubsequent Websync releases. Additionally, ODBC and JDBC support will be addedinto Mainframe Express 3.0.

1.2.2 ODBC Driver for SQL OptionMainframe Express now includes an optional ODBC driver for SQL Option. Thisallows ODBC enabled tools or applications to communicate with SQL Optiondatabases.

Instructions on how to install the ODBC driver can be found in the MainframeExpress User Guide.

1.2.3 JDBC Driver for Java applicationsSQL Option now provides a JDBC driver, so that Java applications can interact withthe XDB database engine.

1.2.4 SQL Option UNICODE SupportSQL Option now supports UNICODE in a fashion similar to mainframe DB2; bothUTF-8 and UTF-16 data can be stored in appropriately designated SQL tables.



1.2.5 Debugging of COBOL Stored ProceduresYou can now debug COBOL stored procedures using Mainframe Express from a Javaapplication.

1.3 IMSNew syntax support for IMS is provided in Mainframe Express 3.0 in line with IMSv8. The additional new features are also available:

• MQSeries Trigger Monitor• MQSeries IMS Bridge• Transaction Import• Component Generator support• Large DB support• ODBA (AERTDLI) support• GSAM reposition after BMP restart• IMSDBU support for sequential files• IMSDBU execution from JCL

1.4 CICSNew syntax support for CICS is provided in Mainframe Express 3.0 in line with CICSCICS TS v2.2. Information on supported APIs is available in the Mainframe ExpressUser Guide.

1.5 JCL SupportThe following new functionality has been added to the JCL support in MainframeExpress:

• COMPARE utility (MFJMATCH) - Compares two MVS data sets. It acceptsany record format, record length or data set organization supported byMainframe Express.

• Support for unloading (DSNTIAUL) and reloading (DSNUTILB) SQL Optionfor DB2 tables from JCL

• Support for executing any SQL statement that can be executed dynamically(DSNTEP2).

• MFJDG has been added to emulate the IEBDG mainframe utility for creatingtest data.



2 Testing Enhancements

2.1 Test CoverageDevelopers often need to show that they have performed testing which has covered alllogical paths through a program. Using the new Test Coverage utility, you canproduce a report to illustrate the extent of test coverage, and can promote this reportalong with the source code at the various stages of the development lifecycle.

This enables you to track which COBOL code has been executed (and how manytimes) during a single (or multiple) test run(s). A test coverage report can begenerated to highlight areas that may require more testing, and to show a summary ofpercentage code coverage during testing. This report (available in HTML or plaintext) may optionally be used as a deliverable as part of the Quality Assurance process.



3 Editing Enhancements

3.1 ISPF-style source editingAn observation sometimes made by new users of Mainframe Express is how differentthe Mainframe Express editor looks compared to mainframe ISPF. This is because the3270 character based environment provides a very different ‘look and feel’ to thelatest graphical editors available in modern development environments likeMainframe Express.

To ease the learning curve for new users as they make the transition away from legacytools, we have added an option which introduces ISPF-like features to the MainframeExpress source editor. This means that when this feature is enabled, you can useseveral of the most common ISPF primary and line commands from within theMainframe Express source editor.

Additional enhancements have been made to source file editing:

• Navigation bar - The Mainframe Express source code editor now features anavigation bar on the right of the window frame. Indicators in the navigationbar show where compilation errors, bookmarks and breakpoints exist in yoursource code. By clicking on an indicator, the editor moves to that point in yourcode and places the cursor in the indicated line.

• Automatic line numbering and line renumbering - You can now specifythat lines in your source code are to be numbered when you save your sourcecode. You can also renumber lines, and remove the line numbers.

• Block style cursor for overtype mode - You can specify that, if the editor isin overtype mode, the cursor is changed to a block style cursor rather than avertical line.

• Autocomplete - You can specify that the editor should attempt toautocomplete data names or procedure names in your program. The editor canonly autocomplete for programs that have previously been compiled.

3.2 Embedded SQL (ESQL) AssistantESQL Assistant is a new Mainframe Express tool to help you build and test SQLqueries using either SQL Option for DB2 or IBM UDB databases. The ESQLAssistant helps you to add SQL calls into your code by use of prompts and wizardsrather than having to manually hand-code the SQL. This tool looks inside your DB2location to see what tables and other entities are available, and allows you to createSQL syntax by simple point and click actions.



3.3 Data file editing

3.3.1 Cut and PasteThe data file editor now supports the use of cut, copy and paste operations, includingthe acceptance of text blocks created by other tools.

3.3.2 Editing Files in HexadecimalMainframe Express now enables you to open files in a hexadecimal editor. You cando this when you choose to open a file using File > Open. One of the options on theOpen dialog is Open as; if you select Binary, the file is opened in a hexadecimaleditor. This is useful for investigating data problems eg., when DCB information isnot available or is unknown..



4 Usability Improvements

4.1 IDE enhancementsSeveral enhancements have been made to the Integrated Development Environment(IDE) to aid usability. These include:

• Indicators on the right edge of the editor window to show position of errorsand breakpoints.

• Single click on individual tabs for closing edit/browse windows when severalare open.

• Option that allows you to make dockable windows translucent – this is auseful visual enhancement, especially when many windows are open andoverlapping

• Mainframe Express now enables you to export COBOL reports to a newediting window, which allows you to edit the information to your own needs.

4.2 Dragging and Dropping Files into a ProjectYou can now add files to a Mainframe Express project by dragging and droppingfrom any other application or utility that supports drag and drop (including MyMainframe). By default, dropping a file into a Mainframe Express project causes acopy of the original file to be made in the project directory. However, you can useeither of the following two methods to make Mainframe Express use a link to theoriginal file rather than create a copy of it:

• hold down Ctrl during the drag and drop• use the right mouse button for the drag and drop. When you release the button

a popup menu is displayed asking if you want to make a copy or create a link

4.3 Displaying Files that are not in a ProjectWhen navigating a project, Mainframe Express previously restricted your view toonly those files in the project. To view files that were not in the project you had toswitch from Mainframe Express, use a utility such as My Computer to navigate yourfiles, and then return to Mainframe Express. Mainframe Express now has an option toenable you to view files outside a project.

4.4 Updating Workgroup Status When Adding DirectoriesPreviously, adding a directory to a workgroup level updated the workgroup status.This process could take some time and the IDE was locked until it was complete. Thishas been optimized so that the update only happens if the directory contains at leastone file, and it now takes place as a background task which means you can continueto use Mainframe Express while the update is carried out.



4.5 DocumentationThe Mainframe Express documentation has been updated – it can all now be accessedfrom the Start menu in a more consistent format.

4.6 Audio Visual TutorialsRecorded tutorials of some of the new Mainframe Express Enterprise Edition featuresare available from the Start menu.



5 Administration and Implementation featuresIn addition to productivity and quality improvements as described above, we haveadded a number of enhancements to help with the manageability and administration ofthe Mainframe Express solution. For administrators, these are summarised below:

5.1 Product Administration:

5.1.1 Mainframe Express Administrator's ToolkitThis comprises tools that make it easier to perform common Mainframe Expressadministration tasks. These tools are:

• Automatic FixPack Installation (AFI).• AFI enables you to automatically install FixPacks using a central .ini file,

giving you greater control over the FixPack versions running on clientmachines.

• Automatic Synchronize and Compile (ASC).• ASC enables you to automatically synchronize components on the PC with

components on the mainframe. This includes facilities to identify source typesand build executables (loadlibs) for the use of Mainframe Express developers.

5.1.2 Usage Logging facilityUsage logging enables you to track the use of Micro Focus products. It does this bypassing information about such operations as opening files and start of debugging, toa user-created program, enabling you to select the information and format it to yourrequirements.

This enables you to monitor and measure the usage patterns of Mainframe Express tohelp determine the return on investment being achieved.

5.1.3 Integration of Mainframe Manager into Mainframe Access.Mainframe Manager has now been incorporated into Mainframe Access. This helps tosimplify the installation and packaging of this software, as held on the HostConnectivity CDROM that is available with Mainframe Express.

Additionally, several improvements have been made to the host connectivity softwarethat should result in better overall performance.



5.1.4 Long filename SupportIt is now possible to install Mainframe Express using long filenames supported bylatest versions of Windows, rather than the previous restriction of 8.3 lengthfilenames.

5.1.5 Terminal Services and Citrix® SupportMainframe Express now supports Windows Terminal Services and Citrix® as anoperating environment.

5.1.6 License ManagementLicense management improvements have been made to allow a more flexibleapproach when implementing a managed Mainframe Express environment.

Improvements include:

• Web-based license keysThis automates the process of issuing request/response keys and removes timedelays associated with this.

• Removal of hardware license keys for License ServerPreviously, License Server implementations required a parallel port securitykey (known as a dongle). This is no longer required.

5.1.7 Exporting Project Settings to XMLMainframe Express now includes a command-line utility that enables you to exportproject settings to an XML file.

This is useful for tracking and viewing the content of template project files, or forcomparing similar user project files for problem determination without the need toview project content and settings from the IDE.

5.1.8 SQL Option settings per projectYou can now specify distinct SQL Option client-side settings and parameters at theproject (.MVP) level. For instance, each project can be associated with a differentdefault SQL Option location.

5.1.9 Compacting ProjectsTo minimize the size of Mainframe Express project (.mvp) files you can perform oneof the following operations:

• click Project > Compact Project• specify the /COMPACT option to the mfecl command line



5.1.10 Quick BuildA new option, Quick Build, has been added to the Build menu. Performing a QuickBuild operation only builds objects that Mainframe Express recognizes as being out ofdate or that failed during the previous build operation.

A toolbar button has been added for Quick Build (in addition to the existing Buildbutton).

5.1.11 JCL User ExitsMainframe Express now provides a facility called the JCL user exit, which enablesyou to monitor and control various events that occur during execution of a job or TSOsession. Certain events enable the user exit to alter the actions that follow the event.For example, when a job is submitted for execution, the user exit can modify the jobor create a new one.

5.1.12 PCOMP SupportThe PCOMP Compiler directive has been added to enable you to specify a user-program as a pre-compiler for COBOL or BMS files. The user program can use"CBL_EXIT_PROC" to perform some post build processing. If the specified userprogram is not found, the compilation fails

5.1.13 Entry Point Mapping Enhancements

Mainframe Express now enables you to control whether it looks for programs to loadusing mfentmap.dat before or after searching the load libraries for them. This canhelp increase performance when large loadlibs are used.

You can also specify CICS-specific entry name maps in the file cics.mfentmap.dat inthe project folder. These definitions take precedence over any definitions in othermfentmap.dat files. If you are not running or debugging a CICS application, theCICS-specific file is ignored and the usual precedence rules are used.

You can also specify the file default.mfentmap.dat, which will be used whenevercics.mfentmap.dat isn't used (that is, for non-CICS applications). Functionality isidentical to cics.mfentmap.dat. These definitions take precedence over anydefinitions in other mfentmap.dat files. If you are not running or debugging anapplication that uses the default.mfentmap.dat, this file is ignored and the usualprecedence rules are used.



5.1.14 Project PortabilityIn previous versions of Mainframe Express project files contained absolute referencesto installation and user folders which prevented the distribution of projects across PCsthat did not have identical configurations. With this version of Mainframe Express,new projects are created using indirect references to the installation and user folders,which means the project files are much more portable.

The indirect references are listed as $<MFE.Install> and $<MFE.User> in the FilesView and Workgroup View.

5.1.15 Using Mainframe-style Data Set NamesThe PC Dataset Name option on the General tab of the Catalog page on the ProjectSettings dialog box lets you choose how Mainframe Express assigns the PC filenameto correspond to a mainframe data set. The following three options are available:

• Use sxxxxxx.dat names. The PC filenames are assigned using the sequences0000001.dat, s0000002.dat, s000000n.dat.

• Dots into subdirectories. The PC filenames are assigned by converting dots inthe data set name to backslashes (\) in the PC filename. For example, themainframe data set name PROD.ACCT.JULY would be assigned toPROD/ACCT/JULY on the PC.

• Use mainframe names. The PC filenames are assigned using the same name asthe mainframe data set, with an extension of .dat (unless a default extensionwas supplied on the ALLOC function, in which case that would be used). Thefile is created in the Catalog Data workgrouping folder. This will be thedefault for new projects.

This facility makes it easier to identify data files, especially useful for sharing datawith other Mainframe Express users and for identifying redundant files which can bedeleted.

5.2 Application Management:

5.2.1 Workgrouping-style PathsMainframe Express now provides workgrouping-style data search paths.Instead of Mainframe Express using the folder specified in the Allocation Folder editbox when looking for data files, it now uses the active Catalog Data folder (which willhave a blue check mark next to it).

This functionality enables you to use different data locations depending on theworkgroup levels in use, and works for all types of data source, although the initialpriority is support for flat COBOL files. If a data file isn't found during debugging,



you are prompted to enter the file's location, and Mainframe Express adds the locationyou specify to the project.

5.2.2 IMS Transaction Import FacilityMainframe Express now provides the IMS Transaction Import facility, which reads anIMS stage 1 file - which contains the definitions for transactions, terminals andprinters for the IMS system - then extracts the transaction definitions, and imports thetransactions into a Mainframe Express project. To use this facility, the IMS Stage 1file must be downloaded from the mainframe and be in EBCDIC format.

This facility speeds up the process of setting up an IMS testing environment,potentially saving much time that would otherwise be spent on manual keying oftransaction definitions.

5.2.3 Bulk Importing and Cataloging of Application Data FilesThis is a new facility for automatically populating the Mainframe Express catalogwith data file definitions from the mainframe.

This allows you to run a job in a special mode such that the datasets that it uses willbe created and, when requested those datasets can be searched for on the mainframeand downloaded to the PC. This can save you several hours of effort when setting uptemplate projects and data.

5.2.4 Support for UNLOAD/RELOAD DB2 Tables from JCLDB2 tables can now be loaded from and unloaded into DSNTIAUL format files viaJCL. This means that existing JCL for data population can be ported to MainframeExpress and used with the SQL Option instead of building new EXPORT andIMPORT scripts.



6 New! – Mainframe Express® Enterprise Edition

6.1 IntroductionMainframe Express Enterprise Edition is a new product offering that is available asan upgrade to existing customers which adds the power of Micro Focus applicationgeneration and Web services capabilities into a single integrated toolset. This editionallows fast and easy extension of existing CICS and IMS transactions into newsoftware architectures such as J2EE (eg. WebSphere Application Server) andMicrosoft .NET.

6.2 Analysis OptionAnalysis Option enables you to find out a wide range of information about yourapplication. Examples of the information available using Analysis Option are a list ofstatements that could change the value of a specified data item and a graphical viewof the flow of control through the application. The Analysis Option is available withinboth the AppMaster Builder component and the Mainframe Express IDE, allowingusers to take advantage of advanced analysis capabilities regardless of thedevelopment approach.

Customers with Mainframe Express Enterprise Edition will benefit from new analysiscapabilities available directly from within the Mainframe Express IDE (IntegratedDevelopment Environment). For programmer-level analysis tasks, it will no longer benecessary to launch a separate product or tool. Instead, the following functions will beavailable with just a few clicks of the mouse:

• Impact Analysis tools• Analysis query tools• COBOL outline view for easy code navigation• Flowcharts• System diagrams

Accessing these functions within Mainframe Express provides further productivitygains across a wider scope of the development lifecycle supporting all major sourcetypes such as COBOL, S-COBOL, Assembler, PL/I (where installed) and JCL.

6.3 AppMaster BuilderAppMaster Builder allows very fast creation of whole applications (such as IMS andCICS transactions and batch systems) including generation of supportinginfrastructure items such as screen maps and database copybooks. The process isautomated and can be carried out with a minimum of coding using a point and clickapproach. The resultant application is a pure mainframe COBOL application that iseasy to debug and understand, with no proprietary runtime components required fordeployment into production.



For customers migrating from APS for MVS, additional benefits include an APS toAppMaster Builder migration wizard, and tight integration with the MainframeExpress development environment.

6.4 Component GeneratorWith Component Generator, you can capture complete legacy application businessprocesses and automatically generate reusable, industry-standard components in theform of JavaBeans, EJBs, COM, XML, WML and J2ME for use throughout yourenterprise. With Component Generator you can:

• Maximize return on existing mainframe assets - enable mainframe assets to beintegrated into new applications, extending the life and value of your legacyinvestments.

• Create mainframe components - develop and generate components thatprovide access to complete legacy business processes which can be reused andintegrated with your other enterprise applications or combined with customand off-the-shelf components to assemble new applications.

• Reduce risk - no changes to existing applications are required since thegenerated components interface to your existing transactions and manage allcommunication with your legacy application.

• Support standard component models – eg. JavaBeans, EJBs, COM and .NET• Enable mainframe assets for use in B2B transactions - visually map

mainframe data to vertical industry XML DTDs.• Support access to mainframe assets from wireless and consumer devices using

