Whats New in BSM9


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HP Business Service Management 9.00

What's New Software version: 9.00 / July 2010

This file provides information about new features and enhancements to HP Business Service Management 9.00.

BSM 9.00 New Features and Capabilities - Introduction BSM 9.00 is focused on delivering compounding value to customers by providing not only new features for specific BSM applications, but also delivering core integrations via cross-domain consolidated services and applications featuring shared components. Application Performance Management and the Consolidate Service and Operations Bridge utilize data and topology coming from all BSM domains, including Network and Systems Management. Data collected from the domains is aligned to consistent business service definitions driven via the Run-time Service Model. Integration is intrinsic to the environment and its associated applications.

Unified BSM Platform and Shared Services

The Run-time Service Model

BSM Service and Operations Bridge

The Dashboard - MyBSM/Service Health

Application Performance Management

Systems Management

Network Management

Business Service Management Documentation

Legal Notices

Unified BSM Platform and Shared Services The unified BSM platform plays a critical part in bringing the BSM consolidation vision to reality by providing centralized services that focus on three main goals:

Provide consistent behavior across BSM applications•Improve operations efficiency using innovative UI mashup technology and centralized configuration services such as downtime, location and/or notifications

Reduce Total Cost of Ownership by:•

Simplifying deployment and reducing the footprint of the product. New BSM Server Deployment Manager allows customers to tune their deployment based on their business needs or applications in use

Align OS and databases support matrix cross BSM components◦

Create unified High Availability solution◦

Cloud Ready and Virtualization support - VMware and HyperV◦

Unified BSM Platform Services can be divided into four categories:

Infrastructure Services that are consumed by all BSM applications. Some of the services are required in order to provide an Enterprise Ready solution - such as License services, Permissions Management, Encryption and Authentication, others are more low-level technical services like Messaging Bus or Service Execution Scheduler.

Data and Topology Services include all data and topology acquisition channels as well as data access and storage services. All incoming data is aligned to the business service definition stored in the Operational Database ODB. The data can be enriched with downtime information in order to help and optimize BSM application flows.

Core Services provide centralized services or components that consume cross-domain content and provide data or configuration consolidation such as downtime or location management.

Extended Services provide logical processes that take information collected from various instrumentation sources and processes and present the results in a consistent and coordinated fashion.

Example: Centralized downtime across BSM Platform BSM 9.00 introduces the capability for administrators to be able to define downtime explicitly on business and infrastructure CI's (Business Application, Business Process, Node, CI Collection, Running Software). Adaptive to changes in the model.

Centralized administration•Model-aware•Scheduling (once, daily, weekly, monthly)•Out of the box actions to enforce during downtime•Notifications based on user recipients•External REST API •

The Run-time Service Model Any IT Enterprise that is properly aligned with business objectives must be focused on ensuring the health and availability of specific IT services. To maintain service health effectively in today's dynamic environments, the ability for enterprise management technologies to be equally dynamic is critical.

The Run-time Service Model (RtSM) is a key component to the BSM 9.00 platform which delivers the unique ability to capture and leverage data collected from a variety of data sources and to use the data to meet the challenges of maintaining service health, event correlation and event reduction in real time. The RtSM delivers at its core the ability for enterprise management deployments

The RtSM is based on the CMDB paradigm and leverages like technologies but is designed to serve a distinctly different purpose than a traditional CMDB. The RtSM and UCMDB complement each other and should be considered, along with scheduled Discovery technologies, to be elements of a complete CMS ecosystem.

Note: In BSM 9.00, the RtSM is referred to as the ODB (Operational Database) in the product software interface and documentation. This will be updated for BSM 9.01.

The Relationship between the Run-time Service Model and the UCMDB Both the Run-time Service Model and the Universal CMDB leverage the same core technology foundation. The BSM Run-time Service model extends this technology foundation and embeds it as an operational repository within the BSM platform where it provides near real-time discovery and update capabilities to ensure the "currency" of the service model.

The Universal CMDB acts as the heart of the HP CMS solution where it functions as an integrated CMDB supporting configuration management. Configuration management processes are typically focused on change and configuration management use cases such as change impact analysis, compliance, configuration reporting etc. Historically CMDBs provide service maps with infrastructure configurations and dependencies that are typically created and updated at scheduled discovery intervals (daily, weekly, after a change window etc.) The primary vehicle expected to be used to populate the Universal CMDB continues to be HP DFM.

Key Capabilities of the BSM Run-time Service Model A complete and integrated service model: It encompasses the entire physical and virtual service infrastructure, including transactions, applications, servers, storage, and networks, fully integrated to present a complete view of each IT service.

Automated creation: The service model is automatically discovered and created using native BSM operational solutions like BPM, RUM, Diagnostics, TransactionVision, SiteScope, HPOM, SPIs, NNMi, etc. It can be updated and share model information with the rest of the CMS.

Up to date maintenance: The service model is kept up to date in near real-time using BSM operational solutions.

BSM Service and Operations Bridge

Consolidated Event and Performance Management - OMi Within the BSM context, OMi serves as the consolidated event manager from all domains including NNMi\EUM\BTM and systems management with event information from Operations Manager (HPOM) and SiteScope. It also integrates 3rd party event managers as well.

New Features The capability to now track the business impact score for a particular event is now included. Business priority is calculated for each incoming event and helps to prioritize the events. Results are featured on the event console in the context of the event.

Operations Orchestration integration is now included - automation, run books that can run manually on event, can be defined on event type and not only CI type.

3rd party integration via Integration Adapter, North bound and south bound integration capabilities allows for a more robust implementation of HP Software's Closed Loop Incident Process solution (CLIP). North bound integration adaptor is used to integrate with Service Manager, third party incident management

systems, and notification systems. South Bound integrations allow 3rd party solutions like MS SCOM to deliver information to the BSM centralized event system.

Pipeline correlation of events in addition to Topology Based Event Correlation (TBEC), additional event correlation and enrichment capabilities.

Event Management sub-system now included in base BSM server. In previous OMi releases, all events would have to be processed by an HPOM server then routed to the OMi consolidation view. Now the BSM-OMi server itself and process events. However, for configuration of agents, an HPOM server is still required as an administration console.

Service Level Management SLM administration usability enhancements•Ability to create SLA that is calculated based on system events from OMi•Integrated Service Builder using the RtSM modeling studio•SLA hierarchy based on BSM impact model•

Other General Features Unified Business Service Management Console with service impact analysis•Map Events to Configuration Items - assess impact•Consolidate application Health Indicators, CMDB and Key Performance indicators into one holistic view

Topology Based Event Correlation distills complex event streams into actionable events - leverage model based hierarchy

Accurately assign events to owners, eliminate ambiguity•Reduce MTTR by focusing the attention on the cause event rather than addressing symptoms

The Dashboard - MyBSM/Service Health The Dashboard in BSM 9.00 is now called Service Health; the MyBSM application still exists.

MyBSM The new generation MyBSM is based on a new underlying technology that offers comprehensive customization capabilities based on Web 2.0 (known in BSM as UI Mashup). BSM 9.00 comes with a variety of out-of-the-box views, based on common needs of specific IT personas. MyBSM adds the ability to creates customized pages and extends the component gallery to launch any URL-based portlet.

New Features UI mashup technology based on lightweight HTML-based framework•Customizable portal with ability to save user/role-specific views•Context sharing across customizable dashboards•Page and component gallery•URL component builder - launch any URL based component and pass information along with parameters

Simplified back-end wiring supports any URL-based presentation•

Service Health

The Service Health application is also based on the UI mashup technology, thus it also offers extensive customization options (as described above). The Service Health application offers out-of-the-box pages that include all the necessary information to track the health of business applications with end user and system perspectives.

New Features Service Health administration usability enhancements •Local Impact Views, which offer a new capability to build views whose status calculation rules impact only themselves rather than the global model calculation logic. This new capability enables the following use cases:

Building "what you see is what you get" views. Meaning only CIs that are included in the view will impact its calculation scope

Defining a customized calculation logic that will not affect other views in BSM

Generic solution to calculate breakdowns CIs (e.g., transaction by location)

Business Impact information (for Business Service, Business Process, and Service Level Agreements)

More control over the propagation of KPIs with new propagation manager in KPI Assignments

Application Performance Management

End User Management The End User Management applications, HP Business Process Monitor and HP Real User Monitor, share a number of significant enhancements which simplify both their deployment and usage, when used stand-alone and together. These enhancements include:

End User Management on the Model•

The Run-time Service Model is used as a single configuration source for BPM and RUM, greatly simplifying administration with a configure once, use everywhere approach. This enables administrators to both model the end-user services and monitoring needs in a single action and have this seamlessly flow into dashboard views with no further configuration.

The EUM applications are standardize to the same data-model used across the other Application Performance Management products such as HP Diagnostics and HP TransactionVision, and populate this model directly with transactions and dependencies, thereby increasing the consistency of the data model.

Integrated End User Management Administration and Reporting•

A new integrated End User Management Administration UI has been introduced, providing the ability to administer both HP Business Process Monitor and HP Real User Monitor from a single UI, therefore streamlining and simplifying configuration.

Both Alerts and Locations can also be administered from within the same UI further increasing alignment and improving the overall time to value.

Many of the End User Management reports have been updated to share the same framework and combine data from both HP Real User Monitoring and HP Business Process Monitoring in the same reports. This multiplies the value of using both products to monitor common applications and transactions, improving both visibility and streaming the user workflows to isolation of application issues more quickly.

New combined reports provide higher level business and application based reports combining data from both products, enabling a `bird's eye view' of the current and recent health of applications or locations from an end user perspective.

BSM Citizenship and leveraging new platform capabilities•

Both End User Management applications leverage the new common location model provided by the BSM Platform which includes the ability to have both geographical and logical models. This central location model consolidates and simplifies configuration of both locations and the ability to set locations offsets for easier threshold management. By leveraging this new location model the End User Management applications introduce the new capability to set thresholds and alerts by locations for the same transactions.

HP Business Process Monitor and HP Real User Monitor products leverage and populate the new Health Indicators for use in the new Service Health dashboard allowing for better granularity of underlying issues and improved visibility of measurements from multiple monitoring domains on the same applications and transactions.

Both End User Management applications leverage the new common Downtime service from the platform, allowing the suppression of alerts or visualization in report of managed/planned downtimes, thereby reducing the number of false alerts.

End User Management reports can be utilized in the new MyBTO dashboard. Enabling users or administrators the ability to create rich personalized views.

New Licensing key management and visibility, improving the ability to understand license compliance.

Business Process Monitor The Run-time Service Model is automatically updated by Business Process Monitor to include business transaction components from BPM. These business transaction CI's are automatically reconciled with CI's discovered by related monitoring tools such as HP Diagnostics. This allows users of Business Process Monitor with other application and infrastructure monitoring tools to automatically correlate the top level business transaction performance to the underlying application infrastructure items.

Deployment and configuration improvements•

Global search and replace with the ability to perform bulk updates. Save time updating common or repetitive configuration elements with simple bulk search and replace operations

Parameterization of scripts to allow for central management of script configuration element such as central management of username and password

Thresholds on transaction performance or availability by location. ◦

Script repository performance and import improvements. Instead of loading on script at a time, import many with simple drag and drop operations

Single step configuration of a transaction with this a user can simply create a transaction and insert a URL instead of creating and uploading script

Enhanced Reporting•

As highlighted earlier, where applicable reports have been enhance to combine both Real User Monitor and Business Process Monitor data, and new higher level business and application reports(including location based reports) have been introduced

The workflow of reports is improved leading to faster problem isolation◦

HP Real User Monitor Enhanced agent-less application performance monitoring. HP Real User Monitoring introduces a broad new set of capabilities which extend it beyond HTTP user monitoring.

Real User Monitor reports, alerting and events have all been extended to add in the ability monitoring non-web (HTTP) based protocols. Supported protocols can be monitored in the same way that HTTP based applications are monitored. Real User Monitoring introduces the new construct of "Actions" which for HTTP monitoring relate to Pages, but for other protocols such as SQL Server an Action would be a SQL Statement, or for a web-service and action would be a SOAP Operations.

The Actions referred to above (such as Pages, SQL Statements FTP Requests) are automatically discovered and classified by Real User Monitor, greatly simplifying the administrations.

A monitored application can now be defined as containing Tiers, each Tier being a different layer in the application which is monitored via a different protocol. For example an application may contain a Web Tier, LDAP Tier, Web-Service Tier, and Database Tier. Real User Monitor contains new reports to show an aggregated view of the health and performance of each tier within the application, thereby accelerating application problem isolation. Furthermore, Real User Monitor can auto discover the tiers within an application and create this tier grouping, so reducing the administration.

Agentless Transaction Monitoring is a new capability added to Real User Monitor. Agentless transaction monitoring provides aggregated monitoring of transactions across the backend tiers and can show the associated flow maps in the new Transaction Management application. Agentless transaction monitoring provides a simplified (passive) approach to monitoring back-end transactions and understanding the flows and relationships involved.

The Run-time Service Model is automatically updated by Real User Monitor. Real User Monitor discovery is based on both the servers and running software that it observes the traffic flow across, populating these configuration items (CIs) into the model. These CI's are automatically reconciled with CI's discovered by related monitoring tools such as HP Diagnostics. All Application Performance Management products share and populate a common data model. Improving the consistency and visibility of the dynamic environment on which transactions flow across.

Extended support to include monitoring of applications access through the Citrix environment. Real User Monitor now provides the new capabilities to monitor the performance of both users and applications which are access via Citrix, extending the range of environments that can be monitored.

Deployment and configuration improvements•

Simplified RUM registration and integration with the BSM Platform to simplify deployment

Support for distributed monitored application: One application can now be monitored by multiple Real User Monitor engines, increasing scalability options

Automatic configuration including automatic classification for pages/actions, and Automatic backend tier discovery - significantly improving time to value

Support for moving configuration between pre-production and production environments by import/export configuration tool

End User Groups configuration has been enhanced to allow the definition of an End User Group by a user name in addition to the IP Range

Enhanced Reporting•

As highlighted earlier, where applicable reports have been enhance to combine both Real User Monitor and Business Process Monitor data, and new higher level business and application reports(including location based reports) have been introduced

The workflow of reports is improved leading to faster problem isolation◦

The Session replay capability has been re-written to provide an improved and more realistic representation of web-pages views in the replay

The infrastructure report has been enhanced to provide better visibility into the performance of the host and software elements that are supporting the applications and transactions

New RUM reports include Triage report, Raw data report and Metric correlation

Transaction Management New Transaction Management Application•

Display business transactions that are monitored by TransactionVision, Diagnostics, RUM, and BPM

Consolidate data of transactions that are being monitored by more than one product

Provide drilldown to topology view, TransactionVision reports, and Diagnostics and RUM reports

New Administration UI•

Integrated into the BSM platform admin pages◦

Simplified configuration with configuration wizards for servlets base transaction, BPM based transactions, RUM based transaction definition, and Diagnostics based transactions

All XML and property configuration files are now stored in the DB and are editable through the UI

TransactionVision Scalability enhancements •

Multiple analyzer are supported on a single host◦

Processing server processes can be distributed◦

Data partitioning support◦

Data Collection Filters now support filtering of events based on user data content

Agent improvements•

Java agent can be configured to collects events from any Java appserver

C API to enable monitoring of none java/.net application◦

Redesigned WMQ-CICS Agent to be largely asynchronous and much more efficient

Single WMQ-CICS Agent now capable of handling multiple CICS regions

Single CICS Agent now capable of handling multiple CICS regions◦

Added ability to filter out events based on user data content◦

Business Service Management integration•

TransactionVision populates MQ and JMS CIs within the Run-time Service Model

Improved population of HI/KPI ◦

BDM model alignment◦

Diagnostics Business Transactions •

Diagnostics can now automatically detect and report on "Business Transactions", identifying cross VM dependencies and reporting the time taken along the different paths of the transaction and showing the topology in the UI

Business Transactions can be defined manually, or discovered automatically

The Business Transactions can be viewed in either the BSM UI or the Diagnostics UI as a topology or in a table view.

In addition, users will be able to see server request topologies in Diagnostics

Business Service Management integration•

Diagnostics populates software and infrastructure CIs within the Run-time Service Model. CIs includes: Business Transactions, Application Servers, J2EE Applications, .NET Applications, Hosts, DB, SAP Servers, and more. It will also populate the dependencies between these items

Diagnostics also populates dependencies between two Applications and between Services

Diagnostics sends status events to populate Health Indicators (HIs) inside of the BSM Dashboard for any probe level metric

BDM model alignment◦

The UI has been enhanced to add a number of important usability improvements•

Switchable Views - User can create a probe view that can be used with different probe instances (similar to Probe Summary)

Chart Groups◦

User can create a dashboard view composed of charts of metric from different entities such as Probes, SRs, and Hosts.

User can create groups of charts and give each group a title◦

In any entity screen, Probe, SR, Hosts, etc, user will be able to group the charts either by metric or by entity.

.NET agent enhancements •

Scalability improvements - The .NET agent will now scale more with the Diagnostics server as we now offload a lot of the processing from the server to the agent system

User can monitor asynchronous .NET applications; Sending and receiving messages using MSMQ

.NET - WCF features match those of other protocols◦

.NET - Diagnostics .NET agent will provide collection data to the server (LWMD)

.NET agent collects more metrics OTB and the user can easily add new metrics on demand

.NET - Customers can use the .NET probe with a CLR 4.0 .NET environment

.NET Method parameters can be captured◦

.All parameters are captured on exception◦

Java Agent enhancements•

Java agent correlation across multiple threads◦

Cross VM implementation can now be configured through instrumentation points to support any protocol

CORBA Cross MV Tracing◦

New and improve memory leak detection ◦

User can see Server Request topology and Business Transaction flow from a .NET probe to a Java probe based on an HTTP call (and back)

User can use Diagnostics in a large deployment •

Show # of probes per probe group and # of probes per mediator. (Capacity View)

User can see only the probes of interest in the Diagnostics UI screens. (System Health)

Other misc enhancements:•

New admin health view and capacity view to support deployments with large number of agents (thousands)

User can select probe metrics to be included in the LR, PC offline analysis file

Context Sensitive Help in UI◦

SQL Statements by Probe◦

User can export data from a Diagnostics view into a CSV file◦

Business Process Insight New capability to define a filter property on a business process model and then use this filter property in the Business Process Health Page to view the performance/health of a business process grouped by that filter. For example seeing the process and its monitors for a specific region instead of all regions.

Improvements to historical data retention when deploying updated version of a business process model.

New security feature with the ability to set user permissions as to who can view a particular business process.

New Database wizard to greatly simplifying obtaining business events from SQL database environments.

Business Process modeler improvements to enable the setting of business process steps (activities) icons from within the modeling environment.

Improved HP TransactionVision integration and drill-down with auto-relationships from business process activity to a transaction and better visibility of these relationships in the Business Process Health Page.

Ability to drill-down in context from a business process instance to the corresponding TransactionVision business transaction instances.

Ability to easily relate business transactions that originate events to the business process activity even if event progression rules are not used.

Leverages and populates the new Health Indicators for use in the new Service Health dashboard allowing for better granularity of underlying issues and improved visibility. HP Business Process Insight also aligns to the cross Application Performance Management data model for consistent views across the different but related monitoring domains. (Servers, Transactions, Business Processes and Applications).

New ability to create the HP Business Process Insight database schema via script and with non-DB admin privileges, meeting the needs of enterprise DBAs.

License management integrated with BSM licensing services, providing improved visibility into license compliance.

Application Management for SAP Business Process Monitor, SiteScope, and Discovery, which can be used for monitoring SAP applications with Application Management for SAP, have been updated to support the new BSM 9.00 platform and services.

Systems Management

SiteScope 11.0 New and improved integration with Operation Manager •

Operations agent bundled with SiteScope installer◦

Streamlined user interface for setting up and configuring SiteScope > HPOM event integration

Agentless data available and aligned for graphing in OVPM alongside agent-based data

BSM 9.00 integrations•

Custom topology reporting◦

More effective views in BSM Service Health based on Health Indicators◦

Centralized Downtime management◦

Direct integration with OMi◦

Support for new technologies•

Microsoft Hyper-V, Amazon CloudWatch, Windows 2008 R2, WebLogic 11g, MSSQL 2008 R2, Exchange 2010, IIS 7, Apache HTTP Server 2.2

IPv6 for most monitor types◦

Dynamic topology reporting for VMware environments◦


Public Automation API to address the needs of today's dynamic environments

New robust architecture for SiteScope Failover based on shared storage

New licensing mechanism with support for node locking and OS Instance based licensing

UI performance improvements◦

A variety of minor enhancements and bug fixes•For additional new features, see the SiteScope release notes.•

HP Operations Manager Smart Plug-ins and Content Packages for OMi The HPOM SPIs and OMi Content Packs for BSM 9.00 provide improved discovery, cross-domain graphs and event correlation to help pinpoint root cause and determine impact.

Functionality Implemented Across Content Packs and SPIs

SiteScope alignment: Content Packs also work with SiteScope and NNMi.•BDM data model support: Content Packs and corresponding SPIs support BTO Data Model 1.1. This enables reconciliation of CIs discovered by DFM and SPIs.

Operations Orchestration flows: Users can invoke OO flows from the context of an event. This will help the user to diagnose and understand more about the problem that has occurred, which would help them to narrow down on the root cause.

Improved mapping of events to CIs for better impact analysis.•

New Domain and Cross-Domain Functionality Oracle and MS SQL Server•

Correlation of memory, file system, and CPU events that can impact the database

Impact of the configured filesystem on the database◦

Discovery of tablespaces, SQL Server database and file system◦

Cross-domain graphs (database and infrastructure) with performance related CIs in a single graph

Exchange •

Correlation between Exchange and network events to identify the network as probable cause for Exchange problems

Correlation between Exchange and local files system to identify the local files system as probable cause for Exchange problems

Discovery and correlation between Exchange databases events to identify the databases as probable cause for Exchange problems

Monitoring availability and performance of OWA, Active-sync, IMAP and POP3

Monitoring MAPI and Mail flow connectivity and latency◦

Active Directory•

Correlation between Active Directory and network events to identify the network as probable cause for Active directory problems

Correlation between Active Directory and local files system to identify the local files system as probable cause for Active Directory problems

Monitoring availability of LDAP and GC connections and correlation with them to identify as probable cause for active directory problems

Web application server (WebLogic and WebSphere)•

Cross-domain event correlation between EUM and J2EE events to identify J2EE events as the probable cause for problems observed by end user monitoring

Correlation between J2EE and network events to identify the network as probable cause for J2EE server problems

Correlation between J2EE and local files system to identify the local file system as probable cause for J2EE server problems

Improved cross-domain correlation between J2EE and database, J2EE and Infrastructure

Improved mapping of events to CIs for better impact analysis◦

Infrastructure •

Virtualization: Discovery, performance and availability monitoring for VMWare and MS hyperV technology

Cluster: Discovery and availability monitoring for MC SG, Veritas, AIX and Solaris clusters

System: Discovery, performance and availability monitoring for HP-UX, AIX and Solaris

Network Management

HP Network Node Manager i and HP Network Node Manager iSPIs (not included on the BSM 9.00 media)

Network topology from NNMi is synchronized with the Run-time Service Model (RtSM)

The HP NNMi-HP BSM Topology integration populates the BSM RtSM with the NNMi topology, including devices, their attributes, and relationships with RtSM objects from other sources. Event forwarding to OMi•

NNMi and NNM iSPI incidents and traps are forwarded to OMi◦

Incidents are dampened by NNMi before they are forwarded to OMi◦

In the case where OMi is unavailable, the events are buffered and retransmitted to OMi

NNMi may customize suppression and enrichment of events before forwarding to OMi

Uni-directional synchronization from NNMi to OMi on event state changes, e.g., Event Close

Contextual cross-launch between NNMi views and the OMi console◦

Network topology, fault and performance views are available within the BSM UI•Global Network Management provides a consolidation point for all network management tasks across multiple, geographically dispersed NNMi Regional Managers.

Discovery and monitoring of •

IPv6 Networks◦

VMWare ESX virtual machines and their operation with the physical network infrastructure

Network cards, ports including FRUs and card redundancy groups◦

Customizable correlation and enrichment of network events in the context of network topology

Real time graphing and browsing of SNMP MIB objects•Export of NNMi maps and extended information to Visio for documentation and planning tasks

Discovery and Monitoring of IPSLA and Disman tests providing key end-to-end performance metrics across the network infrastructure

Monitoring and visualization of application traffic flows (Netflow and SFlow) across the network topology

Extended performance reporting for NNMi advanced services iSPIs, including IP Telephony, MPLS and IP Multicast environments

Business Service Management Documentation

Rearchitecture of portal pages according to common business processes performed within BSM

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Acknowledgements This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).

This product includes software developed by the JDOM Project (http://www.jdom.org/).

This product includes software developed by the MX4J project (http://mx4j.sourceforge.net).

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